r36.hdx 71 KB

  1. % generated from reference manual >r36<
  2. % (node text description status details)
  3. (abs "absolute value" r36 help nil)
  4. (abs "ABS operator" r36 help nil)
  5. (rootacc "accuracy" r36 help nil)
  6. (acosh "ACOSH operator" r36 help nil)
  7. (acos "ACOS operator" r36 help nil)
  8. (acoth "ACOTH operator" r36 help nil)
  9. (acot "ACOT operator" r36 help nil)
  10. (acsch "ACSCH operator" r36 help nil)
  11. (acsc "ACSC operator" r36 help nil)
  12. (add_columns "add_columns operator" r36 help nil)
  13. (add_rows "add_rows operator" r36 help nil)
  14. (add_to_columns "add_to_columns operator" r36 help nil)
  15. (add_to_rows "add_to_rows operator" r36 help nil)
  16. (adjprec "ADJPREC switch" r36 help nil)
  17. (agm_function "AGM_FUNCTION operator" r36 help nil)
  18. (airy_ai "Airy_Ai operator" r36 help nil)
  19. (airy_aiprime "Airy_Aiprime operator" r36 help nil)
  20. (airy_bi "Airy_Bi operator" r36 help nil)
  21. (airy_biprime "Airy_Biprime operator" r36 help nil)
  22. (eval_mode "algebraic" r36 help nil)
  23. (algebraic "ALGEBRAIC command" r36 help nil)
  24. (arnum "algebraic numbers" r36 help nil)
  25. (algint_package "ALGINT package" r36 help nil)
  26. (algint "ALGINT switch" r36 help nil)
  27. (allbranch "ALLBRANCH switch" r36 help nil)
  28. (allfac "ALLFAC switch" r36 help nil)
  29. (and "AND operator" r36 help nil)
  30. (antisymmetric "ANTISYMMETRIC declaration" r36 help nil)
  31. (append "APPEND operator" r36 help nil)
  32. (applysym "APPLYSYM package" r36 help nil)
  33. (continued_fraction "approximation" r36 help nil)
  34. (interpol "approximation" r36 help nil)
  35. (chebyshev_fit "approximation" r36 help nil)
  36. (num_fit "approximation" r36 help nil)
  37. (arbcomplex "ARBCOMPLEX operator" r36 help nil)
  38. (arbint "ARBINT operator" r36 help nil)
  39. (arbint "arbitrary value" r36 help nil)
  40. (arbcomplex "arbitrary value" r36 help nil)
  41. (arbvars "ARBVARS switch" r36 help nil)
  42. (acsc "arccosecant" r36 help nil)
  43. (acsch "arccosecant" r36 help nil)
  44. (asec "arccosecant" r36 help nil)
  45. (acos "arccosine" r36 help nil)
  46. (acot "arccotangent" r36 help nil)
  47. (asin "arcsine" r36 help nil)
  48. (atan "arctangent" r36 help nil)
  49. (arglength "ARGLENGTH operator" r36 help nil)
  50. (arg "ARG operator" r36 help nil)
  51. (arglength "argument" r36 help nil)
  52. (listargp "argument" r36 help nil)
  53. (listargs "argument" r36 help nil)
  54. (equation "arithmetic" r36 help nil)
  55. (arithmetic_operations "ARITHMETIC_OPERATIONS introduction" r36 help nil)
  56. (arnum "ARNUM package" r36 help nil)
  57. (array "ARRAY declaration" r36 help nil)
  58. (asech "ASECH operator" r36 help nil)
  59. (asec "ASEC operator" r36 help nil)
  60. (asinh "ASINH operator" r36 help nil)
  61. (asin "ASIN operator" r36 help nil)
  62. (set "assign" r36 help nil)
  63. (setq "assign" r36 help nil)
  64. (assign "assign operator" r36 help nil)
  65. (assist "ASSIST package" r36 help nil)
  66. (assumptions "assumptions variable" r36 help nil)
  67. (asterisk "asterisk operator" r36 help nil)
  68. (atan2 "ATAN2 operator" r36 help nil)
  69. (atanh "ATANH operator" r36 help nil)
  70. (atan "ATAN operator" r36 help nil)
  71. (augment_columns "augment_columns operator" r36 help nil)
  72. (avector "AVECTOR package" r36 help nil)
  73. (axes_names "Axes names concept" r36 help nil)
  74. (balanced_mod "BALANCED_MOD switch" r36 help nil)
  75. (band_matrix "band_matrix operator" r36 help nil)
  76. (begin "BEGIN command" r36 help nil)
  77. (bernoulli "BERNOULLI operator" r36 help nil)
  78. (bernoullip "BERNOULLIP operator" r36 help nil)
  79. (besseli "BESSELI operator" r36 help nil)
  80. (besselj "BESSELJ operator" r36 help nil)
  81. (besselk "BESSELK operator" r36 help nil)
  82. (bessely "BESSELY operator" r36 help nil)
  83. (beta "BETA operator" r36 help nil)
  84. (bfspace "BFSPACE switch" r36 help nil)
  85. (binomial "BINOMIAL operator" r36 help nil)
  86. (block "block command" r36 help nil)
  87. (block_matrix "block_matrix operator" r36 help nil)
  88. (boolean "boolean expressions" r36 help nil)
  89. (boolean "BOOLEAN package" r36 help nil)
  90. (boolean_value "boolean value concept" r36 help nil)
  91. (bounds "bounds operator" r36 help nil)
  92. (groebner_bases "Buchberger algorithm" r36 help nil)
  93. (groebner "Buchberger algorithm" r36 help nil)
  94. (bye "BYE command" r36 help nil)
  95. (cali "CALI package" r36 help nil)
  96. (camal "CAMAL package" r36 help nil)
  97. (card_no "CARD_NO variable" r36 help nil)
  98. (caret "caret operator" r36 help nil)
  99. (constants "Catalan's constant" r36 help nil)
  100. (ceiling "CEILING operator" r36 help nil)
  101. (camal "celestial mechanics" r36 help nil)
  102. (changevr "CHANGEVR package" r36 help nil)
  103. (raise "character" r36 help nil)
  104. (char_matrix "char_matrix operator" r36 help nil)
  105. (char_poly "char_poly operator" r36 help nil)
  106. (chebyshev_fit "Chebyshev fit concept" r36 help nil)
  107. (chebyshevt "ChebyshevT operator" r36 help nil)
  108. (chebyshevu "ChebyshevU operator" r36 help nil)
  109. (reacteqn "chemical reaction" r36 help nil)
  110. (chi "Chi operator" r36 help nil)
  111. (cholesky "cholesky operator" r36 help nil)
  112. (choose "CHOOSE operator" r36 help nil)
  113. (ci "Ci operator" r36 help nil)
  114. (clear "CLEAR command" r36 help nil)
  115. (clearrules "CLEARRULES command" r36 help nil)
  116. (clebsch_gordan "Clebsch_Gordan operator" r36 help nil)
  117. (shut "close" r36 help nil)
  118. (gentran "code generation" r36 help nil)
  119. (scope "code generation" r36 help nil)
  120. (coeff "coefficient" r36 help nil)
  121. (coeffn "coefficient" r36 help nil)
  122. (lcof "coefficient" r36 help nil)
  123. (coeff_matrix "coeff_matrix operator" r36 help nil)
  124. (coeffn "COEFFN operator" r36 help nil)
  125. (coeff "COEFF operator" r36 help nil)
  126. (cofactor "COFACTOR operator" r36 help nil)
  127. (column_dim "column_dim operator" r36 help nil)
  128. (combineexpt "COMBINEEXPT switch" r36 help nil)
  129. (combinelogs "COMBINELOGS switch" r36 help nil)
  130. (semicolon "command" r36 help nil)
  131. (dollar "command" r36 help nil)
  132. (percent "command" r36 help nil)
  133. (group "command" r36 help nil)
  134. (begin "command" r36 help nil)
  135. (block "command" r36 help nil)
  136. (comment "command" r36 help nil)
  137. (end "command" r36 help nil)
  138. (for "command" r36 help nil)
  139. (foreach "command" r36 help nil)
  140. (goto "command" r36 help nil)
  141. (if "command" r36 help nil)
  142. (procedure "command" r36 help nil)
  143. (repeat "command" r36 help nil)
  144. (return "command" r36 help nil)
  145. (setmod "command" r36 help nil)
  146. (bye "command" r36 help nil)
  147. (cont "command" r36 help nil)
  148. (display "command" r36 help nil)
  149. (load_package "command" r36 help nil)
  150. (pause "command" r36 help nil)
  151. (quit "command" r36 help nil)
  152. (rederr "command" r36 help nil)
  153. (retry "command" r36 help nil)
  154. (saveas "command" r36 help nil)
  155. (showtime "command" r36 help nil)
  156. (write "command" r36 help nil)
  157. (mkid "command" r36 help nil)
  158. (algebraic "command" r36 help nil)
  159. (clear "command" r36 help nil)
  160. (clearrules "command" r36 help nil)
  161. (define "command" r36 help nil)
  162. (forall "command" r36 help nil)
  163. (let "command" r36 help nil)
  164. (lisp "command" r36 help nil)
  165. (match "command" r36 help nil)
  166. (off "command" r36 help nil)
  167. (on "command" r36 help nil)
  168. (symbolic "command" r36 help nil)
  169. (weight "command" r36 help nil)
  170. (while "command" r36 help nil)
  171. (wtlevel "command" r36 help nil)
  172. (in "command" r36 help nil)
  173. (input "command" r36 help nil)
  174. (out "command" r36 help nil)
  175. (shut "command" r36 help nil)
  176. (mass "command" r36 help nil)
  177. (mshell "command" r36 help nil)
  178. (vecdim "command" r36 help nil)
  179. (plot "command" r36 help nil)
  180. (plotreset "command" r36 help nil)
  181. (ed "command" r36 help nil)
  182. (editdef "command" r36 help nil)
  183. (comment "COMMENT command" r36 help nil)
  184. (noncom "commutative" r36 help nil)
  185. (cali "commutative algebra" r36 help nil)
  186. (ideals "commutative algebra" r36 help nil)
  187. (compact "COMPACT package" r36 help nil)
  188. (companion "companion operator" r36 help nil)
  189. (comp "compiler" r36 help nil)
  190. (erfc "complementary error function" r36 help nil)
  191. (i "complex" r36 help nil)
  192. (arg "complex" r36 help nil)
  193. (norm "complex" r36 help nil)
  194. (conj "complex" r36 help nil)
  195. (impart "complex" r36 help nil)
  196. (repart "complex" r36 help nil)
  197. (rationalize "complex" r36 help nil)
  198. (rootscomplex "complex" r36 help nil)
  199. (rootsreal "complex" r36 help nil)
  200. (complex "COMPLEX switch" r36 help nil)
  201. (map "composite structure" r36 help nil)
  202. (comp "COMP switch" r36 help nil)
  203. (boolean_value "concept" r36 help nil)
  204. (false "concept" r36 help nil)
  205. (true "concept" r36 help nil)
  206. (ideal_parameters "concept" r36 help nil)
  207. (lex_term_order "concept" r36 help nil)
  208. (gradlex_term_order "concept" r36 help nil)
  209. (revgradlex_term_order "concept" r36 help nil)
  210. (gradlexgradlex_term_order "concept" r36 help nil)
  211. (gradlexrevgradlex_term_order "concept" r36 help nil)
  212. (lexgradlex_term_order "concept" r36 help nil)
  213. (lexrevgradlex_term_order "concept" r36 help nil)
  214. (weighted_term_order "concept" r36 help nil)
  215. (graded_term_order "concept" r36 help nil)
