tps.tex 16 KB

  1. \documentstyle[fullpage]{article}
  2. \begin{document}
  4. \author{Alan Barnes \\
  5. Dept. of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics \\
  6. Aston University, Aston Triangle, \\
  7. Birmingham B4 7ET \\
  9. e-mail: \\
  10. \\
  11. Julian Padget \\
  12. School of Mathematics, University of Bath \\
  13. Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7AY \\
  15. e-mail:}
  16. \maketitle
  17. \section*{INTRODUCTION}
  18. This package implements formal Laurent series expansions in one
  19. variable using the domain mechanism of REDUCE. This means that power
  20. series objects can be added, multiplied, differentiated etc. like other
  21. first class objects in the system. A lazy evaluation scheme is used in
  22. the package and thus terms of the series are not evaluated until they
  23. are required for printing or for use in calculating terms in other
  24. power series. The series are extendible giving the user the impression
  25. that the full infinite series is being manipulated. The errors that
  26. can sometimes occur using series that are truncated at some fixed depth
  27. (for example when a term in the required series depends on terms of an
  28. intermediate series beyond the truncation depth) are thus avoided.
  29. Below we give a brief description of the operators available in the
  30. power series package together with some examples of their use.
  31. \subsection*{PS OPERATOR}
  32. Syntax:
  33. \begin{verbatim}
  34. PS(EXPRN:algebraic,DEPVAR:kernel,ABOUT:algebraic):ps object.
  35. \end{verbatim}
  36. The {\tt PS} operator returns a power series object (a tagged domain element)
  37. representing the univariate formal power series expansion of {\tt EXPRN} with
  38. respect to the dependent variable {\tt DEPVAR} about the expansion point
  39. {\tt ABOUT}. {\tt EXPRN} may itself contain power series objects.
  40. The algebraic expression {\tt ABOUT} should simplify to an expression
  41. which is independent of the dependent variable {\tt DEPVAR}, otherwise
  42. an error will result. If {\tt ABOUT} is the identifier {\tt INFINITY}
  43. then the power series expansion about {\tt DEPVAR} = $\infty$ is
  44. obtained in ascending powers of {\tt 1/DEPVAR}.
  45. If the command is terminated by a semi-colon, a power series object
  46. representing {\tt EXPRN} is compiled and then a number of terms of the
  47. power series expansion are evaluated and printed. The expansion is
  48. carried out as far as the value specified by {\tt PSEXPLIM}. If,
  49. subsequently, the value of {\tt PSEXPLIM} is increased, sufficient
  50. information is stored in the power series object to enable the
  51. additional terms to be calculated without recalculating the terms
  52. already obtained.
  53. If the command is terminated by a dollar symbol, a power series object
  54. is compiled, but at most one term is calculated at this stage.
  55. If the function has a pole at the expansion point then the correct
  56. Laurent series expansion will be produced.
  57. \noindent The following examples are valid uses of {\tt PS}:
  58. \begin{verbatim}
  59. psexplim 6;
  60. ps(log x,x,1);
  61. ps(e**(sin x),x,0);
  62. ps(x/(1+x),x,infinity);
  63. ps(sin x/(1-cos x),x,0);
  64. \end{verbatim}
  65. New user-defined functions may be expanded provided the user provides
  66. LET rules giving
  67. \begin{enumerate}
  68. \item the value of the function at the expansion point
  69. \item a differentiation rule for the new function.
  70. \end{enumerate}
  71. \noindent For example
  72. \begin{verbatim}
  75. LET SECH 0 = 1;
  76. PS(SECH(X**2),X,0);
  77. \end{verbatim}
  78. The power series expansion of an integral may also be obtained (even if
  79. REDUCE cannot evaluate the integral in closed form). An example of
  80. this is
  81. \begin{verbatim}
  82. PS(INT(e**X/X,X),X,1);
  83. \end{verbatim}
  84. Note that if the integration variable is the same as the expansion
  85. variable then REDUCE's integration package is not called; if on the
  86. other hand the two variables are different then the integrator is
  87. called to integrate each of the coefficients in the power series
  88. expansion of the integrand. The constant of integration is zero by
  89. default. If another value is desired, then the shared variable {\tt
  90. PSINTCONST} should be set to required value.
  91. For example in algebraic mode
  92. \begin{verbatim}
  93. PSINTCONST:=A**2;
  94. \end{verbatim}
  95. would set the value of this constant to be (the value of) {\tt A**2}.
  96. The setting of this constant has no effect on the value returned by
  97. the REDUCE integrator. If the expansion and integration variables are
  98. the same and {\tt PSINTCONST} depends on this variable an error
  99. results.
