django.po 100 KB

  1. # taiga-back.taiga.
  2. # Copyright (C) 2015 Taiga Dev Team <>
  3. # This file is distributed under the same license as the taiga-back package.
  4. #
  5. # Translators:
  6. # artol <>, 2015
  7. # David Barragán <>, 2015
  8. msgid ""
  9. msgstr ""
  10. "Project-Id-Version: taiga-back\n"
  11. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
  12. "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-08-24 10:34+0200\n"
  13. "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-08 19:29+0000\n"
  14. "Last-Translator: Taiga Dev Team <>\n"
  15. "Language-Team: Finnish ("
  16. "language/fi/)\n"
  17. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  18. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  19. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  20. "Language: fi\n"
  21. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
  22. #: taiga/auth/
  23. msgid "Public register is disabled."
  24. msgstr "Julkinen rekisteri on suljettu."
  25. #: taiga/auth/
  26. msgid "invalid register type"
  27. msgstr "väärä rekisterin tyyppi"
  28. #: taiga/auth/
  29. msgid "invalid login type"
  30. msgstr "väärä kirjautumistyyppi"
  31. #: taiga/auth/ taiga/users/
  32. msgid "invalid username"
  33. msgstr "tuntematon käyttäjänimi"
  34. #: taiga/auth/ taiga/users/
  35. msgid ""
  36. "Required. 255 characters or fewer. Letters, numbers and /./-/_ characters'"
  37. msgstr ""
  38. "Vaaditaan. Korkeintaan 255 merkkiä. Kirjaimia, numeroita /./-/_ merkkejä'"
  39. #: taiga/auth/
  40. msgid "Username is already in use."
  41. msgstr "Käyttäjänimi on varattu."
  42. #: taiga/auth/
  43. msgid "Email is already in use."
  44. msgstr "Sähköposti on jo varattu."
  45. #: taiga/auth/
  46. msgid "Token not matches any valid invitation."
  47. msgstr "Tunniste ei vastaa mihinkään avoimeen kutsuun."
  48. #: taiga/auth/
  49. msgid "User is already registered."
  50. msgstr "Käyttäjä on jo rekisteröitynyt."
  51. #: taiga/auth/
  52. msgid "Membership with user is already exists."
  53. msgstr "Jäsenyys on jo olemassa."
  54. #: taiga/auth/
  55. msgid "Error on creating new user."
  56. msgstr "Virhe käyttäjän luonnissa."
  57. #: taiga/auth/ taiga/auth/
  58. msgid "Invalid token"
  59. msgstr "Väärä tunniste"
  60. #: taiga/base/api/
  61. msgid "This field is required."
  62. msgstr "Pakollinen kenttä."
  63. #: taiga/base/api/ taiga/base/api/
  64. msgid "Invalid value."
  65. msgstr "Virheellinen arvo."
  66. #: taiga/base/api/
  67. #, python-format
  68. msgid "'%s' value must be either True or False."
  69. msgstr "'%s' pitää olla True tai False."
  70. #: taiga/base/api/
  71. msgid ""
  72. "Enter a valid 'slug' consisting of letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens."
  73. msgstr ""
  74. "Anna kelvollinen 'avain' joka koostuu merkeistä, numeroista, alaviivoista ja "
  75. "tavuviivoista."
  76. #: taiga/base/api/
  77. #, python-format
  78. msgid "Select a valid choice. %(value)s is not one of the available choices."
  79. msgstr "Valitse kelvollinen valinta. %(value)s ei ole yksi vaihtoehdoista."
  80. #: taiga/base/api/
  81. msgid "Enter a valid email address."
  82. msgstr "Anna voimassaoleva sähköpostiosoite."
  83. #: taiga/base/api/
  84. #, python-format
  85. msgid "Date has wrong format. Use one of these formats instead: %s"
  86. msgstr "Päivämäärä on väärässä muodossa. Käytä yhtä näistä muodoista: %s"
  87. #: taiga/base/api/
  88. #, python-format
  89. msgid "Datetime has wrong format. Use one of these formats instead: %s"
  90. msgstr "Päiväys on väärässä muodossa. Käytä yhtä näistä muodoista: %s"
  91. #: taiga/base/api/
  92. #, python-format
  93. msgid "Time has wrong format. Use one of these formats instead: %s"
  94. msgstr "Aika on väärässä muodossa. Käytä yhtä näistä muodoista: %s"
  95. #: taiga/base/api/
  96. msgid "Enter a whole number."
  97. msgstr "Anna kokonaisluku."
