Makefile-cross 3.3 KB

  1. ###############################################################################
  2. #
  3. # File: PSL:Makefile
  4. # Description: Top level makefile for PSL.
  5. # Author: Harold Carr and Leigh Stoller.
  6. # Created: 04-Feb-87
  7. # Reworked: Arthur Norman, 2018, to use the VSL boot path.
  8. #
  9. # (c) Copyright 1987, University of Utah, all rights reserved.
  10. # Subject to the BSD license.
  11. # The next line is the only thing that needs to be changed between
  12. # machines/directories.
  13. PSL = $(PROOT)/dist
  14. PSYS = $(PROOT)/bin
  15. PK = $(PSL)/kernel
  16. PXK = $(PK)/$(MACHINE)
  17. PNK = $(PSL)/nonkernel
  18. PXNK = $(PNK)/$(MACHINE)
  19. PNKL = $(PXNK)/lap
  20. PC = $(PSL)/comp
  21. PXC = $(PC)/$(MACHINE)
  22. PU = $(PSL)/util
  23. PXU = $(PU)/$(MACHINE)
  24. PDIST = $(PSL)/distrib
  26. PL = $(PSL)/lap/$(MACHINE)
  27. PROGRAMS = bare-psl psl pslcomp
  28. # At the start of the experiment I will just go make the "bfiles" target...
  29. all: bfiles
  30. # pnkl utilities compiler bpsl make-bare-psl make-psl make-pslcomp
  31. echo "PSL binaries rebuilt"
  32. executables: make-bare-psl make-psl make-pslcomp
  33. resize:
  34. rm -f $(PXK)/bps.o $(PXK)/bpsheap.o
  35. make $(MFLAGS) MACHINE=$(MACHINE) bpsl
  36. make $(MFLAGS) MACHINE=$(MACHINE) executables
  37. oload:
  38. # OK, so I can see what is goin on here, but this arrangement creates
  39. # the built files within the source tree which seems unsatisfactory to me.
  40. bfiles:
  41. (cd $(PXK); make $(MFLAGS) MACHINE=$(MACHINE) PSL=$(PSL) bfiles)
  42. # From here down has not yet been looked at!
  43. #==
  44. #== pnkl:
  45. #== (cd $(PXNK); make $(MFLAGS) MACHINE=$(MACHINE) PSL=$(PSL))
  46. #== (cd $(PNK) ; make $(MFLAGS) MACHINE=$(MACHINE) PSL=$(PSL))
  47. #==
  48. #== compiler:
  49. #== (cd $(PXC) ; make $(MFLAGS) MACHINE=$(MACHINE) PSL=$(PSL))
  50. #== (cd $(PC) ; make $(MFLAGS) MACHINE=$(MACHINE) PSL=$(PSL))
  51. #==
  52. #== utilities:
  53. #== (cd $(PXU) ; make $(MFLAGS) MACHINE=$(MACHINE) PSL=$(PSL))
  54. #== (cd $(PU) ; make $(MFLAGS) MACHINE=$(MACHINE) PSL=$(PSL))
  55. #==
  56. #== bpsl:
  57. #== (cd $(PXK) ; make $(MFLAGS) MACHINE=$(MACHINE) PSL=$(PSL) bpsl)
  58. #==
  59. #== bare-psl: bpsl pnkl make-bare-psl
  60. #==
  61. #== make-bare-psl: sparsify
  62. #== (cd $(PDIST) ; gcc -Dhpux -o $(PSYS)/$(MACHINE)/sparsify sparsify.c; \
  63. #== csh -f make-bare-psl)
  64. #==
  65. #== sparsify: $(PSYS)/sparsify.c
  66. #== (cd $(PDIST) ; gcc -Dhpux -o $(PSYS)/$(MACHINE)/sparsify sparsify.c)
  67. #==
  68. #== psl: bpsl bare-psl utilities make-psl sparsify
  69. #==
  70. #== make-psl:
  71. #== (cd $(PDIST) ; csh -f make-psl)
  72. #==
  73. #== pslcomp: bare-psl compiler utilities make-pslcomp sparsify
  74. #==
  75. #== make-pslcomp:
  76. #== (cd $(PDIST) ; csh -f make-pslcomp)
  77. #==
  78. #== rlisp: bare-psl compiler utilities make-rlisp
  79. #==
  80. #== make-rlisp:
  81. #== (cd $(PDIST) ; csh -f make-rlisp)
  82. #==
  83. #==
  84. #== DESTDIR = /usr/site/bin
  85. #==
  86. #== install:
  87. #== -cd $(PSYS) ; rm -f oload
  88. #== -cd $(DESTDIR) ; rm -f $(PROGRAMS)
  89. #== -ln -s $(PSYS)/bare-psl $(DESTDIR)
  90. #== -ln -s $(PSYS)/psl $(DESTDIR)
  91. #== -ln -s $(PSYS)/pslcomp $(DESTDIR)
  92. #== -ln -s $(PSYS)/rlisp $(DESTDIR)
  93. #== -ln -s $(PSL)/oload $(PSYS)
  94. #== -ln -s $(PSYS)/oload $(DESTDIR)
  95. #==
  96. #== tape:
  97. #== csh -f $(PDIST)/cleanup.csh
  98. #== csh -f $(PDIST)/write-tape.csh
  99. #==
  100. #== cleanup:
  101. #== csh -f $(PDIST)/cleanup.csh
  102. #== -rm -f $(PSYS)/old-*
  103. #==
  104. # In order to rebuild the system, pslcomp and bpsl must exist.
  105. clean:
  106. -rm -f $(PL)/*.b
  107. -rm -f $(PNKL)/*.b
  108. -rm -f $(PXK)/*.o
  109. -rm -f $(PXK)/dmain.s
  110. -rm -f $(PXK)/main.init
  111. -rm -f $(PXK)/main.s
  112. -rm -f $(PXK)/$(MACHINE).sym
  113. # End of file.