  100. \subsection*{PSEXPLIM OPERATOR}
  101. Syntax:
  102. \begin{verbatim}
  103. PSEXPLIM(UPTO:integer):integer,
  104. or PSEXPLIM ():integer.
  105. \end{verbatim}
  106. Calling this operator sets an internal variable of the
  107. TPS package to the value of {\tt
  108. UPTO} (which should evaluate to an integer). The value returned is
  109. the previous value of this variable. The default value is six.
  110. If {\tt PSEXPLIM} is called with no argument, the current value for
  111. the expansion limit is returned.
  112. \subsection*{PSORDLIM OPERATOR}
  113. Syntax:
  114. \begin{verbatim}
  115. PSORDLIM(UPTO:integer):integer,
  116. or PSORDLIM ():integer.
  117. \end{verbatim}
  118. An internal variable is set to the value of {\tt UPTO} (which should
  119. evaluate to an integer). The value returned is the previous value of
  120. the variable. The default value is 15.
  121. If {\tt PSORDLIM} is called with no argument, the current value is
  122. returned.
  123. The significance of this control is that the system attempts to find
  124. the order of the power series required, that is the order is the
  125. degree of the first non-zero term in the power series. If the order
  126. is greater than the value of this variable an error message is given
  127. and the computation aborts. This prevents infinite loops in examples
  128. such as
  129. \begin{verbatim}
  130. PS(1 - (sin x)**2 - (cos x)**2,x,0);
  131. \end{verbatim}
  132. where the expression being expanded is identically zero, but is not
  133. recognized as such by REDUCE.
  134. \subsection*{PSTERM OPERATOR}
  135. Syntax:
  136. \begin{verbatim}
  137. PSTERM(TPS:power series object,NTH: integer):algebraic
  138. \end{verbatim}
  139. The operator {\tt PSTERM} returns the {\tt NTH} term of the existing
  140. power series object {\tt TPS}. If {\tt NTH} does not evaluate to
  141. an integer or {\tt TPS} to a power series object an error results. It
  142. should be noted that an integer is treated as a power series.
  143. \subsection*{PSORDER OPERATOR}
  144. Syntax:
  145. \begin{verbatim}
  146. PSORDER(TPS:power series object):integer
  147. \end{verbatim}
  148. The operator {\tt PSORDER} returns the order, that is the degree of
  149. the first non-zero term, of the power series object {\tt TPS}. {\tt
  150. TPS} should evaluate to a power series object or an error results. If
  151. {\tt TPS} is zero, the identifier {\tt UNDEFINED} is returned.
  152. \subsection*{PSSETORDER OPERATOR}
  153. Syntax:
  154. \begin{verbatim}
  155. PSSETORDER(TPS:power series object,ORD:integer):integer
  156. \end{verbatim}
  157. The operator {\tt PSSETORDER} sets the order of the power series {\tt
  158. TPS} to the value {\tt ORD}, which should evaluate to an integer. If
  159. {\tt TPS} does not evaluate to a power series object, then an error
  160. occurs. The value returned by this operator is the previous order of
  161. {\tt TPS}, or 0 if the order of {\tt TPS} was undefined. This
  162. operator is useful for setting the order of the power series of a
  163. function defined by a differential equation in cases where the power
  164. series package is inadequate to determine the order automatically.
  165. \subsection*{PSDEPVAR OPERATOR}
  166. Syntax:
  167. \begin{verbatim}
  168. PSDEPVAR(TPS:power series object):identifier
  169. \end{verbatim}
  170. The operator {\tt PSDEPVAR} returns the expansion variable of the
  171. power series object {\tt TPS}. {\tt TPS} should evaluate to a power
  172. series object or an integer, otherwise an error results. If {\tt TPS}
  173. is an integer, the identifier {\tt UNDEFINED} is returned.
  174. \subsection*{PSEXPANSIONPT OPERATOR}
  175. Syntax:
  176. \begin{verbatim}
  177. PSEXPANSIONPT(TPS:power series object):algebraic
  178. \end{verbatim}
  179. The operator {\tt PSEXPANSIONPT} returns the expansion point of the
  180. power series object {\tt TPS}. {\tt TPS} should evaluate to a power
  181. series object or an integer, otherwise an error results. If {\tt TPS}
  182. is integer, the identifier {\tt UNDEFINED} is returned. If the
  183. expansion is about infinity, the identifier {\tt INFINITY} is
  184. returned.
  185. \subsection*{PSFUNCTION OPERATOR}
  186. Syntax:
  187. \begin{verbatim}
  188. PSFUNCTION(TPS:power series object):algebraic
  189. \end{verbatim}
  190. The operator {\tt PSFUNCTION} returns the function whose expansion
  191. gave rise to the power series object {\tt TPS}. {\tt TPS} should
  192. evaluate to a power series object or an integer, otherwise an error
  193. results.
