123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255 |
- \documentclass[12pt]{article}
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- \title{Manual for LIEPDE}
- \author{Thomas Wolf\\ Queen Mary \& Westfield College, University of London, \\
- Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK \\ email: T.Wolf@maths.qmw.ac.uk}
- \begin{document}
- \maketitle
- \section{Purpose}
- The procedure {\tt LIEPDE} computes infinitesimal symmetries
- for a given single/system of differential equation(s) (ODEs or PDEs)
- %\begin{equation}
- % u^{\alpha}_J = w^{\alpha}(x,u^{\beta},...,u^{\beta}_K,...) \label{a1}
- %\end{equation}
- \begin{equation}
- H_A = 0. \label{PDEs}
- \end{equation}
- To obey symmetries, differential equations (\ref{PDEs})
- for unknown functions $u^\alpha$ of independent variables $x^i$
- must be form-invariant under infinitesimal transformations
- \begin{equation}
- \tilde{x}^i = x^i + \varepsilon \xi^i, \;\; \;\;\;
- \tilde{u}^\alpha = u^\alpha + \varepsilon \eta^\alpha \label{tran}
- \end{equation}
- of first order in $\varepsilon.$ To transform the equations (\ref{PDEs})
- by (\ref{tran}), derivatives of $u^\alpha$ must be transformed, i.e. the part
- linear in $\varepsilon$ must be determined. The corresponding formulas are
- (see e.g. \cite{Olv}, \cite{Step})
- \begin{eqnarray}
- \tilde{u}^\alpha_{j_1\ldots j_k} & = &
- u^\alpha_{j_1\ldots j_k} + \varepsilon
- \eta^\alpha_{j_1\ldots j_k} + O(\varepsilon^2) \nonumber \\ \vspace{3mm}
- \eta^\alpha_{j_1\ldots j_{k-1}j_k} & = &
- \frac{D \eta^\alpha_{j_1\ldots j_{k-1}}}{D x^k} -
- u^\alpha_{ij_1\ldots j_{k-1}}\frac{D \xi^i}{D x^k} \label{recur}
- \end{eqnarray}
- and the complete symmetry condition then takes the form
- \begin{eqnarray}
- X H_A & = & 0 \;\; \;\pmod{ H_A = 0} \label{sbed1} \\
- X & = & \xi^i \frac{\partial}{\partial x^i} +
- \eta^\alpha \frac{\partial}{\partial u^\alpha} +
- \eta^\alpha_m \frac{\partial}{\partial u^\alpha_m} +
- \eta^\alpha_{mn} \frac{\partial}{\partial u^\alpha_{mn}} + \ldots +
- \eta^\alpha_{mn\ldots p} \frac{\partial}{\partial u^\alpha_{mn\ldots p}} ,
- \label{sbed2}
- \end{eqnarray}
- where mod $H_A = 0$ means that the original PDE-system is used to replace
- some partial derivatives of $u^\alpha$ to reduce the number of independent
- variables, because the symmetry condition (\ref{sbed1}) must be
- fulfilled identically in $x^i, u^\alpha$ and all partial
- derivatives of $u^\alpha.$
- For point symmetries $\xi^i, \eta^\alpha$ are functions of $x^j,
- u^\beta$ only. For more general higher order symmetries $\xi^i, \eta^\alpha$
- may depend on derivatives of $u^\beta$. For those symmetries one can
- without loss of generality set $\xi^i=0$ due to a symmetry of the symmetry
- conditions on the manifold of solutions of $H_A=0$
- themselves (e.g.\ $\S$5.1 in \cite{Olv}). The shifted generators
- \[\tilde{\xi^i} = \xi^i + h^i, \; \; \; \;
- \tilde{\eta^{\alpha}} = \eta^{\alpha} + h^i u^{\alpha},_i\]
- with arbitrary $h^i=h^i(x^j, u^{\beta},\ldots, u^{\beta}_K)$
- represent generators of the same symmetry.
- \section{Syntax of {\tt LIEPDE}}
- The procedure {\tt LIEPDE} is called through \\
- {\tt LIEPDE({\it problem,symtype,flist}); } \\
- All parameters are lists. \vspace{6pt} \\
- The first parameter specifies the DEs to be investigated: \\
- {\it problem} has the form \{{\it equations, ulist, xlist}\} where
- \begin{tabbing}
- \hspace{0.5cm}
- {\it equations } \= is a list of equations,
- each has the form {\tt df(ui,..)=...} where \\
- \> the LHS (left hand side) {\tt df(ui,..)} is selected such that \\
- \> - The RHS (right h.s.) of an equations must not include \\
- \>$\;\,$ the derivative on the LHS nor a derivative of it. \\
- \> - Neither the LHS nor any derivative of it of any equation \\
- \>$\;\,$ may occur in any other equation.\\
- \> - Each of the unknown functions occurs on the LHS of \\
- \>$\;\,$ exactly one equation. \\
- \hspace{0.5cm}
- {\it ulist} \> is a list of function names, which can be chosen freely \\
- \hspace{0.5cm}
- {\it xlist} \> is a list of variable names, which can be chosen freely
- \end{tabbing}
- Equations can be given as a list of single differential expressions and then
- the program will try to bring them into the `solved form' {\tt df(ui,..)=...}
- automatically. If equations are given in the solved form then the above
- conditions are checked and execution is stopped it they are not satisfied.
