123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179 |
- import re
- from urllib.parse import urlparse
- import asyncio
- from g4f import models, ChatCompletion
- from g4f.providers.types import BaseRetryProvider, ProviderType
- from g4f.providers.base_provider import ProviderModelMixin
- from g4f.Provider import __providers__
- from g4f.models import _all_models
- from g4f import debug
- debug.logging = True
- async def test_async(provider: ProviderType):
- if not provider.working:
- return False
- messages = [{"role": "user", "content": "Hello Assistant!"}]
- try:
- response = await asyncio.wait_for(ChatCompletion.create_async(
- model=models.default,
- messages=messages,
- provider=provider
- ), 30)
- return bool(response)
- except Exception as e:
- if debug.logging:
- print(f"{provider.__name__}: {e.__class__.__name__}: {e}")
- return False
- def test_async_list(providers: list[ProviderType]):
- responses: list = [
- asyncio.run(test_async(_provider))
- for _provider in providers
- ]
- return responses
- def print_providers():
- providers = [provider for provider in __providers__ if provider.working]
- responses = test_async_list(providers)
- lines = []
- for type in ("Free", "Auth"):
- lines += [
- "",
- f"## {type}",
- "",
- ]
- for idx, _provider in enumerate(providers):
- do_continue = False
- if type == "Auth" and _provider.needs_auth:
- do_continue = True
- elif type == "Free" and not _provider.needs_auth:
- do_continue = True
- if not do_continue:
- continue
- lines.append(
- f"### {getattr(_provider, 'label', _provider.__name__)}",
- )
- provider_name = f"`g4f.Provider.{_provider.__name__}`"
- lines.append(f"| Provider | {provider_name} |")
- lines.append("| -------- | ---- |")
- if _provider.url:
- netloc = urlparse(_provider.url).netloc.replace("www.", "")
- website = f"[{netloc}]({_provider.url})"
- else:
- website = "❌"
- message_history = "✔️" if _provider.supports_message_history else "❌"
- system = "✔️" if _provider.supports_system_message else "❌"
- stream = "✔️" if _provider.supports_stream else "❌"
- if _provider.working:
- status = ''
- if responses[idx]:
- status = ''
- else:
- status = ''
- else:
- status = ''
- auth = "✔️" if _provider.needs_auth else "❌"
- lines.append(f"| **Website** | {website} | \n| **Status** | {status} |")
- if issubclass(_provider, ProviderModelMixin):
- try:
- all_models = _provider.get_models()
- models = [model for model in _all_models if model in all_models or model in _provider.model_aliases]
- image_models = _provider.image_models
- if image_models:
- for alias, name in _provider.model_aliases.items():
- if alias in _all_models and name in image_models:
- image_models.append(alias)
- image_models = [model for model in image_models if model in _all_models]
- if image_models:
- models = [model for model in models if model not in image_models]
- if models:
- lines.append(f"| **Models** | {', '.join(models)} ({len(all_models)})|")
- if image_models:
- lines.append(f"| **Image Models (Image Generation)** | {', '.join(image_models)} |")
- if hasattr(_provider, "vision_models"):
- lines.append(f"| **Vision (Image Upload)** | ✔️ |")
- except:
- pass
- lines.append(f"| **Authentication** | {auth} | \n| **Streaming** | {stream} |")
- lines.append(f"| **System message** | {system} | \n| **Message history** | {message_history} |")
- return lines
- def print_models():
- base_provider_names = {
- "google": "Google",
- "openai": "OpenAI",
- "huggingface": "Huggingface",
- "anthropic": "Anthropic",
- "inflection": "Inflection",
- "meta": "Meta",
- }
- provider_urls = {
- "google": "https://gemini.google.com/",
- "openai": "https://openai.com/",
- "huggingface": "https://huggingface.co/",
- "anthropic": "https://www.anthropic.com/",
- "inflection": "https://inflection.ai/",
- "meta": "https://llama.meta.com/",
- }
- lines = [
- "| Model | Base Provider | Provider | Website |",
- "| ----- | ------------- | -------- | ------- |",
- ]
- for name, model in models.ModelUtils.convert.items():
- if name.startswith("gpt-3.5") or name.startswith("gpt-4"):
- if name not in ("gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-turbo"):
- continue
- name = re.split(r":|/", model.name)[-1]
- if model.base_provider not in base_provider_names:
- continue
- base_provider = base_provider_names[model.base_provider]
- if not isinstance(model.best_provider, BaseRetryProvider):
- provider_name = f"g4f.Provider.{model.best_provider.__name__}"
- else:
- provider_name = f"{len(model.best_provider.providers)}+ Providers"
- provider_url = provider_urls[model.base_provider]
- netloc = urlparse(provider_url).netloc.replace("www.", "")
- website = f"[{netloc}]({provider_url})"
- lines.append(f"| {name} | {base_provider} | {provider_name} | {website} |")
- return lines
- def print_image_models():
- lines = [
- "| Label | Provider | Image Model | Vision Model | Website |",
- "| ----- | -------- | ----------- | ------------ | ------- |",
- ]
- for provider in [provider for provider in __providers__ if provider.working and getattr(provider, "image_models", None) or getattr(provider, "vision_models", None)]:
- provider_url = provider.url if provider.url else "❌"
- netloc = urlparse(provider_url).netloc.replace("www.", "")
- website = f"[{netloc}]({provider_url})"
- label = getattr(provider, "label", provider.__name__)
- if provider.image_models:
- image_models = ", ".join([model for model in provider.image_models if model in _all_models])
- else:
- image_models = "❌"
- if hasattr(provider, "vision_models"):
- vision_models = "✔️"
- else:
- vision_models = "❌"
- lines.append(f'| {label} | `g4f.Provider.{provider.__name__}` | {image_models}| {vision_models} | {website} |')
- return lines
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- with open("docs/providers.md", "w") as f:
- f.write("\n".join(print_providers()))
- f.write(f"\n{'-' * 50} \n")
- f.write("\n".join(print_image_models()))