123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196 |
- extends Node
- export var item_dict = {}
- var resInventorySlotNode = load("res://Scenes/UI/InventorySlot.tscn")
- var inventoryHUDNode = null
- export var activeInventorySlot = ""
- func _ready():
- reload()
- func reload():
- item_dict.clear()
- var savedata = get_node("/root/Save").get_node_data_by_name("PlayerInventory")
- if savedata != null:
- var savedata_values = savedata.values()[0].values()
- #print (savedata_values[0])
- item_dict = savedata_values[1]
- if savedata_values[0] != "":
- activeInventorySlot = savedata_values[0]
- else:
- activeInventorySlot = ""
- reloadInventoryHUD()
- func gem_collected(type):
- if item_dict.has(str(type)):
- item_dict[str(type)] += 1
- var inventorySlotNode = inventoryHUDNode.find_node("Slot" + str(type), true, false)
- if inventorySlotNode != null:
- updateInventoryCounter(type, inventorySlotNode)
- else:
- item_dict[str(type)] = 1
- addItemSlot(type)
- print ("gem collected: " + str(type))
- #debug use
- #var iSN = inventoryHUDNode.find_node("Slot" + str(type), true, false)
- #setActiveInventorySlot(iSN)
- func save():
- var save_dict = {
- item_dict = item_dict,
- activeInventorySlot = activeInventorySlot
- }
- return save_dict
- func reloadInventoryHUD():
- var currentWorld = get_node("/root/global").getCurrentWorld()
- inventoryHUDNode = currentWorld.find_node("HUDInventory", true, false)
- if inventoryHUDNode != null:
- print ("inventoryHUDNode found")
- #first delete all slots
- for node in inventoryHUDNode.get_children():
- node.name = node.name + "_" # rename nodes before deleting,
- node.queue_free()
- for item_id in item_dict:
- addItemSlot(item_id)
- #else:
- # print ("set active slot to null")
- # setActiveInventorySlot(null)
- func addItemSlot(item_id):
- if inventoryHUDNode != null:
- var newInventorySlotNode = resInventorySlotNode.instance()
- newInventorySlotNode.set_name("Slot" + str(item_id))
- if activeInventorySlot == newInventorySlotNode.name:
- setActiveInventorySlot(newInventorySlotNode)
- setInventoryImage(item_id, newInventorySlotNode)
- updateInventoryCounter(item_id, newInventorySlotNode)
- #add sortName to the node here
- var sortName = get_node("/root/GameItemList").get_item_value(item_id, "sortName")
- if sortName == null:
- print ("Warning: item has no sortName")
- return
- newInventorySlotNode.sort_name = str(sortName)
- if inventoryHUDNode.get_child_count() > 0:
- inventoryHUDNode.add_child(newInventorySlotNode)
- #### sort: todo: extract code into own function
- var current_pos = null
- var current_sort_index = newInventorySlotNode.get_index()
- for ch in inventoryHUDNode.get_children():
- if sortName.casecmp_to (ch.sort_name ) == -1 and current_sort_index > ch.get_index():
- current_pos = ch
- current_sort_index = ch.get_index()
- if current_pos != null:
- inventoryHUDNode.move_child ( newInventorySlotNode, current_pos.get_index() )
- ####
- else:
- inventoryHUDNode.add_child(newInventorySlotNode)
- if activeInventorySlot == "":
- setActiveInventorySlot(newInventorySlotNode)
- func setInventoryImage(item_id, inv_slot_node):
- var inventoryImageName = get_node("/root/GameItemList").get_item_value(item_id, "inventoryImage")
- if inventoryImageName == null:
- return
- var inventoryImagePath = "res://Textures/UI/" + str(inventoryImageName)
- var inventoryImage = load(inventoryImagePath)
- if inventoryImage == null:
- return
- var inventoryImageNode = inv_slot_node.find_node("InventoryImage", true, false)
- if inventoryImageNode != null:
- inventoryImageNode.texture = inventoryImage
- func updateInventoryCounter(item_id, inv_slot_node):
- var counterLabelNode = inv_slot_node.find_node("CounterLabel", true, false)
- if item_dict.has(str(item_id)) and counterLabelNode != null:
- counterLabelNode.text = str(item_dict[str(item_id)])
- func setActiveInventorySlot(inventorySlotNode):
- if inventorySlotNode == null:
- activeInventorySlot = ""
- print ("error404: inventorySlotNode is null")
- return
- print (activeInventorySlot)
- if activeInventorySlot != "":
- var oldInventorySlotNode = inventoryHUDNode.find_node(activeInventorySlot, true, false)
- if oldInventorySlotNode != null:
- oldInventorySlotNode.set_as_active_slot(false)
- activeInventorySlot = inventorySlotNode.name
- if activeInventorySlot != "":
- inventorySlotNode.set_as_active_slot(true)
- func _input(event):
- var inventorySlotNode = inventoryHUDNode.find_node(activeInventorySlot, true, false)
- var inventorySlotNodePos = -1
- if inventorySlotNode != null:
- inventorySlotNodePos = inventorySlotNode.get_position_in_parent()
- if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.pressed:
- match event.button_index:
- var rightNeighborNode = inventoryHUDNode.get_child(inventorySlotNodePos + 1)
- if rightNeighborNode != null:
- print ("can change >>>")
- setActiveInventorySlot(rightNeighborNode)
- print ("mouse up: " + str(inventorySlotNodePos))
- var leftNeighborNode = inventoryHUDNode.get_child(inventorySlotNodePos - 1)
- if leftNeighborNode != null:
- print ("can change <<<")
- setActiveInventorySlot(leftNeighborNode)
- print ("mouse down: " + str(inventorySlotNodePos))
- #save active slot (position ?, id ?) and load
- #add action