4 Commity b80405c082 ... 2755142d36

Autor SHA1 Správa Dátum
  Stanislav Kondratev 2755142d36 POSTPONE fixed; a few loops 3 rokov pred
  Stanislav Kondratev 89599d39c4 Postpone, conditionals & other stuff 3 rokov pred
  Stanislav Kondratev 2a865102e2 variable, constant, allot 3 rokov pred
  Stanislav Kondratev b2d2f29be6 create does> kinda working 3 rokov pred
2 zmenil súbory, kde vykonal 604 pridanie a 53 odobranie
  1. 0 1
  2. 604 52

+ 0 - 1

@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ repositories {
 dependencies {
-    implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.6.0-RC'
     testImplementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test'

+ 604 - 52

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package ekforth
 import java.io.Closeable
 import java.io.IOException
 import java.net.ServerSocket
+import java.util.*
 import kotlin.concurrent.thread
 class StackUnderflowException : Exception()
@@ -34,6 +35,14 @@ class Stack {
     fun clear() {
+    fun roll(u: Int) {
+        if (stack.size < u + 1) error("Stack underflow")
+        val tail = stack.takeLast(u + 1).toMutableList()
+        Collections.rotate(tail, -1)
+        repeat(u + 1) { stack.removeLast() }
+        stack.addAll(tail)
+    }
 class Dictionary {
@@ -47,6 +56,9 @@ class Dictionary {
         return here() - 1
     fun here(): Int = entries.size
+    fun dropLast(n: Int) {
+        entries.dropLast(n)
+    }
     override fun toString() = entries.withIndex().map { "${it.index}: ${it.value}" }.joinToString("\n") { it }
@@ -92,6 +104,11 @@ private sealed class Instruction {
         override fun toString(): String = "JUMP $address"
+    class JSR(val address: () -> Int) : Instruction() {
+        override fun perform(forth: EKForth): String? {
+            TODO("Not yet implemented")
+        }
+    }
     object End : Instruction() {
         override fun perform(forth: EKForth): String? {
             forth.end = true
@@ -112,21 +129,35 @@ sealed class Input {
     abstract fun word(): Any?
+    abstract fun word(delimiter: Char): Any?
     class StringInput(val string: String) : Input() {
         var start = 0
+        val strippedComment = string.replace("\\\\.*".toRegex(), "")
         override fun word(): Any? {
-            while (start < string.length && string[start].isWhitespace()) ++start
-            if (start == string.length) return eof
+            while (start < strippedComment.length && strippedComment[start].isWhitespace()) ++start
+            if (start == strippedComment.length) return eof
+            val tokenStart = start
+            while (start < strippedComment.length && !strippedComment[start].isWhitespace()) ++start
+            val token = strippedComment.substring(tokenStart, start)
+            while (start < strippedComment.length && strippedComment[start].isWhitespace()) ++start
+            return token.toIntOrNull() ?: token.toDoubleOrNull() ?: ForthWord(token)
+        }
+        override fun word(delimiter: Char): Any? {
+            while (start < strippedComment.length && strippedComment[start] == delimiter) ++start
+            if (start == strippedComment.length) return eof
             val tokenStart = start
-            while (start < string.length && !string[start].isWhitespace()) ++start
-            val token = string.substring(tokenStart, start)
+            while (start < strippedComment.length && !(strippedComment[start] == delimiter)) ++start
+            val token = strippedComment.substring(tokenStart, start)
+            if (start < strippedComment.length && strippedComment[start] == delimiter) ++start
             return token.toIntOrNull() ?: token.toDoubleOrNull() ?: ForthWord(token)
     class ParsedInput(val input: Iterator<Any?>) : Input() {
         override fun word(): Any? = if (input.hasNext()) input.next() else eof
+        override fun word(delimiter: Char): Any? = word()
@@ -152,6 +183,11 @@ class EKForth {
     var input: Input = Input.accept("")
+    fun accept(input: Input) {
+        this.input = input
+        run()
+    }
     fun accept(input: String) {
         this.input = Input.accept(input)
@@ -180,10 +216,19 @@ class EKForth {
     private val docreate = dictionary.here().also {
         dictionary.add(Instruction.FunCall { forth ->
             with(forth) {
-                stack.push(pfa)
+                stack.push(w + 1)
+                eip = next
+            }
+        })
+    }
+    private val doconst = dictionary.here().also {
