123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557 |
- module multroot; % Code for solving polynomial sets solvable by
- % backsubstitution.
- % Author: Stanley L. Kameny <stan_kameny@rand.org>.
- % Version and Date: Mod 1.96, 30 March 1995.
- % Copyright (c) 1994,1995. Stanley L. Kameny. All Rights Reserved.
- Comment modules allroot, bfauxil, bfdoer, bfdoer2, complxp, rootaux and
- realroot needed also;
- fluid '(rterr!! mrerr!! rootacc!#!#);
- switch fullprecision,compxroots;
- put ('multroot,'psopfn,'multroot1);
- symbolic procedure multroot1 u;
- if length u neq 2 then rederr
- "2 args required: pr=desired precision, pl=polynomial list"
- else multroot0(car u,cadr u);
- symbolic procedure multroot0(pr,pl);
- begin scalar v,ans,pr1,c,r,rterr!!,ra;
- !*protfg := t; pr1 := precision 0; r := !*rounded; c := !*complex;
- ra := rootacc!#!#;
- v := errorset!*({'multroot2,{'multroot01,mkquote pr,mkquote pl}},nil);
- !*protfg := nil; rootacc!#!# := ra;
- return if errorp v then
- <<precision pr1;
- (<<if !*rounded then if not r then off rounded else nil
- else if r then on rounded;
- if !*complex then if not c then off complex else nil
- else if c then on complex>> where !*msg=nil);
- (if rterr!! then lprim
- "for some root value(s), a variable depends on an arbitrary variable"
- else if mrerr!! then lprim mrerr!!) where !*msg=t;
- mk!*sq mksq({'multroot,pr,reval pl},1)>>
- else (<<v := car v; on rounded,complex; ans := aeval v;
- if !*rounded then if not r then off rounded else nil
- else if r then on rounded;
- if !*complex then if not c then off complex else nil
- else if c then on complex;
- ans>> where !*msg=nil) end;
- share npoly!*,pr!*,pl!*;
- algebraic procedure multroot01(pr,pl);
- comment
- pl is a list of n polynomials in a tree containing branches each one of
- which contains one univariate polynomial, one bivariate polynomial, ...
- one n-variable polynomial in which each successive polynomial adds one
- additional variable. These branches may branch, so that one variable
- gives rise to several branches. These polynomials are the standard
- Groebner output. All polynomials are real with integer coefficients.
- pr is the desired minimum precision of the solution set for real roots.
- This program will go through each branch by solving p_1 for the first
- variable, then will test each succeeding polynomial for the precision of
- each additional variable, returning to the initial solution at higher
- precision when necessary, until the last polynomial's solution has been
- obtained at precision >= pr. The solutions are collected in the
- variable solns!*. They are then combined into the final output form by
- the function combinesolns();
- begin scalar n,links,path,paths,fl,fl1,var,rts,solns; integer maxv;
- npoly!* := n := length pl - 1;
- % 0..n will be the indices of arrays.
- clear vll!#,vll2!#,varbl!#,poln!#,rtlst!#,derv!#,pra!#,fxer!#;
- array vll!#(n),vll2!#(n);
- pl!* := pl;
- pl := pl!* := reval cleardenr pl!*;
- % vll!# will be an array of {list of variables}
- for j := 0:n do vll!# j := getvars part(pl,j+1);
- % vll!# will be a useful tool for finding and tracing trees.
- % Trees might possibly be totally independent if there are more
- % than one of the vll!#(j) of length 1, or else trees might branch
- % if there is more than one way of extending the variable lists from
- % a given node. The tree following algorithm must allow for any of
- % these. It will be easiest to have a tree algorithm which simply
- % enumerates branches as a list of the j values which span the total
- % branch from root to tip.
- links := findlinks n;
- paths := links2paths links;
- % if paths = nil then multroot fails.