  216. (matrix_term_order "concept" r36 help nil)
  217. (module "concept" r36 help nil)
  218. (numeric_accuracy "concept" r36 help nil)
  219. (chebyshev_fit "concept" r36 help nil)
  220. (constants "concept" r36 help nil)
  221. (axes_names "concept" r36 help nil)
  222. (kummerm "Confluent Hypergeometric function" r36 help nil)
  223. (kummeru "Confluent Hypergeometric function" r36 help nil)
  224. (whittakerw "Confluent Hypergeometric function" r36 help nil)
  225. (conj "CONJ operator" r36 help nil)
  226. (conj "conjugate" r36 help nil)
  227. (cons "CONS operator" r36 help nil)
  228. (e "constant" r36 help nil)
  229. (i "constant" r36 help nil)
  230. (infinity "constant" r36 help nil)
  231. (nil "constant" r36 help nil)
  232. (pi "constant" r36 help nil)
  233. (t "constant" r36 help nil)
  234. (constants "Constants concept" r36 help nil)
  235. (cont "CONT command" r36 help nil)
  236. (contfr "CONTFR package" r36 help nil)
  237. (contfr "continued fraction" r36 help nil)
  238. (continued_fraction "CONTINUED_FRACTION operator" r36 help nil)
  239. (contour "contour switch" r36 help nil)
  240. (copy_into "copy_into operator" r36 help nil)
  241. (csc "cosecant" r36 help nil)
  242. (cosh "COSH operator" r36 help nil)
  243. (ci "cosine integral function" r36 help nil)
  244. (cos "COS operator" r36 help nil)
  245. (coth "COTH operator" r36 help nil)
  246. (cot "COT operator" r36 help nil)
  247. (crack "CRACK package" r36 help nil)
  248. (cramer "CRAMER switch" r36 help nil)
  249. (cref "CREF switch" r36 help nil)
  250. (avector "cross product" r36 help nil)
  251. (orthovec "cross product" r36 help nil)
  252. (cref "cross reference" r36 help nil)
  253. (csch "CSCH operator" r36 help nil)
  254. (csc "CSC operator" r36 help nil)
  255. (orthovec "curl" r36 help nil)
  256. (cvit "CVIT package" r36 help nil)
  257. (dd_groebner "dd_groebner operator" r36 help nil)
  258. (antisymmetric "declaration" r36 help nil)
  259. (array "declaration" r36 help nil)
  260. (depend "declaration" r36 help nil)
  261. (even "declaration" r36 help nil)
  262. (factor_declaration "declaration" r36 help nil)
  263. (infix "declaration" r36 help nil)
  264. (integer "declaration" r36 help nil)
  265. (korder "declaration" r36 help nil)
  266. (linear "declaration" r36 help nil)
  267. (linelength "declaration" r36 help nil)
  268. (listargp "declaration" r36 help nil)
  269. (nodepend "declaration" r36 help nil)
  270. (noncom "declaration" r36 help nil)
  271. (nonzero "declaration" r36 help nil)
  272. (odd "declaration" r36 help nil)
  273. (operator "declaration" r36 help nil)
  274. (order "declaration" r36 help nil)
  275. (precedence "declaration" r36 help nil)
  276. (precision "declaration" r36 help nil)
  277. (print_precision "declaration" r36 help nil)
  278. (real "declaration" r36 help nil)
  279. (remfac "declaration" r36 help nil)
  280. (scalar "declaration" r36 help nil)
  281. (scientific_notation "declaration" r36 help nil)
  282. (share "declaration" r36 help nil)
  283. (symmetric "declaration" r36 help nil)
  284. (tr "declaration" r36 help nil)
  285. (untr "declaration" r36 help nil)
  286. (varname "declaration" r36 help nil)
  287. (matrix "declaration" r36 help nil)
  288. (index "declaration" r36 help nil)
  289. (nospur "declaration" r36 help nil)
  290. (remind "declaration" r36 help nil)
  291. (spur "declaration" r36 help nil)
  292. (vector "declaration" r36 help nil)
  293. (decompose "DECOMPOSE operator" r36 help nil)
  294. (first "decomposition" r36 help nil)
  295. (rest "decomposition" r36 help nil)
  296. (second "decomposition" r36 help nil)
  297. (third "decomposition" r36 help nil)
  298. (decompose "decomposition" r36 help nil)
  299. (part "decomposition" r36 help nil)
  300. (structr "decomposition" r36 help nil)
  301. (define "DEFINE command" r36 help nil)
  302. (defint "definite integration" r36 help nil)
  303. (defint "DEFINT package" r36 help nil)
  304. (defn "DEFN switch" r36 help nil)
  305. (deg2dms "DEG2DMS operator" r36 help nil)
  306. (deg2rad "DEG2RAD operator" r36 help nil)
  307. (deg "DEG operator" r36 help nil)
  308. (high_pow "degree" r36 help nil)
  309. (low_pow "degree" r36 help nil)
  310. (deg "degree" r36 help nil)
  311. (deg2dms "degrees" r36 help nil)
  312. (deg2rad "degrees" r36 help nil)
  313. (dms2deg "degrees" r36 help nil)
  314. (dms2rad "degrees" r36 help nil)
  315. (rad2deg "degrees" r36 help nil)
  316. (rad2dms "degrees" r36 help nil)
  317. (demo "DEMO switch" r36 help nil)
  318. (den "denominator" r36 help nil)
  319. (den "DEN operator" r36 help nil)
  320. (nodepend "depend" r36 help nil)
  321. (depend "DEPEND declaration" r36 help nil)
  322. (depend "dependency" r36 help nil)
  323. (df "derivative" r36 help nil)
  324. (dfprint "derivative" r36 help nil)
  325. (noarg "derivative" r36 help nil)
  326. (desir "DESIR package" r36 help nil)
  327. (det "determinant" r36 help nil)
  328. (det "DET operator" r36 help nil)
  329. (df "DF operator" r36 help nil)
  330. (dfpart "DFPART package" r36 help nil)
  331. (dfprint "DFPRINT switch" r36 help nil)
  332. (diagonal "diagonal operator" r36 help nil)
  333. (difference "DIFFERENCE operator" r36 help nil)
  334. (excalc "differential calculus" r36 help nil)
  335. (odesolve "differential equation" r36 help nil)
  336. (crack "differential equation" r36 help nil)
  337. (desir "differential equation" r36 help nil)
  338. (spde "differential equation" r36 help nil)
  339. (applysym "differential equations" r36 help nil)
  340. (excalc "differential form" r36 help nil)
  341. (dilog "dilogarithm function" r36 help nil)
  342. (dilog_extended "dilogarithm function" r36 help nil)
  343. (dilog_extended "DILOG extended operator" r36 help nil)
  344. (dilog "DILOG operator" r36 help nil)
  345. (cvit "Dirac algebra" r36 help nil)
  346. (display "DISPLAY command" r36 help nil)
  347. (term_order "distributive polynomials" r36 help nil)
  348. (gsort "distributive polynomials" r36 help nil)
  349. (gsplit "distributive polynomials" r36 help nil)
  350. (gspoly "distributive polynomials" r36 help nil)
  351. (orthovec "div" r36 help nil)
  352. (div "DIV switch" r36 help nil)
  353. (dms2deg "DMS2DEG operator" r36 help nil)
  354. (dms2rad "DMS2RAD operator" r36 help nil)
  355. (dollar "dollar command" r36 help nil)
  356. (dot "dot operator" r36 help nil)
  357. (avector "dot product" r36 help nil)
  358. (orthovec "dot product" r36 help nil)
  359. (dummy "DUMMY package" r36 help nil)
  360. (dummy "dummy variable" r36 help nil)
  361. (echo "ECHO switch" r36 help nil)
  362. (e "E constant" r36 help nil)
  363. (ed "ED command" r36 help nil)
  364. (editdef "EDITDEF command" r36 help nil)
  365. (mateigen "eigenvalue" r36 help nil)
  366. (ei "Ei operator" r36 help nil)
  367. (elliptice "EllipticE operator" r36 help nil)
  368. (ellipticf "EllipticF operator" r36 help nil)
  369. (elliptick "EllipticK operator" r36 help nil)
  370. (elliptickprime "EllipticKprime operator" r36 help nil)
  371. (elliptictheta "EllipticTHETA operator" r36 help nil)
  372. (if "else" r36 help nil)
  373. (end "END command" r36 help nil)
  374. (eps "EPS operator" r36 help nil)
  375. (equation "equal" r36 help nil)
  376. (equal "EQUAL operator" r36 help nil)
  377. (equalsign "equalsign operator" r36 help nil)
  378. (equal "equation" r36 help nil)
  379. (lhs "equation" r36 help nil)
  380. (rhs "equation" r36 help nil)
  381. (evallhseqp "equation" r36 help nil)
  382. (solve "equation solving" r36 help nil)
  383. (num_solve "equation solving" r36 help nil)
  384. (solve "equation system" r36 help nil)
  385. (num_solve "equation system" r36 help nil)
  386. (equation "EQUATION type" r36 help nil)
  387. (erfc "erfc operator" r36 help nil)
  388. (erf_extended "ERF extended operator" r36 help nil)
  389. (erfi "erfi operator" r36 help nil)
  390. (erf "ERF operator" r36 help nil)
  391. (errcont "ERRCONT switch" r36 help nil)
  392. (erf "error function" r36 help nil)
  393. (erf_extended "error function" r36 help nil)
  394. (erfc "error function" r36 help nil)
  395. (rederr "error handling" r36 help nil)
  396. (errcont "error handling" r36 help nil)
  397. (euler "EULER operator" r36 help nil)
  398. (eulerp "EULERP operator" r36 help nil)
  399. (constants "Euler's constant" r36 help nil)
  400. (psi "Euler's constant" r36 help nil)
  401. (evallhseqp "EVALLHSEQP switch" r36 help nil)
  402. (eval_mode "EVAL_MODE variable" r36 help nil)
  403. (algebraic "evaluation" r36 help nil)
  404. (even "EVEN declaration" r36 help nil)
  405. (evenp "EVENP operator" r36 help nil)
  406. (excalc "EXCALC package" r36 help nil)
  407. (expand_cases "EXPAND_CASES operator" r36 help nil)
  408. (expandlogs "EXPANDLOGS switch" r36 help nil)
  409. (exp "exponential function" r36 help nil)
  410. (ei "exponential integral function" r36 help nil)
  411. (combineexpt "exponent simplification" r36 help nil)
  412. (exp "EXP operator" r36 help nil)
  413. (expread "EXPREAD operator" r36 help nil)
  414. (exp_switch "EXP switch" r36 help nil)
  415. (expt "EXPT operator" r36 help nil)
  416. (extend "extend operator" r36 help nil)
  417. (excalc "exterior calculus" r36 help nil)
  418. (ezgcd "EZGCD switch" r36 help nil)
  419. (remfac "factor" r36 help nil)
  420. (factor_declaration "FACTOR declaration" r36 help nil)
  421. (factorial "FACTORIAL operator" r36 help nil)
  422. (ifactor "factorize" r36 help nil)
  423. (limitedfactors "factorize" r36 help nil)
  424. (overview "factorize" r36 help nil)
  425. (trallfac "factorize" r36 help nil)
  426. (trfac "factorize" r36 help nil)
  427. (factorize "FACTORIZE operator" r36 help nil)
