R36.PH 26 KB

  1. "false";
  2. "no";
  3. "small";
  4. "yes"
  5. (<argument>)
  6. (<coeffs>,<var>=(<lo> .. <hi>)
  7. (<exp>,
  8. (<expr>,<k>[,<lolim> [,<uplim> ]])
  9. (<expr>,<var>,<limpoint>) or
  10. (<expression
  11. (<expression>)
  12. (<expression>) or
  13. (<expression>,<expression>
  14. (<expression>,<expression>) or <expression>
  15. (<expression>,<integer>)
  16. (<expression>,<kernel>
  17. (<integer>)
  18. (<integer>,<expression>)
  19. (<integer>,<expression>,<expression>
  20. (<integer>,<integer>
  21. (<list of j1,m1>,<list of j2,m2>, <list of j3,m3>)
  22. (<list of parameters>,<list of parameters>, <argument>)
  23. (<list>) or
  24. (<matrix>)
  25. (<matrix>,<column
  26. (<matrix>,<r>,<c>
  27. (<order>,<argument>)
  28. (<parameter>,<parameter>,<argument>)
  29. (A say). It returns
  30. (If you are feeling lazy then the braces can be omitted.)
  31. (LIST
  32. (a + b*i)*(c + d*i);
  33. (default
  34. (e.g.
  35. (i,j)'th
  36. (or other variable declaration such as
  37. (see
  38. (which
  39. (x + y)**3;
  40. (x+1)/x + x**2/sin y;
  41. ). A numeric value is not returned by
  42. );
  43. ***** A invalid as integer
  44. ***** Matrix
  45. ***** X invalid as KERNEL
  46. ,
  47. , and
  48. , its arguments are reordered to conform to the internal ordering of the system.
  49. , or
  50. , that is a variable preceded by the tilde symbol: the expression is evaluated for each element of <object> where the element is substituted for the free variable,
  51. , the
  52. , the printing behavior is as if
  53. , there are no algebraic rules associated with it; it will only evaluate when
  54. , where
  55. , which would be right associative.
  56. , without a semicolon between
  57. ,3*X + 7*X + 3,2*COS(2*X)}
  58. ,3x**2+7x+3,df(sin(2*x),x)
  59. - -------
  60. -------
  61. ---------
  62. -----------
  63. -------------
  64. ----------------
  65. ---------------------------------
  66. .
  67. . Default is
  68. . For non-numeric arguments, the value is an expression in the original operator.
  69. . If
  70. . In addition, if an operator has more than one argument, no such distribution occurs, so
  71. . The
  72. . This is done by the commands
  73. . You may wish to add a check to see that its argument is properly restricted.
  74. ...
  75. ..........
  76. 0
  77. 0.......0
  78. 0.00000000000000012
  79. 0.70710678118
  80. 1
  81. 1 2 3
  82. 10*(Y + 12*Y + 54*Y + 108*Y + 81),
  83. 2
  84. 2
  85. 2
  86. 2 2 2
  87. 2 2
  88. 2 2
  89. 2.2798561599
  90. 3
  91. 3 2
  92. 4 3 2
  93. 4 3 3 4
  94. 4 3 2 2 3 4
  95. 4 3 2
  96. 5*(Y + 12*Y + 54*Y + 108*Y + 81),
  97. :- if on then
  98. ;
  99. <<a := 23;b := 2*a;c := 4**2;m
  100. <action>
  101. <column
  102. <condition>
  103. <exp>
  104. <expr
  105. <expr>
  106. <expr> :- a scalar expression.
  107. <expr> :- an algebraic expression.
  108. <expression
  109. <expression>
  110. <expression> can be any
  111. <expression> can be any REDUCE scalar expression.
  112. <expression> can be any valid REDUCE
  113. <expression> can be any valid REDUCE expression that evaluates to a number.
  114. <expression> can be any valid scalar REDUCE expression
  115. <expression> is any valid scalar REDUCE expression
  116. <expression> is expected to be a polynomial expression, not a rational expression. Rational expressions are accepted when the switch
  117. <expression> is ordinarily a polynomial. If
  118. <expression> m
  119. <expression> may be any scalar REDUCE expression, not an array, matrix or vector expression. <simple
  120. <expression> may be any scalar REDUCE expression.
  121. <expression> may be any valid REDUCE expression.
  122. <expression> must evaluate to a
  123. <expression> must evaluate to a number, e.g., integer, rational or floating point number.
  124. <filename>
  125. <function> is the name of an operator for a single argument: the operator is evaluated once with each element of <object> as its single argument,
  126. <identifier>
  127. <identifier> can be any valid REDUCE identifier.
  128. <identifier> may be any valid REDUCE identifier
  129. <identifier> must
  130. <integer>
  131. <item>
  132. <kernel>
  133. <kernel> must be a
  134. <line-id>
  135. <list>
  136. <logical expression>
  137. <matrix
  138. <matrix>
  139. <matrix> :- a
  140. <matrix> :- a matrix.
