1. Program "xCOLOR". User's Manual.
  2. --------------------------------
  3. A.Kryukov
  4. Institute for Nuclear Physics
  5. Moscow State University
  6. 119899, Moscow, RUSSIA
  7. E-mail: kryukov@npi.msu.su
  8. Phone/Fax: (095) 939-0397
  9. Abstract
  10. Program "xCOLOR" is intended for calculation the colour
  11. factor in non-abelian gauge field theories. It is
  12. realized Cvitanovich algorithm [1]. In comparision with
  13. "COLOR" program [2] it was made many improvements. The
  14. package was writen by symbolic mode. This version is
  15. faster then [2] more then 10 times.
  16. After load the program by the following command
  17. load xcolor;
  18. user can be able to use the next additional commands and operators.
  19. Command SUdim.
  20. --------------
  21. Format: SUdim <any expression>;
  22. Set the order of SU group.
  23. The default value is 3, i.e. SU(3).
  24. Command SpTT.
  25. -------------
  26. Format: SpTT <any expression>;
  27. Set the normalization coefficient A: Sp(TiTj) = A*Delta(i,j).
  28. Default value is 1/2.
  29. Operator QG.
  30. ------------
  31. Format: QG(inQuark,outQuark,Gluon)
  32. Describe the quark-gluon vertex. Parameters may be any identifiers.
  33. First and second of then must be in- and out- quarks correspondently.
  34. Third one is a gluon.
  35. Operator G3.
  36. ------------
  37. Format: G3(Gluon1,Gluon2,Gluon3)
  38. Describe the three-gluon vertex. Parameters may be any identifiers.
  39. The order of gluons must be clock.
  40. In terms of QG and G3 operators you input diagram in "color" space as
  41. a product of these operators. For example.
  42. Diagram: REDUCE expression:
  43. e1
  44. ---->---
  45. / \
  46. | e2 |
  47. v1*..........*v2 <===> QG(e3,e1,e2)*QG(e1,e3,e2)
  48. | |
  49. \ e3 /
  50. ----<---
  51. Here: --->--- quark
  52. ....... gluon
  53. More detail see [2].
  54. References.
  55. -----------
  56. [1] P.Cvitanovic, Phys. Rev. D14(1976), p.1536.
  57. [2] A.Kryukov & A.Rodionov, Comp. Phys. Comm., 48(1988), pp.327-334.
  58. Any remarks send to
  59. A.Kryukov
  60. Institute for Nuclear Physics
  61. Moscow State University
  62. 119899, Moscow, RUSSIA
  63. E-mail: kryukov@npi.msu.su
  64. Phone/Fax: (095) 939-0397
  65. Good luck!