123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #opnk stand for "Open like a PuNK".
- #It will open any file or URL and display it nicely in less.
- #If not possible, it will fallback to xdg-open
- #URL are retrieved through netcache
- import os
- import sys
- import tempfile
- import argparse
- import netcache
- import ansicat
- import offutils
- import shutil
- import time
- import fnmatch
- from offutils import run,term_width,mode_url,unmode_url,is_local
- _HAS_XDGOPEN = shutil.which('xdg-open')
- _GREP = "grep --color=auto"
- less_version = 0
- if not shutil.which("less"):
- print("Please install the pager \"less\" to run Offpunk.")
- print("If you wish to use another pager, send me an email !")
- print("(I’m really curious to hear about people not having \"less\" on their system.)")
- sys.exit()
- output = run("less --version")
- # We get less Version (which is the only integer on the first line)
- words = output.split("\n")[0].split()
- less_version = 0
- for w in words:
- if w.isdigit():
- less_version = int(w)
- # restoring position only works for version of less > 572
- if less_version >= 572:
- else:
- #_DEFAULT_LESS = "less -EXFRfM -PMurl\ lines\ \%lt-\%lb/\%L\ \%Pb\%$ %s"
- # -E : quit when reaching end of file (to behave like "cat")
- # -F : quit if content fits the screen (behave like "cat")
- # -X : does not clear the screen
- # -R : interpret ANSI colors correctly
- # -f : suppress warning for some contents
- # -M : long prompt (to have info about where you are in the file)
- # -W : hilite the new first line after a page skip (space)
- # -i : ignore case in search
- # -S : do not wrap long lines. Wrapping is done by offpunk, longlines
- # are there on purpose (surch in asciiart)
- #--incsearch : incremental search starting rev581
- def less_cmd(file, histfile=None,cat=False,grep=None):
- less_prompt = "page %%d/%%D- lines %%lb/%%L - %%Pb\\%%"
- if less_version >= 581:
- less_base = "less --incsearch --save-marks -~ -XRfWiS -P \"%s\""%less_prompt
- elif less_version >= 572:
- less_base = "less --save-marks -XRfMWiS"
- else:
- less_base = "less -XRfMWiS"
- _DEFAULT_LESS = less_base + " \"+''\" %s"
- _DEFAULT_CAT = less_base + " -EF %s"
- if histfile:
- env = {"LESSHISTFILE": histfile}
- else:
- env = {}
- if cat:
- cmd_str = _DEFAULT_CAT
- elif grep:
- grep_cmd = _GREP
- #case insensitive for lowercase search
- if grep.islower():
- grep_cmd += " -i"
- cmd_str = _DEFAULT_CAT + "|" + grep_cmd + " %s"%grep
- else:
- cmd_str = _DEFAULT_LESS
- run(cmd_str, parameter=file, direct_output=True, env=env)
- class opencache():
- def __init__(self):
- # We have a cache of the rendering of file and, for each one,
- # a less_histfile containing the current position in the file
- self.temp_files = {}
- self.less_histfile = {}
- # This dictionary contains an url -> ansirenderer mapping. This allows
- # to reuse a renderer when visiting several times the same URL during
- # the same session
- # We save the time at which the renderer was created in renderer_time
- # This way, we can invalidate the renderer if a new version of the source
- # has been downloaded
- self.rendererdic = {}
- self.renderer_time = {}
- self.mime_handlers = {}
- self.last_mode = {}
- self.last_width = term_width(absolute=True)
- def _get_handler_cmd(self, mimetype):
- # Now look for a handler for this mimetype
- # Consider exact matches before wildcard matches
- exact_matches = []
- wildcard_matches = []
- for handled_mime, cmd_str in self.mime_handlers.items():
- if "*" in handled_mime:
- wildcard_matches.append((handled_mime, cmd_str))
- else:
- exact_matches.append((handled_mime, cmd_str))
- for handled_mime, cmd_str in exact_matches + wildcard_matches:
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(mimetype, handled_mime):
- break
- else:
- # Use "xdg-open" as a last resort.
- cmd_str = "xdg-open %s"
- else:
- cmd_str = "echo \"Can’t find how to open \"%s"
- print("Please install xdg-open (usually from xdg-util package)")
- return cmd_str
- # Return the handler for a specific mimetype.
- # Return the whole dic if no specific mime provided
- def get_handlers(self,mime=None):
- if mime and mime in self.mime_handlers.keys():
- return self.mime_handlers[mime]
- elif mime:
- return None
- else:
- return self.mime_handlers
- def set_handler(self,mime,handler):
- previous = None
- if mime in self.mime_handlers.keys():
- previous = self.mime_handlers[mime]
- self.mime_handlers[mime] = handler
- if "%s" not in handler:
- print("WARNING: this handler has no %%s, no filename will be provided to the command")
- if previous:
- print("Previous handler was %s"%previous)
- def get_renderer(self,inpath,mode=None,theme=None):
- # We remove the ##offpunk_mode= from the URL
- # If mode is already set, we don’t use the part from the URL
- inpath,newmode = unmode_url(inpath)
- if not mode: mode = newmode
- # If we still doesn’t have a mode, we see if we used one before
- if not mode and inpath in self.last_mode.keys():
- mode = self.last_mode[inpath]
- elif not mode:
- #default mode is readable
- mode = "readable"
- renderer = None
- path = netcache.get_cache_path(inpath)
- if path:
- usecache = inpath in self.rendererdic.keys() and not is_local(inpath)
- #Screen size may have changed
- width = term_width(absolute=True)
- if usecache and self.last_width != width:
- self.cleanup()
- usecache = False
- self.last_width = width
- if usecache:
- if inpath in self.renderer_time.keys():
- last_downloaded = netcache.cache_last_modified(inpath)
- last_cached = self.renderer_time[inpath]
- if last_cached and last_downloaded:
- usecache = last_cached > last_downloaded
- else:
- usecache = False
- else:
- usecache = False
- if not usecache:
- renderer = ansicat.renderer_from_file(path,url=inpath,theme=theme)
- if renderer:
- self.rendererdic[inpath] = renderer
- self.renderer_time[inpath] = int(time.time())
- else:
- renderer = self.rendererdic[inpath]
- return renderer
- def get_temp_filename(self,url):
- if url in self.temp_files.keys():
- return self.temp_files[url]
- else:
- return None
- def opnk(self,inpath,mode=None,terminal=True,grep=None,theme=None,**kwargs):
- #Return True if inpath opened in Terminal
- # False otherwise
- # also returns the url in case it has been modified
- #if terminal = False, we don’t try to open in the terminal,
- #we immediately fallback to xdg-open.
