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- \begin{document}
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- \begin{center}
- {\large \bf INVBASE: A Package for Computing Involutive Bases}
- \vskip 0.7cm
- \noindent
- A.Yu.Zharkov, Yu.A.Blinkov\\
- Saratov University\\
- Astrakhanskaya 83\\
- 410071 Saratov\\
- Russia\\
- Email: postmaster@scnit.saratov.su\\
- \end{center}
- \vspace{0.3cm}
- \vskip 0.5cm
- \section{Introduction}
- Involutive bases are a new tool for solving problems in connection with
- multivariate polynomials, such as solving systems of polynomial equations
- and analyzing polynomial ideals, see \cite{Lille}. An involutive basis of
- polynomial ideal is nothing but a special form of a redundant Gr\"obner
- basis. The construction of involutive bases reduces the problem of solving
- polynomial systems to simple linear algebra.\\
- The INVBASE package
- \footnote{The REDUCE implementation has been supported by
- the Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin}
- calculates involutive bases of polynomial ideals
- using an algorithm described in \cite{Lille}
- which may be considered as an alternative to
- the well-known Buchberger algorithm \cite{Buch}.
- The package can be used over
- a variety of different coefficient domains, and for different variable
- and term orderings.\\
- The algorithm implemented in the INVBASE package is proved
- to be valid for any zero-dimensional ideal (finite number of solutions)
- as well as for positive-dimensional ideals in generic form. However,
- the algorithm does not terminate for ``sparse'' positive-dimensional systems.
- In order to stop the process we use the maximum degree
- bound for the Gr\"obner bases of generic ideals in the total-degree
- term ordering established in \cite{Laz}.
- In this case, it is reasonable
- to call the GROEBNER package with the answer of INVBASE as input
- information in order to compute the reduced Gr\"obner basis under the
- same variable and term ordering.\\
- Though the INVBASE package supports computing involutive bases in any
- admissible term ordering,
- it is reasonable to compute them only for the total-degree term
- orderings. The package includes a special algorithm for conversion
- of total-degree involutive bases into the triangular bases
- in the lexicographical term ordering that is desirable for
- finding solutions. Normally the sum of timings for these two
- computations is much less than the timing for direct computation
- of the lexicographical involutive bases. As a rule, the result
- of the conversion algorithm is a reduced Gr\"obner basis in the
- lexicographical term ordering. However, because of some gaps in
- the current version of the algorithm,
- there may be rare situations when the resulting triangular set
- does not possess the formal property of Gr\"obner bases.
- Anyway, we recommend using the GROEBNER package with the result
- of the conversion algorithm as input in order either to check
- the Gr\"obner bases property or to transform the result into a
- lexicographical Gr\"obner basis.
- \section{The Basic Operators}
- \subsection{Term Ordering}
- The following term order modes are available:
- These modes have the same meaning as for the GROEBNER package.\\
- All orderings are based on an ordering among the variables.
- For each pair of variables an order relation $>$ must be defined,
- e.g. $x>y$. The term ordering mode as well as the order of variables
- are set by the operator
- $$ INVTORDER\,<mode>,\{x_1,...,x_n\} $$
- where $<mode>$ is one of the term order modes listed above.
- The notion of $\{x_1,...,x_n\}$ as a list of variables
- at the same time means $x_1>...>x_n$.
- \vskip 0.1cm
- \noindent
- {\bf Example 1.}
- $$ INVTORDER\>\,REVGRADLEX,\{x,y,z\} $$
- sets the reverse graduated term ordering based on the variable
- order $x>y>z$.\\
- The operator $INVTORDER$ may be omitted. The default term order mode
- is $REV\-GRADLEX$ and the default decreasing variable order is
- alphabetical (or, more generally, the default REDUCE kernel order).
- Furthermore, the list of variables in the $INVTORDER$ may be omitted.
- In this case the default variable order is used.