  194. \subsection*{PSCHANGEVAR OPERATOR}
  195. Syntax:
  196. \begin{verbatim}
  197. PSCHANGEVAR(TPS:power series object,X:kernel):power series object
  198. \end{verbatim}
  199. The operator {\tt PSCHANGEVAR} changes the dependent variable of the
  200. power series object {\tt TPS} to the variable {\tt X}. {\tt TPS}
  201. should evaluate to a power series object and {\tt X} to a kernel,
  202. otherwise an error results. Also {\tt X} should not appear as a
  203. parameter in {\tt TPS}. The power series with the new dependent
  204. variable is returned.
  205. \subsection*{PSREVERSE OPERATOR}
  206. Syntax:
  207. \begin{verbatim}
  208. PSREVERSE(TPS:power series object):power series
  209. \end{verbatim}
  210. Power series reversion. The power series {\tt TPS} is functionally
  211. inverted. Four cases arise:
  212. \begin{enumerate}
  213. \item if the order of the series is 1, then the expansion point of the
  214. inverted series is 0.
  215. \item if the order is 0 {\em and} if the first order term in {\tt TPS}
  216. is non-zero, then the expansion point of the inverted series is taken
  217. to be the coefficient of the zeroth order term in {\tt TPS}.
  218. \item if the order is -1 the expansion point of the inverted series
  219. is the point at infinity. In all other cases a REDUCE error is
  220. reported because the series cannot be inverted as a power series. Puiseux
  221. expansion would be required to handle these cases.
  222. \item If the expansion point of {\tt TPS} is finite it becomes the
  223. zeroth order term in the inverted series. For expansion about 0 or the
  224. point at infinity the order of the inverted series is one.
  225. \end{enumerate}
  226. If {\tt TPS} is not a power series object after evaluation an error results.
  227. \noindent Here are some examples:
  228. \begin{verbatim}
  229. PS(sin x,x,0);
  230. PSREVERSE(ws); % produces the series for asin x about x=0.
  231. PS(exp x,x,0);
  232. PSREVERSE ws; % produces the series for log x about x=1.
  233. PS(sin(1/x),x,infinity);
  234. PSREVERSE(ws); % produces the series for 1/asin(x) about x=0.
  235. \end{verbatim}
  236. \subsection*{PSCOMPOSE OPERATOR}
  237. Syntax:
  238. \begin{verbatim}
  239. PSCOMPOSE(TPS1:power series,TPS2:power series):power series
  240. \end{verbatim}
  241. Power Series Composition.
  242. The power series {\tt TPS1} and {\tt TPS2} are functionally composed.
  243. That is to say that {\tt TPS2} is substituted for the expansion
  244. variable in {\tt TPS1} and the result expressed as a power series. The
  245. dependent variable and expansion point of the result coincide with
  246. those of {\tt TPS2}. The following conditions apply to power series
  247. composition:
  248. \begin{enumerate}
  249. \item If the expansion point of {\tt TPS1} is 0 then the order of the
  250. {\tt TPS2} must be at least 1.
  251. \item If the expansion point of {\tt TPS1} is finite, it should
  252. coincide with the coefficient of the zeroth order term in {\tt TPS2}.
  253. The order of {\tt TPS2} should also be non-negative in this case.
  254. \item If the expansion point of {\tt TPS1} is the point at infinity
  255. then the order of {\tt TPS2} must be less than or equal to -1.
  256. \end{enumerate}
  257. If these conditions do not hold the series cannot be composed (with
  258. the current algorithm terms of the inverted series would involve
  259. infinite sums) and a REDUCE error occurs.
  260. \noindent Examples of power series composition include the following.
  261. \begin{verbatim}
  262. A:=PS(exp y,y,0); B:=PS(sin x,x,0);
  263. PSCOMPOSE(A,B);
  264. % produces the power series expansion of exp(sin x) about x=0.
  265. A:=PS(exp z,z,1); B:=PS(cos x,x,0);
  266. PSCOMPOSE(A,B);
  267. % produces the power series expansion of exp(cos x) about x=0.
  268. A:=PS(cos(1/x),x,infinity); B:=ps(1/sin x,x,0);
  269. PSCOMPOSE(A,B);
  270. % produces the power series expansion of cos(sin x) about x=0.