  141. <matrix> :- a square
  142. <matrix>.
  143. <name>
  144. <number>
  145. <object>
  146. <operator>
  147. <r>,<c> :- positive integers such that <matrix>(<r>, <c>) neq 0.
  148. <r>,<c> :- positive integers.
  149. <restricted
  150. <simple
  151. <simple_expression>
  152. <square
  153. <statement>
  154. <string>
  155. <substitution>
  156. <var>
  157. <var>[=<val>]
  158. <variable
  159. <vector-var>
  160. = <string>
  161. A :=
  162. A := 10
  163. A numeric value is not returned by
  164. A variable preceded by a
  165. A(1,1) :=
  166. A(2,1) :=
  167. A(2,2) :=
  168. A*C + A*D*I + B*C*I - B*D
  169. A*D - B*C
  170. AGM_function
  171. ALIST :=
  173. ASIN(
  174. ATAN
  175. After
  176. Airy_Ai
  177. Airy_Bi
  178. Algebra
  179. Alternatively
  180. An explicit numeric value is not given unless the switch
  181. Any variables used inside
  182. Arithmetic
  183. Array
  184. Assign
  185. At the present time, it is possible to have both switches on at once, which could lead to infinite recursion. However, an expression is switched from one form to the other in this case. Users should not rely on this behavior, since it may change in the n
  186. Author:
  187. Author: Eberhard Schruefer
  188. Author: Francis J. Wright
  189. Author: Herbert Melenk
  190. Authors:
  192. BESSEL
  193. BLIST :=
  194. Basic Groebner operators
  195. Be careful
  196. Bernoulli
  197. BernoulliP
  198. Bessel
  199. Binomial
  200. Buchberger
  201. By default, calculations are performed in the rational numbers. To extend this field the
  202. CE concept of idempotent evaluation. As an alternative, REDUCE provides two switches
  203. COS(A - B) + COS(A + B)
  204. COS(Y)*DF(Y,X
  205. Chebyshev
  206. Clebsch_Gordan
  207. Combinatorial Operators
  208. Comparison operators can only be used as conditions in conditional commands such as
  209. Computation
  210. Computing with distributive polynomials
  211. Cont? (Y or N)
  212. Declaration
  213. Declare
  214. Default
  216. Elliptic
  217. Error
  218. Euler
  219. Evaluates
  220. Expressions
  221. Extensions
  222. FACTOR
  223. Factorizing Groebner bases
  224. Field Extensions:
  225. For
  226. Fortran
  227. Fortran-compatible
  228. Fresnel
  229. Function
  230. Functions
  231. GNUPLOT
  233. Gamma and Related Functions
  234. Gegenbauer
  235. Groebner
  236. Groebner Bases for Modules
  237. HUGO := 1 + X + -*X + O(X )
  238. Hankel
  239. Heaviside
  240. Herbert
  241. HermiteP
  242. However,
  243. Hypergeometric
  244. IDENT
  245. If
  246. If the
  247. If you
  248. In many cases it is desirable to expand product arguments of logarithms, or collect a sum of logarithms into a single logarithm. Since these are inverse operations, it is not possible to provide rules for doing both at the same time and preserve the REDU
