123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443 |
- module complxp; % Support for complex polynomial solution.
- % Author: Stanley L. Kameny <stan_kameny@rand.org>.
- % Version and Date: Mod 1.96, 30 March 1995.
- % Copyright (c) 1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995.
- % Stanley L. Kameny. All Rights Reserved.
- Comment support for modules allroot and realroot;
- exports a2gf, a2rat, accupr, bdstest, bfprim, bfrndem, calcprec, csep,
- cvt2, cvt5, deflate1, deflate1c, dsply, getroot, gffinitr,
- gfgetmin, gfshift, gfstorval, invpoly, leadatom, limchk,
- mkgirat, mkinteg, mkpoly, orgshift, p1rmult, rlrtno2, rrpwr,
- rxgfc, rxgfrl, rxrl, schnok, sturm1, ungffc, xoshift;
- imports !!mfefix, !*f2q, abs!:, ashift, automod, bfabs, bfdivide,
- bfixup, bflessp, bfloat, bfloatem, bfnump, bfnzp, bfsqrt,
- bfzp, ceiling, ceillog, cflot, cflotem, cpxp,
- decimal2internal, deflate2, denr, divbf, divide!:, domainp,
- ep!:, eqcar, equal!:, errorp, errorset!*, floor, ftout, gcdn,
- geq, gf2bf, gffinit, gfim, gfplus, gfplusn, gfquotient, gfrsq,
- gfrtrnd, gfsimp, gftimes, gftimesn, gfval, gfzerop,
- greaterp!:, gtag, hypot, intdiff, lastpair, lcm, lessp!:, log,
- make!:ibf, minbnd1, minus!:, mk!*sq, mkquote, mkratl, mkxcl,
- mt!:, n2gf, ncoeffs, ncpxp, neq, num, numr, plubf, plus!:,
- pmsg, preci!:, prepsq, primp, primpn, r2bf, r2flbf, ratlessp,
- realrat, rerror, reval, reversip, rl2gf, rndpwr,
- rootrnd, round!:mt, sch, schinf, sgn, sgn1, simp!*, sqrt,
- sturm, timbf, times!:, typerr, xclp;
- fluid '(acc!# !*intp !*multrt !*strm sprec!# !*xo !*rvar rootacc!#!#);
- fluid '(!*bftag !*rootmsg lims!# pfactor!# !*xnlist accm!# pflt!#);
- global '(limlst!# bfone!*);
- symbolic procedure rxgfrl(p,x);
- <<x := gfabs x;
- for each i in cdr p do
- <<c := gftimes(c,x);
- if i then c := gfplus(c,rl2gf bfabs i)>>;
- bfsqrt gfrsq c>>
- where c=rl2gf bfabs car(p := cdr ncoeffs p);
- symbolic procedure rxgfc(p,x);
- <<x := gfabs x;
- for each i in cdr p do
- <<c := gfabstim(x,c); if i then c := gfplus(c,gfabs i)>>;
- bfsqrt gfrsq c>>
- where c=gfabs car(p := cdr ncoeffs p);
- symbolic procedure gfabs x; (bfabs car x) . bfabs cdr x;
- symbolic procedure gfabstim(b,c);
- <<(plubf(timbf(ba,ca),timbf(bd,cd))).plubf(timbf(ba,cd),timbf(bd,ca))>>
- where ba=car b,bd=cdr b,ca=car c,cd=cdr c;
- symbolic procedure rxrl(p,r);
- <<r := bfabs r;
- for each i in cdr p do
- <<c := timbf(r,c); if i then c := plubf(c,bfabs i)>>;
- c>>
- where c=bfabs car(p := cdr ncoeffs p);
- symbolic procedure csep p;
- %separate gfform p into real p and im whose roots are all complex.
- <<p := primpc mkinteg p;
- (<<if not atom g then <<p := gfcpquo(p,g); pfactor!# := t>>;
- (n2gf g) . p>>
- where g=gfgcd(primcoef fillz for each s in p collect (car s) . cadr s,
- primcoef fillz for each s in p collect (car s) . cddr s))>>;
- symbolic procedure fillz p; if atom p then p else
- for each c in ncoeffs p collect if null c then 0 else c;
- symbolic procedure primcoef p; if atom p then p else
- %trim leading and trailing zero coeffs, and make prim.
