AssignmentSyncSettings.handlebars 962 B

  1. <div class="form-dialog-content sync-to-sis-message-content">
  2. {{#if canDisableSync}}
  3. <span class="disable-sync-to-sis-message">
  4. {{#t}} Are you sure you want to disable Sync to {{sisName}} for all assignments?{{/t}}
  5. </span>
  6. {{else}}
  7. <span class="disable-sync-to-sis-message alert">
  8. {{#t}}You are not authorized to disable the Sync to {{sisName}} option.{{/t}}
  9. </span>
  10. {{/if}}
  11. </div>
  12. <div class="form-controls">
  13. <button
  14. id="cancel-assignment-settings"
  15. class="btn dialog_closer {{#unless canDisableSync}}disabled{{/unless}}"
  16. type="button"
  17. {{#if cannotDisableSync}}aria-disabled="true"{{/if}}
  18. >{{#t}}Cancel{{/t}}</button>
  19. <button
  20. id="update-assignment-settings"
  21. class="btn btn-primary {{#unless canDisableSync}}disabled{{/unless}}"
  22. data-text-while-loading='{{#t}}Disabling...{{/t}}'
  23. type="submit"
  24. {{#if cannotDisableSync}}aria-disabled="true"{{/if}}
  25. >{{#t}}Disable{{/t}}</button>
  26. </div>