1. Date: Fri, 5 Nov 93 16:15:43 +0100
  2. From: melenk@sc.ZIB-Berlin.DE (Herbert Melenk)
  3. Subject: help milestone
  4. Finally I'm done with the help material. It took me much longer
  5. as originally expected, but I think that the result justifies
  6. the effort. Please pick up the following data sets:
  7. 408064: /silo/herbert/redhelp/redref/helptar.Z these are the .tex files
  8. 230217 /silo/herbert/redhelp/redref.hlp.Z the windows binary help file
  9. 325179 /silo/herbert/redhelp/txt/txttar.Z the bare ascii documents
  10. thanks to Rainer.
  11. If you want to have a look at the hypertext connections
  12. as implemented in the windows help file:
  13. - uncompress under unix
  14. - move the .hlp file to a DOS-Windows (or NT) machine
  15. - do one of
  16. (1) double click it with the windows file manager,
  17. (2) (NT only) enter the command line
  18. winhelp redref.hlp
  19. (3) install an icon with title
  20. REDUCE reference
  21. and command line
  22. winhelp <dir>\redref.hlp
  23. where <dir> is the path,
  24. and then double click the yellow question mark.
  25. Mode (3) allows one to have the book as on line document available
  26. independent of a reduce session. That is how Microsoft deliver deliver
  27. their system documentation.
  28. Please have also a look at the index which I have built
  29. partially automatically, partially by inserting lots of
  30. \index statements. E.g.
  31. push the Search button
  32. and then enter
  33. polynomial (or any other central item)
  34. as search item.
  35. ================================================================
  36. When working on the material I first had started to keep track
  37. of any modification, but I gave that up rather soon.
  38. I have modified several formats - latex accepts the object still,
  39. bit I didn't look at the dvi output. 330 is too much for printing
  40. anyway.
  41. General remarks regarding the information:
  42. In some places I have modified the REDUCE kernel material substantially.
  43. I am sure that you will find better words for these points - I am happy
  44. with *any* improvement. I ran spell on the data sets, but that does not
  45. find bad grammar or wrong words.
  46. Substantial points are:
  47. SOLVE+its sub-operators and switches
  50. RULE (new type)
  53. BLOCK
  54. TRUE
  55. ======================================================
  56. some details:
  57. ---------------------------------------------------------
  58. numeric.tex
  59. I don't like the heading of this chapter, as most of the
  60. operators described here are more general than just
  61. numeric. How about "Arithmetic Operators?"
  62. ---------------------------------------------------------
  64. remainder(sin(2*x),x*y); & SIN(2*X)
  65. \end{Examples}
  66. \begin{Comments}
  67. If the first argument to \name{remainder} is not a polynomial, an error
  68. occurs.
  69. > Here the example and the comment contradict each other
  70. > sin(2*x) is *not* a polynomial
  71. >>>> not repaired (I have no idea what to write here)
  72. --------------------------------------------------------
  73. boolean.tex
  74. I have introduced a node which explains the meaning
  75. of "true". This also could be a member of a "glossary".
  76. The description of NOT
  77. \meta{logical expression} must evaluate to {\it true} or {\it nil}.
  78. is too restrictive. I have deleted this line.
  79. ----------------------------------------------------------
  80. command.tex
  81. not very important, but is WS a command? I would prefer
  82. an operator because its main purpose is to deliver a value.
  83. ----------------------------------------------------------
  84. algebra.tex
  85. RESULTANT: please have a look at the TEX-parts: I think that
  86. the 2nd polynomial should have a different degree (namely m
  87. as in the INFO parts).
  88. SOLVE: You sell SOLVE below its facilities. According to the
  89. original description the following examples would fail:
  90. 8: solve({x+y=1,x+2y=2,2x+3y=3},{x,y});
  91. {{x=0,y=1}}
  92. 9: solve({x+y+z=1,x-y-z=1},{x,y,z});
  93. {{x=1,y= - arbcomplex(4),z=arbcomplex(4)}}
  94. Fortunately they don't! I have commented these restrictions
  95. in the description.
  96. --------------------------------------------------------
  97. switch.tex
  99. The \nameref{factorize} command does not accept
  100. polynomials with rational coefficients.
  101. > this is not true! I have commented this lines.
  103. This switch seems to have no effect at all. At least the
  104. example doesn't work. Is that a bug in solve or should
  105. we remove this switch??
  106. =============================================================
  107. matrix.tex
  108. Cofactor had a completely different syntax style
  109. =============================================================
  110. library.tex : upgraded from the current manual
  111. ======== EOF ===============================================