  249. Integral
  250. Integrals
  251. It has dimension n where n is the number of expressions.
  252. It returns
  253. JACOBI
  254. Jacobi
  255. Jacobi's Elliptic Functions and Elliptic Integrals
  256. JacobiAmplitude
  257. Jacobian
  258. Jacobic
  259. Jacobid
  260. Jacobin
  261. Jacobis
  262. Kredel-Weispfenning
  263. LaguerreP
  264. Legendre
  265. Linear Algebra package
  266. Lisp
  267. Logical operators can only be used in conditional expressions
  268. Logical operators can only be used in conditional statements such as
  269. Logical operators can only be used inside conditional
  271. Matrices
  272. Matrix
  273. Meijer
  274. Melenk
  275. Miscellaneous
  276. Modular Arithmetic:
  277. Modular operations are
  278. No simplification is done for this function.
  279. Note
  280. Numeric Package
  281. Numerical
  282. ORDER
  283. Operations
  284. Operator
  285. Otherwise
  286. PACKAGE
  288. Package
  289. Pochhammer
  290. Polygamma
  291. Polynomial
  292. Procedure
  293. REDUCE
  294. REDUCE's
  295. REDUCE,
  296. REDUCE.
  297. RES := 0.785398163397
  298. ROOT
  299. ROUND
  300. Related functions:
  301. Result
  302. Roots Package
  303. SIN(X)
  304. SIN(Y
  305. SQRT(
  306. SQRT(24*Y + 60*Y + 25)
  307. SQRT(3)
  309. Scalar
  310. Since
  311. SixjSymbol
  312. SolidHarmonicY
  313. Special Function Package
  314. SphericalHarmonicY
  315. Stirling
  316. TAYLOR
  317. TERM
  318. Taylor
  319. The
  320. The binary comparison operators can only be used for comparisons between numbers or variables that evaluate to numbers. The truth values returned by such a comparison can only be used inside programming constructs, such as
  321. The command
  322. The declaration
  323. The exponentiation operator is left associative, so that
  324. The first
  325. The following
  326. The functions
  327. The integer value of the global variable
  328. The minimal accuracy of the result values is controlled by
  329. The numeric values for the operator
  330. The operator
  331. The s
  332. The te
  333. The variable
  334. Then
  335. There
  336. These
  337. This
  338. ThreejSymbol
  339. Time:
  340. Time: 1
  341. Time: 80 ms
  342. To change the
  343. Under normal circumstances
  344. When
  345. When an operator is declared
  346. When the
  347. When the operator
  348. When the switch
  349. WhittakerW
  350. With
  351. X
  352. X +
  353. X + X + X + X + 1
  354. X + X + 1
  355. X - 2*X *Y + 2*X*Y - Y
  356. X - X + X - X + X
  357. X=2*ARBINT(1)*PI + ASIN(1) + PI - 3}
  358. You
  359. You can write a procedure to attach integrals or other functions to
  360. You may attach functionality by defining
  361. You may attach further functionality by defining
  362. Zeta
  363. [
  364. [
  365. [
  366. [
  367. [
  368. [
  369. [
  370. [
  371. [ ]
  372. [ ]
  373. [ ]
  374. [ ]
  375. [ ]
  376. [ ]
  377. [ 2 2 ]
  378. [ ]
  379. [ 2 ]
  380. [ - 1 - 1 - 1 ]
  381. [ ]
  382. [ 25*y - 2*y + 1 2*(25*y - 2*y + 1) ]
  383. [ 1 i 0 ]
  384. [,accuracy=<a>][,iterations=<i>])
  385. [----------- ----------- -----------]
  386. [---------------------- ---------------------------------]
  387. [0
  388. [0
  389. [0 0 0
  390. [0 0 0 0 0]
  391. [0 1
  392. [1
  393. [1 2 3]
  394. [4 5 6]
  395. [7 8 9]
  396. [i + 1 i + 2 i + 3]
  397. a :=
  398. a := 10;
  399. a := 15;
  400. a := [
  401. about
  402. above
  403. above.
  404. absolute
  405. access
  406. according
  407. accuracy
  408. acosh
  409. acsc
  410. action
  411. activate
  412. actual
  413. add_columns
  414. add_rows
  415. add_to_columns
  416. add_to_rows
  417. added
  418. addition
  419. additional
  420. affect
  421. after
  422. again
  423. algebra
  424. algebraic
  425. algint
  426. algorithm
  427. algorithms
  428. alist :=
  429. all
  430. allbranch
  431. allowed
  432. allows
  433. alphabetical
  434. already
  435. also
  436. alternative
  437. always
  438. ambiguity
  439. and
  440. and some simple transformations are known to the system.
  441. and stands for an arbitrary part
  442. and the
  443. and the first variable declaration.
  444. and the number zero are
  445. another
  446. answer
  447. antisymmetric
  448. any
  449. anywhere
  450. appear
  451. appear on the left-hand side, all but the first term of the expression is moved to the right-hand side.
  452. appearing
  453. appears on the left-hand side, any constant terms are moved to the right-hand side, but the symbolic factors remain.
  454. append
  455. application
  456. applied
  457. applies
  458. apply
  459. appropriate
  460. approximate
  461. approximation
  462. arbcomplex
  463. arbitrary
  464. arbvars
  465. arccosecant
  466. are
  467. are computed via the power series representation, which limits the argument range.
  468. are global, and any change made to them inside the block affects their global value. A
  469. arglength
  470. argument
  471. argument,
  472. argument.
  473. arguments
  474. arguments,
  475. arguments.
  476. arithmetic
  477. around
  478. array
  479. array,
  480. asech
  481. asinh
  482. assign
  483. assigned
  484. assignment
  485. associated
  486. associative
  487. assume
  488. assumption
  489. asymptotic
  490. attach
  491. attached
  492. attempt
  493. augment_columns
  494. automatically
  495. auxiliary
  496. available
  497. avoid
  498. axes names
  499. b :=
  500. balanced_mod
  501. band_matrix
  502. based
  503. bases
  504. basic
  505. basis
  506. because
  507. become
  508. been
  509. before
  510. begin
  511. begin scalar
  512. begin scalar b; b := a + 10; WRITE A end;
  513. beginning
  514. begins
  515. behavior
  516. being
  517. between
  518. binary
  519. blist :=
  520. block
  521. block. When the block is finished, the variables are removed. You may use the words
  522. block_matrix
  523. blocks that were not declared
  524. boolean
  525. boolean value
  526. both
  527. bound
  528. bounds
  529. bounds(sin x,x=(1 .. 2));
  530. braces
  531. bracket
  532. branch
  533. but
  534. calculated
  535. calculates
  536. calculation
  537. calculations
  538. calculations.
