123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460 |
- \addtolength{\topmargin}{-.5cm}
- \documentstyle[11pt]{report}
- \parindent 0pt
- \parskip 6pt
- \pagestyle{empty}
- \setlength{\topsep}{0.5\baselineskip} % above and below environments
- \setlength{\itemsep}{\topsep}
- \setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{\topsep} % for "long" equations
- \setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{\topsep}
- \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3}
- \renewcommand{\thechapter}{\arabic{chapter}}
- \renewcommand{\thesection}{\arabic{section}.}
- \renewcommand{\thesubsection}{\arabic{subsection}.}
- \newcommand{\REDUCE}{REDUCE}
- % The following are version dependent.
- \newcommand{\zibnumber}{2.013.04}
- \newcommand{\system}{Digital Equipment DECstation}
- \newcommand{\programsize}{3.5} % megabytes
- \newcommand{\virtualsize}{128} % megabytes
- \newcommand{\timingmachine}{DECstation 3100}
- \newcommand{\machinefactors}{DECstation 5100 &0.6
- \\ DECstation 5800 &1.0}
- \newcommand{\cartridgecommand}{tar xb 126}
- \newcommand{\tapespace}{22} % megabytes
- \newcommand{\createtime}{11} % seconds
- \newcommand{\executablespace}{4.3} % megabytes
- \newcommand{\testtime}{4.9} % seconds
- \newcommand{\floatingpointdigits}{12}
- \begin{document}
- \begin{titlepage}
- \samepage
- %\vspace*{1cm}
- \begin{center}
- \begin{minipage}{10cm}
- \begin{center}
- {\LARGE {\bf REDUCE} Installation Guide for the} \vspace*{2mm} \\
- {\LARGE {\system} Workstations} \\[0.3cm]
- {\LARGE Version 3.4} \\[0.3cm]
- {\large by} \\[0.3cm]
- {\Large Anthony C. Hearn}\\
- {\large RAND} \\
- {\large Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138 USA} \\[0.3cm]
- {\large and} \\[0.3cm]
- {\Large Winfried Neun}\\
- {\large ZIB} \\
- {\large 1000 Berlin 31, FRG} \\[0.3cm]
- {\large July 1991}\\[0.5cm]
- \vfill
- {\bf Abstract}
- \end{center}
- \end{minipage}
- \end{center}
- This guide describes the {\REDUCE} distribution tape and procedures for
- installing, testing and maintaining {\REDUCE} for the {\system} workstation.
- \begin{center}
- {ZIB Publication M 2.011.04} \\*[1cm]
- Copyright \copyright 1991 by RAND and ZIB. All rights reserved.
- \end{center}
- \nopagebreak
- Registered system holders may reproduce all or any part of this
- publication for internal purposes, provided that the source of the
- material is clearly acknowledged, and the copyright notice is retained.
- \end{titlepage}
- \newpage
- \tableofcontents
- \thispagestyle{empty}
- \newpage
- \setcounter{page}{1}
- \pagestyle{plain}
- \section{Introduction}
- This guide describes the {\REDUCE} distribution tape and procedures for
- installing, testing and maintaining {\REDUCE} on {\system} workstation.
- {\REDUCE} is based on Standard Lisp, and this version requires the
- availability of Portable Standard Lisp (PSL), version 3.4 or later. The
- PSL files necessary to run {\REDUCE} are included on the system tape. This
- is not however a complete PSL system and in particular does not include
- PSL sources. A complete PSL, if needed, is available separately from the
- Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum by contacting:
- \begin{center}
- Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum f\"ur Informationstechnik Berlin \\
- - Symbolik - \\
- Heilbronner Str. 10 \\
- 1000 Berlin 31 \\
- Federal Republic of Germany \\
- Telephone: (+49) 30 89604 195 \\
- Electronic Mail: melenk@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de \\
- or: melenk@sc.ZIB-Berlin.de (Internet) \\
- Facsimile: (+49) 30 89604 125.
- \end{center}
- The distributed version of {\REDUCE} requires approximately {\programsize}
- megabytes for the program alone without taking into account workspace
- requirements. It takes its default execution size from the underlying PSL
- system, which is approximately {\virtualsize}
- megabytes, and can be enlarged at runtime (see REDUCE User's Guide).
- The job times given in this guide are for a {\timingmachine}.