+        dictionary.add(Instruction.FunCall { forth ->
+            with(forth) {
+                stack.push(dictionary[w + 1])
+                eip = next
-        dictionary.add(Instruction.Jump(next))
     private val dovar = docreate
@@ -201,6 +246,25 @@ class EKForth {
+    val constant = defWord("CONSTANT") { forth ->
+        with (forth) {
+            lastDefinition = createHeader(((kWord() as ForthWord).word))
+            comma(Instruction.Jump(doconst))
+            comma(0)
+        }
+    }
+    val allot = defWord("ALLOT") { forth ->
+        with (forth) {
+            val n = stack.pop() as Int
+            when {
+                n > 0 -> repeat(stack.pop() as Int) { comma(0) }
+                n < 0 -> dictionary.dropLast(- n)
+            }
+        }
+    }
     val enter = dictionary.here().also {
         dictionary.add(Instruction.FunCall { forth ->
             with(forth) {
@@ -211,9 +275,10 @@ class EKForth {
-    val exit = dictionary.here().also {
+    val exit = createHeader("EXIT").also {
         dictionary.add(Instruction.FunCall { forth -> forth.ip = forth.returnStack.pop() as Int })
+        lastDefinition = it
     val eoln = defWord("") { forth -> forth.ip = forth.returnStack.pop() as Int }
@@ -265,7 +330,7 @@ class EKForth {
     var output: (Any?) -> Unit = ::print
     val dot = defWord(".") { forth ->
-        output.invoke(forth.stack.pop())
+        output.invoke("${forth.stack.pop()} ")
     val docon = defWord("DOCON") { forth ->
@@ -312,6 +377,12 @@ class EKForth {
+    val print = defWord("PRINT") { forth ->
+        with (forth) {
+            output.invoke(dictionary[ip++])
+        }
+    }
     val branch = defWord("BRANCH") { forth ->
         forth.ip = dictionary[forth.ip] as Int
@@ -325,24 +396,33 @@ class EKForth {
     fun kWord() = input.word()
+    fun kDelimitedWord(delimiter: Char) = input.word(delimiter)
     val kWord = defWord("KWORD") { forth ->
+    val kDelimitedWord = defWord("KDELIMITEDWORD") { forth ->
+        forth.stack.push(kDelimitedWord(stack.pop() as Char))
+    }
+    fun kFind(token: Any?): Pair<Any?, Int> {
+        if (token is ForthWord) {
+            val definition = findWord(token.word) ?: throw Exception("$token not found")
+            val isImmediate = if (dictionary[definitionPrecedence(definition)] as Boolean) 1 else -1
+            val xt = definitionCodeField(definition)
+            return Pair(xt, isImmediate)
+        } else {
+            return Pair(token, 0)
+        }
+    }
     val kFind = defWord("KFIND") { forth ->
         with (forth) {
             val token = stack.pop()
-            if (token is ForthWord) {
-                val definition = findWord(token.word) ?: throw Exception("$token not found")
-                val isImmediate = if (dictionary[definitionPrecedence(definition)] as Boolean) 1 else -1
-                val xt = definitionCodeField(definition)
-                stack.push(xt)
-                stack.push(isImmediate)
-            } else {
-                stack.push(token)
-                stack.push(0)
-            }
+            val (res, isImmediate) = kFind(token)
+            stack.push(res)
+            stack.push(isImmediate)
@@ -424,6 +504,10 @@ class EKForth {
         dictionary[state + 1] = -1
+    val lBracket = defWord("[") { forth ->
+        dictionary[state + 1] = 0
+    }
     val semicolon = defWord(";") { forth ->
         with(forth) {
@@ -463,18 +547,107 @@ class EKForth {
         dictionary[stack.pop() as Int] = dictionary.here()
-    val createHeader = defWord("CREATEHEADER") { forth ->
-        forth.defWord((forth.stack.pop() as ForthWord).word, action = Instruction.Jump(forth.enter), precedence = false)
+    val create = defWord("CREATE") { forth ->
+        with (forth) {
+            val word = kWord()
+            if (word !is ForthWord) error("Cannot create definition for $word")
+            if (word.word.isBlank()) error("Cannot create definition for a blank word")
+            forth.last = createHeader(word.word, precedence = false)
+            dictionary.add(Instruction.Jump(docreate))
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    https://www.bradrodriguez.com/papers/moving3.htm
+    (;CODE) is part of the word CONSTANT, so it executes when CONSTANT executes (Sequence 2). It performs the following actions:
+a. It gets the address of the machine code that immediately follows. This is done by popping IP from the Forth Return Stack.