- begin integer d;
- p := reverse cdr p;
- while p and car p=0 do p := cdr p; if null p then return 0;
- p := reverse p; while p and car p=0 do p := cdr p;
- if null cdr p then return 1;
- for each c in p do d := gcdn(d,c);
- return
- (((length p-1) . for each c in p collect s*c/d)
- where s=sgn car p) end;
- symbolic procedure gfgcd(p,q); if atom p or atom q then 1 else
- if car q>car p then gfgcdr(q,p) else gfgcdr(p,q);
- symbolic procedure gfgcdr(p1,p2);
- <<if r=0 then p2 else if atom r then 1 else gfgcdr(p2,r)>>
- where r=pqrem(p1,p2);
- symbolic procedure pqrem(p1,p2);
- %primitive pseudoremainder of p1,p2 in intcoeff form.
- begin scalar a,g,n,n2,m,m1,m2;
- n := car p1-(n2 := car p2); p1 := cdr p1;
- p2 := cdr p2; m2 := car p2;
- lp: g := gcdn(m1 := car p1,m2);
- m1 := m2/g;
- a := p1 := for each y in p1 collect y*m1; m := car a/m2;
- for each y in p2 do
- <<rplaca(a,car a-y*m); a := cdr a>>;
- p1 := cdr p1; if (n := n-1)>=0 then go to lp;
- return primcoef ((length p1-1) . p1) end;
- symbolic procedure negprem(p1,p2);
- %computes the negative pseudoremainder of p1,p2 in fillz form.
- begin scalar a,g,n,n2,m,m1,m2;
- n := car p1-(n2 := car p2); p1 := cdr p1;
- p2 := cdr p2; m2 := car p2;
- lp: g := gcdn(m1 := car p1,m2); m1 := abs(m2/g);
- p1 := for each y in p1 collect y*m1; a := p1; m := car a/m2;
- for each y in p2 do <<rplaca(a,car a-y*m); a := cdr a>>;
- p1 := cdr p1; if (n := n-1)>=0 then go to lp;
- return primpn((n2-1) . for each y in p1 collect -y) end;
- symbolic procedure gfcpquo(p,q);
- %quotient of gi poly p and integer poly q, a factor in fillz form.
- begin scalar n,c,a,d,f,z,pp; z := 0 . 0;
- n := car(p := ncoeffs p)-car q;
- pp := for each r in cdr p collect if r then r else z;
- c := car(q := cdr q);
- loop: a := (caar pp)/c; d := (cdar pp)/c;
- if a neq 0 or d neq 0 then f := (n.(a . d)) . f;
- if (n := n-1)<0 then return f;
- p := pp;
- for each r in q do
- <<rplaca(p,(caar p-a*r).(cdar p-d*r)); p := cdr p>>;
- pp := cdr pp; go to loop end;
- symbolic procedure deflate1(p,r);
- %fast rem . quotient function for real polynomial with real r.
- %all arithmetic is bf with no rounding.
- begin scalar q,n,c;
- n := car(p := ncoeffs p); p := cdr p; c := car p;
- for each i in cdr p do
- <<n := n-1; if mt!: c neq 0 then q := (n . c) . q;
- c := times!:(r,c); if i then c := plus!:(i,c)>>;
- return c . q end;
- symbolic procedure deflate1c(p,r);
- %rem . quotient function for complex polynomial, with complex r.
- %all arithmetic is bf with no rounding.
- begin scalar q,n,c;
- n := car(p := ncoeffs p); p := cdr p; c := car p;
- for each j in cdr p do
- <<n := n-1; if not gfzerop c then q := (n . c) . q;
- c := gftimesn(r,c); if j then c := gfplusn(c,j)>>;
- return c . q end;
- symbolic smacro procedure rl2gfc x;
- x . if atom x then 0.0 else bfz!*;
- symbolic procedure accupr(p,q,r);
- begin scalar cq,cp,rl,!*bftag,s; integer ac;
- if caar lastpair q<2 then return 1; !*bftag := t;
- r := gf2bf r; cq := cpxp (q := bfloatem q); cp := cpxp p;
- rl := bfnump r or bfzp gfim r and (r := car r);
- q := % deflate root r or complex pair but do not round.