- The following approximate adjustment factors for other machines
- have been found to apply:
- \begin{center}
- \begin{tabular}{ll}
- \machinefactors
- \end{tabular}
- \end{center}
- \newpage
- \section{Description of the {\REDUCE} Distribution Tape}
- The distribution tape is in {\tt tar} format, and was written from the
- {\REDUCE} root directory. The files are organized in sub-directories,
- where the sub-directory name describes the contents of the directory,
- e.g., ./reduce.rootdir/doc. The names and contents of these
- sub-directories are:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item[{\bf doc}] {\REDUCE} documents, including descriptions of all user
- contributed
- packages and the following:
- \begin{center}
- \begin{tabular}{rl}
- reduce.tex & {\REDUCE} User's Manual in \LaTeX\ format \\
- install.tex & Installation instructions in \LaTeX\ format \\
- oper.tex & System specific operation notes in \LaTeX\ format \\
- sl.doc & Standard LISP Report in plain text format.
- % bugs33.doc & Known bugs and problems in REDUCE 3.3.
- \end{tabular}
- \end{center}
- \item [{\bf fasl} ] Binary versions of sources for fast loading {\REDUCE}
- functions
- \item [{\bf lib}] {\REDUCE} user library
- \item [{\bf log} ] Depository for log files created during system building
- and testing (initially empty)
- \item [{\bf psl}] PSL binaries and related files needed to run {\REDUCE}
- \item [{\bf src}] Sources for creating {\REDUCE}, written in both PSL and
- \item [{\bf util}] Appropriate scripts for building {\REDUCE}, etc.
- \item [{\bf xlog}] ``Exemplary" log files for comparison with your own such
- files
- \item [{\bf xmpl}] {\REDUCE} tests, demonstrations and the interactive
- lessons.
- \end{enumerate}
- \section{Installing {\REDUCE}}
- The following description assumes that {\tt csh} is used as the command shell.
- If a different shell is used, please change the commands accordingly.
- To install {\REDUCE}, you need to create a directory for the {\REDUCE} file
- system. This is identified as ``\$reduce" from now on. It is assumed
- that you have write access to this directory. Connect to this directory,
- mount the tape and type for a 1/2" tape
- \begin{center}
- \begin{tabbing}
- and for cartridge tape xxx \= tar x \kill
- \> tar x \\
- and for a cartridge tape \\
- \> {\cartridgecommand}
- \end{tabbing}
- \end{center}
- This will retrieve all files, and requires approximately {\tapespace}
- megabytes of disk space.
- Finally, please run the commands:
- \begin{center}
- \begin{tabbing}
- and for cartridge tape xxx \= tar x \kill
- \> util/sparsify psl/bpsl \\
- and \\
- \> util/sparsify reduce \\
- which will diminish the disk space requirements.
- \end{tabbing}
- \end{center}
- In most cases the installation of Reduce is complete after unloading the
- tape. The location of the {\REDUCE} root directory is essential for using
- {\REDUCE}. Please advise users to set the variable {\tt reduce} in their
- environment to this location. It may be useful to add a link from one of
- the standard directories for binaries (e.g. /usr/local/bin) to the reduce
- root directory. Alternatively, if you prefer not to ask users to set {\tt
- reduce}, the {\tt reduce} script in the util directory, suitably modified
- for local file conventions, could be installed in say /usr/local/bin.
- {\REDUCE} is stored in the system as a binary executable disk file
- \$reduce/reduce.
- If modifications of the default settings are requested, one can rebuild
- this file, which is on the tape, by the following commands:
- \begin{verbatim}
- setenv reduce <REDUCE root directory>
- $reduce/util/mkreduce
- \end{verbatim}
- Output from this step is logged to the file \$reduce/log/mkreduce.log.
- The mkreduce script builds a {\REDUCE} image of the size described above.
- This is usually adequate for most calculations. If you require a larger
- (or smaller) image, you should edit the mkreduce script, and modify the
- numbers in the call of bpsl. In particular, the ``td" parameter is the
- total heap and binary program space size (in bytes).
- During the building of the {\REDUCE} binary, messages saying that various
- functions have been defined, or not defined, are normal, and can therefore
- be ignored.
- \section{Printing Documents}
- The distributed documents are in the directory \$reduce/doc. The
- \LaTeX\ files need processing before they can be printed. Plain text
- files may be printed using standard UNIX utilities. They are paginated
- and formatted with standard ASCII control characters. A maximum of sixty
- print lines per page are assumed. The left margin offset must be supplied
- by the user.
- \section{Testing {\REDUCE}}
- To test the {\REDUCE} installation enter:
- \begin{verbatim}
- reduce.bindir/reduce
- in "$reduce/xmpl/reduce.tst";
- \end{verbatim}
- This requires about {\testtime} seconds on the system as described above.
- Other programs for testing the {\REDUCE} system assembly may also be found
- in the directory \$reduce/xmpl.