- An easy way to get the equations in the desired form is to use \\
- \verb+ FIRST SOLVE({+{\it eq1,eq2,}...\verb+},{+{\it one highest
- derivative for each function u}\verb+})+ \\
- (see the example of the Karpman equations in {\tt LIEPDE.TST}).
- The example of the Burgers equation in {\tt LIEPDE.TST} demonstrates
- that the number of symmetries for a given maximal order of the infinitesimal
- generators depends on the derivative chosen for the LHS.
- The second parameter {\it symtype} of {\tt LIEPDE} is a list $\{\;\}$ that
- specifies the symmetry to be calculated. {\it symtype} can have the following
- values and meanings:
- \begin{tabbing}
- \verb+{"point"} + \= Point symmetries with $\xi^i=\xi^i(x^j,u^{\beta}),\;
- \eta^{\alpha}=\eta^{\alpha}(x^j,u^{\beta})$ are \\
- \> determined.\\
- \verb+{"contact"}+ \> Contact symmetries with $\xi^i=0, \;
- \eta=\eta(x^j,u,u_k)$ are \\
- \> determined $(u_k = \partial u/\partial x^k)$, which is only applicable if a \\
- \> single equation (\ref{PDEs}) with an order $>1$ for a
- single function \\
- \> $u$ is to be investigated. (The {\it symtype}
- \verb+{"contact"}+ \\
- \> is equivalent to \verb+{"general",1}+ (see below) apart from \\
- \> the additional checks done for \verb+{"contact"}+.)\\
- \verb+{"general"+,{\it order}\verb+}+ \> where {\it order} is an integer $>0$.
- Generalized symmetries $\xi^i=0,$ \\
- \> $\eta^{\alpha}=\eta^{\alpha}(x^j,u^{\beta},\ldots,u^{\beta}_K)$
- of a specified order are determined \\
- \> (where $_K$ is a multiple index representing {\it order} many indices.) \\
- \> NOTE: Characteristic functions of generalized symmetries \\
- \> ($= \eta^{\alpha}$ if $\xi^i=0$) are equivalent if they are equal on\\
- \> the solution manifold. Therefore, all dependences of\\
- \> characteristic functions on the substituted derivatives \\
- \> and their derivatives are dropped. For example, if the heat \\
- \> equation is given as $u_t=u_{xx}$ (i.e.\ $u_t$ is substituted by $u_{xx}$) \\
- \> then \verb+{"general",2}+ would not include characteristic \\
- \> functions depending on $u_{tx}$ or $u_{xxx}$. \\
- \> THEREFORE: \\
- \> If you want to find {\it all} symmetries up to a given order then either \\
- \> - avoid using $H_A=0$ to substitute lower order \\
- \> $\;\,$derivatives by expressions involving higher derivatives, or \\
- \> - increase the order specified in {\it symtype}. \\
- \> For an illustration of this effect see the two symmetry \\
- \> determinations of the Burgers equation in the file \\
- \> {\tt LIEPDE.TST}. \\
- \verb+{xi!_+{\it x1}\verb+ =...,..., + \> \\
- \verb+ eta!_+{\it u1}\verb+=...,...}+ \> It is possible to specify an
- ansatz for the symmetry. Such \\
- \> an ansatz must specify all $\xi^i$ for all independent variables and \\
- \> all $\eta^{\alpha}$ for all dependent variables in terms of differential \\
- \> expressions which may involve unknown functions/constants. \\
- \> The dependences of the unknown functions have to be declared \\
- \> in advance by using the {\tt DEPEND} command. For example, \\
- \> \verb+ DEPEND f, t, x, u$ + \\
- \> specifies $f$ to be a function of $t,x,u$. If one wants to have $f$ as \\
- \> a function of derivatives of $u(t,x)$, say $f$ depending on $u_{txx}$, \\
- \> then one \underline{{\it cannot}} write \\
- \> \verb+ DEPEND f, df(u,t,x,2)$ + \\
- \> but instead must write \\
- \> \verb+ DEPEND f, u!`1!`2!`2$ + \\
- \> assuming {\it xlist} has been specified as \verb+ {t,x}+.