  539. call
  540. called
  541. calling
  542. calls
  543. can
  544. can also be calculated in a modular base. To do this first type on modular;. Then setmod p; (where p is a prime) will set the modular base of calculation to p. By further typing on balanced_mod the answer will appear using a symmetric modular representat
  545. can also be used
  546. can be
  547. can be turned on.
  548. can be used
  549. cannot
  550. canonical
  551. careful
  552. case
  553. case,
  554. case.
  555. cases
  556. cases,
  557. causes
  558. certain
  559. change
  560. changed
  561. changes
  562. char_matrix
  563. char_poly
  564. character
  565. characteristic
  566. characters
  567. chebyshev_
  568. check
  569. cholesky
  570. class
  571. clear
  572. cleared
  573. clearrules
  574. closed
  575. coeff
  576. coeff_matrix
  577. coefficient
  578. coefficients
  579. coeffn
  580. cofactor
  581. collect
  582. collected
  583. collection
  584. column
  585. column_dim
  586. columns,
  587. combination
  588. combine
  589. command
  590. command changes REDUCE's mode of operation to symbolic. When
  591. command ends the REDUCE session, returning control to the program (e.g., the operating system) that called REDUCE. When you are at the top level, the
  592. command,
  593. command, group or block each iteration of the loop,
  594. command.
  595. commands
  596. comment
  597. common
  598. commutat
  599. companion
  600. comparison
  601. compiled
  602. complete
  603. complex
  604. complicated
  605. component
  606. computation
  607. compute
  608. computed
  609. computes
  610. computes the
  611. computes the Jordan normal form J of a
  612. computing
  613. concept
  614. condition
  615. conditional
  616. conditions
  617. conjugate
  618. connect
  619. cons
  620. considered
  621. consist
  622. constant
  623. constraint
  624. construc
  625. construction
  626. constructs
  627. contain
  628. containing
  629. contains
  630. contents
  631. continue
  632. continued_fraction
  633. continues
  634. contour
  635. contraction
  636. control
  637. controlled
  638. controls
  639. convert
  640. converted
  641. coordinate
  642. copy_into
  643. correct
  644. corresponding
  645. cos(a)*cos(b);
  646. cos(~x)*sin(~y) => (sin(x+y)-sin(x-y))/2,
  647. cos(~x)^2 => (1+cos(2*x))/2,
  648. coshval(1);
  649. could
  650. count
  651. cramer
  652. create
  653. cross-referenc
  654. current
  655. currently
  656. curve
  657. decimal
  658. declaration
  659. declaration must be made immediately after a
  660. declare
  661. declared
  662. declared inside a block is always global.
  663. declaring
  664. decompose
  665. decomposition
  666. default
  667. define
  668. defined
  669. defines
  670. defining
  671. definite
  672. definition
  673. defint(
  674. defpoly
  675. degree
  676. degrees,
  677. delimiter
  678. denominator
  679. denote
  680. depend
  681. dependencies
  682. dependency
  683. dependent
  684. depending
  685. derivative
  686. describe
  687. desired
  688. detail
  689. determin
  690. determinant
  691. df(sin(7*x + y),x);
  692. diagonal
  693. difference
  694. different
  695. differential
  696. differentiat
  697. differentiation
  698. dilog
  699. dimension
  700. dimensions
  701. direction
  702. directly
  703. directory
  704. display
  705. distribution
  706. divided
  707. division
  708. divisor
  709. documentation
  710. does
  711. does not indicate typechecking by the current REDUCE; it is only for your own information. Declaration statements must immediately follow the
  712. doing
  713. dollar
  714. domain
  715. done
  716. double
  717. during
  718. e.g.
  719. each
  720. echo
  721. editing
  722. editor
  723. effect
  724. effect.
  725. effects.
  726. efficient
  727. eigenvector
  728. either
  729. element
  730. elements
  731. eliminat
  732. else
  733. else for i := 0:n-1 product i+1;
  734. empty
  735. enclosed
  736. end
  737. end;
  738. entered
  739. entries
  740. entry
  741. equal
  742. equation
  743. equations
  744. equations.
  745. equivalent
  746. error
  747. escape
  748. establish
  749. evallhseqp
  750. evaluate
  751. evaluated
  752. evaluates
  753. evaluation
  754. even
  755. evenp
  756. eventual
  757. every
  758. exactly
  759. example
  760. example,
  761. example.
  762. examples:
  763. except
  764. exclamation
  765. execute
  766. executed
  767. executing
  768. execution
  769. existing
  770. expand_cases
  771. expanded
  772. expanding
  773. expandlogs
  774. expansion
  775. expect
  776. expensive
  777. explicit
  778. explicitly
  779. exponential
  780. exponentiation
  781. exponents
  782. expresse
  783. expression
  784. expression,
  785. expression.
  786. expression>
  787. expression> is a single identifier or begins with a prefix operator name.
  788. expression> must
  789. expression> must be a single identifier or begin with a prefix operator name.