  98. #: taiga/base/api/ taiga/base/api/
  99. #, python-format
  100. msgid "Ensure this value is less than or equal to %(limit_value)s."
  101. msgstr "Varmista että arvo on korkeintaan %(limit_value)s."
  102. #: taiga/base/api/ taiga/base/api/
  103. #, python-format
  104. msgid "Ensure this value is greater than or equal to %(limit_value)s."
  105. msgstr "Varmista että arvo on vähintään %(limit_value)s."
  106. #: taiga/base/api/
  107. #, python-format
  108. msgid "\"%s\" value must be a float."
  109. msgstr "\"%s\" pitää olla desimaaliluku."
  110. #: taiga/base/api/
  111. msgid "Enter a number."
  112. msgstr "Anna numero."
  113. #: taiga/base/api/
  114. #, python-format
  115. msgid "Ensure that there are no more than %s digits in total."
  116. msgstr "Anna korkeintaan %s numeroa yhteensä."
  117. #: taiga/base/api/
  118. #, python-format
  119. msgid "Ensure that there are no more than %s decimal places."
  120. msgstr "Desimaaleja voi olla korkeintaan %s."
  121. #: taiga/base/api/
  122. #, python-format
  123. msgid "Ensure that there are no more than %s digits before the decimal point."
  124. msgstr "Ennen desimaalipistettä saa olla korkeintaan %s numeroa."
  125. #: taiga/base/api/
  126. msgid "No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form."
  127. msgstr "Tiedostoa ei lähtetty. Varmista merkistö lomakkeella."
  128. #: taiga/base/api/
  129. msgid "No file was submitted."
  130. msgstr "Tiedostoa ei lähetetty."
  131. #: taiga/base/api/
  132. msgid "The submitted file is empty."
  133. msgstr "Tiedosto oli tyhjä."
  134. #: taiga/base/api/
  135. #, python-format
  136. msgid ""
  137. "Ensure this filename has at most %(max)d characters (it has %(length)d)."
  138. msgstr ""
  139. "Tiedoston nimi saa olla korkeintaan %(max)d pitkä se on nyt %(length)d)."
  140. #: taiga/base/api/
  141. msgid "Please either submit a file or check the clear checkbox, not both."
  142. msgstr "Valitse tiedosto tai Poista valintaneliö, ei molempia."
  143. #: taiga/base/api/
  144. msgid ""
  145. "Upload a valid image. The file you uploaded was either not an image or a "
  146. "corrupted image."
  147. msgstr ""
  148. "Anna kelvollinen kuva. Annettu ei ollut tunnistettava kuva tai se oli "
  149. "vioittunut."
  150. #: taiga/base/api/
  151. msgid "Page is not 'last', nor can it be converted to an int."
  152. msgstr "Sivu ei ole 'viimeinen', ekä sitä pystytä muuntamaan numeroksi."
  153. #: taiga/base/api/
  154. #, python-format
  155. msgid "Invalid page (%(page_number)s): %(message)s"
  156. msgstr "Virheellinen sivu (%(page_number)s): %(message)s"
  157. #: taiga/base/api/
  158. msgid "Invalid permission definition."
  159. msgstr "Virheellinen oikeuksien määrittely."
  160. #: taiga/base/api/
  161. #, python-format
  162. msgid "Invalid pk '%s' - object does not exist."
  163. msgstr "Virheellinen pk '%s' - sitä ei löydy."
  164. #: taiga/base/api/
  165. #, python-format
  166. msgid "Incorrect type. Expected pk value, received %s."
  167. msgstr "Väärä tyyppi. Odotetaan pk-arvoa, vastaanotettu %s."
  168. #: taiga/base/api/
  169. #, python-format
  170. msgid "Object with %s=%s does not exist."
  171. msgstr "Kohdetta jossa %s=%s ei ole."
  172. #: taiga/base/api/
  173. msgid "Invalid hyperlink - No URL match"
  174. msgstr "Viallinen linkki - URL ei löydy"
  175. #: taiga/base/api/
  176. msgid "Invalid hyperlink - Incorrect URL match"
  177. msgstr "Viallinen linkki - URL ei löydy"
  178. #: taiga/base/api/
  179. msgid "Invalid hyperlink due to configuration error"
  180. msgstr "Virheellinen linkki konfiguraatiovirheen takia"
  181. #: taiga/base/api/
  182. msgid "Invalid hyperlink - object does not exist."
  183. msgstr "Virheellinen linkki - kohdetta ei löydy."
  184. #: taiga/base/api/
  185. #, python-format
  186. msgid "Incorrect type. Expected url string, received %s."
