123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597 |
- % helphtml.red
- %
- % interfacing reduce help file to HTML (world wide web)
- %
- % Author: Herbert Melenk, ZIB Berlin
- %
- % November 1992
- %
- % PSL dependent
- fluid '(outc newl par !*font !*newline !*html html_specials!* !*windows !*secondrun);
- fluid '(node_file_name!* current_base_dir !*directory_open CURRENT_NODE_NUMBER!*);
- !*HTML := t;
- !*windows := t;
- helvetica:= "R";
- courier:= "TT";
- !#if (member 'csl lispsystem!*)
- symbolic procedure rootname();
- "r36";
- symbolic procedure dest_directory();
- "html";
- !#else
- symbolic procedure rootname();
- getenv "package";
- symbolic procedure dest_directory();
- getenv "tdir";
- !#endif
- fluid '(node_file_labels filenumber indexfilename labels2nodes);
- filenumber:=0;
- symbolic procedure reset_html();
- <<
- indexfilename := make_html_file_name "index";
- filenumber := 0;
- >>;
- symbolic procedure html_open(u);
- myprin2(compress ('!" . ( '!< . append(explode2 u, '(!> !")) )) );
- symbolic procedure html_close(u);
- myprin2(compress ('!" . ( '!< . ( '!/ . append(explode2 u, '(!> !")) )) ));
- symbolic procedure open_current_base_dir u;
- % myprin2 " open_current_base_dir "; myprin2 u;
- nil;
- symbolic procedure close_current_base_dir ();
- % myprin2 " close_current_base_dir ";
- nil;
- symbolic procedure make_html_file_name u;
- begin scalar base,num;
- base := reversip explode2 rootname();
- while length base > 4 do base := cdr base;
- base := compress ('!" . reversip ('!" . base));
- !#if (member 'csl lispsystem!*)
- if u="main_index" then return bldmsg("%w.html",base)
- else if u="index" then num:="idx"
- else <<filenumber:=filenumber+1;
- num := compress('!" . append(cdr explode2
- (10000+filenumber),'(!")));
- >>;
- return bldmsg("%w_%w.html",base,num);
- !#else
- if u="main_index" then num:="_dir"
- else if u="index" then num:="_idx"
- else <<filenumber:=filenumber+1;
- num := compress('!" . append(cdr explode2
- (10000+filenumber),'(!")));
- >>;
- return bldmsg("%w%w.html",base,num);
- !#endif
- end;
- symbolic procedure open_node_file u;
- begin scalar dir,name;
- dir:=if (dir:=dest_directory()) then bldmsg("%w/",dir) else "";
- name := node_file_name!* := make_html_file_name u;
- labels2nodes := (name . u) . labels2nodes;
- % non-unix and PSL: open with suffix "htm".
- if not member('unix,lispsystem!*) and member('psl, lispsystem!*) then
- name:= compress ('!" . reversip('!" . cdr reversip explode2 name));
- if outfile!* then close outfile!*;
- outfile!* := open(bldmsg("%w%w",dir,name), 'output);
- return outfile!*;
- end;
- symbolic procedure close_node_file ();
- if outfile!* then << close outfile!*; outfile!* := nil;
- node_file_name!* := nil;
- >>;
- symbolic procedure node_file_name(); node_file_name!*;
- symbolic procedure initoutput (); nil;
- symbolic procedure endoutput(); nil;
- symbolic procedure verbatim u;
- !*verbatim := u;
- symbolic procedure newfont(f);
- if currentfont neq f then
- <<fontoff(); currentfont:=f; fonton()>>;
- symbolic procedure fontoff();
- <<% if !*font then channelprin2(outfile!*,"}");
- outc:=nil;
- !*font:=nil>>;
- symbolic procedure fonton();
- <<if not !*font then
- <<% channelprintf(outfile!*,"{\%w ",currentfont); outc := nil
- >>;
- !*font:=t>>;
- symbolic procedure myprin2 u;
- <<!*newline:=nil; channelprin2(outfile!*,u)>>;
- deflist( '((!< "<")
- (!> ">")
- (!" """)
- (!& "&")),
- 'HTML_Symbol_Name);
- html_specials!* := '(!< !> !" !&);
- symbolic procedure myprin2_protected u;
- <<if u memq html_specials!* then myprin2 get(u, 'HTML_Symbol_Name)
- else myprin2 u;
- u
- >>;
- fluid '(!*verbescape);
- symbolic procedure emit_start_verbatim();
- <<html_open "P"; html_open "PRE"; html_open "TT">>;
- symbolic procedure emit_end_verbatim();
- <<html_close "TT"; html_close "PRE"; html_open "P">> ;
- symbolic procedure verbprin2 u;
- if u = '!\ then << !*verbescape :=t>>
- else
- if u=!$eol!$ then << myterpri();!*verbescape := nil>>
- else
- if (u = '!&) then
- <<myprin2 " _ _ _ "; !*verbescape:=par:=newl:=outc:=nil>>
- else
- if u memq html_specials!* then
- <<if not !*verbescape then myprin2_protected u else myprin2 u;
- !*verbescape := nil>>
- else
- <<myprin2 u; !*verbescape := nil>>;
- symbolic procedure myterpri();
- channelterpri outfile!*;
- symbolic procedure number4out n;
- % print number with 4 digits.