+b. It puts that address into the Code Field of the word just defined by CREATE. The Forth word LAST (sometimes LATEST) gets the address of that word.
+c. It does the action of EXIT (a.k.a. ;S) so that the Forth inner interpreter doesn't try to execute the machine code that follows as part of the Forth thread. This is the high-level "subroutine return" which ends a Forth thread.
+    : (;CODE)
+        R>                  \ pops the adrs of the machine code
+        LAST @ NAME>        \ gets the CFA of the latest word
+        !                   \ stores the code address in the
+        ;                   \   Code Field
+        =====================
+        For DTC and STC, the action of ;CODE and (;CODE) is identical to ITC, with one important exception: instead of holding an address, the Code Field holds a JUMP or CALL instruction.
+     */
+    val parSemicolonCode = defWord("(;CODE)") { forth ->
+        with (forth) {
+            dictionary[forth.last] = Instruction.Jump(ip)
+            // interpretation state
+            dictionary[state + 1] = 0
+            lastDefinition = last // REVEAL
+            // exit
+            ip = returnStack.pop() as Int
+            eip = next
+        }
+            /*
+        .also {
+        dictionary[definitionPrecedence(it)] = true
+    }
+             */
+    /*
+    https://www.bradrodriguez.com/papers/moving3.htm
+    ;CODE is executed during Sequence 1, when CONSTANT is compiled. This is an example of a Forth IMMEDIATE word -- a word executed during the Forth compilation. ;CODE does three things:
+a. it compiles the Forth word (;CODE) into CONSTANT,
+b. it turns off the Forth compiler, and
+c. it turns on the Forth assembler.
+     */
-    val create = defColon("CREATE", kWord, createHeader)
+    var last = -1
+    private fun semicolonCode(instruction: Instruction) {
+    }
+    /*
+    : constant  create ,  does> @ ;
+    create , (;code) instruction @ exit
+    constant deux
+    deux jump 2
+     */
+    val dodoes = enter
+    val does = defWord("DOES>") {
+        comma(parSemicolonCode)
+        comma(Instruction.FunCall { forth ->
+            with (forth) {
+                /*
+                right now:
+                eip: the first cell of thread following (;code)
+                ip: somewhere e. g. in the interpreter, which is fine
+                w: CFA of the definition, w + 1 is the PFA of the definition
+                we want:
+                ip where it is
+                w: before the thread following (:code)
+                eip at dodoes = enter
+                 */
+                stack.push(w + 1)
+                w = eip - 1
+                eip = dodoes
+            }
+        })
+    }.also { dictionary[definitionPrecedence(it)] = true }
     val clearReturnStack = defWord("CLEAR-RETURN-STACK") { forth ->
     val printOK = defWord(".OK") {
-        output.invoke("   ok ")
+        output.invoke("  ok ")
     val cr = defWord("CR") {
@@ -504,19 +677,6 @@ class EKForth {
-    val begin = defWord("BEGIN") { forth -> forth.stack.push(forth.dictionary.here().also {println("begin $it")}) }.also {
-        dictionary[definitionPrecedence(it)] = true
-    }
-    val again = defWord("AGAIN") { forth ->
-        with (forth) {
-            dictionary.add(branch)
-            dictionary.add(stack.pop())
-        }
-    }.also {
-        dictionary[definitionPrecedence(it)] = true
-    }
     val interpret = colonDefinition("INTERPRET") {
@@ -573,10 +733,6 @@ class EKForth {
     private val initPointers = Pointers(next, start, 0, 0)
     private var pointers = initPointers
-    init {
-        run()
-    }
     fun init() {
         eip = pointers.eip
         ip = pointers.ip
@@ -590,7 +746,6 @@ class EKForth {
     fun mainLoop() {
         while (!end) {
-            //println("eip: $eip ip: $ip w: $w pfa: $pfa stack: ${stack.stack} return stack: ${returnStack.stack}")
             val error = (dictionary[eip] as Instruction).perform(this)
             if (error != null) {
@@ -601,13 +756,16 @@ class EKForth {
     fun run() {
+        if (eip >= 0 && dictionary[eip] == Instruction.End) return
         end = false
