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- extends Area
- export (String) var level
- export (String) var spawn
- signal on_level_change
- func _ready():
- # Called when the node is added to the scene for the first time.
- # Initialization here
- pass
- func _process(delta):
- for body in get_overlapping_bodies ( ):
- if body.name == "Player" :
- if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept") and Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_ENTER):
- loadLevel(body)
- func loadLevel(body):
- if spawn != null:
- pass
- #print ("spawn found")
- if level != null:
- #print ("load map now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
- #FIXME: put code in extra function used for saving data before exiting a map,
- #maybe create signal that level changes soon and data has to be changed
- #when using a signal make sure that everything is saved before new level is loaded!
- emit_signal("on_level_change")
- var collectorNode = body.find_node("PlayerInventory", true, false)
- if collectorNode != null:
- #print ("collNode found in portal")
- get_node("/root/Save").save_node_data(collectorNode)
- get_node("/root/global").loadLevel("res://Scenes/World.tscn", level, spawn, true)