825 B


toy linux distro based on morpheus


Please use a chroot when building this in case of bugs in the scripts.


gcc-toolchain gcc:lib coreutils which binutils make wget git tar gzip qemu e2fsprogs util-linux sed grep bash ld-wrapper gawk

binutils needs flex and bison.


To download the source code and hash it into dump/


To compile and install the base system into root/


To create a qemu image

$ qemu-img create -f raw os.img 1G
$ mkfs.ext4 os.img
$ mkdir osroot
# mount -t ext4 -o loop os.img osroot
# cp -r root/* osroot/
# umount osroot

To boot it (you need a linux kernel bzImage too),

qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -kernel bzImage -hda os.img -append "root=/dev/sda vga=788"