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- The following authors assigned copyright on their work to the Free
- Software Foundation:
- Yoshinori K. Okuji designed and implemented the initial version.
- Jeroen Dekkers added initrd support, Multiboot support, and fixed bugs
- in ext2fs.
- Marco Gerards added ext2fs support, grub-emu, a new command-line
- engine, and fixed many bugs.
- Omniflux added terminfo and serial support.
- Vincent Pelletier added Sparc64 support.
- Hollis Blanchard implemented many parts of PowerPC support.
- Tomas Ebenlendr added the command chainloader into the normal mode,
- fixed some bugs.
- Guillem Jover merged architecture-independent ELF support code.
- Vesa Jaaskelainen added VBE support.