- if rl then cdr if cq then deflate1c(q,rl2gf r) else deflate1(q,r)
- else if not cq then deflate2(q,r)
- else cdr
- if cp then deflate1c(q,r)
- else deflate1c(cdr deflate1c(q,r),(car r) . minus!: cdr r);
- if caar q>0 then <<ac := acc!#; go to ret>>;
- if rl then r := rl2gfc r;
- p := bfsqrt bfloat gfrsq r;
- % decimal computation proved to be more precise in critical cases.
- p := round!:dec1(p,acc!#+2);
- p := 1 + cdr p + length explode abs car p;
- loop: s := if caar lastpair q>1 then bfloat minbnd1(q,r) else
- bfsqrt gfrsq gfplus(r,
- <<s := cdar bfprim q; if not cq then rl2gf s else s>>);
- % decimal computation used here also for precision.
- s := round!:dec1(s,acc!#+2);
- ac := max(ac,rootacc!#,p-cdr s-length explode abs car s);
- % repeat minbnd1 test for conj r only if r is a complex pair and
- % q is complex.
- if cq and not rl and not cp then
- <<r := (car r) . minus!: cdr r; rl := t; go to loop>>;
- ret: if rootacc!#!# then ac := max(ac,rootacc!#!#);
- accm!# := max(ac,accm!#); return ac end;
- symbolic procedure orgshift(p,org);
- %shifts origin of real or complex polynomial to origin org,
- %with p and org of the same form.
- begin scalar s,cp; integer n;
- if gfzerop(if (cp := cpxp p) then org else rl2gf org)
- then return p;
- org := gf2bf org;
- if numberp leadatom cdar p then p := bfloatem p;
- if cp then while p do
- <<p := deflate1c(p,org);
- if not gfzerop car p then s := (n.car p).s;
- n := n+1; p := cdr p>>
- else while p do
- <<p := deflate1(p,org);
- if bfnzp car p then s := (n.car p).s;
- n := n+1; p := cdr p>>;
- return reversip if pflt!# then cflotem s else bfrndem s end;
- symbolic procedure bfrndem s;
- (for each c in s collect (car c) .
- if cp then (rndpwr cadr c) . rndpwr cddr c else rndpwr cdr c)
- where cp=cpxp s;
- symbolic procedure r2flbf2r x; realrat r2flbf x;
- symbolic procedure bfprim p;
- <<if ncpxp p
- then for each y in p collect (car y) . bfdivide(cdr y,d)
- else for each y in p collect (car y) . gfquotient(cdr y,d)>>
- where d=cdar lastpair p;
- symbolic procedure primpc p;
- %make complex p primitive.
- begin integer d;
- for each y in p do d := gcdn(cadr y,gcdn(d,cddr y));
- return for each y in p collect
- (car y) . ((cadr y/d) . (cddr y/d)) end;
- symbolic procedure ungffc p;
- begin scalar r,c;
- c := gtag cadar p;
- if caar p=0 then
- <<if not gfzerop cdar p then r := c.cdar p; p := cdr p>>;
- for each i in p do
- if not gfzerop cdr i then r := ((!*rvar.car i).(c.cdr i)).r;
- return r end;
- %symbolic procedure iscale(d,y); mt!: y*2**(d+ep!: y);
- symbolic procedure iscale(d,y); ashift(mt!: y,d+ep!: y);
- symbolic procedure mkinteg p;
- %converts a polynomial in gfform to the smallest exactly equivalent
- %polynomial with integral coefficients.
- (begin integer m;
- p := bfloatem p; %convert to bfloat.
- % then work with powers of 2 to convert to integer.
- for each y in p do m := if nc then max(m,-ep!: cdr y) else
- max(m,-ep!: cadr y,-ep!: cddr y);
- p := for each y in p collect (car y) .
- if nc then iscale(m,cdr y) else
- (iscale(m,cadr y)) . iscale(m,cddr y);
- return if nc then primp p else primpc p end)
- where nc=ncpxp p;
- symbolic procedure mkgirat j;
- %convert a gf complex into the equivalent gi rational form.
