753 B

  1. %
  2. % MACRO.BUILD - Files of macros defined in the interpreter
  3. %
  4. % Author: Eric Benson
  5. % Symbolic Computation Group
  6. % Computer Science Dept.
  7. % University of Utah
  8. % Date: 19 May 1982
  9. % Copyright (c) 1982 University of Utah
  10. %
  11. % <PSL.KERNEL>MACRO.BUILD.2, 2-Feb-83 15:36:40, Edit by PERDUE
  12. % Removed It is now
  13. PathIn ""$ % control evaluation time
  14. PathIn ""$ % macro for ContinuableError
  15. PathIn ""$ % Various macros for readability
  16. PathIn ""$ % (on xxx yyy) and (off xxx yyy)
  17. PathIn ""$
  18. PathIn ""$
  19. PathIn ""$
  20. PathIn ""$ % Various macros for readability