  428. (factor "FACTOR switch" r36 help nil)
  429. (failhard "FAILHARD switch" r36 help nil)
  430. (nil "false" r36 help nil)
  431. (true "false" r36 help nil)
  432. (false "false concept" r36 help nil)
  433. (fast_la "fast_la switch" r36 help nil)
  434. (groebner_bases "Faugere-Gianni-Lazard-Mora algorithm" r36 help nil)
  435. (fide "FIDE package" r36 help nil)
  436. (find_companion "find_companion operator" r36 help nil)
  437. (first "FIRST operator" r36 help nil)
  438. (roots_package "firstroot" r36 help nil)
  439. (fix "FIX operator" r36 help nil)
  440. (fixp "FIXP operator" r36 help nil)
  441. (num_min "Fletcher Reeves" r36 help nil)
  442. (precision "floating point" r36 help nil)
  443. (print_precision "floating point" r36 help nil)
  444. (scientific_notation "floating point" r36 help nil)
  445. (bfspace "floating point" r36 help nil)
  446. (roundall "floating point" r36 help nil)
  447. (rounded "floating point" r36 help nil)
  448. (floor "FLOOR operator" r36 help nil)
  449. (forall "FORALL command" r36 help nil)
  450. (for "FOR command" r36 help nil)
  451. (foreach "FOREACH command" r36 help nil)
  452. (card_no "FORTRAN" r36 help nil)
  453. (fort_width "FORTRAN" r36 help nil)
  454. (fort "FORTRAN" r36 help nil)
  455. (fortupper "FORTRAN" r36 help nil)
  456. (gentran "FORTRAN" r36 help nil)
  457. (fort "FORT switch" r36 help nil)
  458. (fortupper "FORTUPPER switch" r36 help nil)
  459. (fort_width "FORT_WIDTH variable" r36 help nil)
  460. (camal "Fourier series" r36 help nil)
  461. (fps "FPS package" r36 help nil)
  462. (freeof "FREEOF operator" r36 help nil)
  463. (free_variable "Free Variable type" r36 help nil)
  464. (fresnel_c "Fresnel_C operator" r36 help nil)
  465. (fresnel_s "Fresnel_S operator" r36 help nil)
  466. (frobenius "Frobenius operator" r36 help nil)
  467. (fullprec "FULLPREC switch" r36 help nil)
  468. (fullroots "FULLROOTS switch" r36 help nil)
  469. (factorial "gamma" r36 help nil)
  470. (gamma "GAMMA operator" r36 help nil)
  471. (gcd "GCD operator" r36 help nil)
  472. (gcd_switch "GCD switch" r36 help nil)
  473. (gc "GC switch" r36 help nil)
  474. (gdimension "gdimension operator" r36 help nil)
  475. (gegenbauerp "GegenbauerP operator" r36 help nil)
  476. (hypergeometric "generalized hypergeometric function" r36 help nil)
  477. (gentran "GENTRAN package" r36 help nil)
  478. (geq "GEQ operator" r36 help nil)
  479. (geqsign "geqsign operator" r36 help nil)
  480. (get_columns "get_columns operator" r36 help nil)
  481. (roots_package "getroot" r36 help nil)
  482. (get_rows "get_rows operator" r36 help nil)
  483. (gindependent_sets "gindependent_sets operator" r36 help nil)
  484. (glexconvert "glexconvert operator" r36 help nil)
  485. (gltbasis "gltbasis switch" r36 help nil)
  486. (gltb "gltb variable" r36 help nil)
  487. (glterms "glterms variable" r36 help nil)
  488. (gmodule "gmodule variable" r36 help nil)
  489. (gnuplot_and_reduce "GNUPLOT and REDUCE introduction" r36 help nil)
  490. (constants "Golden_Ratio" r36 help nil)
  491. (g "G operator" r36 help nil)
  492. (prod "Gosper algorithm" r36 help nil)
  493. (sum "Gosper algorithm" r36 help nil)
  494. (goto "GOTO command" r36 help nil)
  495. (orthovec "grad" r36 help nil)
  496. (graded_term_order "graded term order concept" r36 help nil)
  497. (gradlexgradlex_term_order "gradlexgradlex term order concept" r36 help nil)
  498. (gradlexrevgradlex_term_order "gradlexrevgradlex term order concept" r36 help n
  499. il)
  500. (gradlex_term_order "gradlex term order concept" r36 help nil)
  501. (gram_schmidt "gram_schmidt operator" r36 help nil)
  502. (plot "graphics" r36 help nil)
  503. (greater "greater operator" r36 help nil)
  504. (greaterp "GREATERP operator" r36 help nil)
  505. (gcd "greatest common divisor" r36 help nil)
  506. (ezgcd "greatest common divisor" r36 help nil)
  507. (gcd_switch "greatest common divisor" r36 help nil)
  508. (greduce "greduce operator" r36 help nil)
  509. (groebfullreduction "groebfullreduction switch" r36 help nil)
  510. (groebmonfac "groebmonfac variable" r36 help nil)
  511. (gdimension "groebner" r36 help nil)
  512. (gindependent_sets "groebner" r36 help nil)
  513. (cali "Groebner" r36 help nil)
  514. (ideals "Groebner" r36 help nil)
  515. (groebner_bases "Groebner bases introduction" r36 help nil)
  516. (xideal "Groebner basis" r36 help nil)
  517. (groebnerf "groebnerf operator" r36 help nil)
  518. (groebner "GROEBNER operator" r36 help nil)
  519. (groebnert "groebnert operator" r36 help nil)
  520. (groebopt "groebopt switch" r36 help nil)
  521. (groebprereduce "groebprereduce switch" r36 help nil)
  522. (groebprotfile "groebprotfile variable" r36 help nil)
  523. (groebprot "groebprot switch" r36 help nil)
  524. (groebresmax "groebresmax variable" r36 help nil)
  525. (groebrestriction "groebrestriction variable" r36 help nil)
  526. (groebstat "groebstat switch" r36 help nil)
  527. (group "group command" r36 help nil)
  528. (gsort "gsort operator" r36 help nil)
  529. (gsplit "gsplit operator" r36 help nil)
  530. (gspoly "gspoly operator" r36 help nil)
  531. (gvarslast "gvarslast variable" r36 help nil)
  532. (gvars "GVARS operator" r36 help nil)
  533. (gzerodim_ "gzerodim? operator" r36 help nil)
  534. (hankel1 "HANKEL1 operator" r36 help nil)
  535. (hankel2 "HANKEL2 operator" r36 help nil)
  536. (heaviside "Heaviside operator" r36 help nil)
  537. (he_dot "HE-dot operator" r36 help nil)
  538. (hephys "HEPHYS introduction" r36 help nil)
  539. (hermitep "HermiteP operator" r36 help nil)
  540. (hermitian_tp "hermitian_tp operator" r36 help nil)
  541. (hessian "hessian operator" r36 help nil)
  542. (hidden3d "hidden3d switch" r36 help nil)
  543. (xcolor "high energy physics" r36 help nil)
  544. (high_pow "HIGH_POW variable" r36 help nil)
  545. (hilbert "hilbert operator" r36 help nil)
  546. (hilbertpolynomial "hilbertpolynomial operator" r36 help nil)
  547. (display "history" r36 help nil)
  548. (groebner_bases "Hollmann algorithm" r36 help nil)
  549. (hilbertpolynomial "Hollmann algorithm" r36 help nil)
  550. (horner "HORNER switch" r36 help nil)
  551. (asech "hyperbolic arccosecant" r36 help nil)
  552. (acosh "hyperbolic arccosine" r36 help nil)
  553. (asinh "hyperbolic arcsine" r36 help nil)
  554. (atanh "hyperbolic arctangent" r36 help nil)
  555. (csch "hyperbolic cosecan" r36 help nil)
  556. (cosh "hyperbolic cosine" r36 help nil)
  557. (chi "hyperbolic cosine integral function" r36 help nil)
  558. (acoth "hyperbolic cotangent" r36 help nil)
  559. (coth "hyperbolic cotangent" r36 help nil)
  560. (sech "hyperbolic secant" r36 help nil)
  561. (sinh "hyperbolic sine" r36 help nil)
  562. (shi "hyperbolic sine integral function" r36 help nil)
  563. (tanh "hyperbolic tangent" r36 help nil)
  564. (hypergeometric "hypergeometric function" r36 help nil)
  565. (hypergeometric "HYPERGEOMETRIC operator" r36 help nil)
  566. (hypot "HYPOT operator" r36 help nil)
  567. (i "I constant" r36 help nil)
  568. (gdimension "ideal dimension" r36 help nil)
  569. (gindependent_sets "ideal dimension" r36 help nil)
  570. (ideal_parameters "Ideal Parameters concept" r36 help nil)
  571. (idealquotient "idealquotient operator" r36 help nil)
  572. (ideals "IDEALS package" r36 help nil)
  573. (gindependent_sets "ideal variables" r36 help nil)
  574. (glexconvert "ideal variables" r36 help nil)
  575. (mkid "identifier" r36 help nil)
  576. (identifier "IDENTIFIER type" r36 help nil)
  577. (ifactor "IFACTOR switch" r36 help nil)
  578. (if "IF command" r36 help nil)
  579. (impart "imaginary part" r36 help nil)
  580. (impart "IMPART operator" r36 help nil)
  581. (in "IN command" r36 help nil)
  582. (index "INDEX declaration" r36 help nil)
  583. (ineq "INEQ package" r36 help nil)
  584. (ineq "inequality" r36 help nil)
  585. (infinity "INFINITY constant" r36 help nil)
  586. (infix "INFIX declaration" r36 help nil)
  587. (num_odesolve "initial value problem" r36 help nil)
  588. (adjprec "input" r36 help nil)
  589. (expread "input" r36 help nil)
  590. (in "input" r36 help nil)
  591. (raise "input" r36 help nil)
  592. (input "INPUT command" r36 help nil)
  593. (ceiling "integer" r36 help nil)
  594. (fix "integer" r36 help nil)
  595. (fixp "integer" r36 help nil)
  596. (floor "integer" r36 help nil)
  597. (round "integer" r36 help nil)
  598. (ifactor "integer" r36 help nil)
  599. (period "integer" r36 help nil)
  600. (integer "INTEGER declaration" r36 help nil)
  601. (si "integral function" r36 help nil)
  602. (shi "integral function" r36 help nil)
  603. (s_i "integral function" r36 help nil)
  604. (chi "integral function" r36 help nil)
  605. (int "integration" r36 help nil)
  606. (algint "integration" r36 help nil)
  607. (failhard "integration" r36 help nil)
  608. (nolnr "integration" r36 help nil)
  609. (trint "integration" r36 help nil)
  610. (num_int "integration" r36 help nil)
  611. (algint_package "integration of square roots" r36 help nil)
  612. (display "interactive" r36 help nil)
  613. (pause "interactive" r36 help nil)
  614. (retry "interactive" r36 help nil)
  615. (ws "interactive" r36 help nil)
  616. (input "interactive" r36 help nil)
  617. (demo "interactive" r36 help nil)
  618. (int_switch "interactive" r36 help nil)
  619. (interpol "interpolation" r36 help nil)
  620. (mkpoly "interpolation" r36 help nil)
  621. (interpol "INTERPOL operator" r36 help nil)
  622. (interval "Interval type" r36 help nil)
  623. (int "INT operator" r36 help nil)
  624. (arithmetic_operations "introduction" r36 help nil)
  625. (switches "introduction" r36 help nil)
  626. (groebner_bases "introduction" r36 help nil)
