123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381 |
- \chapter{Structure of Programs}
- A {\REDUCE} program\index{Program structure} consists of a set of
- functional commands which are evaluated sequentially by the computer.
- These commands are built up from declarations, statements and expressions.
- Such entities are composed of sequences of numbers, variables, operators,
- strings, reserved words and delimiters (such as commas and parentheses),
- which in turn are sequences of basic characters.
- \section{The {\REDUCE} Standard Character Set}
- \index{Character set}The basic characters which are used to build
- {\REDUCE} symbols are the following:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item The 26 letters {\tt a} through {\tt z}
- \item The 10 decimal digits {\tt 0} through {\tt 9}
- \item The special characters \_\_ ! " \$ \% ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; $<$ $>$
- = \{ \} $<$blank$>$
- \end{enumerate}
- With the exception of strings and characters preceded by an
- exclamation mark\index{Exclamation mark}, the case
- of characters is ignored: depending of the underlying LISP
- they will all be converted internally into lower case or
- upper case: {\tt ALPHA}, {\tt Alpha} and {\tt alpha}
- represent the same symbol. Most implementations allow you to switch
- this conversion off. The operating instructions for a particular
- implementation should be consulted on this point. For portability, we
- shall limit ourselves to the standard character set in this exposition.
- \section{Numbers}
- \index{Number}There are several different types of numbers available in
- \REDUCE. Integers consist of a signed or unsigned sequence of decimal
- digits written without a decimal point, for example:
- \begin{verbatim}
- -2, 5396, +32
- \end{verbatim}
- In principle, there is no practical limit on the number of digits
- permitted as exact arithmetic is used in most implementations. (You should
- however check the specific instructions for your particular system
- implementation to make sure that this is true.) For example, if you ask
- for the value of $2^{2000}$ you get it
- displayed as a number of 603 decimal digits, taking up nine lines of
- output on an interactive display. It should be borne in mind of course
- that computations with such long numbers can be quite slow.
- Numbers that aren't integers are usually represented as the quotient of
- two integers, in lowest terms: that is, as rational numbers.
- In essentially all versions of {\REDUCE} it is also possible (but not always
- desirable!) to ask {\REDUCE} to work with floating point approximations to
- numbers again, to any precision. Such numbers are called {\em real}.
- \index{Real} They can be input in two ways:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item as a signed or unsigned sequence of any number of decimal digits
- with an embedded or trailing decimal point.
- \item as in 1. followed by a decimal exponent which is written as the
- letter {\tt E} followed by a signed or unsigned integer.
- \end{enumerate}
- e.g. {\tt 32. +32.0 0.32E2} and {\tt 320.E-1} are all representations of
- 32.
- The declaration {\tt SCIENTIFIC\_NOTATION}\ttindex{SCIENTIFIC\_NOTATION}
- controls the output format of floating point numbers. At
- the default settings, any number with five or less digits before the
- decimal point is printed in a fixed-point notation, e.g., {\tt 12345.6}.
- Numbers with more than five digits are printed in scientific notation,
- e.g., {\tt 1.234567E+5}. Similarly, by default, any number with eleven or
- more zeros after the decimal point is printed in scientific notation. To
- change these defaults, {\tt SCIENTIFIC\_NOTATION} can be used in one of two
- ways. {\tt SCIENTIFIC\_NOTATION} {\em m};, where {\em m\/} is a positive
- integer, sets the printing format so that a number with more than {\em m\/}
- digits before the decimal point, or {\em m\/} or more zeros after the
- decimal point, is printed in scientific notation. {\tt SCIENTIFIC\_NOTATION}
- \{{\em m,n}\}, with {\em m\/} and {\em n\/} both positive integers, sets the
- format so that a number with more than {\em m\/} digits before the decimal
- point, or {\em n\/} or more zeros after the decimal point is printed in
- scientific notation.
- {\it CAUTION:} The unsigned part of any number\index{Number} may {\em not\/}
- begin with a decimal point, as this causes confusion with the {\tt CONS} (.)
- operator, i.e., NOT ALLOWED: {\tt .5 -.23 +.12};
- use {\tt 0.5 -0.23 +0.12} instead.
