Makefile 3.6 KB

  1. ##
  2. ## Toplevel Makefile for all Makefiles
  3. ##
  4. ##
  5. ## Scott Powers
  6. ##
  7. all: dev_$(DEV_ARCH)
  8. list: dev_
  9. help: dev_
  10. dev_::
  11. @echo "You must specify one of the following or set the environment variable"
  12. @echo "[DEV_ARCH] to one of the following:"
  13. @echo " freebsd -- x86 running freebsd DYNAMIC"
  14. @echo " freebsd-static -- x86 running freebsd ALL STATIC"
  15. @echo " freebsd-static-motif -- x86 running freebsd STATIC MOTIF"
  16. @echo " linux -- x86 running Linux 1.2.13 DYNAMIC"
  17. @echo " linux-static -- x86 running Linux 1.2.13 ALL STATIC"
  18. @echo " linux-static-motif -- x86 running Linux 1.2.13 STATIC MOTIF"
  19. @echo " unicos -- Cray PVP running UNICOS (tested with 10.0 and MOTIF)"
  20. @echo " "
  21. @echo "To make a Purify or Quantify version of Mosaic, put a 'p_' or"
  22. @echo " 'q_' in front of the platform."
  23. @echo "If your OS is not listed, you will need to copy one of the"
  24. @echo " the Makefiles.OS in the 'makefiles' directory, edit it for"
  25. @echo " your system, edit this Makefile to add your system, compile,"
  26. @echo " and send in your changes to:"
  27. purifyd:
  28. $(MAKE) p_$(DEV_ARCH)
  29. quantifyd:
  30. $(MAKE) q_$(DEV_ARCH)
  31. rm_and_touch:
  32. @rm -f config.h
  33. @touch config.h
  34. dev_freebsd: rm_and_touch freebsd
  35. freebsd: rm_and_touch
  36. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.freebsd DEV_ARCH=freebsd
  37. p_freebsd: rm_and_touch
  38. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.freebsd purifyd DEV_ARCH=freebsd
  39. q_freebsd: rm_and_touch
  40. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.freebsd quantifyd DEV_ARCH=freebsd
  41. dev_freebsd_static: rm_and_touch freebsd_static
  42. freebsd_static: rm_and_touch
  43. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.freebsd staticd DEV_ARCH=freebsd
  44. p_freebsd_static: rm_and_touch
  45. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.freebsd p_staticd DEV_ARCH=freebsd
  46. q_freebsd_static: rm_and_touch
  47. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.freebsd q_staticd DEV_ARCH=freebsd
  48. dev_freebsd_static_motif: rm_and_touch freebsd_static_motif
  49. freebsd_static_motif: rm_and_touch
  50. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.freebsd static_motifd DEV_ARCH=freebsd
  51. p_freebsd_static_motif: rm_and_touch
  52. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.freebsd p_static_motifd DEV_ARCH=freebsd
  53. q_freebsd_static_motif: rm_and_touch
  54. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.freebsd q_static_motifd DEV_ARCH=freebsd
  55. dev_linux: rm_and_touch linux
  56. linux: rm_and_touch
  57. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.linux DEV_ARCH=linux
  58. p_linux: rm_and_touch
  59. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.linux purifyd DEV_ARCH=linux
  60. q_linux: rm_and_touch
  61. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.linux quantifyd DEV_ARCH=linux
  62. dev_linux_static: rm_and_touch linux_static
  63. linux_static: rm_and_touch
  64. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.linux staticd DEV_ARCH=linux
  65. p_linux_static: rm_and_touch
  66. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.linux p_staticd DEV_ARCH=linux
  67. q_linux_static: rm_and_touch
  68. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.linux q_staticd DEV_ARCH=linux
  69. dev_linux_static_motif: rm_and_touch linux_static_motif
  70. linux_static_motif: rm_and_touch
  71. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.linux static_motifd DEV_ARCH=linux
  72. p_linux_static_motif: rm_and_touch
  73. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.linux p_static_motifd DEV_ARCH=linux
  74. q_linux_static_motif: rm_and_touch
  75. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.linux q_static_motifd DEV_ARCH=linux
  76. dev_unicos: rm_and_touch unicos
  77. unicos: rm_and_touch
  78. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.unicos static_motifd DEV_ARCH=unicos
  79. p_unicos: rm_and_touch
  80. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.unicos p_static_motifd DEV_ARCH=unicos
  81. q_unicos: rm_and_touch
  82. $(MAKE) -f makefiles/Makefile.unicos q_static_motifd DEV_ARCH=unicos
  83. clean:
  84. cd libXmx; $(MAKE) clean
  85. cd libdtm; $(MAKE) clean
  86. cd libhtmlw; $(MAKE) clean
  87. cd libnet; $(MAKE) clean
  88. cd libnut; $(MAKE) clean
  89. cd libwww2; $(MAKE) clean
  90. cd src; $(MAKE) clean MOSAIC="Mosaic"
  91. @echo "Done cleaning..."