- lisp(mrerr!! := nil);
- if not paths then lisp(mrerr!! :=
- "multroot fails because no univariate polynomial was given.");
- lisp(if mrerr!! then rederr "1");
- fl := nil;
- for j := 0:n do
- <<fl1 := nil;
- for each path in paths do if member(j,path) then fl1 := t;
- if not fl1 then fl := t >>;
- if fl = t then lisp(mrerr!! :=
- "multroot failure: at least one polynomial has no single base.");
- lisp(if mrerr!! then rederr "2");
- % In multroot2, we solve for real roots under the condition that
- % the precision of each root >= pr;
- array varbl!#(n),poln!#(n),rtlst!#(n),derv!#(n),pra!#(n),fxer!#(n);
- % these arrays are used in solvepath, but we don't want them to be
- % redefined for different paths. Maximum index will be <=n, but we
- % will be careful not to go out of bounds.
- vlist!* := rlist!* := solns!* := {};
- pr!* := pr;
- return paths end;
- symbolic operator subsetp,algunion,cleardenr;
- symbolic procedure cleardenr pl;
- begin scalar plo;
- for each pol in cdr pl do
- plo := (if eqcar(pol,'quotient) then cadr pol else pol) . plo;
- return 'list . reversip plo end;
- symbolic procedure algunion(a,b); 'list . union(cdr a,cdr b);
- algebraic procedure findlinks n;
- begin scalar links,fl,fl1,var;
- links := {};
- % we have in vll!# an array of lists of variables. If they can form
- % a strict hierarchy, we have no problem in solving the polynomials.
- % But if they don't, we have to form an artificial hierarchy by
- % augmenting the lists.
- for m := 1:n do
- if m=1 then for j := 0:n do vll2!# j :=
- if length(fl := vll!# j)=1 then
- if not var then var := fl else vll!# j := append(fl,var)
- else fl
- else for k := 1:2 do
- for j := 0:n do
- if length(fl := vll!# j)=m then vll2!# j :=
- if length var<m then if subsetp(var,fl) then var := fl
- else fl
- else if fl=var then fl else vll!# j := algunion(fl,var)
- else fl;
- repeat <<fl := nil;
- for j := 0:n do
- <<fl1 := nil;
- for k := 0:n do
- if j neq k
- and length vll2!# j =1 and subset1(vll2!# j,vll2!# k) then
- <<links := append(links,{{j,k}}); fl1 := t>>;
- if fl1=t then
- <<fl := t;
- for k := 0:n do
- <<var := first vll2!# j;
- if j neq k then vll2!# k := delete(var,vll2!# k)>> >> >> >>
- until not fl ;
- return links end;
- algebraic procedure multroot2 paths;
- begin scalar path,lfp,fl,soln1,soln2,pr0,nlst;
- lp: path := first paths; paths := rest paths;
- lfp := last path; fl := nil;
- for each path2 in paths do if last path2 = lfp then fl := t;
- if fl then <<lisp(mrerr!! :=
- "multroot failure: This error should not occur!");
- rederr "3">>;
- % this is the place where it is reasonable to eliminate spurious
- % real or imaginary parts of complex roots.
- soln1 := solvepath path;
- if lisp !*compxroots and (nlst := spurival soln1) neq {} then
- <<pr0 := precision 0; pr!* := pr!*+5;
- soln2 := solvepath path; precision pr0; pr!* := pr!*-5;
- soln1 := spurifix(nlst,soln1,soln2)>>;
- if not member(v0!*,vlist!*) then
- % here we save the initial roots or realroots answers so they
- % won't be computed redundantly.
- <<vlist!* := append(vlist!*,{v0!*});
- rlist!* := append(rlist!*,{r0!*})>>;
- if soln1={} then <<fl := t; go to cl>>;
- solns!* := append(solns!*,{soln1});
- if paths neq {} then go to lp;
- cl: clear vll!#,vll2!#,varbl!#,poln!#,rtlst!#,derv!#,pra!#,fxer!#;
- return if fl then {} else combinesolns() end;
- algebraic procedure combinesolns();
- comment
- We have all of the separate solutions in solns!* and a list of the
- independent variables in vlist!* and the root values of the base
- variables in the list rlist!*. So we can use this information to
- combine the separate solutions into an outer product of all solutions.