     val dotS = defWord(".S") { forth ->
-        output.invoke(stack.stack.map { it.toString() }.joinToString(" "))
+        with(forth) {
+            output.invoke(stack.stack.map { it.toString() }.joinToString(" "))
+        }
     val mul = defWord("*") { forth ->
@@ -670,6 +828,51 @@ class EKForth {
+    val less = defWord("<") { forth ->
+        val y = forth.stack.pop()
+        val x = forth.stack.pop()
+        val result = if (x is Int) {
+            if (y is Int) {
+                if (x < y) -1 else 0
+            } else {
+                if (x < y as Double) -1 else 0
+            }
+        } else {
+            if ((x as Double) < (y as Double)) -1 else 0
+        }
+        forth.stack.push(result)
+    }
+    val more = defWord(">") { forth ->
+        val y = forth.stack.pop()
+        val x = forth.stack.pop()
+        val result = if (x is Int) {
+            if (y is Int) {
+                if (x > y) -1 else 0
+            } else {
+                if (x > y as Double) -1 else 0
+            }
+        } else {
+            if ((x as Double) > (y as Double)) -1 else 0
+        }
+        forth.stack.push(result)
+    }
+    val equal = defWord("=") { forth ->
+        val y = forth.stack.pop()
+        val x = forth.stack.pop()
+        val result = if (x is Int) {
+            if (y is Int) {
+                if (x == y) -1 else 0
+            } else {
+                if (x == y as Double) -1 else 0
+            }
+        } else {
+            if ((x as Double) == (y as Double)) -1 else 0
+        }
+        forth.stack.push(result)
+    }
     val negate = defWord("NEGATE") { forth ->
         val x = forth.stack.pop()
         val result = if (x is Int) {
@@ -685,17 +888,210 @@ class EKForth {
+    val dotDictionary = defWord(".DICTIONARY") { forth -> forth.output.invoke(forth.dictionary) }
+    val here = defWord("HERE") { forth ->
+        with(forth) {
+            stack.push(dictionary.here())
+        }
+    }
+    val oneplus = defWord("1+") { forth ->
+        with(forth) {
+            val n = stack.pop()
+            when (n) {
+                is Int -> stack.push(n + 1)
+                is Double -> stack.push(n + 1.0)
+                else -> error("Cannot add 1 to $n")
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    val oneminus = defWord("1-") { forth ->
+        with(forth) {
+            val n = stack.pop()
+            when (n) {
+                is Int -> stack.push(n - 1)
+                is Double -> stack.push(n - 1.0)
+                else -> error("Cannot subtract 1 from $n")
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    val rfrom = defWord("R>") { forth ->
+        with(forth) {
+            stack.push(returnStack.pop())
+        }
+    }
+    val toR = defWord(">R") { forth ->
+        with(forth) {
+            returnStack.push(stack.pop())
+        }
+    }
+    val twoToR = defWord("2>R") { forth ->
+        with(forth) {
+            val x = stack.pop()
+            val y = stack.pop()
+            returnStack.push(y)
+            returnStack.push(x)
+        }
+    }
+    val rAt = defWord("R@") { forth ->
+        with(forth) {
+            stack.push(returnStack.peek())
+        }
+    }
+    //  : postpone  kword kfind if  , then //
+    val postpone = defWord("POSTPONE") { forth ->
+        with(forth) {
+            val (xt, isImmediate) = kFind(kWord())
+            if (isImmediate < 0) {
+                comma(onStack)
+                comma(xt)
+                comma(comma)
+            } else if (isImmediate > 0) {
+                comma(xt)
+            }
+        }
+    }.also { dictionary[definitionPrecedence(it)] = true}
+    /*
+    private fun fif() {
+        comma(qbranch)
+        stack.push(dictionary.here())
+        comma(0)
+    }
+    private fun felse() {
+        dictionary[stack.pop() as Int] = dictionary.here() + 2
+        comma(branch)
+        stack.push(dictionary.here())
+        comma(0)
+    }
+    fun fthen() {
+        dictionary[stack.pop() as Int] = dictionary.here()
+    }
+     */
+    /*
+            : DO  [ HERE ]  >R >R ;
+            : I   R@ ;
+     */
+    fun dotQuote() {