  790. expression> must be a single identifier or begin with a prefix operator.
  791. expressions
  792. expressions.
  793. expt
  794. extend
  795. extended
  796. extract
  797. facilitate
  798. facilities
  799. factor
  800. factored
  801. factorial
  802. factoring
  803. factorization
  804. factorize
  805. factorize(4*x**2 + 28*x + 48);
  806. factorize(a**2 + b**2);
  807. factorize(x^15 - 1);
  808. factors
  809. false
  810. faster
  811. feeling
  812. field
  813. file
  814. file,
  815. file.
  816. files
  817. find
  818. find_companion
  819. finding
  820. finds
  821. first
  822. first lu * second lu;
  823. floating
  824. floating-point
  825. followed
  826. following
  827. for
  828. for all
  829. for an example.
  830. for each
  831. forall
  832. form
  833. form,
  834. form.
  835. formal
  836. format
  837. forms
  838. formula
  839. found
  840. four-vectors
  841. fraction
  842. free
  843. free variable
  844. freeof
  845. frobenius
  846. from
  847. full
  848. fullroots
  849. function
  850. function.
  851. functionality
  852. functions
  853. functions,
  854. functions.
  855. functions:
  856. further
  857. g := (exp(a) + exp(-a))/2;
  858. g(line1,a1,b1)*g(line2,b1,c1);
  859. gamma
  860. garbage
  861. general
  862. generally
  863. generat
  864. generate
  865. generated
  866. get_columns
  867. get_rows
  868. given
  869. given,
  870. given.
  871. global
  872. globally
  873. gltbasis
  874. gradlex term order
  875. gradlexgradlex term order
  876. gradlexrevgradlex term order
  877. gram_schmidt
  878. graph
  879. greater
  880. greatest
  881. groebfullreduction
  882. groebmonfac
  883. groebner
  884. groebnerf
  885. groebnert
  886. groebopt
  887. groebprereduce
  888. groebprot
  889. groebrestriction
  890. groebstat
  891. group
  892. gvarslast
  893. handle
  894. has
  895. has a limited numeric evaluation of large values of its argument.
  896. has been
  897. has no effect.
  898. have
  899. hermitian
  900. hessian
  901. high-energy
  902. higher
  903. highest
  904. hilbert
  905. homogeneous
  906. hugo := taylor(exp(x),x,0,2);
  907. hyperbolic
  908. hypergeometric
  909. ideal
  910. ideal parameters
  911. idealquotient
  912. identical
  913. identifier
  914. identifier,
  915. identifier, then <restricted
  916. identifier.
  917. identifiers
  918. identity
  919. if
  920. if fixp(a) then write "ok" else write "not";
  921. if not (fixp(n) and n>=0)
  922. if not numberp(a) then write "
  923. if numberp a and a < 15 then write a**2 else write "no";
  924. if numberp x and x<20 then y := sqrt(x) else write "illegal";
  925. if you wish. Numerical values of expressions involving
  926. ifactor
  927. ignored
  928. imaginary
  929. immediately
  930. impart
  931. implementation
  932. implements
  933. implicit
  934. important
  935. in applications different from classical linear algebra.
  936. in the place of
  937. include
  938. included
  939. includes
  940. including
  941. increase
  942. indefinite
  943. independent
  944. indeterminate
  945. index
  946. indicate
  947. indicating
  948. indices
  949. individual
  950. inequalities
  951. infinite
  952. infinity
  953. infix
  954. information
  955. inhibit
  956. initial
  957. initialize
  958. initially
  959. input
  960. inside
  961. instead
  962. int
  963. integer
  964. integer,
  965. integer.
  966. integers
  967. integers.
  968. integra
  969. integral
  970. integration
  971. interactive
  972. intermediate
  973. internal
  974. interpolation
  975. interpret
  976. interval
  977. into
  978. introduction
  979. invalid
  980. inverse
  981. inversion
  982. invertible
  983. involving
  984. is
  985. is a
  986. is a list of expressions or equations.
  987. is a synonym for
  988. is also called Bessel function of the third kind. There is currently no numeric evaluation of Hankel functions.
  989. is also declared non zero by the declaration
  990. is equivalent to
  991. is evaluated for each element of <object> where the element is substituted for
  992. is known to the system. Numerical values may also be found by turning on the switch
  993. is member of the options for a 3d
  994. is off
  995. is off, regardless of the setting of
  996. is off.
  997. is on
  998. is on and its argument evaluates to a number.
  999. is on and the argument has an absolute numeric value less than or equal to 1.
  1000. is on,
  1001. is on, a
  1002. is on, a rational expression may also be used, otherwise an error results. <kernel> must be a
  1003. is on, expressions in the differentiation operator
  1004. is on.
  1005. is printed. If the user replies
  1006. is replaced by zero unless
  1007. is reserved for use as the
  1008. is set
  1009. is simplified towards
  1010. is still attached to it. When <identifier> is subsequently used as an operator, the message
  1011. iteration
  1012. iterative
  1013. its
  1014. jacobian
  1015. jordan_block
  1016. jordansymbolic
  1017. kernel
  1018. kernel,
  1019. kernel.