  187. msgstr "Väärä tyyppi. Odotan URL-merkkijonoa, sain %s."
  188. #: taiga/base/api/
  189. msgid "Invalid data"
  190. msgstr "Virheellinen data"
  191. #: taiga/base/api/
  192. msgid "No input provided"
  193. msgstr "Syöte puuttuu"
  194. #: taiga/base/api/
  195. msgid "Cannot create a new item, only existing items may be updated."
  196. msgstr "En voi luoda uutta kohdetta, vain olemassaolevat voidaan päivittää."
  197. #: taiga/base/api/
  198. msgid "Expected a list of items."
  199. msgstr "Anna lista kohteista."
  200. #: taiga/base/api/
  201. msgid "Not found"
  202. msgstr "Ei löytynyt"
  203. #: taiga/base/api/
  204. msgid "Permission denied"
  205. msgstr "Ei käyttöoikeutta"
  206. #: taiga/base/api/
  207. msgid "Server application error"
  208. msgstr "Palvelinsovelluksen virhe"
  209. #: taiga/base/connectors/
  210. msgid "Connection error."
  211. msgstr "Yhteysvirhe."
  212. #: taiga/base/
  213. msgid "Malformed request."
  214. msgstr "Virheellinen pyyntö."
  215. #: taiga/base/
  216. msgid "Incorrect authentication credentials."
  217. msgstr "Virheelliset tunnistautumistiedot."
  218. #: taiga/base/
  219. msgid "Authentication credentials were not provided."
  220. msgstr "Kirjautumistiedot puuttuvat."
  221. #: taiga/base/
  222. msgid "You do not have permission to perform this action."
  223. msgstr "Sinulla ei ole tähän oikeuksia."
  224. #: taiga/base/
  225. #, python-format
  226. msgid "Method '%s' not allowed."
  227. msgstr "Method '%s' not allowed."
  228. #: taiga/base/
  229. msgid "Could not satisfy the request's Accept header"
  230. msgstr "Could not satisfy the request's Accept header"
  231. #: taiga/base/
  232. #, python-format
  233. msgid "Unsupported media type '%s' in request."
  234. msgstr "Unsupported media type '%s' in request."
  235. #: taiga/base/
  236. msgid "Request was throttled."
  237. msgstr "Request was throttled."
  238. #: taiga/base/
  239. #, python-format
  240. msgid "Expected available in %d second%s."
  241. msgstr "Tulee saataville %d sekunttia %s."
  242. #: taiga/base/
  243. msgid "Unexpected error"
  244. msgstr "Odottamaton virhe"
  245. #: taiga/base/
  246. msgid "Not found."
  247. msgstr "Ei löytynyt."
  248. #: taiga/base/
  249. msgid "Method not supported for this endpoint."
  250. msgstr "Method not supported for this endpoint."
  251. #: taiga/base/ taiga/base/
  252. msgid "Wrong arguments."
  253. msgstr "Väärät argumentit."
  254. #: taiga/base/
  255. msgid "Data validation error"
  256. msgstr "Data validation error"
  257. #: taiga/base/
  258. msgid "Integrity Error for wrong or invalid arguments"
  259. msgstr "Integrity Error for wrong or invalid arguments"
  260. #: taiga/base/
  261. msgid "Precondition error"
  262. msgstr "Precondition error"
  263. #: taiga/base/
  264. msgid "Error in filter params types."
  265. msgstr "Error in filter params types."
  266. #: taiga/base/ taiga/base/
  267. #: taiga/base/
  268. msgid "'project' must be an integer value."
  269. msgstr "'project' must be an integer value."