- << if n<10 then textout "0";
- if n<100 then textout "0";
- if n<1000 then textout "0";
- textout n>>;
- % par = t: paragraph has been terminated - no new data so far
- % newl = t: last character has been an EOL
- symbolic procedure textout(u);
- if par and (u=!$eol!$ or u='! ) then nil else
- if stringp u then mapc(explode2 u, 'textout) else
- <<fonton();
- if u=!$eol!$ and (!*verbatim or newl)
- then <<print_newline();
- outc:='! ;
- if not !*verbatim then second_newline();
- newl:=nil;
- par:=t
- >>
- else
- if (u = '!&) then
- <<myprin2 " _ _ _ "; par:=newl:=outc:=nil>>
- else
- if (u = '!$) then
- newfont(if currentfont = helvetica then courier else helvetica)
- else
- if (u memq html_specials!*) then <<myprin2_protected u>> else
- if (u neq '! ) or (outc neq '! ) or !*verbatim
- then
- <<if u=!$eol!$ and outc neq '! then myprin2 '! ;
- myprin2(u); outc := u;
- if u=!$eol!$ then newl:=t else
- if u neq '! then newl:=nil;
- par:=nil;
- >>;
- >>;
- % -------- paragraph heading ---------------------------
- symbolic procedure par_heading(type);
- <<myprin2 " <P> <H3> ";
- verbprin2 !$eol!$;
- for each x in explode type do verbprin2 x;
- verbprin2 ": </H3>";
- verbprin2 !$eol!$;
- >>;
- % -------- directory structure -------------------------
- symbolic procedure base_new_dir(name);
- <<%myprin2 "base_new_dir name="; myprin2 name;
- close_current_base_dir();
- open_current_base_dir name;
- current_base_dir := name>>;
- symbolic procedure emit_dir_new();
- <<%print current_base_dir;
- %open_node_file current_base_dir
- nil>>;
- symbolic procedure emit_dir_key u;
- emit_node_key u;
- symbolic procedure emit_dir_separator();
- emit_node_separator();
- symbolic procedure emit_dir_label u;
- emit_node_label u;
- symbolic procedure emit_dir_title u;
- emit_node_title(u,nil,'section);
- symbolic procedure emit_dir_browse(u,n);
- emit_node_browse(u,n);
- % ---- node structure
- symbolic procedure emit_node_separator();
- <<fonton();
- if !*directory_open then <<html_close "MENU" ;
- !*directory_open := nil>>;
- %myterpri(); myterpri();
- %channelprin2(outfile!*,"emit_node_separator");
- %myterpri(); myterpri();
- outc:='! ; par:=t;
- close_node_file();
- >>;
- symbolic procedure set_tab(); nil;
- % myprin2 "set_tab ";
- symbolic procedure release_tab(); nil;
- % myprin2 "release_tab ";
- symbolic procedure textout_name(l);
- % l is a list of characters to be printed.
- % special action for names: \ in front of _ suppressed because
- % of Microsoft HC logic (don't know why).
- if atom l then textout l else
- while l do
- <<if not(car l = '!\) or null cdr l or not(cadr l = '!_)
- then textout car l;
- l := cdr l>>;
- symbolic procedure textout2(l);
- if l then
- if atom l then myprin2 l else
- for each x in l do myprin2
- if x='! then '!_ else x;
- symbolic procedure printem(s);
- % print italic
- begin
- html_open "em";
- mapc(s,'myprin2);
- html_close "em";
- end;
- symbolic procedure printem(s);
- begin
- fontoff();
- html_open "em";
- mapc(s,'myprin2_protected);
- html_close "em";
- end;
- symbolic procedure printref u;
- begin scalar r,s;
- % print ( ">>>" . u);
- r:= get_label u;
- % s := assoc (u,node_file_labels);
- s := assoc (r,node_file_labels);
- if s then s := cdr s
- % Debug lines here...