- Because $t$ is the \\
- \> first variable and $x$ is the second variable in {\it xlist} and $u$ is \\
- \> differentiated oncs wrt.\ $t$ and twice wrt.\ $x$ we therefore \\
- \> use \verb+ u!`1!`2!`2+. The character {\tt !} is the escape character \\
- \> to allow special characters like ` to occur in an identifier. \\
- \> \hspace{4mm} For generalized symmetries one usually sets all $\xi^i=0$.\\
- \> Then the $\eta^{\alpha}$ are equal to the characteristic functions.
- \end{tabbing}
- \noindent The third parameter {\it flist} of {\tt LIEPDE} is a list $\{\;\}$
- that includes
- \begin{itemize}
- \item all parameters and functions in the equations which are to
- be determined such that symmetries exist (if any such
- parameters/functions are
- specified in {\it flist} then the symmetry conditions
- formulated in {\tt LIEPDE}
- become non-linear conditions which may be much harder for
- {\tt CRACK} to solve with many cases and subcases to be considered.)
- \item all unknown functions and constants in the ansatz
- \verb+xi!_..+ and \verb+eta!_..+
- if that has been specified in {\it symtype}.
- \end{itemize}
- The procedure {\tt LIEPDE} returns a list containing a list of
- unsolved conditions if any, a list containing the general solution for
- $\xi^i, \eta^{\alpha}$ and a list of constants and functions appearing
- in the general solution or in the remaining unsolved conditions.
- \section{Flags, parameters}
- Two flags specify whether symmetry conditions are formulated
- and solved in stages or in one go.
- If the equation to be investigated is of higher than first order
- and point symmetries are investigated then {\tt LIEPDE} allows
- a set of preliminary conditions
- to be formulated and solved before formulating and
- solving the full set of conditions for this equation (more
- details in \cite{Step},
- \cite{Wo}). This successive execution is enabled by setting \\
- \verb+ LISP(PRELIM_:=t)$+. \\
- The default value is \\
- \verb+ LISP(PRELIM_:=NIL)$+. \\
- If the preliminary conditions are easy to solve completely then
- it is advantageous
- to formulate and solve them first, otherwise the formulation of
- the complete more
- overdetermined condition is better. Examples for both cases are
- given together with comments in {\tt LIEPDE.TST}.
- If symmetries of a system of equations are to be investigated
- then with the setting \\
- \verb+LISP(INDIVIDUAL_:=t)$+ conditions for the equations are formulated
- and solved individually which provides a speed up if symmetry conditions are
- very overdetermined. The default value is \\
- \verb+ LISP(INDIVIDUAL_:=NIL)$+. \\
- By default {\tt LIEPDE} computes $\xi$ and $\eta$ for each
- symmetry. If a prolongation of the symmetry vector shall be calculated
- then the order of this prolongation can be specified by the setting
- \verb+LISP(PROLONG_ORDER:= ...)$+. \\
- Flags that control the solution of the symmetry conditions by {\tt CRACK}
- are displayed with \verb+CRACKHELP()$+. Among them are: \\
- \verb+ LISP (PRINT_:= NIL/0/1/ ...)$+ \\
- \verb+PRINT_=NIL+ suppresses all CRACK output, for \verb+PRINT_=n+
- ($n$ a positive integer)
- {\tt CRACK} prints only equations with at most $n$ factors in their terms, and
- %\verb+ LISP (LOGOPRINT_:=t/nil)$+ \\
- %to print/not print a logo at the start of {\tt LIEPDE} \\
- \verb+ OFF BATCH_MODE$+
- enables the interactive solution of the system of conditions with {\tt CRACK}.
- \section{Requirements}
- {\tt REDUCE 3.6} and
- the files {\tt CRACK.RED, LIEPDE.RED} and
- all files {\tt CR*.RED} which are read in from {\tt CRACK.RED}. \\
- \verb+ IN "crack.red","liepde.red"$+ \\
- (and appropriate paths) or compilation with \\
- \verb+ FASLOUT "crack"$+ \\
- \verb+ IN "crack.red"$+ \\
- \verb+ FASLEND$+ \\
- \verb+ FASLOUT "liepde"$+ \\
- \verb+ IN "liepde.red"$+ \\
- \verb+ FASLEND$+ \\
- \verb+ BYE$+ \\
- and loading afterwards with \verb+ LOAD_PACKAGE crack,liepde$.+
- \begin{thebibliography}{99}
- \bibitem{Olv} P.J. Olver, Applications of Lie Groups to Differential
- Equations, Springer-Verlag, New York (1986).
- \bibitem{Step} H. Stephani, Differential Equations, Their solution using
- symmetries, Ed. M.A.H. MacCallum, Cambridge Univ. Press (1989).
- \bibitem{Wo} T. Wolf, An efficiency improved program LIEPDE for
- determining Lie-symmetries
- of PDEs, Proceedings of ``Modern Group Analysis: advanced analytical
- and computational methods in mathematical physics'', Acireale, Italy,
- October 1992, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pP 377-385, 1993.
- \end{thebibliography}
- \end{document}