libnotify.rb 2.8 KB

  1. ###
  2. #
  3. # This plugin hooks all session creation and db events
  4. # and send desktop notifications using notify-send command.
  5. #
  6. ###
  7. module Msf
  8. class Plugin::EventLibnotify < Msf::Plugin
  9. include Msf::SessionEvent
  10. include Msf::DatabaseEvent
  11. def initialize(framework, opts)
  12. super
  13. @bin = opts[:bin] || opts['bin'] || `which notify-send`.chomp
  14. @bin_opts = opts[:opts] || opts['opts'] || '--app-name=Metasploit'
  15. raise 'libnotify not found' if @bin.empty?
  18. end
  19. def notify_send(urgency, title, message)
  20. system(@bin, @bin_opts, '-u', urgency, title, message)
  21. rescue StandarError => e
  22. puts "Error running #{@bin}: #{e.message}"
  23. end
  24. def on_session_open(session)
  25. notify_send('normal', 'Got Shell!',
  26. "New Session: #{session.sid}\nIP: #{session.session_host}\nPeer: #{session.tunnel_peer}\n"\
  27. "Platform: #{session.platform}\nType: #{session.type}")
  28. end
  29. def on_session_close(session, reason = '')
  30. notify_send('normal', 'Connection closed',
  31. "Session:#{session.sid} Type:#{session.type} closed.\n#{reason}")
  32. end
  33. def on_session_fail(reason = '')
  34. notify_send('critical', 'Session Failure!', reason)
  35. end
  36. def on_db_host(host)
  37. notify_send('normal', 'New host',
  38. "Address: #{host.address}\nOS: #{host.os_name}")
  39. end
  40. def on_db_host_state(host, _ostate)
  41. notify_send('normal', "Host #{host.address} changed",
  42. "OS: #{host.os_name}\nNb Services: #{host.service_count}\nNb vulns: #{host.vuln_count}\n")
  43. end
  44. def on_db_service(service)
  45. notify_send('normal', 'New service',
  46. "New service: #{}:#{service.port}")
  47. end
  48. def on_db_service_state(service, _port, _ostate)
  49. notify_send('normal', "Service #{}:#{service.port} changed",
  50. "Name: #{}\nState: #{service.state}\nProto: #{service.proto}\nInfo: #{}")
  51. end
  52. def on_db_vuln(vuln)
  53. notify_send('critical', "New vulnerability on #{}:#{vuln.service ? vuln.service.port : '0'}",
  54. "Vuln: #{}\nInfos: #{}")
  55. end
  56. def on_db_ref(ref)
  57. notify_send('normal', 'New ref', "Reference #{} added in database.")
  58. end
  59. def on_db_client(client)
  60. notify_send('critical', 'New client', "New client connected: #{client.ua_string}")
  61. end
  62. def cleanup
  65. end
  66. def name
  67. 'libnotify'
  68. end
  69. def desc
  70. 'Send desktop notification with libnotify on sessions and db events'
  71. end
  72. end
  73. end