00-preface.lpt 2.3 KB

  1. PSL Manual 7 February 1983
  2. Preface Preface Preface
  3. This Portable LISP implementation would not have been started without the
  4. effort and inspiration of the original STANDARD LISP reporters (A.
  5. C. Hearn, J. Marti, M. L. Griss and C. Griss) and the many people who gave
  6. freely of their advice (often unsolicited!). We especially appreciate the
  7. comments of A. Norman, M. Rothstein, H. Stoyan and T. Ager.
  8. It would not have been completed without the efforts of the many people
  9. who have worked arduously on SYSLISP and PSL at various levels: Eric
  10. Benson, Will Galway, Ellen Gibson, Martin Griss, Bob Kessler, Steve Lowder,
  11. Chip Maguire, Beryl Morrison, Don Morrison, Bobbie Othmer, Bob Pendleton,
  12. and John Peterson.
  13. We are also grateful for the many comments and significant contributions
  14. by the LISP users at the Hewlett-Packard Computer Research Center in Palo
  15. Alto.
  16. This document has been worked on by most members of the current Utah
  17. Symbolic Computation Group. The primary editorial function has been in the
  18. hands of B. Morrison, M. L. Griss, B. Othmer, and W. Galway; major sections
  19. have been contributed by E. Benson, W. Galway, and D. Morrison.
  20. This is a preliminary version of the manual, and so may suffer from a
  21. number of errors and omissions. Please let us know of problems you may
  22. detect.
  23. We have also made some stylistic decisions regarding Font to indicate
  24. semantic classification and Case to make symbols more readable. Based on
  25. feedback from users of the earlier 3.0 PSL release and manual, we have
  26. decided to use LISP syntax as the primary description language; where
  27. appropriate RLISP syntax also appears. We would appreciate comments on
  28. these and other decisions.
  29. Based on feedback from numerous users, this issue of the manual uses LISP
  30. syntax rather than RLISP as the primary description language; where
  31. appropriate, RLISP syntax also appears.
  32. Report bugs, errors and mis-features by sending MAIL to PSL-BUGS@Utah-20;
  33. Bug Bug alternatively, send a message to Griss from within PSL by calling the Bug
  34. function, BUG(); in RLISP.
  35. Permission is given to copy this manual for internal use with the PSL
  36. system.