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  1. #! /bin/bash -v
  2. # Investigate cross-building PSL using a different Lisp as base.
  3. # First make the "vsl" mini-lisp with an option that causes its readee
  4. # to be broadly compatible with PSL. Specifically most punctuation
  5. # characters must be constituents of symbols, and a sequence that starts
  6. # off looking like a number can end up as a symbol if continued with
  7. # characters that are neither whitespace nor brackets (or otherwise special).
  8. # The resulting system is copied to the top-level directory for later use.
  9. make clean
  10. make psl
  11. # Load in (interpreted forms of) the PSL compiler and some associated
  12. # utilities, and checkpoint the result.
  13. script -c "./vsl psl-compiler.lsp -opslcomp.img" psl-compiler.log
  14. # Test it
  15. ./vsl -ipslcomp.img <<EOF |& tee test-compiler.log
  16. (trace '(dfprintfasl))
  17. (setq !*echo t) (setq !*plap t) (setq !*pgwd t)
  18. (setq !*writingasmfile t) (setq !*plap t) (setq !*pgwd t)
  19. (flag '(dskin) 'eval)
  20. (asmout "factorial")
  21. (de mycar (a) (car a))
  22. (dskin "")
  23. (de mycdr (a) (cdr a))
  24. (asmend)
  25. EOF