- \section{Identifiers}
- Identifiers\index{Identifier} in {\REDUCE} consist of one or more
- alphanumeric characters (i.e. alphabetic letters or decimal
- digits) the first of which must be alphabetic. The maximum number of
- characters allowed is implementation dependent, although twenty-four is
- permitted in most implementations. In addition, the underscore character
- (\_) is considered a letter if it is {\it within} an identifier. For example,
- \begin{verbatim}
- a az p1 q23p a_very_long_variable
- \end{verbatim}
- are all identifiers, whereas
- \begin{verbatim}
- _a
- \end{verbatim}
- is not.
- A sequence of alphanumeric characters in which the first is a digit is
- interpreted as a product. For example, {\tt 2ab3c} is interpreted as
- {\tt 2*ab3c}. There is one exception to this: If the first letter after a
- digit is {\tt E}, the system will try to interpret that part of the
- sequence as a real number\index{Real}, which may fail in some cases. For
- example, {\tt 2E12} is the real number $2.0*10^{12}$, {\tt 2e3c} is
- 2000.0*C, and {\tt 2ebc} gives an error.
- Special characters, such as $-$, *, and blank, may be used in identifiers
- too, even as the first character, but each must be preceded by an
- exclamation mark in input. For example:
- \begin{verbatim}
- light!-years d!*!*n good! morning
- !$sign !5goldrings
- \end{verbatim}
- {\it CAUTION:} Many system identifiers have such special characters in their
- names (especially * and =). If the user accidentally picks the name of one
- of them for his own purposes it may have catastrophic consequences for his
- {\REDUCE} run. Users are therefore advised to avoid such names.
- Identifiers are used as variables, labels and to name arrays, operators
- and procedures.
- \subsection*{Restrictions}
- The reserved words listed in another section may not be used as
- identifiers. No spaces may appear within an identifier, and an identifier
- may not extend over a line of text. (Hyphenation of an identifier, by
- using a reserved character as a hyphen before an end-of-line character is
- possible in some versions of {\REDUCE}).
- \section{Variables}
- Every variable\index{Variable} is named by an identifier, and is given a
- specific type. The type is of no concern to the ordinary user. Most
- variables are allowed to have the default type, called {\em scalar}.
- These can receive, as values, the representation of any ordinary algebraic
- expression. In the absence of such a value, they stand for themselves.
- \subsection*{Reserved Variables}
- Several variables\index{Reserved variable} in {\REDUCE} have particular
- properties which should not be changed by the user. These variables
- include:
- \begin{list}{}{\renewcommand{\makelabel}[1]{{\tt#1}\hspace{\fill}}%
- \settowidth{\labelwidth}{\tt INFINITY}%
- \setlength{\labelsep}{1em}%
- \settowidth{\leftmargin}{\tt INFINITY\hspace*{\labelsep}}}
- \item[E] Intended to represent the base of
- \ttindex{E}
- the natural logarithms. {\tt log(e)}, if it occurs in an expression, is
- automatically replaced by 1. If {\tt ROUNDED}\ttindex{ROUNDED} is
- on, {\tt E} is replaced by the value of E to the current degree of
- floating point precision\index{Numerical precision}.
- \item[I] Intended to represent the square
- \ttindex{I}
- root of $-1$. {\tt i\verb|^|2} is replaced by $-1$, and appropriately for higher
- powers of {\tt I}. This applies only to the symbol {\tt I} used on the top
- level, not as a formal parameter in a procedure, a local variable, nor in
- the context {\tt for i:= ...}
- \item[INFINITY] Intended to represent $\infty$
- \ttindex{INFINITY}
- in limit and power series calculations for example. Note however that the
- current system does {\em not\/} do proper arithmetic on $\infty$. For example,
- {\tt infinity + infinity} is {\tt 2*infinity}.
- \item[NIL] In {\REDUCE} (algebraic mode only)
- taken as a synonym for zero. Therefore {\tt NIL} cannot be used as a
- variable.
- \item[PI] Intended to represent the circular
- \ttindex{PI}
- constant. With {\tt ROUNDED} on, it is replaced by the value of $\pi$ to
- the current degree of floating point precision.
- \item[T] Should not be used as a formal
- \ttindex{T}
- parameter or local variable in procedures, since conflict arises with the
- symbolic mode meaning of T as {\em true}.
- \end{list}
- Other reserved variables, such as {\tt LOW\_POW}, described in other sections,
- are listed in Appendix A.
