adfoster-r7 0695a6f2ce Fix test failing with Ruby 3.4.0 3 nedēļas atpakaļ
.. bf50da5e8f Add SMB acceptance tests 1 mēnesi atpakaļ
child_process_spec.rb 68ce65c6c9 Revert "Revert "Add Meterpreter sanity tests to CI"" 10 mēneši atpakaļ
ldap_spec.rb 7cdea94000 Convert ldap modules to use the new ldap session type 1 mēnesi atpakaļ
meterpreter_spec.rb 0695a6f2ce Fix test failing with Ruby 3.4.0 3 nedēļas atpakaļ
mssql_spec.rb c382066be8 cache prelogin packet 1 mēnesi atpakaļ
mysql_spec.rb c0c2bf3771 Add ldap acceptance tests 2 mēneši atpakaļ
postgres_spec.rb e7bc17cab3 Add postgres acceptance tests 3 mēneši atpakaļ
smb_spec.rb 138a553b36 Add support for configurable RPORT, session & default rports to lookupsid 4 nedēļas atpakaļ

Acceptance Tests

A slower test suite that ensures high level functionality works as expected, such as verifying msfconsole opens successfully, and can generate Meterpreter payloads, create handlers, etc.

The test suite runs on the current host, so the Meterpreter runtimes should be available. There is no remote host support currently.


Useful environment variables:

  • METERPRETER - Filter the test suite for specific Meterpreter instances, example: METERPRETER=java
  • METERPRETER_MODULE_TEST - Filter the post modules to run, example: METERPRETER_MODULE_TEST=test/meterpreter
  • SPEC_HELPER_LOAD_METASPLOIT - Skip RSpec from loading Metasploit framework and requiring a connected msfdb instance, example: SPEC_HELPER_LOAD_METASPLOIT=false

Running Meterpreter test suite:

SPEC_OPTS='--tag acceptance' bundle exec rspec './spec/acceptance/meterpreter_spec.rb'

Skip loading of Rails/Metasploit with:

SPEC_OPTS='--tag acceptance' SPEC_HELPER_LOAD_METASPLOIT=false bundle exec rspec ./spec/acceptance

Run a specific Meterpreter/module test Unix / Windows:

SPEC_OPTS='--tag acceptance' METERPRETER=php METERPRETER_MODULE_TEST=test/unix bundle exec rspec './spec/acceptance/meterpreter_spec.rb'

$env:SPEC_OPTS='--tag acceptance'; $env:SPEC_HELPER_LOAD_METASPLOIT=$false; $env:METERPRETER = 'php'; bundle exec rspec './spec/acceptance/meterpreter_spec.rb'


Run a target:

docker run -it --rm --publish -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password postgres:14

Run the test suite:

POSTGRES_RPORT=9000 SPEC_OPTS='--tag acceptance' SPEC_HELPER_LOAD_METASPLOIT=false bundle exec rspec ./spec/acceptance/postgres_spec.rb


Run a target:

docker run -it --rm --publish -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password mariadb:11.2.2

Run the test suite:

MYSQL_RPORT=9000 SPEC_OPTS='--tag acceptance' SPEC_HELPER_LOAD_METASPLOIT=false bundle exec rspec ./spec/acceptance/mysql_spec.rb


Run a target:

docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e 'MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=yourStrong(!)Password' -p 1433:1433 -d

Run the test suite:

MSSQL_RPORT=1433 SPEC_OPTS='--tag acceptance' SPEC_HELPER_LOAD_METASPLOIT=false bundle exec rspec ./spec/acceptance/mssql_spec.rb


Build the Docker image:

docker compose build

Run a target:

docker compose up -d --wait

Run the test suite:

SMB_USERNAME=acceptance_tests_user SMB_PASSWORD=acceptance_tests_password SPEC_OPTS='--tag acceptance' SPEC_HELPER_LOAD_METASPLOIT=false bundle exec rspec ./spec/acceptance/smb_spec.rb

Shut down the container:

docker compose down

Allure reports

Generate allure reports locally:

# 1) Run the test suite with the allure formatter
rm -rf tmp/allure-raw-data
bundle exec rspec --require acceptance_spec_helper.rb --format documentation --format AllureRspec::RSpecFormatter './spec/acceptance/meterpreter_spec.rb'

# 2) Generate allure report
cd metasploit-framework/tmp
docker run -it -w $(pwd) -v $(pwd):$(pwd) ubuntu:20.04 /bin/bash

# In the container
export VERSION=2.22.1

apt update
apt install -y curl openjdk-11-jdk-headless

curl -o allure-$VERSION.tgz -Ls$VERSION/allure-$VERSION.tgz
tar -zxvf allure-$VERSION.tgz -C .

./allure-$VERSION/bin/allure generate --clean allure-raw-data/ -o ./allure-report

# Serve the assets from the host machine, available at
cd allure-report
ruby -run -e httpd . -p 8000

Support Matrix generation

You can download the data from an existing Github job run:

ids=(6099944525); for id in $ids; do echo $id; gh run download $id --repo rapid7/metasploit-framework --dir gh-actions-$id ; done

Then generate the report using the allure data:

bundle exec ruby tools/dev/report_generation/support_matrix/generate.rb --allure-data /path/to/gh-actions-$id > ./support_matrix.html


If a test has failed you can enter into an interactive breakpoint with:

require 'pry'; binding.pry

To interact with a console instance, forwarding the current stdin to the console's stdin, and writing the console's output to stdout:


Once inside the console, the following 'commands' can be used within the context of the interactive msfconsole:

  • !continue - Continue, similar to Pry's continue functionality
  • !exit - Exit the Ruby process entirely, similar to Pry's exit functionality
  • !pry - Enter into a pry session within the calling Ruby process