- In doing this, we will first combine all terms with the same base
- variable, then combine all of those outer products into one grand
- product. Finally, we sort the variables into standard order and sort
- the values into order by the real part of the first variable.$
- begin scalar vlist,rlist,prod,solns,var,rts,grandprod;
- vlist := vlist!*; rlist := rlist!*; grandprod := {};
- lp2: var := first vlist; vlist := rest vlist;
- rts := first rlist; rlist := rest rlist;
- prod := {}; solns := solns!*;
- if rts neq {} and solns neq {{}} then
- for each soln1 in solns do
- if isvar(first soln1,var)
- then prod := if prod = {} then soln1
- else outcombine1(rts,prod,soln1);
- grandprod := if grandprod = {} then prod
- else outcombine2(grandprod,prod);
- if vlist neq {} then go to lp2;
- grandsoln!* := grandprod;
- sortvars();
- screensolns1();
- return sortvals();
- end;
- symbolic operator screensolns1;
- symbolic procedure screensolns1();
- begin scalar inlist,outlist,termout,vr,vr1,vl,vl1,fl;
- inlist := reversip cdr algebraic varsortsolns!*;
- for each rts in inlist do
- <<vr := vr1 := fl := termout := nil;
- for each term in cdr rts do if not fl then
- <<vr1 := cadr term; vl1 := caddr term;
- % if not vr or vr neq vr1 then
- if not vr or algebraic lisp {'difference,vr,vr1} neq 0 then
- <<vr := vr1; vl := vl1; termout := term . termout>>
- % else if vl1 neq vl then fl := t>>;
- else if algebraic lisp {'difference,vl1,vl} neq 0
- then fl := t>>;
- if not fl then outlist := ('list.reversip termout).outlist>>;
- return algebraic varsortsolns!* := ('list . outlist) end;
- algebraic procedure solvepath path;
- begin scalar
- n,vl,vlll,m,s,rts0,fl,fl1,b,tst,f,ff,pr1,prf,strt,dfx,rtl,rt1,!*msg,
- zz,r,c;
- n := length path;
- if (r := lisp !*rounded) then off rounded;
- if (c := lisp !*complex) then off complex;
- % now we assemble the polynomial tree which represents this path.
- vl := for j := 1:n collect part(pl!*,part(path,j)+1);
- % we now have ordered the polynomials in order of the number of
- % variables.
- vlll := for j := 1:n collect vll!# part(path,j);
- % and have now ordered the variable list in increasing number of
- % variables, so that vlll correctly lists the variables in the
- % reordered list vl;
- % Now we solve for real roots under the condition that the precision
- % of each root >= pr!*;
- n := n-1; % this is done because arrays will have indices 0..n.
- pra!#(0) := pr!*+10; on rounded;
- for j := 1:n do pra!#(j) := pr!*;
- % a starting point: this may have to be increased if necessary.
- v0!* := varbl!#(0) := first first vlll; strt := t;
- str: precision pra!#(0);
- rts0 := if strt and member(v0!*,vlist!*)
- then (r0!* := part(rlist!*,membno(v0!*,vlist!*)))
- else if lisp !*compxroots then roots first vl
- else realroots first vl;
- r0!* := rts0;
- rtlst!#(0) := for each rt in rts0 collect {rt};
- m := 0; strt := nil;
- nxt: fl := fl1 := b := 0;
- if (m := m+1) > n then <<m := m-1; go to ret>>;
- poln!#(m) := part(vl,m+1);
- rtl := {};
- for each rt in rtlst!#(m-1) do
- <<zz := sub(rt,poln!#(m));
- % zz is a polynomial, or possibly a constant. If it is 0
- % then whatever variables it might represent are arbitrary, but
- % if is a nonzero constant, the path stops here.