  270. #: taiga/base/
  271. msgid "tags"
  272. msgstr "avainsanat"
  273. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/base-body-html.jinja:6
  274. msgid "Taiga"
  275. msgstr "Taiga"
  276. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/base-body-html.jinja:406
  277. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/hero-body-html.jinja:380
  278. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/updates-body-html.jinja:442
  279. msgid "Follow us on Twitter"
  280. msgstr "Seuraa meitä Twitterissä"
  281. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/base-body-html.jinja:406
  282. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/hero-body-html.jinja:380
  283. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/updates-body-html.jinja:442
  284. msgid "Twitter"
  285. msgstr "Twitter"
  286. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/base-body-html.jinja:407
  287. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/hero-body-html.jinja:381
  288. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/updates-body-html.jinja:443
  289. msgid "Get the code on GitHub"
  290. msgstr "Lataa koodi GitHubista"
  291. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/base-body-html.jinja:407
  292. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/hero-body-html.jinja:381
  293. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/updates-body-html.jinja:443
  294. msgid "GitHub"
  295. msgstr "GitHub"
  296. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/base-body-html.jinja:408
  297. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/hero-body-html.jinja:382
  298. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/updates-body-html.jinja:444
  299. msgid "Visit our website"
  300. msgstr "Vieraile meidän web-sivuilla"
  301. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/base-body-html.jinja:408
  302. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/hero-body-html.jinja:382
  303. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/updates-body-html.jinja:444
  304. msgid ""
  305. msgstr ""
  306. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/base-body-html.jinja:423
  307. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/hero-body-html.jinja:397
  308. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/updates-body-html.jinja:459
  309. #, python-format
  310. msgid ""
  311. "\n"
  312. " <strong>Taiga Support:</"
  313. "strong>\n"
  314. " <a href=\"%(support_url)s"
  315. "\" title=\"Support page\" style=\"color: #9dce0a\">%(support_url)s</a>\n"
  316. " <br>\n"
  317. " <strong>Contact us:</"
  318. "strong>\n"
  319. " <a href=\"mailto:"
  320. "%(support_email)s\" title=\"Supporti email\" style=\"color: #9dce0a\">\n"
  321. " %(support_email)s\n"
  322. " </a>\n"
  323. " <br>\n"
  324. " <strong>Mailing list:</"
  325. "strong>\n"
  326. " <a href="
  327. "\"%(mailing_list_url)s\" title=\"Mailing list\" style=\"color: #9dce0a\">\n"
  328. " %(mailing_list_url)s\n"
  329. " </a>\n"
  330. " "
  331. msgstr ""
  332. "\n"
  333. " <strong>Taiga tuki:</"
  334. "strong>\n"
  335. " <a href=\"%(support_url)s"
  336. "\" title=\"Tukisivu\" style=\"color: #9dce0a\">%(support_url)s</a>\n"
  337. " <br>\n"
  338. " <strong>Ota yhteyttä:</"
  339. "strong>\n"
  340. " <a href=\"mailto:"
  341. "%(support_email)s\" title=\"Tuki sähköposti\" style=\"color: #9dce0a\">\n"
  342. " %(support_email)s\n"
  343. " </a>\n"
  344. " <br>\n"
  345. " <strong>Postituslista:</"
  346. "strong>\n"
  347. " <a href="
  348. "\"%(mailing_list_url)s\" title=\"Postituslista\" style=\"color: #9dce0a\">\n"
  349. " %(mailing_list_url)s\n"
  350. " </a>\n"
  351. " "
  352. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/hero-body-html.jinja:6
  353. msgid "You have been Taigatized"
  354. msgstr "Olet Taigatettu"
  355. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/hero-body-html.jinja:359
  356. msgid ""
  357. "\n"
  358. " <h1>You have been Taigatized!"
  359. "</h1>\n"
  360. " <p>Welcome to Taiga, an Open "
  361. "Source, Agile Project Management Tool</p>\n"
  362. " "
  363. msgstr ""
  364. "\n"
  365. "<h1>Olet Taigatettu!</h1>\n"
  366. "<p>Tervetuloa Taigaan, avoimen koodin ketterään projektinhallintatyökaluun.</"
  367. "p>"
  368. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/updates-body-html.jinja:6
  369. msgid "[Taiga] Updates"
  370. msgstr "[Taiga] Päivityksiä"
  371. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/updates-body-html.jinja:417
  372. msgid "Updates"
  373. msgstr "Päivityksiä"
  374. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/updates-body-html.jinja:423
  375. #, python-format
  376. msgid ""
  377. "\n"
  378. " <h3>comment:"
  379. "</h3>\n"
  380. " <p>"
  381. "%(comment)s</p>\n"
  382. " "
  383. msgstr ""
  384. #: taiga/base/templates/emails/updates-body-text.jinja:6
  385. #, python-format
  386. msgid ""
  387. "\n"
  388. " Comment: %(comment)s\n"
  389. " "
  390. msgstr ""
  391. "\n"
  392. "Kommentti: %(comment)s"
  393. #: taiga/export_import/