  1020. kernels
  1021. key is your delimiter for the input string.
  1022. knowledge
  1023. known
  1024. korder
  1025. lambda
  1026. large
  1027. last
  1028. leading
  1029. least
  1030. left
  1031. left-hand
  1032. length
  1033. less
  1034. let
  1035. level
  1036. level,
  1037. lex term order
  1038. like
  1039. limit
  1040. limited
  1041. limitedfactors
  1042. limits
  1043. line
  1044. line,
  1045. line.
  1046. linear
  1047. linelength
  1048. lines
  1049. liss
  1050. list
  1051. list,
  1052. list.
  1053. list>
  1054. list> :- a positive integer or a list of positive integers.
  1055. list> :- either a positive integer or a list of positive integers.
  1056. list> :- either a single
  1057. list> :- either a single variable or a list of variables.
  1058. list> :- list of algebraic expressions.
  1059. list>)
  1060. list>.
  1061. listarg
  1062. lists
  1063. load_package
  1064. loaded
  1065. local
  1066. logarithm
  1067. logical
  1068. logical operator returns
  1069. long
  1070. lower
  1071. lu_decom
  1072. m := mat((a,b),(c,d));
  1073. made
  1074. main
  1075. make
  1076. make_identity
  1077. manipulation
  1078. many
  1079. mass
  1080. mat
  1081. mat((
  1082. mat((i+1,i+2,i+3),(4,5,2),(1,i,0));
  1083. match
  1084. mateigen
  1085. mathematical
  1086. matrices
  1087. matrices.
  1088. matrix
  1089. matrix,
  1090. matrix.
  1091. matrix_augment
  1092. matrix_stack
  1093. matrixp
  1094. may
  1095. may also be found by turning on the switch
  1096. may also be raised to positive and negative powers with the exponentiation operator (negative powers require the matrix to be invertible). Scalar expressions and
  1097. may be
  1098. may be optionally preceded by a tilde.
  1099. means
  1100. member
  1101. message
  1102. message.
  1103. messages
  1104. method
  1105. minimal
  1106. minimum
  1107. minor
  1108. minus
  1109. missing
  1110. mode
  1111. mode,
  1112. mode, if <expression> is a real number, the operator
  1113. mode, if <list> is a list of three real numbers, the operator
  1114. mode.
  1115. modular
  1116. module
  1117. modulus
  1118. monomial
  1119. more
  1120. most
  1121. mshell
  1122. mult_columns
  1123. mult_rows
  1124. multiple
  1125. multiplication
  1126. multiplicities
  1127. multiplicity
  1128. multiplied
  1129. multiply
  1130. multivariate
  1131. must
  1132. n-ary
  1133. name
  1134. name.
  1135. names
  1136. natural
  1137. necessary
  1138. need
  1139. needed
  1140. negative
  1141. nested
  1142. new
  1143. next
  1144. nextprime
  1145. nil
  1146. nodepend
  1147. non-negative
  1148. non-numeric
  1149. nonneg.
  1150. nonzero
  1151. normal
  1152. normally
  1153. not
  1154. notation
  1155. nprimitive
  1156. nullspace
  1157. num_odesolve
  1158. num_solve
  1159. number
  1160. number,
  1161. number.
  1162. numbered
  1163. numberp
  1164. numberp(
  1165. numbers
  1166. numbers,
  1167. numbers.
  1168. numerator
  1169. numeric
  1170. numeric accuracy
  1171. numerical
  1172. objects
  1173. occur
  1174. occurs
  1175. of
  1176. off
  1177. off exp;
  1178. off rounded;
  1179. off,
  1180. off.
  1181. often
  1182. omitted
  1183. omitted.)
  1184. on complex;
  1185. on fort;
  1186. on modular;
  1187. on rounded;
  1188. on rounded;
  1189. on,
  1190. on.
  1191. once
  1192. one
  1193. only
  1194. operation
  1195. operations
  1196. operator
  1197. operator f;
  1198. operator is
  1199. operator is a binary infix or prefix logical operator. It returns
  1200. operator is included in the package specfn2.
  1201. operator is left associative:
  1202. operator is right associative
  1203. operator is used
  1204. operator returns
  1205. operator returns the
  1206. operator which implements the
  1207. operator,
  1208. operator.
  1209. operators
  1210. operators,
  1211. operators.
  1212. option:
  1213. option: Assign a name to to the
  1214. optional
  1215. optional free variable
  1216. options
  1217. or
  1218. or a
  1219. or an algebraic expression with exactly one
  1220. order
  1221. order.
  1222. ordered
  1223. ordering
  1224. ordinarily
  1225. ordinary
  1226. original
  1227. orthogonal
  1228. other
  1229. otherwise
  1230. otherwise.