- \subsection{Computing Involutive Bases}
- To compute the involutive basis of ideal generated by the set of
- polynomials $\{p_1,...,p_m\}$ one should type the command
- $$ INVBASE \> \{p_1,...,p_m\} $$
- where $p_i$ are polynomials in variables listed in the
- $INVTORDER$ operator. If some kernels in $p_i$ were not listed
- previously in the $INVTORDER$ operator they are considered as
- parameters, i.e. they are considered part of the coefficients of
- polynomials. If $INVTORDER$ was omitted, all the kernels
- in $p_i$ are considered as variables with the default REDUCE
- kernel order.\\
- The coefficients of polynomials $p_i$ may be integers as well as
- rational numbers (or, accordingly, polynomials and rational functions
- in the parametric case). The computations modulo prime numbers are
- also available. For this purpose one should type the REDUCE commands
- $$ ON \> MODULAR;\> SETMOD \> p; $$
- where $p$ is a prime number.\\
- The value of the $INVBASE$ function is a list of integer polynomials
- $\{g_1,...,g_n\}$ representing an involutive basis of a given ideal.\\
- \newpage
- \noindent
- {\bf Example 2.}
- \begin{eqnarray*}
- & & INVTORDER \> REVGRADLEX,\{x,y,z\}; \\
- & & g:= INVBASE \> \{4*x**2 + x*y**2 - z + 1/4,\>
- 2*x + y**2*z + 1/2,\> \\
- & & x**2*z - 1/2*x - y**2 \};
- \end{eqnarray*}
- The resulting involutive basis in the reverse graduate ordering is
- \begin{eqnarray*}
- g := \{& & 8*x*y*z^3 - 2*x*y*z^2 + 4*y^3 - \\
- & & 4*y*z^2 + 16*x*y + 17*y*z - 4*y,\\
- & & 8*y^4 - 8*x*z^2 - 256*y^2 + 2*x*z + 64*z^2 - 96*x + 20*z - 9,\\
- & & 2*y^3*z + 4*x*y + y,\\
- & & 8*x*z^3 - 2*x*z^2 + 4*y^2 - 4*z^2 + 16*x + 17*z - 4,\\
- & & - 4*y*z^3 - 8*y^3 + 6*x*y*z + y*z^2 - 36*x*y - 8*y,\\
- & & 4*x*y^2 + 32*y^2 - 8*z^2 + 12*x - 2*z + 1,\\
- & & 2*y^2*z + 4*x + 1,\\
- & & - 4*z^3 - 8*y^2 + 6*x*z + z^2 - 36*x - 8,\\
- & & 8*x^2 - 16*y^2 + 4*z^2 - 6*x - z \quad \}
- \end{eqnarray*}
- To convert it into a lexicographical Gr\"obner basis one should type
- $$ h:=INVLEX\>g; $$
- The result is
- \begin{eqnarray*}
- h :=\{& &3976*x + 37104*z^6 - 600*z^5 + 2111*z^4 + \\
- & & 122062*z^3 + 232833*z^2 - 680336*z + 288814,\\
- & & 1988*y^2 - 76752*z^6 + 1272*z^5 - 4197*z^4 - \\
- & & 251555*z^3 - 481837*z^2 + 1407741*z - 595666,\\
- & & 16*z^7 - 8*z^6 + z^5 + 52*z^4 +
- 75*z^3 - 342*z^2 + 266*z - 60 \quad \}
- \end{eqnarray*}
- In the case of ``sparse'' positive-dimensioned system
- when the involutive basis in the sense of \cite{Lille} does not exist,
- you get the error message $$ *****\> MAXIMUM \> DEGREE \> BOUND \>
- EXCEEDED $$ The resulting list of polynomials which is not an involutive
- basis is stored in the share variable INVTEMPBASIS. In this case
- it is reasonable to call the GROEBNER package with the value of
- INVTEMPBASIS as input under the same variable and term ordering.
- \begin{thebibliography}{99}
- \bibitem{Lille}
- Zharkov A.Yu., Blinkov Yu.A. Involution Approach to Solving Systems
- of Algebraic Equations. Proceedings of the IMACS '93, 1993, 11-16.
- \bibitem{Buch}
- Buchberger B. Gr\"obner bases: an Algorithmic Method in Polynomial
- Ideal Theory. In: (Bose N.K., ed.) Recent Trends in Multidimensional
- System Theory, Reidel, 1985.
- \bibitem{Laz}
- Lazard D. Gr\"obner Bases, Gaussian Elimination and Resolution of
- Systems of Algebraic Equations. Proceedings of EUROCAL '83.
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science 162, Springer 1983, 146-157.
- \end{thebibliography}
- \end{document}