- begin scalar ra,rd,ia,id,ro,io;
- if eqcar(j,'!:dn!:) then
- <<ra := cadr j; ro := cddr j; rd := 1;
- if ro<0 then rd := 10^(-ro) else if ro>0 then ra := 10^ro;
- return mkrn(ra,rd) ./ 1>>
- else if pairp j and eqcar(car j,'!:dn!:) then
- <<ra := cadar j; ro := cddar j; rd := 1;
- if ro<0 then rd := 10^(-ro) else if ro>0 then ra := 10^ro;
- ia := caddr j; io := cdddr j; id := 1;
- if io<0 then id := 10^(-io) else if io>0 then ia := 10^io;
- ra := car(rd := cdr mkrn(ra,rd)); rd := cdr rd;
- ia := car(id := cdr mkrn(ia,id)); id := cdr id;
- go to lcm>>;
- if bfnump(j := gf2bf j) then return cdr !*rd2rn rootrnd bfloat j;
- j := gfrtrnd gf2bf j;
- ra := car(rd := cdr !*rd2rn car j); rd := cdr rd;
- ia := car(id := cdr !*rd2rn cdr j); id := cdr id;
- lcm: j := id/gcdn(id,rd)*rd; ro := j/rd; io := j/id;
- return ('!:gi!: . ((ra*ro) . (ia*io))) . j end;
- symbolic procedure mkpoly rtl;
- if eqcar (rtl, 'list) then num mkpoly1 cdr rtl
- else typerr(if eqcar(rtl,'!*sq) then prepsq cadr rtl else rtl,
- "list");
- symbolic procedure mkpoly1 r;
- if null cdr r then mkdiffer car r
- else 'times . list(mkdiffer car r,mkpoly1 cdr r);
- symbolic procedure getroot(n,r);
- if (n := fix n)<1 or n>length(r := cdr r) then
- rerror(roots,4,"n out of range") else
- <<while (n := n-1)>0 do r := cdr r; caddar r>>;
- symbolic procedure mkdiffer r; 'difference . cdr r;
- symbolic operator mkpoly,getroot;
- symbolic procedure a2gf x;
- %convert any interpretable input value to gf form.
- bfixup if bfnump x then rl2gf x
- else if not atom x and bfnump car x
- then (r2flbf car x) . r2flbf cdr x else
- <<(if errorp y or null(y := car y)
- then error(0,list(x,"is illegal as root parameter")) else y)
- where y=errorset!*(list('a2gf1,mkquote x),nil)>>;
- symbolic procedure a2gf1 x;
- <<x := numr d; d := denr d;
- if domainp x then
- if eqcar(x,'!:gi!:) then
- if atom d then gfquotbf(cadr x,cddr x,d)
- else if eqcar(d,'!:gi!:) then
- gfquotient(gi2gf x,gi2gf d) else nil
- else if bfnump(x := gfsimp x)
- then rl2gf bfdivide(r2flbf x,r2flbf gfsimp d) else x
- else if equal(caar x,'(i . 1)) then gfquotbf(cdr x,cdar x,d)>>
- where d = simp!* x;
- symbolic procedure gi2gf x; (bfloat cadr x) . bfloat cddr x;
- symbolic procedure gfquotbf(rl,im,d);
- (if rl then quotbf(rl,d) else bfz!*) . quotbf(im,d);
- symbolic procedure quotbf(n,d);
- <<if eqcar(n,'!:rn!:) then <<d := cddr n; n := cadr n>>
- else n := ftout n; divbf(bfloat n,bfloat d)>>;
- symbolic procedure sturm1 p;
- %produces the sturm sequence as a list of ncoeff's
- begin scalar b,c,s;
- b := fillz primp intdiff (p := mkinteg p);
- s := list(b,p := !*intp := fillz p);
- if not atom b then repeat
- <<c := negprem(p,b); s := c . s;
- p := b; b := c>> until atom c;
- !*multrt := c=0;
- return !*strm := reverse s end;
- symbolic procedure gfshift p;
- begin scalar pr,n,org; sprec!# := make!:ibf (3,1-!:bprec!:);
- !*xo := rl2gf 0; if null p then return !*xo;
- n := car (pr := ncoeffs bfprim p); if n>1 then pr := caddr pr;
- if pr then if cpxp p
- then !*xo := org := gfquotient(pr,rl2gf(-n))
- else !*xo := rl2gf(org :=bfdivide(pr,r2flbf(-n)));
- if null pr then return p;
- return orgshift(p,org) where pflt!#=null !*bftag end;
- symbolic procedure p1rmult p; automod numr simp!* p1rmult1 p;
- symbolic procedure p1rmult1 p;
- if atom p then nil
- else if atom cdr p then reval mk!*sq !*f2q caar p
- else {'times,p1rmult1 list car p,p1rmult1 cdr p};
- symbolic procedure xoshift(p,nx);
- begin scalar n,org,pr,cp,orgc,a,b;
- % shift if abs p(mean) < p(origin).