- \section{Running {\REDUCE} Programs}
- Once reduce.bindir in the user's search path, {\REDUCE} is simply invoked
- with its name:
- \begin{verbatim}
- reduce
- \end{verbatim}
- {\REDUCE} will respond with a banner line and then prompt for the first
- line of input:
- \begin{verbatim}
- REDUCE 3.4, 15-Jul-91 ...
- 1:
- \end{verbatim}
- Prototypical instructions for using this version of {\REDUCE}
- are available as the file \$reduce/doc/oper.tex. You should edit this to
- reflect your site-specific implementation before issuing it to users.
- System independent instructions for the use of {\REDUCE} are given in the
- {\REDUCE} User's Manual.
- \section{Working with Minimal Disk Space}
- Many of the {\REDUCE} system files are not necessary for running
- {\REDUCE}. In situations where disk space is at a premium, the following
- files may be deleted from disk:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item[--] all files in the sub-directories doc, src, util, xlog, log and xmpl,
- \item[--] the files in the sub-directory psl which are listed in the file
- cleanup.csh in this sub-directory,
- \item[--] the files alg.b, arith.b, entry.b, mathpr.b, module.b, poly.b,
- prolog.b, rend.b, and rlisp.b in the sub-directory fasl.
- \end{enumerate}
- After rebuilding or copying the files psl/bpsl and reduce, you should run
- the program {\tt util/sparsify} with the relevant filename as parameter.
- This will drastically reduce the amount of disk space used.
- Although the sub-directories doc and xmpl are not necessary, it is
- advisable to leave at least the {\REDUCE} manual, system operating
- instructions, the documents for the user packages and the {\REDUCE}
- interactive lessons on line for users.
- \section{Rebuilding REDUCE FASL Files}
- Because of its organization into independently compilable modules, the
- current {\REDUCE} system is fairly easy to maintain. If any source
- updates are necessary, they can be incorporated into the appropriate files
- using a convenient editor. Once any of the system source files have been
- updated, it is necessary to rebuild (compile) the equivalent fast loading
- modules in order to utilize the changes.
- To rebuild any of the {\REDUCE} fasl files, connect to the directory
- \$reduce and call the script:
- \begin{verbatim}
- util/mkfasl xxx
- \end{verbatim}
- where {\tt xxx} is the appropriate package name, e.g. rend to rebuild
- \$reduce/fasl/rend.b from \$reduce/src/rend.red. If any of the fasl files
- used in building the {\REDUCE} system are changed (alg, arith, entry,
- mathpr, module, poly, prolog, rend, and rlisp), the reduce binary image will
- need to be rebuilt with the script:
- \begin{verbatim}
- util/mkreduce
- \end{verbatim}
- A separate utility script \$reduce/util/build is available for completely
- rebuilding all of the {\REDUCE} fasl files. This should normally never be
- required and is included only in case the system becomes so corrupted that
- it is no longer possible to rebuild even single modules with the mkfasl
- procedure.
- \section{Maintaining {\REDUCE}}
- The {\tt util} directory includes a number of scripts that are useful for
- the ongoing maintenance of {\REDUCE}. Most of these are only of interest
- to the system maintainer, although some (such as {\tt mkslfile} and {\tt
- test}) may be of interest to the general user. Several of these scripts
- have been described earlier in this Guide. However, for completeness,
- they are all described in this section. The scripts are as follows:
- \paragraph{build}
- This is used to rebuild the complete {\REDUCE} fast-loading (fasl) file
- system from scratch. It first uses the script {\tt dbuild} to build a
- version of {\REDUCE} suitable for compiling all packages, and then uses
- the script {\tt xbuild} to create the actual fasl files.
- \paragraph{check-all}
- This can be used to check the logs generated by {\tt test-all} with the
- ``exemplary" versions found in {\tt xlog}. It produces a {\tt diff} of
- each log referenced in {\tt test-all}.
- \paragraph{dbuild}
- This is used by {\tt build} (q.v.) to build a version of {\REDUCE} suitable
- for compiling all packages.
- \paragraph{mkfasl}
- This creates a single fasl file from a package file. It is used in the
- form {\tt mkfasl <package-name> }.
- \paragraph{mkfasl2}
- This creates a single fasl file from a package file in the \$2 directory.
- It is normally used to make fasl files from the {\tt lib} directory, in
- which it is used in the form {\tt mkfasl <package-name> lib}.
- \paragraph{mkreduce}
- This has been mentioned earlier. It creates the {\REDUCE} executable from
- PSL sources and {\REDUCE} fasl files.
- \paragraph{mkslfile}
- This has also been mentioned earlier. It generates a Lisp
- equivalent of {\REDUCE} or RLISP source files.