- Using these reserved variables\index{Reserved variable} inappropriately
- will lead to errors.
- There are also internal variables used by {\REDUCE} that have similar
- restrictions. These usually have an asterisk in their names, so it is
- unlikely a casual user would use one. An example of such a variable is
- {\tt K!*} used in the asymptotic command package.
- Certain words are reserved in {\REDUCE}. They may only be used in the manner
- intended. A list of these is given in the section ``Reserved Identifiers''.
- There are, of course, an impossibly large number of such names to keep in
- mind. The reader may therefore want to make himself a copy of the list,
- deleting the names he doesn't think he is likely to use by mistake.
- \section{Strings}
- Strings\index{String} are used in {\tt WRITE} statements, in other
- output statements (such as error messages), and to name files. A string
- consists of any number of characters enclosed in double quotes. For example:
- \begin{verbatim}
- "A String".
- \end{verbatim}
- Lower case characters within a string are not converted to upper case.
- The string {\tt ""} represents the empty string. A double quote may be
- included in a string by preceding it by another double quote. Thus
- {\tt "a""b"} is the string {\tt a"b}, and {\tt """"} is the string {\tt "}.
- \section{Comments}
- Text can be included in program\index{Program} listings for the
- convenience of human readers, in such a way that {\REDUCE} pays no
- attention to it. There are two ways to do this:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item Everything from the word {\tt COMMENT}\ttindex{COMMENT} to the next
- statement terminator, normally ; or \$, is ignored. Such comments
- can be placed anywhere a blank could properly appear. (Note that {\tt END}
- and $>>$ are {\em not\/} treated as {\tt COMMENT} delimiters!)
- \item Everything from the symbol {\tt \%}\index{Percent sign} to the end
- of the line on which it appears is ignored. Such comments can be placed
- as the last part of any line. Statement terminators have no special
- meaning in such comments. Remember to put a semicolon before the {\tt \%}
- if the earlier part of the line is intended to be so terminated. Remember
- also to begin each line of a multi-line {\tt \%} comment with a {\tt \%}
- sign.
- \end{enumerate}
- \section{Operators}
- \label{sec-operators}
- Operators\index{Operator} in {\REDUCE} are specified by name and type.
- There are two types, infix\index{Infix operator} and prefix.
- \index{Prefix operator} Operators can be purely abstract, just symbols
- with no properties; they can have values assigned (using {\tt :=} or
- simple {\tt LET} declarations) for specific arguments; they can have
- properties declared for some collection of arguments (using more general
- {\tt LET} declarations); or they can be fully defined (usually by a
- procedure declaration).
- Infix operators\index{Infix operator} have a definite precedence with
- respect to one another, and normally occur between their arguments.
- For example:
- \begin{quote}
- \begin{tabbing}
- {\tt a + b - c} \hspace{1.5in} \= (spaces optional) \\
- {\tt x<y and y=z} \> (spaces required where shown)
- \end{tabbing}
- \end{quote}
- Spaces can be freely inserted between operators and variables or operators
- and operators. They are required only where operator names are spelled out
- with letters (such as the {\tt AND} in the example) and must be unambiguously
- separated from another such or from a variable (like {\tt Y}). Wherever one
- space can be used, so can any larger number.
- Prefix operators occur to the left of their arguments, which are written as
- a list enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas, as with normal
- mathematical functions, e.g.,
- \begin{verbatim}
- cos(u)
- df(x^2,x)
- q(v+w)
- \end{verbatim}
- Unmatched parentheses, incorrect groupings of infix operators
- \index{Infix operator} and the like, naturally lead to syntax errors. The
- parentheses can be omitted (replaced by a space following the
- operator\index{Operator} name) if the operator is unary and the argument
- is a single symbol or begins with a prefix operator name:
- \begin{quote}
- \begin{tabbing}
- {\tt cos y} \hspace{1.75in} \= means cos(y) \\
- {\tt cos (-y)} \> -- parentheses necessary \\
- {\tt log cos y} \> means log(cos(y)) \\
- {\tt log cos (a+b)} \> means log(cos(a+b))
- \end{tabbing}
- \end{quote}
- but
- \begin{quote}
- \begin{tabbing}
- {\tt cos a*b} \hspace{1.6in} \= means (cos a)*b \\
- {\tt cos -y} \> is erroneous (treated as a variable \\
- \> ``cos'' minus the variable y)
- \end{tabbing}
- \end{quote}
- A unary prefix operator\index{Prefix operator} has a precedence
- \index{Operator precedence} higher than any infix operator, including
- unary infix operators. \index{Infix operator}
- In other words, {\REDUCE} will always interpret {\tt cos~y + 3} as
- {\tt (cos~y) + 3} rather than as {\tt cos(y + 3)}.