  394. msgid "We needed at least one role"
  395. msgstr ""
  396. #: taiga/export_import/
  397. msgid "Needed dump file"
  398. msgstr "Tarvitaan tiedosto"
  399. #: taiga/export_import/
  400. msgid "Invalid dump format"
  401. msgstr "Virheellinen tiedostomuoto"
  402. #: taiga/export_import/
  403. msgid "error importing project data"
  404. msgstr "virhe projektidatan tuonnissa"
  405. #: taiga/export_import/
  406. msgid "error importing lists of project attributes"
  407. msgstr "virhe atribuuttilistan tuonnissa"
  408. #: taiga/export_import/
  409. msgid "error importing default project attributes values"
  410. msgstr "virhe oletusarvojen tuonnissa"
  411. #: taiga/export_import/
  412. msgid "error importing custom attributes"
  413. msgstr "virhe omien arvojen tuonnissa"
  414. #: taiga/export_import/
  415. msgid "error importing roles"
  416. msgstr "virhe roolien tuonnissa"
  417. #: taiga/export_import/
  418. msgid "error importing memberships"
  419. msgstr "virhe jäsenyyksien tuonnissa"
  420. #: taiga/export_import/
  421. msgid "error importing sprints"
  422. msgstr "virhe kierroksien tuonnissa"
  423. #: taiga/export_import/
  424. msgid "error importing wiki pages"
  425. msgstr "virhe wiki-sivujen tuonnissa"
  426. #: taiga/export_import/
  427. msgid "error importing wiki links"
  428. msgstr "virhe viki-linkkien tuonnissa"
  429. #: taiga/export_import/
  430. msgid "error importing issues"
  431. msgstr "virhe pyyntöjen tuonnissa"
  432. #: taiga/export_import/
  433. msgid "error importing user stories"
  434. msgstr "virhe käyttäjätarinoiden tuonnissa"
  435. #: taiga/export_import/
  436. msgid "error importing tasks"
  437. msgstr "virhe tehtävien tuonnissa"
  438. #: taiga/export_import/
  439. msgid "error importing tags"
  440. msgstr "virhe avainsanojen sisäänlukemisessa"
  441. #: taiga/export_import/
  442. msgid "error importing timelines"
  443. msgstr "virhe aikajanojen tuonnissa"
  444. #: taiga/export_import/
  445. msgid "{}=\"{}\" not found in this project"
  446. msgstr "{}=\"{}\" ei löytynyt tästä projektista"
  447. #: taiga/export_import/
  448. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  449. msgid "Invalid content. It must be {\"key\": \"value\",...}"
  450. msgstr "Virheellinen sisältä, pitää olla muodossa {\"avain\": \"arvo\",...}"
  451. #: taiga/export_import/
  452. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  453. msgid "It contain invalid custom fields."
  454. msgstr "Sisältää vieheellisiä omia kenttiä."
  455. #: taiga/export_import/
  456. #: taiga/projects/milestones/ taiga/projects/
  457. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  458. #: taiga/projects/
  459. msgid "Name duplicated for the project"
  460. msgstr "Nimi on tuplana projektille"
  461. #: taiga/export_import/ taiga/export_import/
  462. msgid "Error generating project dump"
  463. msgstr "Virhe tiedoston luonnissa"
  464. #: taiga/export_import/ taiga/export_import/
  465. msgid "Error loading project dump"
  466. msgstr "Virhe tiedoston latauksessa"
  467. #: taiga/export_import/templates/emails/dump_project-body-html.jinja:4
  468. #, python-format
  469. msgid ""
  470. "\n"
  471. " <h1>Project dump generated</h1>\n"
  472. " <p>Hello %(user)s,</p>\n"
  473. " <h3>Your dump from project %(project)s has been correctly generated.</"
  474. "h3>\n"
  475. " <p>You can download it here:</p>\n"
  476. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Download the dump file"
  477. "\">Download the dump file</a>\n"
  478. " <p>This file will be deleted on %(deletion_date)s.</p>\n"
  479. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  480. " "
  481. msgstr ""
  482. "\n"
  483. " <h1>Projetkin tiedosto luotu</h1>\n"
  484. " <p>Hei %(user)s,</p>\n"
  485. " <h3>Projektisi %(project)s tiedosto on onnistuneesti luotu.</h3>\n"
  486. " <p>Voit ladata sen täältä:</p>\n"
  487. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Lataa tiedosto\">Lataa "
  488. "tiedosto</a>\n"
  489. " <p>Tiedosto poistetaan %(deletion_date)s.</p>\n"
  490. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  491. " "
  492. #: taiga/export_import/templates/emails/dump_project-body-text.jinja:1
  493. #, python-format
  494. msgid ""
  495. "\n"
  496. "Hello %(user)s,\n"
  497. "\n"
  498. "Your dump from project %(project)s has been correctly generated. You can "
  499. "download it here:\n"
  500. "\n"
  501. "%(url)s\n"
  502. "\n"
  503. "This file will be deleted on %(deletion_date)s.\n"
  504. "\n"
  505. "---\n"
  506. "The Taiga Team\n"
  507. msgstr ""
  508. "\n"
  509. "Hei %(user)s,\n"
  510. "\n"
  511. "Projektisi %(project)s tiedosto on luotu. voit ladata sen täältä:\n"
  512. "\n"
  513. "%(url)s\n"
  514. "\n"
  515. "Tiedosto poistetaan %(deletion_date)s.\n"
  516. "\n"
  517. "---\n"
  518. "Taiga Tiimi\n"
  519. #: taiga/export_import/templates/emails/dump_project-subject.jinja:1
  520. #, python-format
  521. msgid "[%(project)s] Your project dump has been generated"
  522. msgstr "[%(project)s] Projektistasi on luotu tiedosto."