- n := car (pr := ncoeffs bfprim p); if n>1 then pr := caddr pr;
- if null pr then return nil;
- org := if (cp := cpxp p) then gfquotient(pr,rl2gf(-n))
- else bfdivide(pr,r2flbf(-n));
- orgc := if cp then org else rl2gf org;
- if errorp(b := errorset!*(
- {'gfrsq,{'gfval,mkquote p,mkquote orgc}},nil))
- then return bflessp(gfrsq gf2bf orgc,bfone!*)
- else b := car b;
- a := gfrsq gfval(p,rl2gf 0);
- pmsg list("a=",a," b=",b);
- return not bflessp(a,b) end;
- symbolic procedure gffinitr p;
- %do gffinit p but restore *bftag.
- (gffinit p) where !*bftag = !*bftag;
- symbolic procedure invpoly p;
- %remove zero roots of p and reverse coefficients of p.
- <<p := ncoeffs for each r in p collect (car r-caar p) . cdr r;
- n2gf((car p) . reversip cdr p)>>;
- symbolic procedure bdstest i;
- begin scalar y;
- if equal!:(rootrnd r2bf car i,y := rootrnd r2bf cdr i)
- then return y end;
- symbolic procedure rlrtno2 p;
- if null sturm p then 0
- else if null lims!# then schinf(-1)-schinf 1 else
- begin scalar a,b; a := car lims!#;
- if null cdr lims!# then
- return if a<0 then schinf(-1)-schinf 0-adjst realrat 0
- else schinf 0-schinf 1;
- return if (b := cadr lims!#)='infty then schxa a-schinf 1
- else if a='minfty then schinf(-1)-schxb b
- else schxa a-schxb b end;
- symbolic procedure schxa a; if xclp a then sch cdr a else sch a+adjst a;
- symbolic procedure schxb b;
- if xclp b then sch cdr b+adjst cdr b else sch b;
- symbolic procedure adjst l; if sgn1(car !*strm,l)=0 then 1 else 0;
- symbolic procedure limadj m;
- if not m then lims!#
- else if length lims!#<2 then
- if remainder(m,2)=0 then list 1 else nil else
- ((if ratlessp(lval b,lval a) then list(b,a) else list(a,b))
- where a=lpwr(car lims!#,m),b=lpwr(cadr lims!#,m));
- symbolic procedure gfstorval(pf,xn); !*xnlist := (pf . xn) . !*xnlist;
- symbolic procedure gfgetmin;
- begin scalar y,nx,l; l := !*xnlist; nx := car (y := car l);
- for each x in cdr l do
- if bflessp(car x,nx) then nx := car (y := x);
- return cdr y end;
- symbolic procedure calcprec(m,n,r,av,s2);
- begin integer p;
- p := if m<2 then 1+max(acc!#,n)
- else max(acc!#+1,n+1+ceillog m +
- if r=1 then 0 else
- max(if s2>2.2 or s2<1.0 then 0 else if s2>1.7 then 2 else 3,
- if m>3 and 1.5*av>n+1 then
- fix(0.7*max(acc!#,7)*log float m+0.5) else 0));
- pmsg list("m=",m," n=",n," a=",acc!#," r=",r," av=",av,
- " s2=",s2,"->",p);
- return p end;
- symbolic procedure rrpwr(r,m);
- <<while (m := m-1)>0 do rr := gftimes(rr,r); rr>>
- where rr=(r := a2gf r);
- symbolic procedure cvt2(a,b); mt!: a neq 0 and mt!: b neq 0 and
- <<a := divide!:(round!:mt(a,20),round!:mt(b,20),16);
- lessp!:(a,bfone!*) and greaterp!:(a,decimal2internal(1, -1))>>;
- symbolic procedure dsply nx; if !*rootmsg then
- << << write " prec is ",2+precision 0; terpri();
- print_the_number nx; terpri(); wrs n>> where n=wrs nil>>;
- symbolic procedure leadatom x; if atom x then x else leadatom car x;
- symbolic procedure cvt5(a,b); equal!:(round!:mt(a,20),round!:mt(b,20));
- endmodule;
- end;