- Infix operators may also be used in a prefix format on input, e.g.,
- {\tt +(a,b,c)}. On output, however, such expressions will always be
- printed in infix form (i.e., {\tt a + b + c} for this example).
- A number of prefix operators are built into the system with predefined
- properties. Users may also add new operators and define their rules for
- simplification. The built in operators are described in another section.
- \subsection*{Built-In Infix Operators}
- The following infix operators\index{Infix operator} are built into the
- system. They are all defined internally as procedures.
- \begin{verbatim}
- <infix operator>::= where|:=|or|and|member|memq|=|neq|eq|
- >=|>|<=|<|+|-|*|/|^|**|.
- \end{verbatim}
- These operators may be further divided into the following subclasses:
- \begin{verbatim}
- <assignment operator> ::= :=
- <logical operator> ::= or|and|member|memq
- <relational operator> ::= =|neq|eq|>=|>|<=|<
- <substitution operator> ::= where
- <arithmetic operator> ::= +|-|*|/|^|**
- <construction operator> ::= .
- \end{verbatim}
- {\tt MEMQ} and {\tt EQ} are not used in the algebraic mode of
- {\REDUCE}. They are explained in the section on symbolic mode.
- {\tt WHERE} is described in the section on substitutions.
- In previous versions of {\REDUCE}, {\em not} was also defined as an infix
- operator. In the present version it is a regular prefix operator, and
- interchangeable with {\em null}.
- For compatibility with the intermediate language used by {\REDUCE}, each
- special character infix operator\index{Infix operator} has an alternative
- alphanumeric identifier associated with it. These identifiers may be used
- interchangeably with the corresponding special character names on input.
- This correspondence is as follows:
- \begin{quote}
- \begin{tabbing}
- {\tt := setq} \hspace{0.5in} \= (the assignment operator) \\
- {\tt = equal} \\
- {\tt >= geq} \\
- {\tt > greaterp} \\
- {\tt <= leq} \\
- {\tt < lessp} \\
- {\tt + plus} \\
- {\tt - difference} \> (if unary, {\tt minus}) \\
- {\tt * times} \\
- {\tt / quotient} \> (if unary, {\tt recip}) \\
- {\tt \verb|^| or ** expt} \> (raising to a power) \\
- {\tt . cons}
- \end{tabbing}
- \end{quote}
- Note: {\tt NEQ} is used to mean {\em not equal}. There is no special
- symbol provided for it.
- The above operators\index{Operator} are binary, except {\tt NOT} which is
- unary and {\tt +} and {\tt *} which are nary (i.e., taking an arbitrary
- number of arguments). In addition, {\tt -} and {\tt /} may be used as
- unary operators, e.g., /2 means the same as 1/2. Any other operator is
- parsed as a binary operator using a left association rule. Thus {\tt
- a/b/c} is interpreted as {\tt (a/b)/c}. There are two exceptions to this
- rule: {\tt :=} and {\tt .} are right associative. Example: {\tt a:=b:=c}
- is interpreted as {\tt a:=(b:=c)}. Unlike ALGOL and PASCAL, {\tt \verb|^|} is
- left associative. In other words, {\tt a\verb|^|b\verb|^|c} is interpreted as
- {\tt (a\verb|^|b)\verb|^|c}.
- The operators\index{Operator} {\tt $<$}, {\tt $<$=}, {\tt $>$}, {\tt $>$=}
- can only be used for making comparisons between numbers. No meaning is
- currently assigned to this kind of comparison between general expressions.
- Parentheses may be used to specify the order of combination. If
- parentheses are omitted then this order is by the ordering of the
- precedence list\index{Operator precedence} defined by the right-hand side
- of the {\tt <infix operator>}\index{Infix operator} table
- at the beginning of this section,
- from lowest to highest. In other words, {\tt WHERE} has the lowest
- precedence, and {\tt .} (the dot operator) the highest.