+        comma(print)
+        val word = kDelimitedWord('"')
+        comma(if (word is ForthWord) word.word else word.toString())
+    }
+    val dotQuote = defWord(".\"") {
+        dotQuote()
+    }.also {
+        dictionary[definitionPrecedence(it)] = true
+        }
+    fun paren() {
+        kDelimitedWord(')')
+    }
+    val paren = defWord("(") {
+        paren()
+    }.also {
+        dictionary[definitionPrecedence(it)] = true
+    }
+    val parLoop = defWord("(LOOP)") { forth ->
+        with (forth) {
+            val index = (returnStack.pop() as Int) + 1
+            val limit = returnStack.peek() as Int
+            val start = dictionary[ip] as Int
+            if (index < limit) {
+                returnStack.push(index)
+                ip = start
+            } else {
+                returnStack.pop()
+                ++ ip
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    val parPlusLoop = defWord("(+LOOP)") { forth ->
+        with (forth) {
+            val increment = stack.pop() as Int
+            val oldIndex = returnStack.pop() as Int
+            val newIndex = oldIndex + increment
+            val limit = returnStack.peek() as Int
+            val start = dictionary[ip] as Int
+            if ((oldIndex >= limit && newIndex >= limit) || (oldIndex <= limit - 1 && newIndex <= limit - 1)) {
+                returnStack.push(newIndex)
+                ip = start
+            } else {
+                returnStack.pop()
+                ++ ip
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    val csRoll = defWord("CS-ROLL") { forth ->
+        with(forth) {
+            stack.roll(stack.pop() as Int)
+        }
+    }
+    init {
+        accept("1 2 + .")
+        accept("""
+            : IF   POSTPONE ?BRANCH  HERE  0 , ; IMMEDIATE
+            : THEN   HERE SWAP ! ;  IMMEDIATE
+            : DO  POSTPONE 2>R  HERE ; IMMEDIATE
+            : LOOP  POSTPONE (LOOP)  , ; IMMEDIATE
+            : +LOOP  POSTPONE (+LOOP)  , ; IMMEDIATE
+            : I POSTPONE R@ ; IMMEDIATE
+            : BEGIN   HERE ; IMMEDIATE
+            : WHILE ( dest -- orig dest )
+               POSTPONE IF 1 CS-ROLL
+            ; IMMEDIATE
+        """.trimIndent())
+        run()
+    }
+    fun isDone(): Boolean = (dictionary[eip] == Instruction.End)
 data class ForthWord(val word: String)
-val mainFn = ::forth
+val mainFn = ::main1
+//val mainFn = ::mainServer
+//val mainFn = ::forth
 //val mainFn = { remoteForth(12345) }
 fun main() {
+fun mainServer() {
+    data class C(var a: Int, var b: Int)
+    val c = C(1, 2)
+    Forth.defConstant("c") { c }
+    Forth.defVariable("c.a",
+    getter = { c.a },
+    setter = { c.a = it as Int}
+    )
+    Forth.script(": square   dup * ;")
+    Forth.onSocket(12345)
 fun forth() {
     EKForth().run {
         output = { print(it) }
@@ -706,6 +1102,60 @@ fun forth() {
+fun main1() {
+    EKForth().run {
+        output = { print(it) }
+        accept("""
+            \.DICTIONARY
+            \: hello  ." hello world " here . ;
+            \cr hello
+            : ?FULL   12 = IF ." It's full " THEN ;
+            10 ?FULL
+            12 ?FULL
+            : ?FULL2  cr  dup . ." : " 12 = IF ." plenum" else ." nondum plenum" THEN ;
+            10 ?FULL2
+            12 ?FULL2
+            : DECADE  10 0 DO  I .  LOOP ;
+            : PENTAJUMPS  50 0 DO  I .  5 +LOOP ;
+            : FALLING  -10 0 DO  I .  -1 +LOOP ;
+            : INC-COUNT  DO  I . DUP +LOOP  DROP ;
+            CR DECADE
+            CR PENTAJUMPS
+            CR FALLING
+            CR 1 5 0 INC-COUNT
+            CR 2 5 0 INC-COUNT
+            CR -3 -10 10 INC-COUNT
+            : foo  ( n -- )
+               begin
+                  cr ." begin" cr
+               dup 10 < while
+                  dup . 1+
+               repeat
+               drop
+               cr ." end"
+            ;
+            0 foo
+            : FACTORIAL ( +n1 -- +n2 )
+               DUP 2 < IF DROP 1 EXIT THEN
+               DUP
+               BEGIN DUP 2 > WHILE
+               1- SWAP OVER * SWAP
+               REPEAT DROP
+            ;
+            cr 5 factorial .