- else if run!* > 1 then <<
- prin2 "### reference to "; prin u;
- prin2 " with label "; prin r;
- prin2t " not found."
- >>;
- if null r then return printem u;
- fontoff();
- myterpri();
- myprin2 "<A HREF="; myprin2 s;
- %myprin2 "#"; mapc(r, 'myprin2);
- myprin2 ">";
- mapc(u,'myprin2); html_close "A";
- end;
- symbolic procedure printnameref u;
- printref u;
- fluid '(key_database);
- symbolic procedure emit_node_keys u;
- begin scalar keys;
- keys := assoc(u,key_database);
- if null keys then return;
- keys := cdr keys;
- fonton();
- myterpri();
- while keys do
- << %myprin2 "<A NAME="; textout_name car keys;
- % number4out current_node_number!* ; myprin2 ">";
- % textout_name car keys;
- % myprin2 " . </A>";
- prin2 "### add node "; prin car keys, prin2 " "; print node_file_name!*;
- node_file_labels := ( car keys . node_file_name!*) . node_file_labels;
- % print ( "<=>" . car keys);
- keys:= cdr keys;
- %if keys then myprin2";"
- >>;
- myterpri();
- end;
- symbolic procedure emit_node_key u;
- emit_hidden_node_key u;
- symbolic procedure emit_hidden_node_key u;
- if current_node!* then
- begin scalar q;
- q:= assoc(current_node!*,key_database);
- if null q then
- key_database := (current_node!* . {u}).key_database
- else
- if not member(u,cdr q) then cdr q:=u.cdr q;
- end;
- symbolic procedure emit_node_label u;
- <<open_node_file u;
- fonton();
- myterpri();
- myprin2 "<A NAME=";
- textout_name u;
- myprin2 ">";
- myterpri();
- prin2 "#### add node "; prin u, prin2 " "; print node_file_name!*;
- node_file_labels := ( u . node_file_name!* ) . node_file_labels;
- >>;
- symbolic procedure emit_node_title(u,dummy,type);
- <<fonton();
- myterpri();
- html_open "TITLE";
- textout_name u;
- html_close "TITLE";
- html_close "A"; % from emit_node_label
- myterpri();
- channelprintf(outfile!*,"<b><a href=%w>INDEX</a></b><p><p>%n",indexfilename);
- >>;
- symbolic procedure emit_node_browse(u,n);
- <<fonton();
- % myterpri();
- % myprin2 "<A NAME=";
- % textout2 u;
- % number4out n;
- current_node_number!* := n;
- % myprin2 "> . </A>";
- % myterpri();
- prin2 "##### add node "; prin u, prin2 " "; print node_file_name!*;
- node_file_labels := ( u . node_file_name!* ) . node_file_labels;
- >>;
- symbolic procedure print_bold u;
- <<fontoff();
- html_open "B";
- mapc(u,'myprin2);
- html_close "B";
- >>;
- symbolic procedure emit_dir_header();
- <<
- fontoff();
- html_open "MENU";
- !*directory_open := t;
- myterpri();
- >>;
- symbolic procedure emit_dir_entry(name,lab);
- begin scalar alias, s;
- s:= assoc(lab,node_file_labels); if s then s := cdr s;
- fontoff();
- html_open "LI"; myprin2 "<A HREF=";
- textout2 s; % myprin2 ".html";
- % myprin2 "#"; textout2 lab;
- myprin2 ">";
- mapc(name,'myprin2);
- html_close "A";
- % myterpri();
- % myprin2 "{\v\f2 ";
- if (alias:=assoc(lab,aliases)) then
- <<myprin2 "alias= "; myprin2 cdr alias>>;
- % myprin2 " ENDemit_dir_entry";
- print_newline();
- end;
- symbolic procedure print_newline();
- <<if null !*newline then
- <<fonton(); channelprin2(outfile!*,"<P>"); channelterpri outfile!*>>;
- !*newline:=t
- >>;
- symbolic procedure second_newline();
- <<!*newline :=nil; print_newline()>>;
- symbolic procedure print_tab ();
- <<fonton(); myprin2 " _ _ _ ">>;
- %------------------- HTML index file --------------------------------
- symbolic procedure html_indexfile();
- begin scalar u,v,q,r,s,rr,!*lower;
- prin2t "..... compiling html index file";
- s := for each q in node_file_labels join
- if pairp car q then {sort_term car q . q};
- s := sort(s,'html_indexfile_sort);
- % remove trivial entries
- r:=s;
- while r do