  627. (term_order "introduction" r36 help nil)
  628. (hephys "introduction" r36 help nil)
  629. (numeric_package "introduction" r36 help nil)
  630. (roots_package "introduction" r36 help nil)
  631. (special_function_package "introduction" r36 help nil)
  632. (taylor_introduction "introduction" r36 help nil)
  633. (gnuplot_and_reduce "introduction" r36 help nil)
  634. (linear_algebra_package "introduction" r36 help nil)
  635. (miscellaneous_packages "introduction" r36 help nil)
  636. (intstr "INTSTR switch" r36 help nil)
  637. (int_switch "INT switch" r36 help nil)
  638. (invbase "INVBASE package" r36 help nil)
  639. (roots_package "isolater" r36 help nil)
  640. (jacobiamplitude "JacobiAMPLITUDE operator" r36 help nil)
  641. (num_solve "Jacobian matrix" r36 help nil)
  642. (jacobian "jacobian operator" r36 help nil)
  643. (jacobicd "JacobiCD operator" r36 help nil)
  644. (jacobicn "JacobiCN operator" r36 help nil)
  645. (jacobics "JacobiCS operator" r36 help nil)
  646. (jacobidc "JacobiDC operator" r36 help nil)
  647. (jacobidn "JacobiDN operator" r36 help nil)
  648. (jacobids "JacobiDS operator" r36 help nil)
  649. (jacobinc "JacobiNC operator" r36 help nil)
  650. (jacobind "JacobiND operator" r36 help nil)
  651. (jacobins "JacobiNS operator" r36 help nil)
  652. (jacobip "JacobiP operator" r36 help nil)
  653. (jacobisc "JacobiSC operator" r36 help nil)
  654. (jacobisd "JacobiSD operator" r36 help nil)
  655. (jacobisn "JacobiSN operator" r36 help nil)
  656. (jacobizeta "JacobiZETA operator" r36 help nil)
  657. (jordan_block "jordan_block operator" r36 help nil)
  658. (jordan "Jordan operator" r36 help nil)
  659. (jordansymbolic "Jordansymbolic operator" r36 help nil)
  660. (korder "kernel order" r36 help nil)
  661. (kernel "KERNEL type" r36 help nil)
  662. (constants "Khinchin's constant" r36 help nil)
  663. (korder "KORDER declaration" r36 help nil)
  664. (groebner_bases "Kredel-Weispfenning algorithm" r36 help nil)
  665. (gindependent_sets "Kredel-Weispfenning algorithm" r36 help nil)
  666. (kummerm "KummerM operator" r36 help nil)
  667. (kummeru "KummerU operator" r36 help nil)
  668. (laguerrep "LaguerreP operator" r36 help nil)
  669. (lambert_w_function "Lambert_W function operator" r36 help nil)
  670. (landentrans "LANDENTRANS operator" r36 help nil)
  671. (laplace "LAPLACE package" r36 help nil)
  672. (orthovec "Laplacian" r36 help nil)
  673. (fps "Laurent-Puiseux series" r36 help nil)
  674. (lcm "LCM switch" r36 help nil)
  675. (lcof "LCOF operator" r36 help nil)
  676. (lpower "leading power" r36 help nil)
  677. (lterm "leading term" r36 help nil)
  678. (num_fit "least squares" r36 help nil)
  679. (lhs "left-hand side" r36 help nil)
  680. (legendrep "LegendreP operator" r36 help nil)
  681. (length "LENGTH operator" r36 help nil)
  682. (leq "LEQ operator" r36 help nil)
  683. (leqsign "leqsign operator" r36 help nil)
  684. (less "less operator" r36 help nil)
  685. (lessp "LESSP operator" r36 help nil)
  686. (lessspace "LESSSPACE switch" r36 help nil)
  687. (let "LET command" r36 help nil)
  688. (lexgradlex_term_order "lexgradlex term order concept" r36 help nil)
  689. (lexrevgradlex_term_order "lexrevgradlex term order concept" r36 help nil)
  690. (lex_term_order "lex term order concept" r36 help nil)
  691. (limit "l'Hopital's rule" r36 help nil)
  692. (lhs "LHS operator" r36 help nil)
  693. (lie "LIE package" r36 help nil)
  694. (spde "Lie symmetry" r36 help nil)
  695. (limitedfactors "LIMITEDFACTORS switch" r36 help nil)
  696. (limit "LIMIT operator" r36 help nil)
  697. (linear_algebra_package "Linear Algebra package introduction" r36 help nil)
  698. (linear "LINEAR declaration" r36 help nil)
  699. (cramer "linear system" r36 help nil)
  700. (linelength "LINELENGTH declaration" r36 help nil)
  701. (defn "lisp" r36 help nil)
  702. (rlisp88 "lisp" r36 help nil)
  703. (lisp "LISP command" r36 help nil)
  704. (dot "list" r36 help nil)
  705. (first "list" r36 help nil)
  706. (rest "list" r36 help nil)
  707. (reverse "list" r36 help nil)
  708. (second "list" r36 help nil)
  709. (third "list" r36 help nil)
  710. (member "list" r36 help nil)
  711. (append "list" r36 help nil)
  712. (length "list" r36 help nil)
  713. (select "list" r36 help nil)
  714. (listargp "LISTARGP declaration" r36 help nil)
  715. (listargs "LISTARGS switch" r36 help nil)
  716. (list "LIST operator" r36 help nil)
  717. (list_switch "LIST switch" r36 help nil)
  718. (ln "LN operator" r36 help nil)
  719. (load_package "LOAD_PACKAGE command" r36 help nil)
  720. (ln "logarithm" r36 help nil)
  721. (log "logarithm" r36 help nil)
  722. (logb "logarithm" r36 help nil)
  723. (combinelogs "logarithm" r36 help nil)
  724. (expandlogs "logarithm" r36 help nil)
  725. (logb "LOGB operator" r36 help nil)
  726. (log "LOG operator" r36 help nil)
  727. (for "loop" r36 help nil)
  728. (foreach "loop" r36 help nil)
  729. (repeat "loop" r36 help nil)
  730. (while "loop" r36 help nil)
  731. (low_pow "LOW_POW variable" r36 help nil)
  732. (lpower "LPOWER operator" r36 help nil)
  733. (lterm "LTERM operator" r36 help nil)
  734. (lu_decom "lu_decom operator" r36 help nil)
  735. (mainvar "main variable" r36 help nil)
  736. (mainvar "MAINVAR operator" r36 help nil)
  737. (make_identity "make_identity operator" r36 help nil)
  738. (select "map" r36 help nil)
  739. (map "MAP operator" r36 help nil)
  740. (mass "MASS command" r36 help nil)
  741. (match "MATCH command" r36 help nil)
  742. (mateigen "MATEIGEN operator" r36 help nil)
  743. (mat "MAT operator" r36 help nil)
  744. (cramer "matrix" r36 help nil)
  745. (cofactor "matrix" r36 help nil)
  746. (det "matrix" r36 help nil)
  747. (mat "matrix" r36 help nil)
  748. (mateigen "matrix" r36 help nil)
  749. (nullspace "matrix" r36 help nil)
  750. (rank "matrix" r36 help nil)
  751. (tp "matrix" r36 help nil)
  752. (trace "matrix" r36 help nil)
  753. (matrix_augment "matrix_augment operator" r36 help nil)
  754. (matrix "MATRIX declaration" r36 help nil)
  755. (matrixp "matrixp operator" r36 help nil)
  756. (matrix_stack "matrix_stack operator" r36 help nil)
  757. (matrix_term_order "matrix term order concept" r36 help nil)
  758. (max "maximum" r36 help nil)
  759. (max "MAX operator" r36 help nil)
  760. (mcd "MCD switch" r36 help nil)
  761. (meijerg "MeijerG operator" r36 help nil)
  762. (member "MEMBER operator" r36 help nil)
  763. (reclaim "memory" r36 help nil)
  764. (gc "memory" r36 help nil)
  765. (min "minimum" r36 help nil)
  766. (num_min "minimum" r36 help nil)
  767. (min "MIN operator" r36 help nil)
  768. (minor "minor operator" r36 help nil)
  769. (minus "MINUS operator" r36 help nil)
  770. (minussign "minussign operator" r36 help nil)
  771. (miscellaneous_packages "Miscellaneous Packages introduction" r36 help nil)
  772. (mkid "MKID command" r36 help nil)
  773. (mkpoly "MKPOLY operator" r36 help nil)
  774. (modsr "MODSR package" r36 help nil)
  775. (setmod "modular" r36 help nil)
  776. (balanced_mod "modular" r36 help nil)
  777. (modsr "modular polynomial" r36 help nil)
  778. (modular "MODULAR switch" r36 help nil)
  779. (module "Module concept" r36 help nil)
  780. (msg "MSG switch" r36 help nil)
  781. (mshell "MSHELL command" r36 help nil)
  782. (mult_columns "mult_columns operator" r36 help nil)
  783. (multiplicities "MULTIPLICITIES switch" r36 help nil)
  784. (mult_rows "mult_rows operator" r36 help nil)
  785. (nat "NAT switch" r36 help nil)
  786. (ncpoly "NCPOLY package" r36 help nil)
  787. (nearestroot "NEARESTROOT operator" r36 help nil)
  788. (neq "NEQ operator" r36 help nil)
  789. (nero "NERO switch" r36 help nil)
  790. (num_solve "Newton iteration" r36 help nil)
  791. (nextprime "NEXTPRIME operator" r36 help nil)
  792. (nil "NIL constant" r36 help nil)
  793. (noarg "NOARG switch" r36 help nil)
  794. (noconvert "NOCONVERT switch" r36 help nil)
  795. (nodepend "NODEPEND declaration" r36 help nil)
  796. (nolnr "NOLNR switch" r36 help nil)
  797. (noncom "NONCOM declaration" r36 help nil)
  798. (noncom "non commutative" r36 help nil)
  799. (ncpoly "non-commutativity" r36 help nil)
  800. (nonzero "NONZERO declaration" r36 help nil)
  801. (norm "NORM operator" r36 help nil)
  802. (nosplit "NOSPLIT switch" r36 help nil)
  803. (nospur "NOSPUR declaration" r36 help nil)
  804. (not "NOT operator" r36 help nil)
  805. (nprimitive "NPRIMITIVE operator" r36 help nil)
  806. (nullspace "NULLSPACE operator" r36 help nil)
  807. (numberp "NUMBERP operator" r36 help nil)
  808. (num "numerator" r36 help nil)
  809. (numeric_accuracy "numeric accuracy concept" r36 help nil)
  810. (numeric_package "Numeric Package introduction" r36 help nil)
  811. (num_fit "num_fit operator" r36 help nil)
  812. (num_int "num_int operator" r36 help nil)
  813. (num_min "num_min operator" r36 help nil)
  814. (num_odesolve "num_odesolve operator" r36 help nil)
  815. (num "NUM operator" r36 help nil)
  816. (num_solve "num_solve operator" r36 help nil)
  817. (numval "NUMVAL switch" r36 help nil)
  818. (odd "ODD declaration" r36 help nil)
  819. (num_odesolve "ODE" r36 help nil)
  820. (odesolve "ODESOLVE operator" r36 help nil)
  821. (off "OFF command" r36 help nil)
  822. (on "ON command" r36 help nil)
  823. (one_of "ONE_OF type" r36 help nil)
  824. (out "open" r36 help nil)
  825. (dot "operator" r36 help nil)
  826. (assign "operator" r36 help nil)
  827. (equalsign "operator" r36 help nil)
  828. (replace "operator" r36 help nil)
  829. (plussign "operator" r36 help nil)
  830. (minussign "operator" r36 help nil)
  831. (asterisk "operator" r36 help nil)
  832. (slash "operator" r36 help nil)