  523. #: taiga/export_import/templates/emails/export_error-body-html.jinja:4
  524. #, python-format
  525. msgid ""
  526. "\n"
  527. " <h1>%(error_message)s</h1>\n"
  528. " <p>Hello %(user)s,</p>\n"
  529. " <p>Your project %(project)s has not been exported correctly.</p>\n"
  530. " <p>The Taiga system administrators have been informed.<br/> Please, try "
  531. "it again or contact with the support team at\n"
  532. " <a href=\"mailto:%(support_email)s\" title=\"Support email\" style="
  533. "\"color: #699b05\">%(support_email)s</a></p>\n"
  534. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  535. " "
  536. msgstr ""
  537. "\n"
  538. " <h1>%(error_message)s</h1>\n"
  539. " <p>Hei %(user)s,</p>\n"
  540. " <p>Projektisi %(project)s tiedostoa ei onnistuttu luomaan virheettä.</"
  541. "p>\n"
  542. " <p>Yritä uudestaan tai ota yhteyttä tukeen\n"
  543. " <a href=\"mailto:%(support_email)s\" title=\"tukisähköposti\" style="
  544. "\"color: #699b05\">%(support_email)s</a></p>\n"
  545. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  546. " "
  547. #: taiga/export_import/templates/emails/export_error-body-text.jinja:1
  548. #, python-format
  549. msgid ""
  550. "\n"
  551. "Hello %(user)s,\n"
  552. "\n"
  553. "%(error_message)s\n"
  554. "Your project %(project)s has not been exported correctly.\n"
  555. "\n"
  556. "The Taiga system administrators have been informed.\n"
  557. "\n"
  558. "Please, try it again or contact with the support team at %(support_email)s\n"
  559. "\n"
  560. "---\n"
  561. "The Taiga Team\n"
  562. msgstr ""
  563. "\n"
  564. "Hei %(user)s,\n"
  565. "\n"
  566. "%(error_message)s\n"
  567. "Projektiasi %(project)s ei pystytty luomaan virheettä.\n"
  568. "\n"
  569. "Taigan ylläpitäjiä on tiedotettu asiasta.\n"
  570. "\n"
  571. "Yritä uudelleen tai ota ytheyttä tukeen %(support_email)s\n"
  572. "\n"
  573. "---\n"
  574. "Taiga Tiimi\n"
  575. #: taiga/export_import/templates/emails/export_error-subject.jinja:1
  576. #, python-format
  577. msgid "[%(project)s] %(error_subject)s"
  578. msgstr "[%(project)s] %(error_subject)s"
  579. #: taiga/export_import/templates/emails/import_error-body-html.jinja:4
  580. #, python-format
  581. msgid ""
  582. "\n"
  583. " <h1>%(error_message)s</h1>\n"
  584. " <p>Hello %(user)s,</p>\n"
  585. " <p>Your project has not been importer correctly.</p>\n"
  586. " <p>The Taiga system administrators have been informed.<br/> Please, try "
  587. "it again or contact with the support team at\n"
  588. " <a href=\"mailto:%(support_email)s\" title=\"Support email\" style="
  589. "\"color: #699b05\">%(support_email)s</a></p>\n"
  590. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  591. " "
  592. msgstr ""
  593. "\n"
  594. " <h1>%(error_message)s</h1>\n"
  595. " <p>Hei %(user)s,</p>\n"
  596. " <p>Projektiasi ei pystytty lukemaan virheettä.</p>\n"
  597. " <p>Taigan ylläpitäjiä on tiedotettu.<br/> Yritä uudestaan tai ota "
  598. "ytheyttä tukeen\n"
  599. " <a href=\"mailto:%(support_email)s\" title=\"tukisähköposti\" style="
  600. "\"color: #699b05\">%(support_email)s</a></p>\n"
  601. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  602. " "
  603. #: taiga/export_import/templates/emails/import_error-body-text.jinja:1
  604. #, python-format
  605. msgid ""
  606. "\n"
  607. "Hello %(user)s,\n"
  608. "\n"
  609. "%(error_message)s\n"
  610. "\n"
  611. "Your project has not been importer correctly.\n"
