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David Holland has created a set of ten challenging levels. I've only solved four of them so far.

David describes the puzzles this way:

"Some of the small puzzles had starting stone positions and solution generated by the computer program sokgen, but maze and goal positions designed by David Holland, the author of sokgen. These puzzles are generally pretty hard (David Holland has trouble solving them :-) and the non-computer-generated puzzles should be light relief. The puzzles are arranged in roughly ascending order of difficulty."

For more about these puzzles, visit David's web page.

  • Sneezingtiger


This is David Holland's second set of 10 levels. He describes them like this

"There are no computer-generated levels as I am trying to evolve a puzzle-making style, and so experimenting with as many different forms as possible. Some of the puzzles are very, or slightly, symmetrical as a stylistic device (in this I am influenced by David W. Skinner's excellent sasquatch puzzle sets). Others are completely unsymmetrical and the style is in the variations alone. The puzzles are arranged in roughly ascending order of difficulty."


David Skinner released this collection of 50 original levels in January, 1999. He calls them \"Sasquatch".

The levels are generally of just the right difficulty to be fun: not too easy, but (usually) not so hard that you get frustrated.

Mas Sasquatch.txt

"Mas Sasquatch" is the second set of sokoban levels created by David Skinner. It is the sequel to his Sasquatch levels. Like the Sasquatch levels, these may be distributed in their original form as long as they remain free and include David's name and email address.


This set of 50 levels was first distributed in August, 1999.

yoshio.txt yoshio_masato_handmade.txt

Yoshio Murase Levels

These sokoban screens were made automatically by computer. Yosio Murase wrote the program that created these levels and then made the levels available on his sokoban web pages.

For information about the theory behind the creation of these levels, see Yoshio Murase, Hitoshi Matsubara, and Yuzuru Hiraga Automatic Making of Sokoban Problems, which was presented at the Pacific Rim Conference on AI in 1996.

These levels are small (no more than 8x8), and contain only 3 stones to push, but can be delightfully tricky and surprisingly difficult to solve.

Also added, hand made levels by Yoshio Murase and Masato Hiramatsu:

Level #18 and #36 are combination works by Yoshio Murase and Masato Hiramatsu. The others are made by Yoshio Murase.


倉庫番自作面 (My Original Level Data for Sokoban) - Kenyam Set A

My Best : #15, #24 My Favorites (Next Best) : #8, #18, #13, #16, #6, #27, #35, #22, #43, #44 My Not Recommended (may be modified or replaced) : #4, #3, #38

also got a nice skin there.


List: grigr2001.txt, grigr2002.txt, GrigrComet.txt, GrigrSpecial.txt, GrigrStar.txt, GrigrSun.txt

My name is Evgeny Grigoriev. I live in Russia, in city of Cheboksary. I give to all a few levels for game SokoBan, all these levels are thought up by me (Some levels are made by my friend Mottled and are slightly advanced me). If my new level has appeared here I shall not bring in him any changes. All these levels have the solve. Who wants to copy anyone any of these levels what to place it on the Site, in the program or to change it, can do it completely freely. You may do everything with these levels, that want. Me do not interest my CopyRight. Do not ask me the sanction.

If there is a desire to write to me -


List: Premysl_Zika-Primus_gradus_ad_Olympo.txt Premysl_Zika-Secundus_gradus_ad_Olympo.txt Premysl_Zika-Tertius_gradus_ad_Olympo.txt Premysl_Zika-Sokoban_complete.txt

Here are all my Sokoban collections.

The most interesting levels I published as well in the pictures, with the short information (and sometimes by web links). Mentioned difficulty is only informative and "relative".

Complete collection "download" with the images of selected - my favorite levels - you find them here (... as time went on ...):

 • First levels (~ 1990 - 2011)

 • Primus gradus ad Olympo (December 2012)

 • Secundus gradus ad Olympo (December 2013)

 • Tertius gradus ad Olympo (November 2015)

 • Remodeled

Přemysl Zíka


Czech Republic

October 2013


 (I welcome your comments, suggestions and correct me spelling).