+        """.trimIndent())
+        /*
+        accept("""
+            : DECADE   10 0 DO  I .  LOOP ;
+            DECADE
+        """.trimIndent())
+         */
+    }
 fun remoteForth(port: Int) = ForthIOServer(EKForth(), port)
 class ForthIOServer(val forth: EKForth, port: Int, backlog: Int = 5) : Closeable {
@@ -714,16 +1164,17 @@ class ForthIOServer(val forth: EKForth, port: Int, backlog: Int = 5) : Closeable
     private val sock = ServerSocket(port, backlog)
     private var thread: Thread = thread {
         while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted) {
-            val client = sock.accept()
-            val reader = client.getInputStream().bufferedReader()
-            val writer = client.getOutputStream().bufferedWriter()
-            forth.output = { writer.write("$it"); writer.flush() }
-            while (true) {
-                val input = reader.readLine() ?: break
-                try {
-                    forth.accept(input)
-                } catch (e: IOException) {
-                    break
+            sock.accept().use { client ->
+                val reader = client.getInputStream().bufferedReader()
+                val writer = client.getOutputStream().bufferedWriter()
+                forth.output = { writer.write("$it"); writer.flush() }
+                while (true) {
+                    val input = reader.readLine() ?: break
+                    try {
+                        forth.accept(input)
+                    } catch (e: IOException) {
+                        break
+                    }
             forth.output = oldOutput
@@ -736,3 +1187,104 @@ class ForthIOServer(val forth: EKForth, port: Int, backlog: Int = 5) : Closeable
+object Forth {
+    private var forth: EKForth? = null
+    private val preamble = mutableListOf<(EKForth) -> Unit>()
+    fun addToPreamble(action: EKForth.() -> Unit) {
+        preamble.add(action)
+        forth?.let { action.invoke(it) }
+    }
+    fun script(script: String) {
+        addToPreamble { accept(script) }
+    }
+    fun defWord(name: String, action: () -> Unit) {
+        addToPreamble { defWord(name, action) }
+    }
+    fun defConstant(name: String, value: () -> Any?) {
+        addToPreamble { defWord(name) { forth -> forth.stack.push(value.invoke()) } }
+    }
+    fun defVariable(name: String, getter: () -> Any?, setter: (Any?) -> Unit) {
+        val memoryCell = MemoryCell(getter, setter)
+        addToPreamble { defWord(name) { forth -> forth.stack.push(memoryCell) } }
+    }
+    fun accept(input: String) {
+        if (forth == null) setupForth()
+        forth?.let {
+            it.accept(input)
+            if (it.isDone()) forth = null
+        }
+    }
+    var output: (String) -> Unit = {}
+        set(value) {
+            field = value
+            forth?.let { it.output = { output("$it") } }
+        }
+    private fun setupForth() {
+        forth = EKForth().apply {
+            output = {}
+            preamble.forEach { it.invoke(this) }
+        }
+        output = output
+    }
+    private var sock: ServerSocket? = null
+    private var io: SocketIO? = null
+    fun onSocket(port: Int, backlog: Int = 5) {
+        val ioUser = object : SocketIOUser {
+            override fun input(input: String) {
+                accept(input)
+            }
+            override fun onNewWriter(writer: (String) -> Unit) {
+                output = writer
+            }
+        }
+        sock = ServerSocket(port, backlog)
+        sock?.let { io = SocketIO(it, ioUser) }
+    }
+    fun close() {
+        sock?.close()
+        io?.close()
+        forth = null
+    }
+interface SocketIOUser {
+    fun input(input: String) {}
+    fun onNewWriter(writer: (String) -> Unit) {}
+class SocketIO(val sock: ServerSocket, val user: SocketIOUser) : Closeable {
+    private var thread: Thread = thread {
+        while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted) {
+            sock.accept().use { client ->
+                val reader = client.getInputStream().bufferedReader()
+                val writer = client.getOutputStream().bufferedWriter()
+                user.onNewWriter { writer.write(it); writer.flush() }
+                while (true) {
+                    val input = reader.readLine() ?: break
+                    try {
+                        user.input(input)
+                    } catch (e: IOException) {
+                        break
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    override fun close() {
+        thread?.interrupt()
+    }