1. @ARTICLE{Fillebrown:92,
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  3. TITLE = "Faster Computation of Bernoulli Numbers",
  4. JOURNAL = "Journal of Algorithms",
  5. YEAR = 1992, VOLUME = 13, PAGES = "431-445"}
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  7. EDITOR = "Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun",
  8. TITLE = "Handbook of Mathematical Functions",
  9. PUBLISHER = "Dover Publications, New York",
  10. YEAR = 1972}
  11. @ARTICLE{Koepf:92,
  12. AUTHOR = "Wolfram Koepf",
  13. TITLE = "Power Series in Computer Algebra",
  14. JOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  15. YEAR = 1992, VOLUME = 13, PAGES = "581-603"}
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  17. AUTHOR = "Carl M. Bender and Steven A. Orszag",
  18. TITLE = "Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers",
  19. PUBLISHER = "McGraw-Hill",
  20. YEAR = 1978}
  21. @BOOK{Landolt:68,
  22. AUTHOR = "Landolt-Boernstein",
  23. TITLE = "Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Naturwissenschaften und Technik",
  24. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  25. YEAR = 1968}
  26. @BOOK{Edmonds:57,
  27. AUTHOR = "A. R. Edmonds",
  28. TITLE = "Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics",
  29. PUBLISHER = "Princeton University Press",
  30. YEAR = 1957}
  31. @BOOK{Khinchin:64,
  32. AUTHOR = "Aleksandr J. Khinchin",
  33. TITLE = "Continued Fractions",
  34. PUBLISHER = "University of Chicago Press",
  35. YEAR = 1964}
  36. @BOOK{Corless:92,
  37. AUTHOR = "R.M. Corless, G.H. Gonnet, D.E.G. Hare and D.J. Jeffrey",
  38. TITLE = "On Lambert's W Function",
  39. PUBLISHER = "Preprint, University of Waterloo",
  40. YEAR = 1992}