1.5 KB

  1. <% define_content :link do %>
  2. <%= appointment_groups_url %>
  3. <% end %>
  4. <% define_content :subject do %>
  5. <%= t('subject', 'Appointments for %{appointment_name} have been canceled (%{course})', :appointment_name => asset.title, :course => asset.contexts_for_user(user).map(&:name).join(", ")) %>
  6. <% end %>
  7. <% define_content :footer_link do %>
  8. <a href="<%= content(:link) %>">
  9. <%= t :link_text, 'View the appointment' %>
  10. </a>
  11. <% end %>
  12. <p><%= t :message, 'All appointments for %{appointment_name} have been canceled.', :appointment_name => asset.title %></p>
  13. <p><strong><%= t :details, 'Appointment Details' %>:</strong></p>
  14. <table border="0" style="font-size: 14px; color: #444444;
  15. font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Lucida Grande', 'Segoe UI', Arial, Verdana, 'Lucida Sans Unicode', Tahoma, 'Sans Serif';
  16. border-collapse: collapse;">
  17. <% if asset.end_at %>
  18. <tr>
  19. <td style="padding-right: 10px;" valign="top"><%= t :dates, 'Date(s)' %>:</td>
  20. <td valign="top"><%= date_string(asset.start_at, asset.end_at, :no_words) %></td>
  21. </tr>
  22. <% end %>
  23. <tr>
  24. <td style="padding-right: 10px;" valign="top"><%= t :course, 'Course' %>:</td>
  25. <td valign="top"><%=
  26. asset.participant_type == 'Group' ?
  27. :
  28. asset.contexts_for_user(user).map(&:name).join(", ") %></td>
  29. </tr>
  30. </table>
  31. <p style="font-weight: bold;"><%= t :cancel_reason, 'Reason for canceling' %></p>
  32. <p><%= data.cancel_reason || t(:no_reason_given, "none given") %></p>