123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172 |
- module auxitens;
- % this module introduces basic manipulation functions
- % for handling indices and tensor structure
- lisp remflag(list 'minus,'intfn);
- global '(dimex!* sgn!* signat!* spaces!* numindxl!* pair_id_num!*) ;
- lisp (pair_id_num!*:= '((!0 . 0) (!1 . 1) (!2 . 2) (!3 . 3) (!4 . 4)
- (!5 . 5) (!6 . 6) (!7 . 7) (!8 . 8) (!9 . 9)
- (!10 . 10) (!11 . 11) (!12 . 12) (!13 . 13)));
- fluid('(dummy_id!* g_dvnames epsilon!*));
- % g_dvnames is a vector.
- switch onespace;
- !*onespace:=t; % working inside a unique space is the default.
- symbolic procedure raiseind!: u;
- if atom u then u else raiseind u;
- symbolic procedure lowerind_lst u;
- % u is a list of indices.
- % transforms into a list of covariant indices
- for each j in u collect lowerind j;
- symbolic procedure raiseind_lst u;
- % u is a list of indices.
- % transforms into a list of contravariant indices
- for each j in u collect raiseind!: j;
- symbolic procedure flatindxl u;
- % This is taken from EXCALC
- for each j in u collect
- if atom j
- then j
- else if careq_minus(j)
- then cadr j
- else cdr j;
- symbolic procedure cov_lst_idsp u;
- % True if all indices in list u are covariant
- if null u then t
- else
- if careq_minus car u then cov_lst_idsp cdr u;
- symbolic procedure cont_lst_idsp u;
- % True if all indices in list u are contravariant
- if null u then t
- else
- if atom car u then cont_lst_idsp cdr u;
- symbolic procedure identify_pos_cov_lst(u,i);
- % allows to get the position of a fully covariant list
- % u is a list of lists
- % returns i which is the position of the FIRST relevant list in u.
- % starting value of i is zero.
- if null u then
- if i=0 then nil
- else i-1
- else
- if cov_lst_idsp car u then i:=i+1
- else
- identify_pos_cov_lst(cdr u,i+1);
- symbolic procedure identify_pos_cont_lst(u,i);
- % allows to get the position of a fully contravariant list
- % u is a list of lists
- % returns i which is the position of the FIRST relevant list in u.
- % starting value of i is zero.
- if null u then
- if i=0 then nil
- else i-1
- else
- if cont_lst_idsp car u then i:=i+1
- else
- identify_pos_cont_lst(cdr u,i+1);
- symbolic procedure splitlist!: (u,idp);
- % TAG.
- % taken from my old tensor package.
- if null u then nil
- else
- if eqcar(car u,idp) then car u . splitlist!:(cdr u,idp)
- else splitlist!:(cdr u,idp);
- symbolic procedure list_to_ids!: l;
- if atom l then rederr "argument for list_to_ids must be a list"
- else
- intern compress for each i in l join explode i;
- symbolic procedure split!:(u,v);
- % split!:(list(a,b,c),list(1,1,1)); ==> {{A},{B},{C}}
- % No longer used below but ...
- if listp u and listp v then
- begin scalar x;
- return for each n in v collect
- for i := 1:n collect
- <<x := car u; u := rest u; x>>
- end;
- symbolic procedure symtree_splitlst(idtens,lsy,bool);
- % idtens is the tensor indices argument list and lsy
- % is cdr of symtree.
- % output is the splitted indices list which mirrors lsy
- % and make partial reordering whenever possible .
- for each i in lsy collect
- if bool and car i memq {'!+,'!-} then
- ordn for each j in cdr i collect nth(idtens,j)
- else for each j in cdr i collect nth(idtens,j);
- symbolic procedure symtree_zerop (idtens,lsym);
- % idtens is the list of indices of a given tensor.
- % lsym is the symmetry tree list as generated by the
- % 'symtree' operator of DUMMY.RED.
- % pseudo-boolean: returns the set of indices which is repeated or
- % nil.
- % It DOES detect MOST but NOT ALL possibilities leaving the rest for
- % canonical.
- if null cdr lsym then nil
- else
- if numlis cdr lsym then
- if car lsym eq '!- and repeats idtens then repeats idtens
- else nil
- else
- % here we start considering proper partial symmetries
- begin scalar lsy, idt,y;
- if car lsym eq '!- then
- if (y := repeats symtree_splitlst(idtens,cdr lsym,nil))
- then return y;
- idt:= symtree_splitlst(idtens,cdr lsym,t);
- if car lsym eq '!- then
- if (y:=repeats idt) then return y;
- lsy:=for each j in cdr lsym collect car j;
- return partsym_zerop(idt,lsy)
- end;
- symbolic procedure partsym_zerop(idt,lsy);
- % idt: splitted list of indices
- % lsy list of tags for partial symmetries.
- % they should have the same lengths
- if null idt then nil
- else
- (if car lsy eq '!- and y then y
- else partsym_zerop(cdr idt,cdr lsy))where y=repeats car idt;
- symbolic procedure cont_before_cov u;
- % is a list of indices some are covariant
- % others are contravariant
- % returns a list with contravariant indices placed
- % in front of the covariant indices.
- begin scalar x;
- x:=splitlist!:(u,'minus);
- return append(setdiff(u,x) ,x)
- end;
- endmodule;
- end;