123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435 |
- "use strict";
- var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
- function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
- return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
- function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
- function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
- function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
- step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
- });
- };
- var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
- return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
- };
- var _a, _b, _c;
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- exports.delay = exports.CallForSuccess = void 0;
- const core_1 = require("@ton/core");
- const crypto_1 = require("@ton/crypto");
- const ton_1 = require("@ton/ton");
- const child_process_1 = require("child_process");
- const fs_1 = __importDefault(require("fs"));
- const ton_2 = require("@ton/ton");
- const dotenv_1 = __importDefault(require("dotenv"));
- const givers_1 = require("./givers");
- const arg_1 = __importDefault(require("arg"));
- const ton_lite_client_1 = require("ton-lite-client");
- const client_1 = require("./client");
- const tonapi_sdk_js_1 = require("tonapi-sdk-js");
- const util_1 = require("util");
- const exec = (0, util_1.promisify)(child_process_1.exec);
- dotenv_1.default.config({ path: 'config.txt.txt' });
- dotenv_1.default.config({ path: '.env.txt' });
- dotenv_1.default.config();
- dotenv_1.default.config({ path: 'config.txt' });
- const args = (0, arg_1.default)({
- '--givers': Number,
- '--api': String,
- '--bin': String,
- '--gpu-count': Number,
- '--timeout': Number,
- '--allow-shards': Boolean,
- '-c': String,
- });
- let givers = givers_1.givers1000;
- if (args['--givers']) {
- const val = args['--givers'];
- const allowed = [100, 1000];
- if (!allowed.includes(val)) {
- throw new Error('Invalid --givers argument');
- }
- switch (val) {
- case 100:
- givers = givers_1.givers100;
- console.log('Using givers 100');
- break;
- case 1000:
- givers = givers_1.givers1000;
- console.log('Using givers 1 000');
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- console.log('Using givers 1 000');
- }
- let bin = '.\\pow-miner-cuda.exe';
- if (args['--bin']) {
- const argBin = args['--bin'];
- if (argBin === 'cuda') {
- bin = '.\\pow-miner-cuda.exe';
- }
- else if (argBin === 'opencl' || argBin === 'amd') {
- bin = '.\\pow-miner-opencl.exe';
- }
- else {
- bin = argBin;
- }
- }
- console.log('Using bin', bin);
- const gpus = (_a = args['--gpu-count']) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 1;
- const timeout = (_b = args['--timeout']) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 5;
- const allowShards = (_c = args['--allow-shards']) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : false;
- console.log('Using GPUs count', gpus);
- console.log('Using timeout', timeout);
- const mySeed = process.env.SEED;
- const totalDiff = BigInt('115792089237277217110272752943501742914102634520085823245724998868298727686144');
- const envAddress = process.env.TARGET_ADDRESS;
- let TARGET_ADDRESS = undefined;
- if (envAddress) {
- try {
- TARGET_ADDRESS = core_1.Address.parse(envAddress).toString({ urlSafe: true, bounceable: false });
- }
- catch (e) {
- console.log('Couldnt parse target address');
- process.exit(1);
- }
- }
- let bestGiver = { address: '', coins: 0 };
- function updateBestGivers(liteClient, myAddress) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- const giver = givers[Math.floor(Math.random() * givers.length)];
- bestGiver = {
- address: giver.address,
- coins: giver.reward,
- };
- });
- }
- function getPowInfo(liteClient, address) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- if (liteClient instanceof ton_1.TonClient4) {
- const lastInfo = yield CallForSuccess(() => liteClient.getLastBlock());
- const powInfo = yield CallForSuccess(() => liteClient.runMethod(lastInfo.last.seqno, address, 'get_pow_params', []));
- const reader = new core_1.TupleReader(powInfo.result);
- const seed = reader.readBigNumber();
- const complexity = reader.readBigNumber();
- const iterations = reader.readBigNumber();
- return [seed, complexity, iterations];
- }
- else if (liteClient instanceof ton_lite_client_1.LiteClient) {
- const lastInfo = yield liteClient.getMasterchainInfo();
- const powInfo = yield liteClient.runMethod(address, 'get_pow_params', Buffer.from([]), lastInfo.last);