  1231. out
  1232. output
  1233. outside
  1234. over
  1235. package
  1236. package can be used. The package must first be loaded by load_package arnum;. The field can now be extended by using the defpoly command. For example, defpoly sqrt2**2-2; will extend the field to include the square root of 2 (now defined by sqrt2). See
  1237. parameter
  1238. parameters
  1239. parentheses
  1240. part
  1241. partial
  1242. particular
  1243. parts
  1244. pattern
  1245. pause
  1246. performed
  1247. performs the equivalent task on the rows of <matrix>.
  1248. performs the same task
  1249. performs the same task on the rows of <matrix>.
  1250. pf(2/((x+1)^2*(x+2)),x);
  1251. physics
  1252. picture
  1253. pivot
  1254. place
  1255. placed
  1256. places
  1257. plot
  1258. plot_xmesh
  1259. plot_ymesh
  1260. plus
  1261. point
  1262. point.
  1263. pointer
  1264. points
  1265. polynomial
  1266. polynomial.
  1267. polynomials
  1268. polynomials.
  1269. position
  1270. positive
  1271. possible
  1272. power
  1273. powers
  1274. preceded
  1275. precedence
  1276. precise
  1277. precision
  1278. predicate
  1279. preduce
  1280. prefix
  1281. previous
  1282. previously
  1283. prime
  1284. print
  1285. print_precision
  1286. printed
  1287. printed,
  1288. printed.
  1289. printing
  1290. problem
  1291. procedure
  1292. procedure coshval(a);
  1293. procedure fac(n);
  1294. procedure.
  1295. procedures
  1296. process
  1297. produce
  1298. produced
  1299. produces
  1300. producing
  1301. product
  1302. production
  1303. products
  1304. program
  1305. programming
  1306. programs
  1307. prompt
  1308. properties
  1309. property
  1310. provide
  1311. provides
  1312. pseudo_inverse
  1313. put
  1314. quotient
  1315. radians
  1316. raised
  1317. random
  1318. random_matrix
  1319. range
  1320. range.
  1321. ratarg
  1322. rather
  1323. rational
  1324. ratjordan
  1325. read
  1326. real
  1327. realroots
  1328. recurrence
  1329. recursive
  1330. redefine
  1331. rederr
  1332. redimension
  1333. reduce
  1334. reduct
  1335. reference
  1336. related
  1337. relation
  1338. remain
  1339. remainder
  1340. remains
  1341. remove
  1342. remove_columns
  1343. remove_rows
  1344. removed
  1345. removes
  1346. repart
  1347. repeat
  1348. replace
  1349. replacement
  1350. replaces
  1351. represent
  1352. representation
  1353. represented
  1354. representing
  1355. represents
  1356. require
  1357. required
  1358. requirements
  1359. reserved
  1360. respect
  1361. respectively.
  1362. rest
  1363. restricted
  1364. restriction
  1365. resubstitution
  1366. result
  1367. resultant
  1368. resulting
  1369. results
  1370. results.
  1371. return
  1372. returned
  1373. returned.
  1374. returning
  1375. returns
  1376. returns a numeric value only
  1377. returns an error message.
  1378. reverse
  1379. revgradlex term order
  1380. right
  1381. right-hand
  1382. root
  1383. root_multiplicities
  1384. root_of
  1385. roots
  1386. round
  1387. rounded
  1388. rounded;
  1389. rows
  1390. rows_pivot
  1391. rule
  1392. rules
  1393. s may be raised to fractional and floating-point powers.
  1394. same
  1395. saveas
  1396. savestructr
  1397. scalar
  1398. scientific
  1399. scientific_notation
  1400. screen
  1401. second
  1402. see
  1403. see:
  1404. select
  1405. semicolon
  1406. separate
  1407. sequence
  1408. series
  1409. session
  1410. session,
  1411. session.
  1412. set
  1413. setmod
  1414. sets
  1415. setting
  1416. several
  1417. share
  1418. should
  1419. shown
  1420. showrules
  1421. side
  1422. sides
  1423. sign
  1424. significan
  1425. similar
  1426. simple
  1427. simplif
  1428. simplification
  1429. simplified
  1430. simultaneous
  1431. sin(x)
  1432. sin(~x)*sin(~y) => (cos(x-y)-cos(x+y))/2,
  1433. sin(~x)^2 => (1-cos(2*x))/2}
  1434. since
  1435. single
  1436. singular
  1437. size>
  1438. size> :- a positive integer.
  1439. smithex_int
  1440. solution
  1441. solve
  1442. solve(
  1443. solve(log(sin(x+3)),x);
  1444. solvesingular
  1445. solving
  1446. some
  1447. sometimes
  1448. space
  1449. special
  1450. specific
  1451. specifically
  1452. specified
  1453. specifies
  1454. sqrt(
  1455. sqrt2**2-2;
  1456. square
  1457. stack_rows
  1458. standard
  1459. starting
  1460. statement
  1461. statement,
  1462. statement.
  1463. statement>
  1464. statements
  1465. statements and procedures to add further functionality to
  1466. statements,
  1467. statements.