  612. "\n"
  613. "The Taiga system administrators have been informed.\n"
  614. "\n"
  615. "Please, try it again or contact with the support team at %(support_email)s\n"
  616. "\n"
  617. "---\n"
  618. "The Taiga Team\n"
  619. msgstr ""
  620. "\n"
  621. "Hei %(user)s,\n"
  622. "\n"
  623. "%(error_message)s\n"
  624. "\n"
  625. "Projektiasi ei pystytty tuomaan virheettä.\n"
  626. "\n"
  627. "Taiga ylläpitäjille on tiedotettu.\n"
  628. "\n"
  629. "Yritä uudestaan tai ota yhteyttä tukeen: %(support_email)s\n"
  630. "\n"
  631. "---\n"
  632. "Taiga Tiimi\n"
  633. #: taiga/export_import/templates/emails/import_error-subject.jinja:1
  634. #, python-format
  635. msgid "[Taiga] %(error_subject)s"
  636. msgstr "[Taiga] %(error_subject)s"
  637. #: taiga/export_import/templates/emails/load_dump-body-html.jinja:4
  638. #, python-format
  639. msgid ""
  640. "\n"
  641. " <h1>Project dump imported</h1>\n"
  642. " <p>Hello %(user)s,</p>\n"
  643. " <h3>Your project dump has been correctly imported.</h3>\n"
  644. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Go to the project "
  645. "%(project)s\">Go to %(project)s</a>\n"
  646. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  647. " "
  648. msgstr ""
  649. "\n"
  650. " <h1>Projektitiedosto tuotu</h1>\n"
  651. " <p>Hei %(user)s,</p>\n"
  652. " <h3>Projektisi tiedosto on onnistuneesti luettu sisään.</h3>\n"
  653. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Siirry projektiin "
  654. "%(project)s\">Siirry projektiin %(project)s</a>\n"
  655. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  656. " "
  657. #: taiga/export_import/templates/emails/load_dump-body-text.jinja:1
  658. #, python-format
  659. msgid ""
  660. "\n"
  661. "Hello %(user)s,\n"
  662. "\n"
  663. "Your project dump has been correctly imported.\n"
  664. "\n"
  665. "You can see the project %(project)s here:\n"
  666. "\n"
  667. "%(url)s\n"
  668. "\n"
  669. "---\n"
  670. "The Taiga Team\n"
  671. msgstr ""
  672. "\n"
  673. "Hei %(user)s,\n"
  674. "\n"
  675. "Projektisi tiedosto on onnistuneesti luettu sisään.\n"
  676. "\n"
  677. "Siirry projektiin %(project)s täältä:\n"
  678. "\n"
  679. "%(url)s\n"
  680. "\n"
  681. "---\n"
  682. "Taiga Tiimi\n"
  683. #: taiga/export_import/templates/emails/load_dump-subject.jinja:1
  684. #, python-format
  685. msgid "[%(project)s] Your project dump has been imported"
  686. msgstr "[%(project)s] Projetkisi tiedosto on luettu sisään"
  687. #: taiga/feedback/ taiga/users/
  688. msgid "full name"
  689. msgstr "koko nimi"
  690. #: taiga/feedback/ taiga/users/
  691. msgid "email address"
  692. msgstr "sähköpostiosoite"
  693. #: taiga/feedback/
  694. msgid "comment"
  695. msgstr "kommentti"
  696. #: taiga/feedback/ taiga/projects/attachments/
  697. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  698. #: taiga/projects/issues/ taiga/projects/milestones/
  699. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  700. #: taiga/projects/tasks/ taiga/projects/userstories/
  701. #: taiga/projects/wiki/ taiga/userstorage/
  702. msgid "created date"
  703. msgstr "luontipvm"
  704. #: taiga/feedback/templates/emails/feedback_notification-body-html.jinja:4
  705. #, python-format
  706. msgid ""
  707. "\n"
  708. " <h1>Feedback</h1>\n"
  709. " <p>Taiga has received feedback from %(full_name)s <%(email)s></p>\n"
  710. " "
  711. msgstr ""