- const powStack = core_1.Cell.fromBase64(powInfo.result);
- const stack = (0, core_1.parseTuple)(powStack);
- const reader = new core_1.TupleReader(stack);
- const seed = reader.readBigNumber();
- const complexity = reader.readBigNumber();
- const iterations = reader.readBigNumber();
- return [seed, complexity, iterations];
- }
- else if (liteClient instanceof tonapi_sdk_js_1.Api) {
- try {
- const powInfo = yield CallForSuccess(() => liteClient.blockchain.execGetMethodForBlockchainAccount(address.toRawString(), 'get_pow_params', {}), 50, 300);
- const seed = BigInt(powInfo.stack[0].num);
- const complexity = BigInt(powInfo.stack[1].num);
- const iterations = BigInt(powInfo.stack[2].num);
- return [seed, complexity, iterations];
- }
- catch (e) {
- console.log('ls error', e);
- }
- }
- throw new Error('invalid client');
- });
- }
- let go = true;
- let i = 0;
- let success = 0;
- let lastMinedSeed = BigInt(0);
- let start = Date.now();
- function main() {
- var _a;
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- const minerOk = yield testMiner(gpus);
- if (!minerOk) {
- console.log('Your miner is not working');
- console.log('Check if you use correct bin (cuda, amd).');
- console.log('If it doesn\'t help, try to run test_cuda or test_opencl script, to find out issue');
- process.exit(1);
- }
- let liteClient;
- if (!args['--api']) {
- console.log('Using TonHub API');
- liteClient = yield (0, client_1.getTon4Client)();
- }
- else {
- if (args['--api'] === 'lite') {
- console.log('Using LiteServer API');
- liteClient = yield (0, client_1.getLiteClient)((_a = args['-c']) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 'https://ton-blockchain.github.io/global.config.json');
- }
- else if (args['--api'] === 'tonapi') {
- console.log('Using TonApi');
- liteClient = yield (0, client_1.getTonapiClient)();
- }
- else {
- console.log('Using TonHub API');
- liteClient = yield (0, client_1.getTon4Client)();
- }
- }
- const keyPair = yield (0, crypto_1.mnemonicToWalletKey)(mySeed.split(' '));
- const wallet = ton_2.WalletContractV4.create({
- workchain: 0,
- publicKey: keyPair.publicKey
- });
- if (args['--wallet'] === 'highload') {
- console.log('Using highload wallet', wallet.address.toString({ bounceable: false, urlSafe: true }));
- }
- else {
- console.log('Using v4r2 wallet', wallet.address.toString({ bounceable: false, urlSafe: true }));
- }
- const targetAddress = TARGET_ADDRESS !== null && TARGET_ADDRESS !== void 0 ? TARGET_ADDRESS : wallet.address.toString({ bounceable: false, urlSafe: true });
- console.log('Target address:', targetAddress);
- console.log('Date, time, status, seed, attempts, successes, timespent');
- try {
- yield updateBestGivers(liteClient, wallet.address);
- }
- catch (e) {
- console.log('error', e);
- throw Error('no givers');
- }
- setInterval(() => {
- updateBestGivers(liteClient, wallet.address);
- }, 5000);
- while (go) {
- const giverAddress = bestGiver.address;
- const [seed, complexity, iterations] = yield getPowInfo(liteClient, core_1.Address.parse(giverAddress));
- if (seed === lastMinedSeed) {
- updateBestGivers(liteClient, wallet.address);
- yield delay(200);
- continue;
- }
- const promises = [];
- let handlers = [];
- const mined = yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- let rest = gpus;
- for (let i = 0; i < gpus; i++) {
- const randomName = (yield (0, crypto_1.getSecureRandomBytes)(8)).toString('hex') + '.boc';
- const path = `bocs/${randomName}`;
- const command = `-g ${i} -F 128 -t ${timeout} ${targetAddress} ${seed} ${complexity} ${iterations} ${giverAddress} ${path}`;
- const procid = (0, child_process_1.spawn)(bin, command.split(' '), { stdio: "pipe" });
- handlers.push(procid);
- procid.on('exit', () => {
- let mined = undefined;
- try {
- const exists = fs_1.default.existsSync(path);
- if (exists) {
- mined = fs_1.default.readFileSync(path);
- resolve(mined);
- lastMinedSeed = seed;
- fs_1.default.rmSync(path);
- for (const handle of handlers) {
- handle.kill('SIGINT');
- }
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- console.log('not mined', e);
- }
- finally {
- if (--rest === 0) {
- resolve(undefined);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }));
- if (!mined) {
- console.log(`${formatTime()}: not mined`, seed.toString(16).slice(0, 4), i++, success, Math.floor((Date.now() - start) / 1000));
- }
- if (mined) {
- const [newSeed] = yield getPowInfo(liteClient, core_1.Address.parse(giverAddress));
