All commands are prefixed with php artisan
Remove the compiled class file
Start a new database CLI session
Put the application into maintenance / demo mode
Display the current framework environment
Displays help for a command
Start a master supervisor in the foreground
CLI Installer
Lists commands
Run the database migrations
Cache the framework bootstrap files
Serve the application on the PHP development server
Run the application tests
Interact with your application
Swap the front-end scaffolding for the application
Bring the application out of maintenance mode
Run pixelfed schema updates between versions.
Flush expired password reset tokens
Remove all backups older than specified number of days in config.
Display a list of all backups.
Monitor the health of all backups.
Run the backup.
Flush the application cache
Remove an item from the cache
Create a migration for the cache database table
Create a cache file for faster configuration loading
Remove the configuration cache file
Seed the database with records
Drop all tables, views, and types
Checks user emails for banned domains
Discover and cache the application's events and listeners
Clear all cached events and listeners
Generate the missing events and listeners based on registration
List the application's events and listeners
Replace old svg identicon avatars with default png avatar
Fix Hashtags
Fix Like counts
Fix duplicate profiles
fix profile status count
Fix invalid usernames
Delete failed jobs over 1 month old
Delete password reset tokens over 24 hours old
Delete all of the jobs from the specified queue
Instruct the master supervisor to continue processing jobs
Instruct the supervisor to continue processing jobs
Delete a failed queue job
Install all of the Horizon resources
List all of the deployed machines
Pause the master supervisor
Pause a supervisor
Publish all of the Horizon resources
Terminate any rogue Horizon processes
Store a snapshot of the queue metrics
Get the current status of Horizon
List all of the supervisors
Terminate the master supervisor so it can be restarted
Import Cities to database
Generate instance actor
Set the application key
Shortcuts to create new Laravel framework files. Useful for dev.
Create a new custom Eloquent cast class
Create a new channel class
Create a new Artisan command
Create a new view component class
Create a new controller class
Create a new event class
Create a new custom exception class
Create a new model factory
Create a new job class
Create a new event listener class
Create a new email class
Create a new middleware class
Create a new migration file
Create a new Eloquent model class
Create a new notification class
Create a new observer class
Create a new policy class
Create a new service provider class
Create a new form request class
Create a new resource
Create a new validation rule
Create a new seeder class
Create a new test class
Fix media on v0.10.8+
Delete media uploads not attached to any active statuses
Find and optimize media that has not yet been optimized.
Drop all tables and re-run all migrations
Create the migration repository
Reset and re-run all migrations
ollback all database migrations
Rollback the last database migration
Show the status of each migration
Create a migration for the notifications table
Remove the cached bootstrap files
Rebuild the cached package manifest
Create a client for issuing access tokens
Hash all of the existing secrets in the clients table
Run the commands necessary to prepare Passport for use
Create the encryption keys for API authentication
Purge revoked and / or expired tokens and authentication codes
Commands related to the queue worker.
Create a migration for the batches database table
Delete all of the jobs from the specified queue
List all of the failed queue jobs
Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table
Flush all of the failed queue jobs
Delete a failed queue job
Listen to a given queue
Prune stale entries from the batches database
Restart queue worker daemons after their current job
Retry a failed queue job
Retry the failed jobs for a batch
Create a migration for the queue jobs database table
Start processing jobs on the queue as a daemon
Regenerate thumbnails
Create a route cache file for faster route registration
Remove the route cache file
List all registered routes
List the scheduled commands
Run the scheduled commands
Run a scheduled command
Start the schedule worker
Dump the given database schema
Seed follows for testing
Create a migration for the session database table
Removes duplicate statuses from before unique uri migration
Create the symbolic links configured for the application
Clear expired Stories
Publish all stubs that are available for customization
Scaffold basic login and registration views and routes
Scaffold the authentication controllers
Make a user an admin, or remove admin privileges.
Create a new user
Delete account
Show user info
Suspend a local user.
Display latest users
Unsuspend a local user.
Publish any publishable assets from vendor packages
Generate missing video thumbnails
Compile all of the application's Blade templates
Clear all compiled view files