- rt1 := if mainvar zz=0 then if zz=0 then {rt} else {}
- else combinerts(rt,
- <<lisp(rterr!! := t);
- zz := if lisp !*compxroots then roots zz else realroots zz;
- lisp(rterr!! := nil); zz>>);
- if rt1 neq {} then rtl := append(rtl,rt1)>>;
- rtlst!#(m) := rtl;
- s := length rtlst!#(m);
- varbl!#(m) := elim(part(vlll,m),part(vlll,m+1));
- derv!#(m) :=
- {-(df(poln!#(m),varbl!#(0))+
- if m<2 then 0 else for j := 1:(m-1) sum
- (df(poln!#(m),varbl!#(j))*first derv!#(j)/second derv!#(j)))
- ,df(poln!#(m),varbl!#(m))};
- lp1: if (b := b+1) > s then
- <<prf := nil;
- if fl > 0 then
- <<fxer!#(m) := pfx(pr!*,fl); fl := 0;
- dfx := fxer!#(m) - fxer!#(m-1);
- for j := 0:m-1 do
- <<pr1 := pra!#(j) + dfx;
- if pr1>pra!#(j) then
- <<prf := t; pra!#(j) := pr1>> >> >>;
- if prf then go to str else go to nxt>>
- else
- <<if (tst :=
- abs(10.0^(-pra!#(0))*cabs
- testsub(part(rtlst!#(m),b),derv!#(m),m)) )>10.0^-pr!*
- then fl1 := tst;
- if fl1 > fl then fl := fl1;
- go to lp1>>;
- ret: if r then on rounded; if c then on complex;
- if not lisp !*fullprecision then go to rt2;
- precision pra!#(0); return
- if m=0 then rtlst!#(0)
- else for each rtl in rtlst!#(m) collect
- for j := 0:m collect roundroot(part(rtl,j+1),pra!#(j));
- rt2: precision pr!*;
- return rtlst!#(m)
- end;
- algebraic procedure testsub(lst,quotlst,m);
- % this substitutes the variable value list lst into the derivative
- % quotient quotlst, but avoids 0/0 errors. For the purposes to which
- % we are putting testsub, infinity is replaced by 1.
- begin scalar nmr,dnr,dnv;
- nmr := first quotlst; dnr := second quotlst;
- ex!! := algebraic nmr/algebraic dnr;
- nmr := num ex!!; dnr := den ex!!;
- while (dnv := sub(lst,dnr))=0 do if sub(lst,nmr)=0 then
- <<nmr := df(nmr,varbl!#(m)); dnr := df(dnr,varbl!#(m));
- if dnr neq 0 then
- <<ex!! := algebraic nmr/algebraic dnr;
- nmr := num ex!!; dnr := den ex!!>>
- else (<<nmr := 1; dnr := 1;
- lprim "stuffing 1 (dnr prob)">> where !*msg=t) >>
- else (<<nmr := 1; dnr := 1;
- lprim "stuffing 1 (nmr prob)">> where !*msg=t);
- return sub(lst,nmr)/dnv end;
- symbolic procedure sortvals1(a,b);
- begin scalar c,d; a := cdr a; b := cdr b;
- % since some variables (and hence their values) may not occur...
- lp: if not a or not b then return nil;
- c := caddar a; d := caddar b;
- algebraic (c := repart c); algebraic (d := repart d);
- algebraic if c < d then return t else if c = d then go to tst;
- return nil;
- tst: if (a := cdr a) then <<b := cdr b; go to lp>> end;
- algebraic procedure getvars p;
- begin scalar vl,v,v1,lt,c,!*msg;
- c := lisp !*complex; if not c then on complex;
- vl := {};
- lp1: if numberp(v := mainvar p) then go to ret
- else if not member(v,vl) then vl := v . vl;
- lt := lcof(p,v); p := reduct(p,v);
- lp2: if numberp(v1 := mainvar lt) then goto lp1
- else if not member(v1,vl) then vl := v1 . vl;
- lt := lcof(lt,v1); go to lp2;
- ret: if not c then off complex;
- return reverse vl end;
- symbolic operator spurival,spurifix;
- share val!$,val2!$,eps!$,pr!*;
- symbolic procedure spurival vals;
- % produces a list of flattened index of suspicious terms (starting at
- % 1) or {}. spurifix then checks the indexed items and trims spurious
- % values.