- if (newSeed !== seed) {
- console.log('Mined already too late seed');
- continue;
- }
- console.log(`${formatTime()}: mined`, seed.toString(16).slice(0, 4), i++, ++success, Math.floor((Date.now() - start) / 1000));
- let seqno = 0;
- if (liteClient instanceof ton_lite_client_1.LiteClient || liteClient instanceof ton_1.TonClient4) {
- let w = liteClient.open(wallet);
- try {
- seqno = yield CallForSuccess(() => w.getSeqno());
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- }
- else {
- const res = yield CallForSuccess(() => liteClient.blockchain.execGetMethodForBlockchainAccount(wallet.address.toRawString(), "seqno", {}), 50, 250);
- if (res.success) {
- seqno = Number(BigInt(res.stack[0].num));
- }
- }
- yield sendMinedBoc(wallet, seqno, keyPair, giverAddress, core_1.Cell.fromBoc(mined)[0].asSlice().loadRef());
- }
- }
- });
- }
- main();
- function sendMinedBoc(wallet, seqno, keyPair, giverAddress, boc) {
- var _a;
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- if (args['--api'] === 'tonapi') {
- const tonapiClient = yield (0, client_1.getTonapiClient)();
- const transfer = wallet.createTransfer({
- seqno,
- secretKey: keyPair.secretKey,
- messages: [(0, core_1.internal)({
- to: giverAddress,
- value: (0, core_1.toNano)('0.05'),
- bounce: true,
- body: boc,
- })],
- sendMode: 3,
- });
- const msg = (0, core_1.beginCell)().store((0, core_1.storeMessage)((0, core_1.external)({
- to: wallet.address,
- body: transfer
- }))).endCell();
- let k = 0;
- let lastError;
- while (k < 20) {
- try {
- yield tonapiClient.blockchain.sendBlockchainMessage({
- boc: msg.toBoc().toString('base64'),
- });
- break;
- }
- catch (e) {
- k++;
- if (e.status === 429) {
- yield delay(200);
- }
- else {
- k = 20;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- const wallets = [];
- const ton4Client = yield (0, client_1.getTon4Client)();
- const tonOrbsClient = yield (0, client_1.getTon4ClientOrbs)();
- const w2 = ton4Client.open(wallet);
- const w3 = tonOrbsClient.open(wallet);
- wallets.push(w2);
- wallets.push(w3);
- if (args['--api'] === 'lite') {
- const liteServerClient = yield (0, client_1.getLiteClient)((_a = args['-c']) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 'https://ton-blockchain.github.io/global.config.json');
- const w1 = liteServerClient.open(wallet);
- wallets.push(w1);
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- for (const w of wallets) {
- w.sendTransfer({
- seqno,
- secretKey: keyPair.secretKey,
- messages: [(0, core_1.internal)({
- to: giverAddress,
- value: (0, core_1.toNano)('0.05'),
- bounce: true,
- body: boc,
- })],
- sendMode: 3,
- }).catch(e => {
- });
- }
- }
- });
- }
- function testMiner(gpus) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- for (let i = 0; i < gpus; i++) {
- const gpu = i;
- const randomName = (yield (0, crypto_1.getSecureRandomBytes)(8)).toString('hex') + '.boc';
- const path = `bocs/${randomName}`;
- const command = `${bin} -g ${gpu} -F 128 -t ${timeout} kQBWkNKqzCAwA9vjMwRmg7aY75Rf8lByPA9zKXoqGkHi8SM7 229760179690128740373110445116482216837 53919893334301279589334030174039261347274288845081144962207220498400000000000 10000000000 kQBWkNKqzCAwA9vjMwRmg7aY75Rf8lByPA9zKXoqGkHi8SM7 ${path}`;
- try {
- const output = (0, child_process_1.execSync)(command, { encoding: 'utf-8', stdio: "pipe" });
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- let mined = undefined;
- try {
- mined = fs_1.default.readFileSync(path);
- fs_1.default.rmSync(path);
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- if (!mined) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- });
- }
- function CallForSuccess(toCall, attempts = 20, delayMs = 100) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- if (typeof toCall !== 'function') {
- throw new Error('unknown input');
- }
- let i = 0;
- let lastError;
- while (i < attempts) {
- try {
- const res = yield toCall();
- return res;
- }
- catch (err) {
- lastError = err;
- i++;
- yield delay(delayMs);
- }
- }
- console.log('error after attempts', i);
- throw lastError;
- });
- }
- exports.CallForSuccess = CallForSuccess;
- function delay(ms) {
- return new Promise((resolve) => {
- setTimeout(resolve, ms);
- });
- }
- exports.delay = delay;
- function formatTime() {
- return new Date().toLocaleTimeString('en-US', {
- hour12: false,
- hour: "numeric",
- minute: "numeric",
- day: "numeric",
- month: "numeric",
- year: "numeric",
- second: "numeric"
- });
- }