dummy.red 1.6 KB

  1. module dummy; % Header Module for REDUCE versions from 3.5 to 3.7.
  2. create!-package('(dummy perms backtrck dummycnt),'(contrib assist));
  3. % % *****************************************************************
  4. %
  5. % Author: A. Dresse
  6. %
  7. % Revision: H. Caprasse
  8. %
  9. % All problems should be submitted to H. Caprasse:
  10. % hubert.caprasse@ulg.ac.be
  11. %
  12. % Version and Date: Version 1.1, 15 January 1999.
  13. %
  14. % This package is built on top of ASSIST.RED version 2.31 which runs in
  15. % REDUCE 3.6 and REDUCE 3.7. and is available inside the REDUCE library.
  16. %
  17. % Revision history to versions 1.1 :
  18. % % ****************************************************************
  19. % 30/03/95 : reference to totalcopy eliminated and replaced by
  20. % FULLCOPY
  21. % 15/09/98 : NODUM_VARP and LIST_IS_ALL_FREE created
  22. % : DV_SKELPROD corrected and modified to allow extension
  23. % : to tensor-like objects (!~dva introduced).
  24. % : DUMMY_BASE and DUMMY_NAMES modified
  25. % : SHOW_DUMMY_NAMES to display dummy names has been created.
  26. % : Several local variables eliminated.
  27. % 01/01/99 : DV_SKEL2FACTOR1 modified.
  28. % % ******************************************************************
  29. load_package assist;
  30. symbolic procedure fullcopy s;
  31. % A subset of the PSL totalcopy function.
  32. if pairp s then fullcopy car s . fullcopy cdr s
  33. else if vectorp s then
  34. begin scalar cop; integer si;
  35. si:=upbv s;
  36. cop:=mkvect si;
  37. for i:=0:si do putv(cop,i,fullcopy getv(s,i));
  38. return cop end
  39. else s;
  40. endmodule;
  41. end;