- #netcache currently provide the path if it’s a file.
- if not offutils.is_local(inpath):
- kwargs["images_mode"] = mode
- cachepath,inpath = netcache.fetch(inpath,**kwargs)
- if not cachepath:
- return False, inpath
- # folowing line is for :// which are locals (file,list)
- elif "://" in inpath:
- cachepath,inpath = netcache.fetch(inpath,**kwargs)
- elif inpath.startswith("mailto:"):
- cachepath = inpath
- elif os.path.exists(inpath):
- cachepath = inpath
- else:
- print("%s does not exist"%inpath)
- return False, inpath
- renderer = self.get_renderer(inpath,mode=mode,theme=theme)
- if renderer and mode:
- renderer.set_mode(mode)
- self.last_mode[inpath] = mode
- if not mode and inpath in self.last_mode.keys():
- mode = self.last_mode[inpath]
- renderer.set_mode(mode)
- #we use the full moded url as key for the dictionary
- key = mode_url(inpath,mode)
- if terminal and renderer:
- #If this is an image and we have chafa/timg, we
- #don’t use less, we call it directly
- if renderer.has_direct_display():
- renderer.display(mode=mode,directdisplay=True)
- return True, inpath
- else:
- body = renderer.display(mode=mode)
- #Should we use the cache ? only if it is not local and there’s a cache
- usecache = key in self.temp_files and not is_local(inpath)
- if usecache:
- #and the cache is still valid!
- last_downloaded = netcache.cache_last_modified(inpath)
- last_cached = os.path.getmtime(self.temp_files[key])
- if last_downloaded > last_cached:
- usecache = False
- self.temp_files.pop(key)
- self.less_histfile.pop(key)
- # We actually put the body in a tmpfile before giving it to less
- if not usecache:
- tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", encoding="UTF-8", delete=False)
- self.temp_files[key] = tmpf.name
- tmpf.write(body)
- tmpf.close()
- if key not in self.less_histfile:
- firsttime = True
- tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", encoding="UTF-8", delete=False)
- self.less_histfile[key] = tmpf.name
- else:
- #We don’t want to restore positions in lists
- firsttime = is_local(inpath)
- less_cmd(self.temp_files[key], histfile=self.less_histfile[key],cat=firsttime,grep=grep)
- return True, inpath
- #maybe, we have no renderer. Or we want to skip it.
- else:
- mimetype = ansicat.get_mime(cachepath)
- if mimetype == "mailto":
- mail = inpath[7:]
- resp = input("Send an email to %s Y/N? " %mail)
- if resp.strip().lower() in ("y", "yes"):
- run("xdg-open mailto:%s", parameter=mail,direct_output=True)
- else:
- print("Cannot find a mail client to send mail to %s" %inpath)
- print("Please install xdg-open (usually from xdg-util package)")
- return False, inpath
- else:
- cmd_str = self._get_handler_cmd(mimetype)
- try:
- run(cmd_str, parameter=netcache.get_cache_path(inpath), direct_output=True)
- except FileNotFoundError:
- print("Handler program %s not found!" % shlex.split(cmd_str)[0])
- print("You can use the ! command to specify another handler program or pipeline.")
- return False, inpath
- #We remove the renderers from the cache and we also delete temp files
- def cleanup(self):
- while len(self.temp_files) > 0:
- os.remove(self.temp_files.popitem()[1])
- while len(self.less_histfile) > 0:
- os.remove(self.less_histfile.popitem()[1])
- self.last_width = None
- self.rendererdic = {}
- self.renderer_time = {}
- self.last_mode = {}
- def main():
- descri = "opnk is an universal open command tool that will try to display any file \
- in the pager less after rendering its content with ansicat. If that fails, \
- opnk will fallback to opening the file with xdg-open. If given an URL as input \
- instead of a path, opnk will rely on netcache to get the networked content."
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="opnk",description=descri)
- parser.add_argument("--mode", metavar="MODE",
- help="Which mode should be used to render: normal (default), full or source.\
- With HTML, the normal mode try to extract the article.")
- parser.add_argument("content",metavar="INPUT", nargs="*",
- default=sys.stdin, help="Path to the file or URL to open")
- parser.add_argument("--cache-validity",type=int, default=0,
- help="maximum age, in second, of the cached version before \
- redownloading a new version")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- cache = opencache()
- for f in args.content:
- cache.opnk(f,mode=args.mode,validity=args.cache_validity)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()