#9 Matches

3 роки тому відкрито quasus · 0 коментарів
quasus відкоментовано 3 роки тому

A match supports the high-level game API. It delegates these methods to a game except for winner, which is the winner of the match; game-winner is the winner of the current game. Additional functions:

  • new-game match
  • match-limit match
  • match-score match player

Two kinds of backgammon matches are to be implemented, limited ones and unlimited money sessions.

A match supports the high-level game API. It delegates these methods to a game except for `winner`, which is the winner of the match; `game-winner` is the winner of the current game. Additional functions: * new-game match * match-limit match * match-score match player Two kinds of backgammon matches are to be implemented, limited ones and unlimited money sessions.
Підпишіться щоб приєднатися до обговорення.
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1 учасників
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