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- \begin{titlepage}
- \vspace*{\fill}
- \begin{center}
- {\Huge\bf {\REDUCE}} \\ [0.2cm]
- {\LARGE\bf User's Manual\vspace{0.4cm} \\
- Version 3.8}
- \vspace{0.5in}\large\bf
- Anthony C.\ Hearn \\
- Santa Monica, CA, USA
- \vspace{0.1in}
- \bf Email: reduce@rand.org
- \vspace{0.5in}
- \large\bf February 2004
- \end{center}
- \vspace{3.0in}
- \end{titlepage}
- \newpage
- \vspace*{3.0in}
- \noindent Copyright \copyright 2004 Anthony C. Hearn. All rights reserved. \\
- \mbox{}\\
- %
- \noindent Registered system holders may reproduce all or any part of this
- publication for internal purposes, provided that the source of the
- material is clearly acknowledged, and the copyright notice is retained.