3_cinnamon_admin.sh 972 B

  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. ## configure and install minimal openbox desktop environment
  3. ## check for sudo/root
  4. if ! [ $(id -u) = 0 ]; then
  5. echo "This script must run with sudo, try again..."
  6. exit 1
  7. fi
  8. sudo apt-get update
  9. sudo apt-get upgrade
  10. sudo apt-get install -y \
  11. compton \
  12. viewnior \
  13. elinks \
  14. xxkb \
  15. feh \
  16. ntfs-3g \
  17. screenfetch \
  18. arandr \
  19. curl \
  20. youtube-dl \
  21. gufw \
  22. gparted \
  23. ffmpeg \
  24. keepassxc \
  25. bash-completion \
  26. alttab \
  27. mediainfo \
  28. volumeicon-alsa
  29. echo
  30. sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
  31. qmmp \
  32. rhythmbox \
  33. rhythmbox-plugins \
  34. xfonts-terminus \
  35. simplescreenrecorder \
  36. mat2 \
  37. mc \
  38. gpick \
  39. screenfetch \
  40. rxvt-unicode \
  41. zathura \
  42. flameshot \
  43. plank \
  44. mpv \
  45. gnome-mpv \
  46. fbreader \
  47. sakura \
  48. libreoffice \
  49. libreoffice-l10n-ru \
  50. vlc \
  51. viewnior \
  52. rofi \
  53. unzip \
  54. zip \
  55. arj \
  56. lzip \
  57. lzop \
  58. ncompress \
  59. rzip \
  60. squashfs-tools \
  61. unace \
  62. unalz \
  63. unar \
  64. lrzip \
  65. p7zip \
  66. p7zip-full