  833. (power "operator" r36 help nil)
  834. (caret "operator" r36 help nil)
  835. (geqsign "operator" r36 help nil)
  836. (greater "operator" r36 help nil)
  837. (leqsign "operator" r36 help nil)
  838. (less "operator" r36 help nil)
  839. (tilde "operator" r36 help nil)
  840. (and "operator" r36 help nil)
  841. (cons "operator" r36 help nil)
  842. (first "operator" r36 help nil)
  843. (geq "operator" r36 help nil)
  844. (greaterp "operator" r36 help nil)
  845. (list "operator" r36 help nil)
  846. (or "operator" r36 help nil)
  847. (rest "operator" r36 help nil)
  848. (reverse "operator" r36 help nil)
  849. (second "operator" r36 help nil)
  850. (set "operator" r36 help nil)
  851. (setq "operator" r36 help nil)
  852. (third "operator" r36 help nil)
  853. (when "operator" r36 help nil)
  854. (abs "operator" r36 help nil)
  855. (arg "operator" r36 help nil)
  856. (ceiling "operator" r36 help nil)
  857. (choose "operator" r36 help nil)
  858. (deg2dms "operator" r36 help nil)
  859. (deg2rad "operator" r36 help nil)
  860. (difference "operator" r36 help nil)
  861. (dilog "operator" r36 help nil)
  862. (dms2deg "operator" r36 help nil)
  863. (dms2rad "operator" r36 help nil)
  864. (factorial "operator" r36 help nil)
  865. (fix "operator" r36 help nil)
  866. (fixp "operator" r36 help nil)
  867. (floor "operator" r36 help nil)
  868. (expt "operator" r36 help nil)
  869. (gcd "operator" r36 help nil)
  870. (ln "operator" r36 help nil)
  871. (log "operator" r36 help nil)
  872. (logb "operator" r36 help nil)
  873. (max "operator" r36 help nil)
  874. (min "operator" r36 help nil)
  875. (minus "operator" r36 help nil)
  876. (nextprime "operator" r36 help nil)
  877. (norm "operator" r36 help nil)
  878. (perm "operator" r36 help nil)
  879. (plus "operator" r36 help nil)
  880. (quotient "operator" r36 help nil)
  881. (rad2deg "operator" r36 help nil)
  882. (rad2dms "operator" r36 help nil)
  883. (recip "operator" r36 help nil)
  884. (remainder "operator" r36 help nil)
  885. (round "operator" r36 help nil)
  886. (sign "operator" r36 help nil)
  887. (sqrt "operator" r36 help nil)
  888. (times "operator" r36 help nil)
  889. (equal "operator" r36 help nil)
  890. (evenp "operator" r36 help nil)
  891. (freeof "operator" r36 help nil)
  892. (leq "operator" r36 help nil)
  893. (lessp "operator" r36 help nil)
  894. (member "operator" r36 help nil)
  895. (neq "operator" r36 help nil)
  896. (not "operator" r36 help nil)
  897. (numberp "operator" r36 help nil)
  898. (ordp "operator" r36 help nil)
  899. (primep "operator" r36 help nil)
  900. (reclaim "operator" r36 help nil)
  901. (append "operator" r36 help nil)
  902. (arbint "operator" r36 help nil)
  903. (arbcomplex "operator" r36 help nil)
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  906. (coeffn "operator" r36 help nil)
  907. (conj "operator" r36 help nil)
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  911. (den "operator" r36 help nil)
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  922. (lhs "operator" r36 help nil)
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  933. (prod "operator" r36 help nil)
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  935. (repart "operator" r36 help nil)
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  937. (rhs "operator" r36 help nil)
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  946. (ws "operator" r36 help nil)
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  951. (odd "operator" r36 help nil)
  952. (precedence "operator" r36 help nil)
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  956. (acosh "operator" r36 help nil)
  957. (acot "operator" r36 help nil)
  958. (acoth "operator" r36 help nil)
  959. (acsc "operator" r36 help nil)
  960. (acsch "operator" r36 help nil)
  961. (asec "operator" r36 help nil)
  962. (asech "operator" r36 help nil)
  963. (asin "operator" r36 help nil)
  964. (asinh "operator" r36 help nil)
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  966. (atanh "operator" r36 help nil)
  967. (atan2 "operator" r36 help nil)
  968. (cos "operator" r36 help nil)
  969. (cosh "operator" r36 help nil)
  970. (cot "operator" r36 help nil)
  971. (coth "operator" r36 help nil)
  972. (csc "operator" r36 help nil)
  973. (csch "operator" r36 help nil)
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  976. (sec "operator" r36 help nil)
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  978. (sin "operator" r36 help nil)
  979. (sinh "operator" r36 help nil)
  980. (tan "operator" r36 help nil)
  981. (tanh "operator" r36 help nil)
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  985. (mat "operator" r36 help nil)
  986. (mateigen "operator" r36 help nil)
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  988. (rank "operator" r36 help nil)
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  992. (torder_compile "operator" r36 help nil)
  993. (gvars "operator" r36 help nil)
  994. (groebner "operator" r36 help nil)
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  996. (gdimension "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1004. (groebnerf "operator" r36 help nil)
  1005. (groebnert "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1012. (g "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1015. (num_int "operator" r36 help nil)
  1016. (num_odesolve "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1023. (roots "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1028. (eulerp "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1033. (hankel2 "operator" r36 help nil)
  1034. (besseli "operator" r36 help nil)
  1035. (besselk "operator" r36 help nil)
  1036. (struveh "operator" r36 help nil)
  1037. (struvel "operator" r36 help nil)
  1038. (kummerm "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1042. (airy_bi "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1044. (airy_biprime "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1046. (jacobicn "operator" r36 help nil)
  1047. (jacobidn "operator" r36 help nil)
  1048. (jacobicd "operator" r36 help nil)
  1049. (jacobisd "operator" r36 help nil)
  1050. (jacobind "operator" r36 help nil)
  1051. (jacobidc "operator" r36 help nil)
  1052. (jacobinc "operator" r36 help nil)
  1053. (jacobisc "operator" r36 help nil)
  1054. (jacobins "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1056. (jacobics "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1068. (beta "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1074. (chebyshevu "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1081. (sphericalharmonicy "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1083. (shi "operator" r36 help nil)
  1084. (s_i "operator" r36 help nil)
  1085. (ci "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1088. (erfc "operator" r36 help nil)
  1089. (ei "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1091. (fresnel_s "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1094. (stirling2 "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1097. (sixjsymbol "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1099. (meijerg "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1103. (taylorcombine "operator" r36 help nil)
  1104. (taylororiginal "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1107. (taylortemplate "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1110. (add_rows "operator" r36 help nil)
  1111. (add_to_columns "operator" r36 help nil)
  1112. (add_to_rows "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1115. (block_matrix "operator" r36 help nil)
  1116. (char_matrix "operator" r36 help nil)
  1117. (char_poly "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1122. (copy_into "operator" r36 help nil)
  1123. (diagonal "operator" r36 help nil)
  1124. (extend "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1127. (get_rows "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1129. (hermitian_tp "operator" r36 help nil)
  1130. (hessian "operator" r36 help nil)
  1131. (hilbert "operator" r36 help nil)
  1132. (jacobian "operator" r36 help nil)
  1133. (jordan_block "operator" r36 help nil)
  1134. (lu_decom "operator" r36 help nil)
  1135. (make_identity "operator" r36 help nil)
  1136. (matrix_augment "operator" r36 help nil)
  1137. (matrixp "operator" r36 help nil)
  1138. (matrix_stack "operator" r36 help nil)
  1139. (minor "operator" r36 help nil)
  1140. (mult_columns "operator" r36 help nil)
  1141. (mult_rows "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1146. (remove_rows "operator" r36 help nil)
  1147. (row_dim "operator" r36 help nil)
  1148. (rows_pivot "operator" r36 help nil)
  1149. (simplex "operator" r36 help nil)
  1150. (squarep "operator" r36 help nil)
  1151. (stack_rows "operator" r36 help nil)
  1152. (sub_matrix "operator" r36 help nil)
  1153. (svd "operator" r36 help nil)
  1154. (swap_columns "operator" r36 help nil)
  1155. (swap_entries "operator" r36 help nil)
  1156. (swap_rows "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1158. (toeplitz "operator" r36 help nil)
  1159. (vandermonde "operator" r36 help nil)
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  1161. (smithex_int "operator" r36 help nil)
  1162. (frobenius "operator" r36 help nil)
  1163. (ratjordan "operator" r36 help nil)
  1164. (jordansymbolic "operator" r36 help nil)
  1165. (jordan "operator" r36 help nil)
  1166. (operator "OPERATOR declaration" r36 help nil)
  1167. (scope "optimization" r36 help nil)
  1168. (optional_free_variable "Optional Free Variable type" r36 help nil)
  1169. (ordp "order" r36 help nil)
  1170. (korder "order" r36 help nil)