  1468. steps
  1469. sticks the matrices in <matrix
  1470. still
  1471. stored
  1472. string
  1473. structr
  1474. structure
  1475. sub_matrix
  1476. subexpressions
  1477. subscript
  1478. subsequent
  1479. substitute
  1480. substitution
  1481. subtraction
  1482. such
  1483. such that
  1484. sufficient
  1485. sum
  1486. supplie
  1487. support
  1488. suppressed
  1489. surface
  1490. swap_columns
  1491. swap_entries
  1492. swap_rows
  1493. switch
  1494. switch is
  1495. switch only has effect when the
  1496. switches
  1497. symbol
  1498. symbolic
  1499. symbols
  1500. symmetr
  1501. symmetric
  1502. syntax
  1503. syntax:
  1504. system
  1505. system.
  1506. systems
  1507. taken
  1508. takes
  1509. tangent
  1510. taylor
  1511. taylor(e^(x^2+y^2),x,0,4,y,0,4);
  1512. taylor(exp(x),x,0,2);
  1513. taylorautoexpand
  1514. taylorcombine
  1515. taylorcombine(hugo + x);
  1516. taylorkeeporiginal
  1517. taylororiginal
  1518. taylorprint
  1519. taylorrevert
  1520. taylorseriesp
  1521. taylortemplate
  1522. taylortostandard
  1523. techniques
  1524. term
  1525. term order
  1526. terminal
  1527. terminat
  1528. terminate
  1529. terms
  1530. than
  1531. that
  1532. the
  1533. their
  1534. them
  1535. them.
  1536. themselves
  1537. then
  1538. then rederr "Choose nonneg. integer only"
  1539. there
  1540. therefore
  1541. these
  1542. they
  1543. third
  1544. this
  1545. those
  1546. though
  1547. three
  1548. tilde
  1549. time
  1550. time,
  1551. times
  1552. to be the inverse of
  1553. to carry out these operations.
  1554. toeplitz
  1555. together
  1556. top-level
  1557. torder
  1558. torder_compile
  1559. total
  1560. trace
  1561. trallfac
  1562. transform
  1563. transformations
  1564. trgroeb
  1565. trigonometric
  1566. true
  1567. true.
  1568. truncat
  1569. truth
  1570. turn
  1571. turned
  1572. turning
  1573. two
  1574. type
  1575. unary
  1576. unchanged.
  1577. under
  1578. unique
  1579. univariate
  1580. unless
  1581. unless the switch
  1582. until
  1583. upper
  1584. use
  1585. used
  1586. used,
  1587. used.
  1588. useful
  1589. user
  1590. uses
  1591. using
  1592. usual
  1593. usually
  1594. valid
  1595. value
  1596. value,
  1597. value.
  1598. values
  1599. values,
  1600. values.
  1601. vandermonde
  1602. variable
  1603. variable.
  1604. variables
  1605. variables,
  1606. variables.
  1607. various
  1608. vector
  1609. vector aa,bb,cc;
  1610. vectors
  1611. want
  1612. warning
  1613. was
  1614. weight
  1615. weighted
  1616. weighted term order
  1617. weights
  1618. well
  1619. when
  1620. where
  1621. where <
  1622. where <bas> is a
  1623. where <p> is a polynomial or a list of polynomials.
  1624. where <p> is a univariate polynomial
  1625. where <p> is an expression,
  1626. where <var> is a variable (a <kernel> without subscript) and <rep> is an expression which contains <var>. Here
  1627. whether
  1628. which
  1629. which is equivalent to
  1630. while
  1631. will
  1632. wish
  1633. with
  1634. within
  1635. without
  1636. words
  1637. workspace
  1638. would
  1639. write
  1640. written
  1641. ws;
  1642. wtlevel
  1643. x + x*y**3 + x**2*cos(z);
  1644. x**5 + x**2 + 18 + sqrt(y);
  1645. you
  1646. your
  1647. zero
  1648. zero.
  1649. zeros
  1650. {,<expression>}
  1651. {,<identifier>}
  1652. {,<kernel>
  1653. {,<vector-
  1654. {1,2,
  1655. {2.27985615996629, 2.27985615996629,
  1656. {2x + y,4x + 2y}
  1657. {3,7,15,1,292,1,1,1,2,1}
  1658. {7x + 15y - z,x - y - z}
  1659. {<exp>, ...
  1660. {<exp>,...}
  1661. {<exp>,<exp>,...
  1662. {A,B,C,D}
  1663. {AA,BB,CC}
  1664. {Return}
  1665. {X= -
  1666. {X=2*ARBINT(1)*PI - ASIN(1) - 3,
  1667. {a,b,c,d}
  1668. {aa,bb,cc}
  1669. {cos(~x)*cos(~y) => (cos(x+y)+cos(x-y))/2,
  1670. {exp1, exp2, ... , expm}
  1671. {x,y,z}
  1672. {x,y}
  1673. {x=sqrt(3),x= - sqrt(3)}