1. % Bibliography entry for camal.tex.
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  3. author = "A. Barnes and J. A. Padget",
  4. title = "Univariate Power Series Expansions in {Reduce}",
  5. booktitle = "Proceedings of ISSAC'90",
  6. year = "1990",
  7. editor = "S. Watanabe and M. Nagata",
  8. pages = "82--7",
  9. organization = "ACM",
  10. publisher = "Addison-Wesley"
  11. }
  12. @Article{Barton67a,
  13. author = "D. Barton",
  14. title = "",
  15. journal = "Astronomical Journal",
  16. year = "1967",
  17. volume = "72",
  18. pages = "1281--7"
  19. }
  20. @Article{Barton67b,
  21. author = "D. Barton",
  22. title = "A scheme for manipulative algebra on a computer",
  23. journal = "Computer Journal",
  24. year = "1967",
  25. volume = "9",
  26. pages = "340--4"
  27. }
  28. @Article{Barton72,
  29. author = "D. Barton and J. P. Fitch",
  30. title = "The Application of Symbolic Algebra System to Physics",
  31. journal = "Reports on Progress in Physics",
  32. year = "1972",
  33. volume = "35",
  34. pages = "235--314"
  35. }
  36. @ARTICLE{Bourne,
  37. AUTHOR = {Stephen R. Bourne},
  38. TITLE = {Literal expressions for the co-ordinates of the moon.
  39. {I}. The first degree terms},
  40. JOURNAL = {Celestial Mechanics},
  41. VOLUME = {6},
  42. PAGES = {167--186},
  43. YEAR = {1972},
  44. GENERATED = {Mon Oct 23 19:42:01 GMT 1989 on fino}
  45. }
  46. @Book{Brown,
  47. author = "E. W. Brown",
  48. title = "An Introductory Treatise on the Lunar Theory",
  49. publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
  50. year = "1896"
  51. }
  52. @Manual{CAMALF,
  53. title = "{CAMAL} {User's} {Manual}",
  54. author = "J. P. Fitch",
  55. organization = "University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory",
  56. edition = "2nd",
  57. year = "1983"
  58. }
  59. @Book{Delaunay,
  60. author = "C. Delaunay",
  61. title = "Th\'eorie du Mouvement de la Lune",
  62. publisher = "Mallet-Bachelier",
  63. year = "1860",
  64. series = "(Extraits des M\'em. Acad. Sci.)",
  65. address = "Paris"
  66. }
  67. @Article{Fateman,
  68. author = {Richard J. Fateman},
  69. title = {On the Multiplication of Poisson Series},
  70. journal = {Celestial Mechanics},
  71. year = {1974},
  72. OPTkey = {},
  73. volume = {10},
  74. number = {2},
  75. month = {October},
  76. pages = {243--249}
  77. }
  78. @Article{Jefferys,
  79. author = "W. H. Jeffereys",
  80. title = "",
  81. journal = "Celestial Mechanics",
  82. year = "1970",
  83. volume = "2",
  84. pages = "474--80"
  85. }
  86. @Article{LectureNotes,
  87. author = "J. P. Fitch",
  88. title = "Syllabus for Algebraic Manipulation Lectures in Cambridge",
  89. journal = "SIGSAM Bulletin",
  90. year = "1975",
  91. volume = "32",
  92. pages = "15"
  93. }