  1171. (order "ORDER declaration" r36 help nil)
  1172. (ordp "ORDP operator" r36 help nil)
  1173. (or "OR operator" r36 help nil)
  1174. (orthovec "ORTHOVEC package" r36 help nil)
  1175. (out "OUT command" r36 help nil)
  1176. (editdef "Outmoded Operations" r36 help nil)
  1177. (card_no "output" r36 help nil)
  1178. (fort_width "output" r36 help nil)
  1179. (write "output" r36 help nil)
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  1181. (factor_declaration "output" r36 help nil)
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  1185. (remfac "output" r36 help nil)
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  1188. (shut "output" r36 help nil)
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  1191. (demo "output" r36 help nil)
  1192. (dfprint "output" r36 help nil)
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  1194. (echo "output" r36 help nil)
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  1196. (horner "output" r36 help nil)
  1197. (intstr "output" r36 help nil)
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  1199. (msg "output" r36 help nil)
  1200. (nat "output" r36 help nil)
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  1205. (pret "output" r36 help nil)
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  1208. (ratpri "output" r36 help nil)
  1209. (revpri "output" r36 help nil)
  1210. (rlfi "output" r36 help nil)
  1211. (tri "output" r36 help nil)
  1212. (output "OUTPUT switch" r36 help nil)
  1213. (overview "OVERVIEW switch" r36 help nil)
  1214. (load_package "package" r36 help nil)
  1215. (algint_package "package" r36 help nil)
  1216. (applysym "package" r36 help nil)
  1217. (arnum "package" r36 help nil)
  1218. (assist "package" r36 help nil)
  1219. (avector "package" r36 help nil)
  1220. (boolean "package" r36 help nil)
  1221. (cali "package" r36 help nil)
  1222. (camal "package" r36 help nil)
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  1225. (contfr "package" r36 help nil)
  1226. (crack "package" r36 help nil)
  1227. (cvit "package" r36 help nil)
  1228. (defint "package" r36 help nil)
  1229. (desir "package" r36 help nil)
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  1231. (dummy "package" r36 help nil)
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  1234. (fide "package" r36 help nil)
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  1240. (lie "package" r36 help nil)
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  1245. (pm "package" r36 help nil)
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  1247. (reacteqn "package" r36 help nil)
  1248. (reset "package" r36 help nil)
  1249. (residue "package" r36 help nil)
  1250. (rlfi "package" r36 help nil)
  1251. (scope "package" r36 help nil)
  1252. (sets "package" r36 help nil)
  1253. (spde "package" r36 help nil)
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  1256. (tri "package" r36 help nil)
  1257. (trigsimp "package" r36 help nil)
  1258. (xcolor "package" r36 help nil)
  1259. (xideal "package" r36 help nil)
  1260. (wu "package" r36 help nil)
  1261. (zeilberg "package" r36 help nil)
  1262. (ztrans "package" r36 help nil)
  1263. (df "partial derivative" r36 help nil)
  1264. (dfpart "partial derivative" r36 help nil)
  1265. (pf "partial fraction" r36 help nil)
  1266. (part "PART operator" r36 help nil)
  1267. (pm "pattern matching" r36 help nil)
  1268. (pause "PAUSE command" r36 help nil)
  1269. (percent "percent command" r36 help nil)
  1270. (period "PERIOD switch" r36 help nil)
  1271. (perm "PERM operator" r36 help nil)
  1272. (perm "permutation" r36 help nil)
  1273. (pf "PF operator" r36 help nil)
  1274. (physop "PHYSOP package" r36 help nil)
  1275. (pi "PI constant" r36 help nil)
  1276. (pivot "pivot operator" r36 help nil)
  1277. (pointset "plot" r36 help nil)
  1278. (title "plot" r36 help nil)
  1279. (xlabel "plot" r36 help nil)
  1280. (ylabel "plot" r36 help nil)
  1281. (zlabel "plot" r36 help nil)
  1282. (terminal "plot" r36 help nil)
  1283. (size "plot" r36 help nil)
  1284. (view "plot" r36 help nil)
  1285. (contour "plot" r36 help nil)
  1286. (surface "plot" r36 help nil)
  1287. (hidden3d "plot" r36 help nil)
  1288. (show_grid "plot" r36 help nil)
  1289. (trplot "plot" r36 help nil)
  1290. (plot "PLOT command" r36 help nil)
  1291. (plotkeep "PLOTKEEP switch" r36 help nil)
  1292. (plotrefine "PLOTREFINE switch" r36 help nil)
  1293. (plotreset "PLOTRESET command" r36 help nil)
  1294. (plot_xmesh "plot_xmesh variable" r36 help nil)
  1295. (plot_ymesh "plot_ymesh variable" r36 help nil)
  1296. (plus "PLUS operator" r36 help nil)
  1297. (plussign "plussign operator" r36 help nil)
  1298. (pm "PM package" r36 help nil)
  1299. (pochhammer "POCHHAMMER operator" r36 help nil)
  1300. (pointset "Pointset type" r36 help nil)
  1301. (arg "polar angle" r36 help nil)
  1302. (polygamma "POLYGAMMA operator" r36 help nil)
  1303. (high_pow "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1304. (low_pow "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1305. (root_multiplicities "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1306. (gcd "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1307. (remainder "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1308. (decompose "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1309. (deg "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1310. (factorize "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1311. (interpol "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1312. (lcof "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1313. (lpower "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1314. (lterm "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1315. (mainvar "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1316. (nprimitive "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1317. (reduct "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1318. (resultant "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1319. (ezgcd "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1320. (fullroots "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1321. (horner "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1322. (limitedfactors "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1323. (ratarg "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1324. (rational "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1325. (trigform "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1326. (ideal_parameters "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1327. (roots_package "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1328. (mkpoly "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1329. (roots "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1330. (root_val "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1331. (cali "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1332. (ideals "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1333. (wu "polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1334. (power "power operator" r36 help nil)
  1335. (fps "power series" r36 help nil)
  1336. (tps "power series" r36 help nil)
  1337. (precedence "PRECEDENCE declaration" r36 help nil)
  1338. (precise "PRECISE switch" r36 help nil)
  1339. (adjprec "precision" r36 help nil)
  1340. (fullprec "precision" r36 help nil)
  1341. (precision "PRECISION declaration" r36 help nil)
  1342. (preduce "preduce operator" r36 help nil)
  1343. (preducet "preducet operator" r36 help nil)
  1344. (pret "PRET switch" r36 help nil)
  1345. (nextprime "prime number" r36 help nil)
  1346. (primep "prime number" r36 help nil)
  1347. (primep "PRIMEP operator" r36 help nil)
  1348. (nprimitive "primitive part" r36 help nil)
  1349. (print_precision "PRINT_PRECISION declaration" r36 help nil)
  1350. (pri "PRI switch" r36 help nil)
  1351. (procedure "PROCEDURE command" r36 help nil)
  1352. (prod "PROD operator" r36 help nil)
  1353. (prod "product" r36 help nil)
  1354. (pseudo_inverse "pseudo_inverse operator" r36 help nil)
  1355. (psi "PSI operator" r36 help nil)
  1356. (quit "QUIT command" r36 help nil)
  1357. (quotient "QUOTIENT operator" r36 help nil)
  1358. (rad2deg "RAD2DEG operator" r36 help nil)
  1359. (rad2dms "RAD2DMS operator" r36 help nil)
  1360. (deg2dms "radians" r36 help nil)
  1361. (deg2rad "radians" r36 help nil)
  1362. (dms2deg "radians" r36 help nil)
  1363. (dms2rad "radians" r36 help nil)
  1364. (rad2deg "radians" r36 help nil)
  1365. (rad2dms "radians" r36 help nil)
  1366. (raise "RAISE switch" r36 help nil)
  1367. (random_matrix "random_matrix operator" r36 help nil)
  1368. (randpoly "random polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1369. (randpoly "RANDPOLY package" r36 help nil)
  1370. (rank "RANK operator" r36 help nil)
  1371. (ratarg "RATARG switch" r36 help nil)
  1372. (den "rational expression" r36 help nil)
  1373. (num "rational expression" r36 help nil)
  1374. (pf "rational expression" r36 help nil)
  1375. (gcd_switch "rational expression" r36 help nil)
  1376. (lcm "rational expression" r36 help nil)
  1377. (mcd "rational expression" r36 help nil)
  1378. (ratarg "rational expression" r36 help nil)
  1379. (rational "rational expression" r36 help nil)
  1380. (rationalize "rational expression" r36 help nil)
  1381. (ratpri "rational expression" r36 help nil)
  1382. (roundall "rational expression" r36 help nil)
  1383. (rationalize "RATIONALIZE switch" r36 help nil)
  1384. (continued_fraction "rational numbers" r36 help nil)
  1385. (rational "RATIONAL switch" r36 help nil)
  1386. (ratjordan "Ratjordan operator" r36 help nil)
