1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 |
- REM makeall.bat
- REM re-builds absolutely everything, inclusing doing a re-profile
- REM of REDUCE to select what should be compiled into C. This should only
- REM be required after MAJOR changes in the source.
- REM Note that when using Windows the "make" utility that you are
- REM provided with may well be called "wmake" or "nmake". You need to adjust
- REM this script or arrange to make a copy of the relevant utility under the
- REM simple name "make.exe". You also need to have copies the correct
- REM makefile (typically Makefile.vc or Makefile.w32) into the current
- REM directory.
- if "x%1"=="x" (set srcdir=../cslbase) else set srcdir=%1
- make slowr38.exe
- call %srcdir:/=\%\..\util\boot38 %srcdir%
- call %srcdir:/=\%\..\util\profile %srcdir%
- copy profile.dat %srcdir:/=\%\..\csl-c
- del profile.dat
- call %srcdir:/=\%\..\util\c-code38 %srcdir%
- make r38.exe
- REM the bits from here down are cheaper and are all that is usually needed
- call %srcdir:/=\%\..\util\full38 %srcdir%
- call %srcdir:/=\%\..\util\testall %srcdir%
- call %srcdir:/=\%\..\util\checkall %srcdir%
- REM log\checkall.log and log\times.log should now be up to date.