- <<u:=car r; r:=cdr r;
- if car u member
- '((c o m m a n d)
- (c o n c e p t)
- (c o n s t a n t)
- (d e c l a r a t i o n)
- (i n t r o d u c t i o n)
- (o p e r a t o r)
- (p a c k a g e)
- (s w i t c h)
- (v a r i a b l e)
- )
- then s:=deletip(u,s);
- >>;
- % remove duplicates
- r:=s;
- while r and cdr r do
- <<u:=car r; rr:=r:=cdr r;
- while rr and html_indexfile_subsetp(car u,car (v:=car rr)) do
- <<if cddr u = cddr v then s:=deletip(u,s); rr:=cdr rr>>;
- >>;
- open_node_file "index";
- channelprintf(outfile!*, "<title>%w search index</title>%n",rootname());
- channelprintf(outfile!*, "<dl compact><isindex>%n");
- channelprintf(outfile!*, "<menu>%n");
- for each x in s do
- <<channelprin2(outfile!*, "<dt>");
- for each c in cadr x do
- if c='!_ then channelprin2(outfile!*," ") else
- if not(c='!\) then channelprin2(outfile!*,c);
- channelprintf(outfile!*, ": <a href=%w>",cddr x);
- q := cdr assoc(cddr x,labels2nodes);
- for each c in q do
- if c='!_ then channelprin2(outfile!*," ") else
- if not(c='!\) then channelprin2(outfile!*,c);
- channelprin2t(outfile!*, "</a>");
- >>;
- channelprintf(outfile!*, "</menu>%n");
- close outfile!*;
- outfile!*:=nil;
- end;
- symbolic procedure sort_term u;
- for each c in raisestring u join
- if liter c or digit c then {c};
- symbolic procedure html_indexfile_sort(u,v);
- html_indexfile_sort1(car u,car v);
- symbolic procedure html_indexfile_sort1(u,v);
- if null u then t else
- if null v then nil else
- if car u = car v then html_indexfile_sort1(cdr u,cdr v) else
- id2int car u < id2int car v;
- symbolic procedure html_indexfile_subsetp(a,b);
- null a or
- b and car a = car b and html_indexfile_subsetp(cdr a,cdr b);
- %------------------- LISP index file --------------------------------
- symbolic procedure LISP_indexfile();
- begin scalar u,v,q,r,s,rr,!*lower,pack;
- prin2t "..... compiling independent index file";
- pack := rootname();
- s := for each q in node_file_labels join
- if pairp car q then {sort_term car q . q};
- s := sort(s,'html_indexfile_sort);
- % remove trivial entries
- r:=s;
- while r do
- <<u:=car r; r:=cdr r;
- if car u member
- '((c o m m a n d)
- (c o n c e p t)
- (c o n s t a n t)
- (d e c l a r a t i o n)
- (i n t r o d u c t i o n)
- (o p e r a t o r)
- (p a c k a g e)
- (s w i t c h)
- (v a r i a b l e)
- )
- then s:=deletip(u,s);
- >>;
- % remove duplicates
- r:=s;
- while r and cdr r do
- <<u:=car r; rr:=r:=cdr r;
- while rr and html_indexfile_subsetp(car u,car (v:=car rr)) do
- <<if cddr u = cddr v then s:=deletip(u,s); rr:=cdr rr>>;
- >>;
- outfile!*:= open(bldmsg("%w.hdx",pack),'output);
- channelprintf(outfile!*, "%w generated from reference manual >%w< %n",'!%,pack);
- channelprintf(outfile!*, "%w (node text description status details) %n",'!%,pack);
- for each x in s do
- <<channelprin2(outfile!*, "(");
- q := cdr assoc(cddr x,labels2nodes);
- for each c in q do
- if not(c='!\) then
- <<c:=id2int c;
- if c> 64 and c<91 then c:=c+32;
- channelprin2(outfile!*,int2id c)>>;
- channelprin2(outfile!*,'! );
- channelprin2(outfile!*,'!");
- for each c in cadr x do
- if not(c='!\) then channelprin2(outfile!*,c);
- channelprin2(outfile!*,'!");
- channelprin2(outfile!*,'! );
- channelprintf(outfile!*," %w help nil)%n", pack);
- >>;
- close outfile!*;
- outfile!*:=nil;
- end;
- %------------------- printstruct -------------------------------
- symbolic procedure printstruct();
- <<terpri(); printstruct1(car record,1)>>;
- symbolic procedure printstruct1(r,n);
- <<for i:=1:n do prin2 " ";
- mapc(name r,'prin2);
- terpri();
- for each x in reverse seq r do
- printstruct1(nil . x,n+1);
- >>;
- end;