  1387. (ratpri "RATPRI switch" r36 help nil)
  1388. (rat "RAT switch" r36 help nil)
  1389. (reacteqn "REACTEQN package" r36 help nil)
  1390. (real "REAL declaration" r36 help nil)
  1391. (repart "real part" r36 help nil)
  1392. (realroots "REALROOTS operator" r36 help nil)
  1393. (recip "RECIP operator" r36 help nil)
  1394. (reclaim "RECLAIM operator" r36 help nil)
  1395. (rederr "REDERR command" r36 help nil)
  1396. (reduct "REDUCT operator" r36 help nil)
  1397. (reduct "reductum" r36 help nil)
  1398. (remainder "REMAINDER operator" r36 help nil)
  1399. (remfac "REMFAC declaration" r36 help nil)
  1400. (remind "REMIND declaration" r36 help nil)
  1401. (remove_columns "remove_columns operator" r36 help nil)
  1402. (remove_rows "remove_rows operator" r36 help nil)
  1403. (repart "REPART operator" r36 help nil)
  1404. (repeat "REPEAT command" r36 help nil)
  1405. (replace "replace operator" r36 help nil)
  1406. (requirements "requirements variable" r36 help nil)
  1407. (reset "RESET package" r36 help nil)
  1408. (residue "RESIDUE package" r36 help nil)
  1409. (rest "REST operator" r36 help nil)
  1410. (resultant "RESULTANT operator" r36 help nil)
  1411. (retry "RETRY command" r36 help nil)
  1412. (return "RETURN command" r36 help nil)
  1413. (reverse "REVERSE operator" r36 help nil)
  1414. (revgradlex_term_order "revgradlex term order concept" r36 help nil)
  1415. (revpri "REVPRI switch" r36 help nil)
  1416. (rhs "RHS operator" r36 help nil)
  1417. (rhs "right-hand side" r36 help nil)
  1418. (rlfi "RLFI package" r36 help nil)
  1419. (rlisp88 "RLISP88 switch" r36 help nil)
  1420. (roots_package "rlrootno" r36 help nil)
  1421. (solve "root" r36 help nil)
  1422. (num_solve "root" r36 help nil)
  1423. (rootacc "ROOTACC operator" r36 help nil)
  1424. (root_multiplicities "ROOT_MULTIPLICITIES variable" r36 help nil)
  1425. (root_of "ROOT_OF operator" r36 help nil)
  1426. (root_of "roots" r36 help nil)
  1427. (mkpoly "roots" r36 help nil)
  1428. (nearestroot "roots" r36 help nil)
  1429. (realroots "roots" r36 help nil)
  1430. (rootacc "roots" r36 help nil)
  1431. (root_val "roots" r36 help nil)
  1432. (roots_package "rootsat-prec" r36 help nil)
  1433. (rootscomplex "ROOTSCOMPLEX variable" r36 help nil)
  1434. (roots "ROOTS operator" r36 help nil)
  1435. (roots_package "Roots Package introduction" r36 help nil)
  1436. (rootsreal "ROOTSREAL variable" r36 help nil)
  1437. (roots_package "rootval" r36 help nil)
  1438. (root_val "ROOT_VAL operator" r36 help nil)
  1439. (roundall "ROUNDALL switch" r36 help nil)
  1440. (roundbf "ROUNDBF switch" r36 help nil)
  1441. (precision "rounded" r36 help nil)
  1442. (print_precision "rounded" r36 help nil)
  1443. (scientific_notation "rounded" r36 help nil)
  1444. (fullprec "rounded" r36 help nil)
  1445. (numval "rounded" r36 help nil)
  1446. (roundall "rounded" r36 help nil)
  1447. (rounded "ROUNDED switch" r36 help nil)
  1448. (round "ROUND operator" r36 help nil)
  1449. (row_dim "row_dim operator" r36 help nil)
  1450. (rows_pivot "rows_pivot operator" r36 help nil)
  1451. (when "rule" r36 help nil)
  1452. (showrules "rule" r36 help nil)
  1453. (clearrules "rule" r36 help nil)
  1454. (let "rule" r36 help nil)
  1455. (rule "rule list" r36 help nil)
  1456. (rule "RULE type" r36 help nil)
  1457. (num_odesolve "Runge-Kutta" r36 help nil)
  1458. (saveas "SAVEAS command" r36 help nil)
  1459. (savestructr "SAVESTRUCTR switch" r36 help nil)
  1460. (scalar "SCALAR declaration" r36 help nil)
  1461. (scientific_notation "SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION declaration" r36 help nil)
  1462. (scope "SCOPE package" r36 help nil)
  1463. (sech "SECH operator" r36 help nil)
  1464. (second "SECOND operator" r36 help nil)
  1465. (sec "SEC operator" r36 help nil)
  1466. (select "SELECT operator" r36 help nil)
  1467. (semicolon "semicolon command" r36 help nil)
  1468. (setmod "SETMOD command" r36 help nil)
  1469. (set "SET operator" r36 help nil)
  1470. (setq "SETQ operator" r36 help nil)
  1471. (sets "SETS package" r36 help nil)
  1472. (share "SHARE declaration" r36 help nil)
  1473. (shi "Shi operator" r36 help nil)
  1474. (show_grid "SHOW_GRID switch" r36 help nil)
  1475. (showrules "SHOWRULES operator" r36 help nil)
  1476. (showtime "SHOWTIME command" r36 help nil)
  1477. (shut "SHUT command" r36 help nil)
  1478. (sign "SIGN operator" r36 help nil)
  1479. (simplex "simplex operator" r36 help nil)
  1480. (exp_switch "simplification" r36 help nil)
  1481. (precise "simplification" r36 help nil)
  1482. (rationalize "simplification" r36 help nil)
  1483. (compact "simplification" r36 help nil)
  1484. (trigsimp "simplification" r36 help nil)
  1485. (sin "sine" r36 help nil)
  1486. (si "Sine integral function" r36 help nil)
  1487. (s_i "sine integral function" r36 help nil)
  1488. (svd "singular value decomposition" r36 help nil)
  1489. (sinh "SINH operator" r36 help nil)
  1490. (sin "SIN operator" r36 help nil)
  1491. (si "Si operator" r36 help nil)
  1492. (s_i "s_i operator" r36 help nil)
  1493. (sixjsymbol "SixjSymbol operator" r36 help nil)
  1494. (size "size variable" r36 help nil)
  1495. (slash "slash operator" r36 help nil)
  1496. (smithex_int "Smithex_int operator" r36 help nil)
  1497. (smithex "Smithex operator" r36 help nil)
  1498. (solidharmonicy "Solid harmonic polynomials" r36 help nil)
  1499. (solidharmonicy "SolidHarmonicY operator" r36 help nil)
  1500. (assumptions "solve" r36 help nil)
  1501. (requirements "solve" r36 help nil)
  1502. (root_multiplicities "solve" r36 help nil)
  1503. (expand_cases "solve" r36 help nil)
  1504. (odesolve "solve" r36 help nil)
  1505. (root_of "solve" r36 help nil)
  1506. (arbvars "solve" r36 help nil)
  1507. (cramer "solve" r36 help nil)
  1508. (fullroots "solve" r36 help nil)
  1509. (multiplicities "solve" r36 help nil)
  1510. (trigform "solve" r36 help nil)
  1511. (trnonlnr "solve" r36 help nil)
  1512. (varopt "solve" r36 help nil)
  1513. (nearestroot "solve" r36 help nil)
  1514. (realroots "solve" r36 help nil)
  1515. (roots "solve" r36 help nil)
  1516. (root_val "solve" r36 help nil)
  1517. (solve "SOLVE operator" r36 help nil)
  1518. (solvesingular "SOLVESINGULAR switch" r36 help nil)
  1519. (sort "sorting" r36 help nil)
  1520. (sort "SORT operator" r36 help nil)
  1521. (spde "SPDE package" r36 help nil)
  1522. (special_function_package "Special Function Package introduction" r36 help nil)
  1523. (dilog_extended "Spence's Integral" r36 help nil)
  1524. (sphericalharmonicy "Spherical harmonic polynomials" r36 help nil)
  1525. (sphericalharmonicy "SphericalHarmonicY operator" r36 help nil)
  1526. (spur "SPUR declaration" r36 help nil)
  1527. (sqrt "SQRT operator" r36 help nil)
  1528. (squarep "squarep operator" r36 help nil)
  1529. (sqrt "square root" r36 help nil)
  1530. (precise "square root" r36 help nil)
  1531. (stack_rows "stack_rows operator" r36 help nil)
  1532. (num_min "steepest descent" r36 help nil)
  1533. (stirling1 "STIRLING1 operator" r36 help nil)
  1534. (stirling2 "STIRLING2 operator" r36 help nil)
  1535. (string "STRING type" r36 help nil)
  1536. (structr "STRUCTR operator" r36 help nil)
  1537. (savestructr "STRUCTR OPERATOR" r36 help nil)
  1538. (struveh "StruveH operator" r36 help nil)
  1539. (struvel "StruveL operator" r36 help nil)
  1540. (sub_matrix "sub_matrix operator" r36 help nil)
  1541. (sub "SUB operator" r36 help nil)
  1542. (sub "substitution" r36 help nil)
  1543. (forall "substitution" r36 help nil)
  1544. (let "substitution" r36 help nil)
  1545. (match "substitution" r36 help nil)
  1546. (where "substitution" r36 help nil)
  1547. (sum "summation" r36 help nil)
  1548. (zeilberg "summation" r36 help nil)
  1549. (sum "SUM operator" r36 help nil)
  1550. (surface "surface switch" r36 help nil)
  1551. (svd "svd operator" r36 help nil)
  1552. (swap_columns "swap_columns operator" r36 help nil)
  1553. (swap_entries "swap_entries operator" r36 help nil)
  1554. (swap_rows "swap_rows operator" r36 help nil)
  1555. (adjprec "switch" r36 help nil)
  1556. (noconvert "switch" r36 help nil)
  1557. (off "switch" r36 help nil)
  1558. (on "switch" r36 help nil)
  1559. (algint "switch" r36 help nil)
  1560. (allbranch "switch" r36 help nil)
  1561. (allfac "switch" r36 help nil)
  1562. (arbvars "switch" r36 help nil)
  1563. (balanced_mod "switch" r36 help nil)
  1564. (bfspace "switch" r36 help nil)
  1565. (combineexpt "switch" r36 help nil)
  1566. (combinelogs "switch" r36 help nil)
  1567. (comp "switch" r36 help nil)
  1568. (complex "switch" r36 help nil)
  1569. (cref "switch" r36 help nil)
  1570. (cramer "switch" r36 help nil)
  1571. (defn "switch" r36 help nil)
  1572. (demo "switch" r36 help nil)
  1573. (dfprint "switch" r36 help nil)
  1574. (div "switch" r36 help nil)
  1575. (echo "switch" r36 help nil)
  1576. (errcont "switch" r36 help nil)
  1577. (evallhseqp "switch" r36 help nil)
  1578. (exp_switch "switch" r36 help nil)
  1579. (expandlogs "switch" r36 help nil)
  1580. (ezgcd "switch" r36 help nil)
  1581. (factor "switch" r36 help nil)
  1582. (failhard "switch" r36 help nil)
  1583. (fort "switch" r36 help nil)
  1584. (fortupper "switch" r36 help nil)
  1585. (fullprec "switch" r36 help nil)
  1586. (fullroots "switch" r36 help nil)
  1587. (gc "switch" r36 help nil)
  1588. (gcd_switch "switch" r36 help nil)
  1589. (horner "switch" r36 help nil)
  1590. (ifactor "switch" r36 help nil)
  1591. (int_switch "switch" r36 help nil)
  1592. (intstr "switch" r36 help nil)
  1593. (lcm "switch" r36 help nil)
  1594. (lessspace "switch" r36 help nil)
