#1 Document ingestion endpoint

prasoon4 년 전을 오픈 · 0개의 코멘트
prasoon 코멘트됨, 4 년 전

There are 4 approaches to do this:

  1. Accept a POST request at /graphql endpoint with an input object containing the url where xml is available.
  2. Accept a POST request at /graphql endpoint with the input object containing the body of the xml document.
  3. Accept a POST request at /ingestDoc with the xml document in the request body.
  4. Accept a GET/POST request with the url of the xml document in query/request body.
There are 4 approaches to do this: 1. Accept a POST request at /graphql endpoint with an input object containing the url where xml is available. 2. Accept a POST request at /graphql endpoint with the input object containing the body of the xml document. 3. Accept a POST request at /ingestDoc with the xml document in the request body. 4. Accept a GET/POST request with the url of the xml document in query/request body.
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