- begin scalar fl,r,c,!*msg; integer m; eps!$ := 10.0^-pr!*;
- r := !*rounded; c := !*complex; on rounded; off complex;
- for each rlst in cdr vals do for each val in cdr rlst do
- <<m := m+1; val!$ := prepsq simp!* caddr val;
- if eqcar(val!$,'plus) and algebraic testval1 val!$
- then fl := m . fl>>;
- if not r then off rounded; if c then on complex;
- return 'list . reversip fl end;
- algebraic procedure testval1 val;
- begin scalar rl,im;
- rl := abs repart val; im := abs impart val;
- if rl>0 and im>0 and im<eps!$*rl or rl<eps!$*im then return t end;
- symbolic procedure spurifix(ndx,soln1,soln2);
- % soln1 is vals used in spurival, soln2 is vals for higher precision,
- % and ndx is flattened index of those to be tested. All indexed
- % pairs of roots will be checked and a new soln1 list is made with
- % unmatched small parts of complex roots stripped off.
- if null ndx or length soln1 neq length soln2 then soln1 else
- begin scalar sol0,soln3,lst1,lst2,lst3,val1,val2,eq1,eq2,
- eq3,r,c,!*msg,tri;
- integer m,m0;
- r := !*rounded; c := !*complex; on rounded; off complex;
- soln1 := cdr (sol0 :=soln1); soln2 := cdr soln2; ndx := cdr ndx;
- m0 := car ndx; ndx := cdr ndx;
- lp1: if not soln1 then <<soln3 := 'list . reversip soln3; go to ret>>;
- lst1 := cdar soln1; lst2 := cdar soln2;
- soln1 := cdr soln1; soln2 := cdr soln2;
- if length lst1 neq length lst2 then <<soln3 := sol0; go to ret>>;
- lp2: if not lst1 then
- <<soln3 := ('list . reversip lst3) . soln3;
- lst3 := nil; go to lp1>>;
- eq1 := car lst1; eq2 := car lst2; m := m+1;
- lst1 := cdr lst1; lst2 := cdr lst2;
- if not m0 or m<m0 then <<lst3 := eq1 . lst3; go to lp2>>;
- if not ndx then m0 := nil else
- <<m0 := car ndx; ndx := cdr ndx>>;
- eq1 := eq1;
- val!$ := prepsq simp!* (val1 := caddr eq1);
- val2!$ := prepsq simp!* (val2 := caddr eq2);
- tri := algebraic testval2(val!$,val2!$);
- if tri=aeval 'failed then
- <<((lprim
- "match failed! root stripping aborted: raw roots returned")
- where !*msg=t); soln3 := sol0; go to ret>>;
- eq3 := if tri=0 then eq1
- else {'equal,cadr eq1,
- if freeof(car(val1 := cdr val1),'i)
- then if tri=1 then cadr val1 else car val1
- else if tri=1 then car val1 else cadr val1};
- lst3 := eq3 . lst3; go to lp2;
- ret: if not r then off rounded; if c then on complex;
- return soln3 end;
- algebraic procedure testval2(a,b);
- begin scalar rl1,rl2,im1,im2;
- rl1 := abs repart a; rl2 := abs repart b; im1 := abs impart a;
- im2 := abs impart b;
- return if rl1=rl2 then if im1=im2 then 0 else 2
- else if im1=im2 then 1 else failed end;
- %%end; %this is the end of the changed or added functions
- symbolic procedure isvar(x,var);
- (if eqcar(x,'list) then cadadr x else cadr x)=var;
- symbolic operator isvar;
- algebraic procedure outcombine1(rts,p1,p2);
- % here p1 is an outerproduct, and p2 is another outerproduct with
- % the same first variable. from the two, we form a single outerproduct
- % by forming all lists with the first variable appearing only once.
- % rts is the root list for the base variable. A complication is caused
- % by the possibility that one of more root values may be missing from
- % p1, p2, or both.