  1595. (limitedfactors "switch" r36 help nil)
  1596. (list_switch "switch" r36 help nil)
  1597. (listargs "switch" r36 help nil)
  1598. (mcd "switch" r36 help nil)
  1599. (modular "switch" r36 help nil)
  1600. (msg "switch" r36 help nil)
  1601. (multiplicities "switch" r36 help nil)
  1602. (nat "switch" r36 help nil)
  1603. (nero "switch" r36 help nil)
  1604. (noarg "switch" r36 help nil)
  1605. (nolnr "switch" r36 help nil)
  1606. (nosplit "switch" r36 help nil)
  1607. (numval "switch" r36 help nil)
  1608. (output "switch" r36 help nil)
  1609. (overview "switch" r36 help nil)
  1610. (period "switch" r36 help nil)
  1611. (precise "switch" r36 help nil)
  1612. (pret "switch" r36 help nil)
  1613. (pri "switch" r36 help nil)
  1614. (raise "switch" r36 help nil)
  1615. (rat "switch" r36 help nil)
  1616. (ratarg "switch" r36 help nil)
  1617. (rational "switch" r36 help nil)
  1618. (rationalize "switch" r36 help nil)
  1619. (ratpri "switch" r36 help nil)
  1620. (revpri "switch" r36 help nil)
  1621. (rlisp88 "switch" r36 help nil)
  1622. (roundall "switch" r36 help nil)
  1623. (roundbf "switch" r36 help nil)
  1624. (rounded "switch" r36 help nil)
  1625. (savestructr "switch" r36 help nil)
  1626. (solvesingular "switch" r36 help nil)
  1627. (time "switch" r36 help nil)
  1628. (trallfac "switch" r36 help nil)
  1629. (trfac "switch" r36 help nil)
  1630. (trigform "switch" r36 help nil)
  1631. (trint "switch" r36 help nil)
  1632. (trnonlnr "switch" r36 help nil)
  1633. (varopt "switch" r36 help nil)
  1634. (groebopt "switch" r36 help nil)
  1635. (groebprereduce "switch" r36 help nil)
  1636. (groebfullreduction "switch" r36 help nil)
  1637. (gltbasis "switch" r36 help nil)
  1638. (groebstat "switch" r36 help nil)
  1639. (trgroeb "switch" r36 help nil)
  1640. (trgroebs "switch" r36 help nil)
  1641. (groebprot "switch" r36 help nil)
  1642. (trnumeric "switch" r36 help nil)
  1643. (taylorautocombine "switch" r36 help nil)
  1644. (taylorautoexpand "switch" r36 help nil)
  1645. (taylorkeeporiginal "switch" r36 help nil)
  1646. (taylorprintorder "switch" r36 help nil)
  1647. (contour "switch" r36 help nil)
  1648. (surface "switch" r36 help nil)
  1649. (hidden3d "switch" r36 help nil)
  1650. (plotkeep "switch" r36 help nil)
  1651. (plotrefine "switch" r36 help nil)
  1652. (show_grid "switch" r36 help nil)
  1653. (trplot "switch" r36 help nil)
  1654. (fast_la "switch" r36 help nil)
  1655. (switches "SWITCHES introduction" r36 help nil)
  1656. (eval_mode "symbolic" r36 help nil)
  1657. (symbolic "SYMBOLIC command" r36 help nil)
  1658. (symmetric "SYMMETRIC declaration" r36 help nil)
  1659. (symmetricp "symmetricp operator" r36 help nil)
  1660. (applysym "symmetries" r36 help nil)
  1661. (symmetry "SYMMETRY package" r36 help nil)
  1662. (tanh "TANH operator" r36 help nil)
  1663. (tan "TAN operator" r36 help nil)
  1664. (orthovec "Taylor" r36 help nil)
  1665. (taylorautocombine "taylorautocombine switch" r36 help nil)
  1666. (taylorautoexpand "taylorautoexpand switch" r36 help nil)
  1667. (taylorcombine "taylorcombine operator" r36 help nil)
  1668. (taylor_introduction "TAYLOR introduction" r36 help nil)
  1669. (taylorkeeporiginal "taylorkeeporiginal switch" r36 help nil)
  1670. (taylor "taylor operator" r36 help nil)
  1671. (taylororiginal "taylororiginal operator" r36 help nil)
  1672. (taylorprintorder "taylorprintorder switch" r36 help nil)
  1673. (taylorprintterms "taylorprintterms variable" r36 help nil)
  1674. (taylorrevert "taylorrevert operator" r36 help nil)
  1675. (tps "Taylor series" r36 help nil)
  1676. (taylorseriesp "taylorseriesp operator" r36 help nil)
  1677. (taylortemplate "taylortemplate operator" r36 help nil)
  1678. (taylortostandard "taylortostandard operator" r36 help nil)
  1679. (t "T constant" r36 help nil)
  1680. (terminal "terminal variable" r36 help nil)
  1681. (torder_compile "term order" r36 help nil)
  1682. (lex_term_order "term order" r36 help nil)
  1683. (gradlex_term_order "term order" r36 help nil)
  1684. (revgradlex_term_order "term order" r36 help nil)
  1685. (gradlexgradlex_term_order "term order" r36 help nil)
  1686. (gradlexrevgradlex_term_order "term order" r36 help nil)
  1687. (lexgradlex_term_order "term order" r36 help nil)
  1688. (lexrevgradlex_term_order "term order" r36 help nil)
  1689. (weighted_term_order "term order" r36 help nil)
  1690. (graded_term_order "term order" r36 help nil)
  1691. (matrix_term_order "term order" r36 help nil)
  1692. (glexconvert "term order" r36 help nil)
  1693. (term_order "Term order introduction" r36 help nil)
  1694. (rlfi "TEX" r36 help nil)
  1695. (tri "TEX" r36 help nil)
  1696. (if "then" r36 help nil)
  1697. (third "THIRD operator" r36 help nil)
  1698. (threejsymbol "ThreejSymbol operator" r36 help nil)
  1699. (tilde "tilde operator" r36 help nil)
  1700. (showtime "time" r36 help nil)
  1701. (times "TIMES operator" r36 help nil)
  1702. (time "TIME switch" r36 help nil)
  1703. (title "title variable" r36 help nil)
  1704. (toeplitz "toeplitz operator" r36 help nil)
  1705. (editdef "Top" r36 help nil)
  1706. (torder_compile "torder_compile operator" r36 help nil)
  1707. (torder "TORDER operator" r36 help nil)
  1708. (tp "TP operator" r36 help nil)
  1709. (tps "TPS package" r36 help nil)
  1710. (tr "trace" r36 help nil)
  1711. (untr "trace" r36 help nil)
  1712. (trace "TRACE operator" r36 help nil)
  1713. (trallfac "TRALLFAC switch" r36 help nil)
  1714. (laplace "transform" r36 help nil)
  1715. (tp "transpose" r36 help nil)
  1716. (tr "TR declaration" r36 help nil)
  1717. (trfac "TRFAC switch" r36 help nil)
  1718. (trgroebs "trgroebs switch" r36 help nil)
  1719. (trgroeb "trgroeb switch" r36 help nil)
  1720. (trigform "TRIGFORM switch" r36 help nil)
  1721. (trigsimp "TRIGSIMP package" r36 help nil)
  1722. (trint "TRINT switch" r36 help nil)
  1723. (tri "TRI package" r36 help nil)
  1724. (trnonlnr "TRNONLNR switch" r36 help nil)
  1725. (trnumeric "TRNUMERIC switch" r36 help nil)
  1726. (trplot "TRPLOT switch" r36 help nil)
  1727. (true "TRUE concept" r36 help nil)
  1728. (identifier "type" r36 help nil)
  1729. (kernel "type" r36 help nil)
  1730. (string "type" r36 help nil)
  1731. (equation "type" r36 help nil)
  1732. (rule "type" r36 help nil)
  1733. (free_variable "type" r36 help nil)
  1734. (optional_free_variable "type" r36 help nil)
  1735. (one_of "type" r36 help nil)
  1736. (interval "type" r36 help nil)
  1737. (pointset "type" r36 help nil)
  1738. (gegenbauerp "ultraspherical polynomials" r36 help nil)
  1739. (glexconvert "univariate polynomial" r36 help nil)
  1740. (repeat "until" r36 help nil)
  1741. (untr "UNTR declaration" r36 help nil)
  1742. (assist "utilities" r36 help nil)
  1743. (vandermonde "vandermonde operator" r36 help nil)
  1744. (assumptions "variable" r36 help nil)
  1745. (card_no "variable" r36 help nil)
  1746. (eval_mode "variable" r36 help nil)
  1747. (fort_width "variable" r36 help nil)
  1748. (high_pow "variable" r36 help nil)
  1749. (low_pow "variable" r36 help nil)
  1750. (requirements "variable" r36 help nil)
  1751. (root_multiplicities "variable" r36 help nil)
  1752. (free_variable "variable" r36 help nil)
  1753. (optional_free_variable "variable" r36 help nil)
  1754. (gvarslast "variable" r36 help nil)
  1755. (gltb "variable" r36 help nil)
  1756. (glterms "variable" r36 help nil)
  1757. (groebmonfac "variable" r36 help nil)
  1758. (groebresmax "variable" r36 help nil)
  1759. (groebrestriction "variable" r36 help nil)
  1760. (groebprotfile "variable" r36 help nil)
  1761. (gmodule "variable" r36 help nil)
  1762. (rootscomplex "variable" r36 help nil)
  1763. (rootsreal "variable" r36 help nil)
  1764. (taylorprintterms "variable" r36 help nil)
  1765. (title "variable" r36 help nil)
  1766. (xlabel "variable" r36 help nil)
  1767. (ylabel "variable" r36 help nil)
  1768. (zlabel "variable" r36 help nil)
  1769. (terminal "variable" r36 help nil)
  1770. (size "variable" r36 help nil)
  1771. (view "variable" r36 help nil)
  1772. (plot_xmesh "variable" r36 help nil)
  1773. (plot_ymesh "variable" r36 help nil)
  1774. (lex_term_order "variable elimination" r36 help nil)
  1775. (korder "variable order" r36 help nil)
  1776. (order "variable order" r36 help nil)
  1777. (varname "VARNAME declaration" r36 help nil)
  1778. (varopt "VAROPT switch" r36 help nil)
  1779. (vecdim "VECDIM command" r36 help nil)
  1780. (avector "vector algebra" r36 help nil)
  1781. (orthovec "vector algebra" r36 help nil)
  1782. (orthovec "vector calculus" r36 help nil)
  1783. (vector "VECTOR declaration" r36 help nil)
  1784. (view "view variable" r36 help nil)
  1785. (bessely "Weber's function" r36 help nil)
  1786. (weight "WEIGHT command" r36 help nil)
  1787. (weighted_term_order "weighted term order concept" r36 help nil)
  1788. (when "WHEN operator" r36 help nil)
  1789. (where "WHERE operator" r36 help nil)
  1790. (while "WHILE command" r36 help nil)
  1791. (whittakerw "WhittakerW operator" r36 help nil)
  1792. (ws "work space" r36 help nil)
  1793. (write "WRITE command" r36 help nil)
  1794. (ws "WS operator" r36 help nil)
  1795. (wtlevel "WTLEVEL command" r36 help nil)
  1796. (wu "WU package" r36 help nil)
  1797. (wu "Wu-Wen-Tsun algorithm" r36 help nil)
  1798. (xcolor "XCOLOR package" r36 help nil)
  1799. (xideal "XIDEAL package" r36 help nil)
  1800. (xlabel "xlabel variable" r36 help nil)
  1801. (ylabel "ylabel variable" r36 help nil)
  1802. (zeilberg "ZEILBERG package" r36 help nil)
  1803. (zeta "ZETA operator" r36 help nil)
  1804. (zlabel "zlabel variable" r36 help nil)
  1805. (ztrans "ZTRANS package" r36 help nil)