  271. \end{verbatim}
  272. \subsection*{PSSUM OPERATOR}
  273. Syntax:
  274. \begin{verbatim}
  275. PSSUM(J:kernel = LOWLIM:integer, COEFF: algebraic, X: kernel,
  276. ABOUT: algebraic; POWER: algebraic):power series
  277. \end{verbatim}
  278. The formal power series sum for {\tt J} from {\tt LOWLIM} to {\tt INFINITY} of
  279. \begin{verbatim}
  281. \end{verbatim}
  282. or if {\tt ABOUT} is given as {\tt INFINITY}
  283. \begin{verbatim}
  284. COEFF*(1/X)**POWER
  285. \end{verbatim}
  286. is constructed and returned. This enables power series whose general
  287. term is known to be constructed and manipulated using the other
  288. procedures of the power series package.
  289. {\tt J} and {\tt X} should be distinct simple kernels. The algebraics
  290. {\tt ABOUT}, {\tt COEFF} and {\tt POWER} should not depend on the
  291. expansion variable {\tt X}, similarly the algebraic {\tt ABOUT} should
  292. not depend on the summation variable {\tt J}. The algebraic {\tt
  293. POWER} should be a strictly increasing integer valued function of {\tt
  294. J} for {\tt J} in the range {\tt LOWLIM} to {\tt INFINITY}.
  295. \begin{verbatim}
  296. PSSUM(N=0,1,x,0,N*N);
  297. % produces the power series summation for n=0 to infinity of x**(n*n)
  298. PSSUM(m=1,(-1)**(m-1)/(2m-1),y,1,2m-1);
  299. % produces the power series expansion of atan(y-1) about y=1
  300. PSSUM(j=1,-1/j,x,infinity,j);
  301. % produces the power series expansion of log(1-1/x) about the point at
  302. % infinity
  303. PSSUM(n=0,1,x,0,2n**2+3n) + PSSUM(n=1,1,x,0,2n**2-3n);
  304. % produces the power series summation for n=-infinity to +infinity of
  305. % x**(2n**2+3n)
  306. \end{verbatim}
  307. \subsection*{ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS}
  308. As power series objects are domain elements they may be combined
  309. together in algebraic expressions in algebraic mode of REDUCE in the
  310. normal way.
  311. For example if {\tt A} and {\tt B} are power
  312. series objects then the commands such as:
  313. \begin{verbatim}
  314. A*B;
  315. A**2+B**2;
  316. \end{verbatim}
  317. will produce power series objects representing the product and the sum
  318. of the squares of the power series objects {\tt A} and {\tt B}
  319. respectively.
  320. \subsection*{DIFFERENTIATION}
  321. If {\tt A} is a power series object depending on {\tt X} then the input
  322. {\tt DF(A,X)}; will produce the power series expansion of the derivative
  323. of {\tt A} with respect to {\tt X}.
  324. \section*{Restrictions and Known Bugs}
  325. If {\tt A} and {\tt B} are power series objects and {\tt X} is a variable
  326. which evaluates to itself then currently expressions such as {\tt A/B} and
  327. {\tt A*X} do not evaluate to a single power series object (although the
  328. results are in each case formally valid). Instead use {\tt PS(A/B,X,0)}
  329. and {\tt PS(A*X,X,0)} {\em etc.}. The failure of the system to simplify
  330. quotients to a single power series is due to an infelicity in the REDUCE
  331. simplifier which will be corrected in future releases of REDUCE.
  332. Similarly expressions such as {\tt sin(A)} where {\tt A} is a PS object
  333. currently will not be expanded.
  334. {\em e.g.}
  335. \begin{verbatim}
  336. A:=PS(1/(1+X),X,0);
  337. B:=sin (A);
  338. \end{verbatim}
  339. will not expand {\tt sin(1/(1+x))} as a power series . In fact
  340. \begin{verbatim}
  341. sin(1 - x + x**2 - x**3 + .....)
  342. \end{verbatim}
  343. will be returned. However,
  344. \begin{verbatim}
  345. B:=PS(SIN(A),X,0);
  346. \end{verbatim}
  347. or
  348. \begin{verbatim}
  349. B:=PS(SIN(1/(1+X)),X,0);
  350. \end{verbatim}
  351. should work as intended.
  352. The handling of functions with essential singularities is currently
  353. erratic: usually an error message Essential Singularity or Logarithmic
  354. Singularity occurs but occasionally a division by zero error or some
  355. drastic error like (for PSL) binding stack overflow may occur.
  356. Mixed mode arithmetic of power series objects with other domain
  357. elements is quite restricted: only integers and floats can currently
  358. be converted to power series objects.
  359. The printing of power series currently leaves something to be
  360. desired: often line-breaks appear in the middle of terms.
  361. There is no simple way to write the results of power series
  362. calculation to a file and read them back into REDUCE at a later
  363. stage.
  364. \end{document}