12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970717273747576777879808182 |
- <?php
- // This is a SPIP language file -- Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP
- // extrait automatiquement de http://trad.spip.net/tradlang_module/organiseur?lang_cible=en
- // ** ne pas modifier le fichier **
- if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) return;
- $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
- // B
- 'bouton_enregistrer_brouillon' => 'Save as a draft',
- 'bouton_envoyer_message' => 'Send',
- 'bouton_envoyer_message_maintenant' => 'Send now',
- // C
- 'cal_jour_entier' => 'Day',
- 'cal_par_jour' => 'day',
- 'cal_par_mois' => 'month',
- 'cal_par_semaine' => 'week',
- // E
- 'erreur_date' => 'This date is incorrect',
- 'erreur_date_avant_apres' => 'Specify an end date after the start date!',
- 'erreur_date_corrigee' => 'The date has been corrected',
- 'erreur_destinataire_invalide' => 'The recipient @dest@ is invalid',
- 'erreur_heure' => 'This time is incorrect',
- 'erreur_heure_corrigee' => 'The time has been corrected',
- // I
- 'icone_ecrire_nouveau_message' => 'Send a new message',
- 'icone_ecrire_nouveau_pensebete' => 'Write a new reminder',
- 'icone_ecrire_nouvelle_annonce' => 'Send a new announcement',
- 'icone_effacer_message' => 'Delete this message',
- 'icone_modifier_annonce' => 'Edit this announcement',
- 'icone_modifier_pensebete' => 'Edit this reminder',
- 'icone_supprimer_message' => 'Delete this message',
- 'info_1_message_envoye' => '1 message sent',
- 'info_1_message_nonlu' => '1 new message',
- 'info_agenda_interne' => 'Internal agenda',
- 'info_message_a' => 'To',
- 'info_message_date' => 'Date',
- 'info_message_date_debut' => 'Start date',
- 'info_message_date_fin' => 'End date',
- 'info_message_de' => 'From',
- 'info_message_non_lu' => 'New message',
- 'info_message_objet' => 'Object',
- 'info_nb_messages_envoyes' => '@nb@ sent messages',
- 'info_nb_messages_nonlus' => '@nb@ new messages',
- 'info_selection_annonces' => 'Announcements',
- 'info_selection_messages' => 'Messages',
- 'info_selection_pensebetes' => 'Reminders',
- 'info_type_message_affich' => 'Announcement',
- 'info_type_message_normal' => 'Message',
- 'info_type_message_pb' => 'Reminder',
- 'info_type_message_rv' => 'Appointment',
- // L
- 'label_destinataires' => 'To',
- 'label_texte' => 'Text',
- 'label_titre' => 'Subject',
- 'loading' => 'Loading...',
- // M
- 'message' => 'Message',
- 'messages' => 'Messages',
- // N
- 'notification_annonce_lire_a_ladresse' => 'You can read it at the following url @url@.',
- 'notification_annonce_publie_1' => '[@nom_site_spip@] Global announcement',
- 'notification_message_lire_a_ladresse' => 'You can read it and reply at the following url @url@.',
- 'notification_message_publie_1' => '[@nom_site_spip@] New message',
- 'notification_message_recu_de' => 'You have received a new message from @nom@.',
- // T
- 'texte_message_brouillon' => 'This message is saved as a draft',
- 'titre_agenda_rv' => 'Appointment',
- 'titre_boite_envoi' => 'Outbox',
- 'titre_boite_reception' => 'Inbox'
- );
- ?>