- begin scalar prod,p1strt,p1end,p2strt,p2end;
- prod := {};
- for each rt in rts do
- <<p1end := second(p1strt := findvals(p1,rt)); p1strt := first p1strt;
- p2end := second(p2strt := findvals(p2,rt)); p2strt := first p2strt;
- if p1strt > 0 and p2strt > 0 then
- for n1 := p1strt:p1end do for n2 := p2strt:p2end do
- prod := append(prod,{append(part(p1,n1),rest part(p2,n2))})>>;
- return prod end;
- symbolic procedure findvals(p,rt);
- begin scalar val,pp,pp1; integer n,b,e;
- val := algebraic lisp caddr rt; pp := cdr p;
- lp: pp1 := car pp; pp := cdr pp; n := n+1;
- % if algebraic lisp caddr cadr pp1 = val then
- if algebraic lisp {'difference,caddr cadr pp1,val} = 0 then
- <<if b = 0 then b := n; e := n>>;
- if pp then go to lp;
- return 'list . {b,e} end;
- symbolic operator findvals;
- algebraic procedure outcombine2(p1,p2);
- begin scalar prod;
- prod := {};
- for each r1 in p1 do for each r2 in p2 do
- prod := append(prod,{append(r1,r2)});
- return prod end;
- symbolic procedure sortvars();
- algebraic varsortsolns!* :=
- 'list . for each rts in cdr algebraic grandsoln!*
- collect 'list . sort(cdr rts,
- function (lambda(a,b); ordop(cadr a,cadr b)));
- symbolic operator sortvars;
- symbolic procedure sortvals();
- algebraic sortvals!* := 'list . sort(cdr algebraic varsortsolns!*,
- function sortvals1);
- symbolic operator sortvals;
- algebraic procedure cabs x;
- if lisp !*compxroots then sqrt((repart x)^2 + (impart x)^2) else x;
- algebraic procedure membno(n,l);
- if n=first l then 1
- else if rest l = 0 then 0 else 1 + membno(n,rest l);
- algebraic procedure getpaths n;
- % this is used to call links2paths for testing purposes only.
- begin scalar links; links := {};
- for j := 0:n do for k := 0:n do
- if j neq k and subset1(vll!# j,vll!# k) then
- links := append(links,{{j,k}});
- return links2paths links end;
- algebraic procedure links2paths links;
- begin scalar paths,paths2,bases,fl,fl2;
- paths := paths2 := {}; bases := root npoly!*;
- % multroot will not work if there are no bases;
- if bases = {} then return nil;
- % extend from bases if possible.
- for each base in bases do
- <<fl := nil;
- for each link in links do if base = first link then
- <<fl := t; paths2 := append(paths2,{link})>>;
- if not fl then paths := append(paths,{{base}})>>;
- % now extend each path in paths2 if possible. When fully
- % extended, add path to paths.
- ext: fl2 := nil;
- for each path in paths2 do
- <<fl := nil;
- for each link in links do if first link = last path then
- <<fl := t; fl2 := t;
- paths2 := append(paths2,{append(path,{second link})})>>;
- if not fl then paths := append(paths,{path});
- paths2 := delete(path,paths2)>>;
- if fl2 then go to ext;
- return paths end;
- symbolic operator delete;
- algebraic procedure last x; first reverse x;
- symbolic procedure subset1(a,b);
- length b-length a=1 and subsetp(a,b);
- symbolic operator subset1;
- algebraic procedure root n;
- begin scalar trrt; trrt := {};
- for j := 0:n do if length vll!# j=1 then trrt := append(trrt,{j});
- return trrt end;
- algebraic procedure pfx(pr,fl);
- begin scalar prf,f,ff;
- prf := fl*10.0^pr; ff := 1.0; f := 0;
- while prf*ff>1.0 do <<ff := ff/10; f := f+1>>;
- return f end;
- symbolic procedure roundroot(a,p);
- <<p := {'equal,cadr a, if caaddr a = 'minus then
- {'minus, rtrnda(cadr caddr a,p)}
- else rtrnda(caddr a,p)};
- algebraic p>>;
- symbolic operator roundroot;
- algebraic procedure elim(a,b);
- % compares list b with list a (whose length is shorter by 1) and
- % returns the unmatched member.
- begin scalar x;
- for each el in b do if not member(el,a) then x := el;
- return x end;
- algebraic procedure combinerts(r0,r1);
- begin scalar xout; xout := {};
- return if r1 = {} then {} else
- <<for each rt1 in r1 do
- xout := append(xout,{append(r0,{rt1})});
- xout>> end;
- endmodule;
- end;