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We hosted the first general Metasploit hackathon at the Rapid7 Austin Office Thursday 2016-09-15, starting at Noon (12pm) CST and going until 10am CST the following day.

Got a cool Meterpreter extension you have wanted to try, module to write, or feature to add? We'll be working both on new things and shepherding old-but-awesome things. Come join us on #metasploit on Freenode as well.


We hosted the second general Metasploit hackathon at the Rapid7 Austin Office and the Hyatt Place Arboretum, 2017-06-22 through 2017-06-25, including 15 developers. Combine a rotating cast of contributors, way too much food, a couple of guitars, and some incredibly outsized laptops, you end up with some great Metasploit hacking and fun.