compile.grg 1.2 KB

  1. off echo$
  2. % This file is the part of GRG 3.2 (C) 1997 V.V.Zhytnikov
  3. lisp$
  4. begin
  5. psl := getd 'dskin;
  6. low := getd '!c!a!r;
  7. if psl then lis := "PSL" else lis:= "CSL";
  8. if low then cas := "Lower" else cas := "Upper";
  9. prin2 "This REDUCE is based on ";
  10. prin2 lis;
  11. prin2 " and is ";
  12. prin2 cas;
  13. prin2 "-Cased.";
  14. terpri();
  15. if low then <<
  16. prin2 "Use lower-case symbols for built-in constants and functions:";
  17. terpri();
  18. prin2 " e i pi sin cos log ..."; >>
  19. else <<
  20. prin2 "Use upper-case symbols for built-in constants and functions:";
  21. terpri();
  22. prin2 " E I PI SIN COS LOG ..."; >>;
  23. terpri();
  24. terpri();
  25. compok := errorset('(evload (quote(compiler))),nil,nil);
  26. if atom compok then <<
  27. prin2 "Compiler is absent! Sorry, GRG cannot be installed. ";
  28. terpri();
  29. terpri();
  30. bye; >>
  31. else <<
  32. %prin2 "Compiler is present. I'm about to compile GRG ...";
  33. %if psl then <<
  34. % prin2 "To install GRG use command:";
  35. % terpri();
  36. % prin2 " in ""compile.psl"";"; >>
  37. %else <<
  38. % prin2 "To install GRG use command:";
  39. % terpri();
  40. % prin2 " in ""compile.csl"";"; >>;
  41. %terpri();
  42. %pause;
  43. >>;
  44. end$
  45. if psl then in "compile.psl" else in "compile.csl"$
  46. quit$
  47. end;