- \paragraph{reduce}
- This is a prototypical script that can be installed, say, in /usr/local/bin,
- to set the environment variable {\tt reduce}, and call the {\REDUCE}
- executable.
- \paragraph{reduce-names}
- This file is normally used as an argument to {\tt source} to set up
- symbolic names for the {\REDUCE} sub-directories. It must be modified to
- conform to local file conventions.
- \paragraph{sparsify}
- This utility is used to remove ``dead" space from various PSL binary files
- that grow in size when copied. In addition to the executable, the source
- ({\tt sparsify.c}) and a UNIX ``man" page ({\tt sparsify.l}) are included.
- \paragraph{test}
- This can be used to run one of the test files in the {\tt xmpl} directory.
- {\tt test <file>} will run a test file, $<$file$>$.tst that does
- not require the explicit loading of a package.
- If a package must be loaded to run a test (e.g., algint), the name of
- the required package should be provided as a second argument to {\tt test}.
- \paragraph{test-all}
- This script runs all the tests contained in the xmpl directory, using the
- {\tt test} script on each one. This script takes about 45 minutes to run
- on a SPARCstation 1.
- \paragraph{testlib}
- This can be used to run the test files in the {\tt lib} directory.
- {\tt testlib <package>} will run the test file {\tt <package>.tst} in the
- {\tt lib} directory, assuming the fasl file for that package has been built.
- \paragraph{xbuild}
- This is used by {\tt build} to generate a complete set of fasl files by
- applying the {\tt mkfasl} script to each package.
- \section{Program Registration}
- After installing {\REDUCE}, please fill out the accompanying registration
- form and send to:
- \begin{center}
- Dr. Anthony C. Hearn \\
- RAND \\
- 1700 Main Street \\
- Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138 \\
- Telephone (213) 393-0411 \\
- Facsimile (213) 393-4818 \\
- Email: reduce@rand.org
- \end{center}
- This should be done so that you can be advised direct of any changes which
- are made to the system. Furthermore, the copyright statement on the
- {\REDUCE} documents requires such registration as a requirement for their
- local distribution. The test time requested on the registration form is
- the time printed by the final call of {\tt showtime} in the output from
- the test described in the section ``Testing {\REDUCE}".
- \section{Inquiries and Reporting of Errors}
- We would appreciate hearing about other bugs you encounter or
- questions you may have regarding the assembly or the operation of the system.
- Suspected errors should be accompanied by the relevant job output and a copy
- of the input source. Corrections for documented problems or other
- improvements to the system are also welcomed.
- \newpage
- \pagestyle{empty}
- \begin{center}
- {\Large\bf REDUCE 3.4 Registration Form}
- \end{center}
- After installing {\REDUCE}, please fill out this form and send to the
- listed address. This should be done so that you can be
- advised direct of any changes made to the system. Furthermore, returning
- the registration form is a requirement for local reproduction of the
- {\REDUCE} documentation.
- \vspace*{3mm} \\
- Date: \hrulefill \vspace*{3mm}\\
- Contact Person: \hrulefill\ \vspace*{3mm}\\
- Organization: \hrulefill \vspace*{3mm} \\
- Address: \hrulefill \vspace*{3mm} \\
- \hspace*{16 mm} \hrulefill \vspace*{3mm} \\
- \hspace*{16 mm} \hrulefill \vspace*{3mm} \\
- Telephone: \hrulefill\ \vspace*{3mm} \\
- Network Address: \hrulefill \\
- {\small (Indicate network: Internet, BITNET, EARN, UUCP, etc)}
- \vspace*{3 mm} \\
- REDUCE Supplier: \hrulefill \\[3mm]
- Computer Description:
- \vspace*{3 mm} \\
- Vendor: \hrulefill \vspace*{2mm} Model: \hrulefill \vspace*{2mm}
- Operating System: \hrulefill \\
- Please indicate the test time as printed by the final call of {\tt showtime}
- in the output from the installation test described in the
- section ``Testing {\REDUCE}" of the {\REDUCE} Installation Guide. Also
- give the total system time, region (virtual) and real system memory
- available, if applicable. \vspace*{4mm}
- \\
- Time: \hrulefill Total System Time: \hrulefill\ Region: \hrulefill \vspace*{4mm}
- \\
- Real System Memory: \hrulefill .\hspace*{5cm}
- \vspace*{3 mm} \\
- Please also write on the back of this form any comments you may have about
- the installation procedure, and system documentation and performance.
- \\[3mm]
- \noindent
- If you would like to be listed in a published registry of {\REDUCE} system
- holders, please check here $\Box$ .
- \end{document}