  712. "\n"
  713. " <h1>Palaute</h1>\n"
  714. " <p>Taiga on vastaanottanut palautteen käyttäjältä %(full_name)s <"
  715. "%(email)s></p>\n"
  716. " "
  717. #: taiga/feedback/templates/emails/feedback_notification-body-html.jinja:9
  718. #, python-format
  719. msgid ""
  720. "\n"
  721. " <h3>Comment</h3>\n"
  722. " <p>%(comment)s</p>\n"
  723. " "
  724. msgstr ""
  725. "\n"
  726. " <h3>Kommentti</h3>\n"
  727. " <p>%(comment)s</p>\n"
  728. " "
  729. #: taiga/feedback/templates/emails/feedback_notification-body-html.jinja:18
  730. #: taiga/users/
  731. msgid "Extra info"
  732. msgstr "Lisätiedot"
  733. #: taiga/feedback/templates/emails/feedback_notification-body-text.jinja:1
  734. #, python-format
  735. msgid ""
  736. "---------\n"
  737. "- From: %(full_name)s <%(email)s>\n"
  738. "---------\n"
  739. "- Comment:\n"
  740. "%(comment)s\n"
  741. "---------"
  742. msgstr ""
  743. "---------\n"
  744. "- Keneltä: %(full_name)s <%(email)s>\n"
  745. "---------\n"
  746. "- Kommentti:\n"
  747. "%(comment)s\n"
  748. "---------"
  749. #: taiga/feedback/templates/emails/feedback_notification-body-text.jinja:8
  750. msgid "- Extra info:"
  751. msgstr "- Lisätiedot:"
  752. #: taiga/feedback/templates/emails/feedback_notification-subject.jinja:1
  753. #, python-format
  754. msgid ""
  755. "\n"
  756. "[Taiga] Feedback from %(full_name)s <%(email)s>\n"
  757. msgstr ""
  758. "\n"
  759. "[Taiga] Palautetta käyttäjältä %(full_name)s <%(email)s>\n"
  760. #: taiga/hooks/
  761. msgid "The payload is not a valid json"
  762. msgstr "The payload is not a valid json"
  763. #: taiga/hooks/ taiga/projects/issues/
  764. #: taiga/projects/tasks/ taiga/projects/userstories/
  765. msgid "The project doesn't exist"
  766. msgstr "Projektia ei löydy"
  767. #: taiga/hooks/
  768. msgid "Bad signature"
  769. msgstr "Virheellinen allekirjoitus"
  770. #: taiga/hooks/bitbucket/ taiga/hooks/github/
  771. #: taiga/hooks/gitlab/
  772. msgid "The referenced element doesn't exist"
  773. msgstr "Viitattu elementtiä ei löydy"
  774. #: taiga/hooks/bitbucket/ taiga/hooks/github/
  775. #: taiga/hooks/gitlab/
  776. msgid "The status doesn't exist"
  777. msgstr "Tilaa ei löydy"
  778. #: taiga/hooks/bitbucket/
  779. msgid "Status changed from BitBucket commit"
  780. msgstr "Tila muutettu BitBucket kommitilla"
  781. #: taiga/hooks/bitbucket/
  782. #: taiga/hooks/github/ taiga/hooks/gitlab/
  783. msgid "Invalid issue information"
  784. msgstr "Virheellinen pyynnön tieto"
  785. #: taiga/hooks/bitbucket/
  786. #, python-brace-format
  787. msgid ""
  788. "Issue created by [@{bitbucket_user_name}]({bitbucket_user_url} \"See "
  789. "@{bitbucket_user_name}'s BitBucket profile\") from BitBucket.\n"
  790. "Origin BitBucket issue: [bb#{number} - {subject}]({bitbucket_url} \"Go to "
  791. "'bb#{number} - {subject}'\"):\n"
  792. "\n"
  793. "{description}"
  794. msgstr ""
  795. #: taiga/hooks/bitbucket/
  796. msgid "Issue created from BitBucket."
  797. msgstr ""
  798. #: taiga/hooks/bitbucket/
  799. #: taiga/hooks/github/ taiga/hooks/github/
  800. #: taiga/hooks/gitlab/
  801. msgid "Invalid issue comment information"
  802. msgstr "Virheellinen pyynnön kommentin tieto"
  803. #: taiga/hooks/bitbucket/
  804. #, python-brace-format
  805. msgid ""
  806. "Comment by [@{bitbucket_user_name}]({bitbucket_user_url} \"See "
  807. "@{bitbucket_user_name}'s BitBucket profile\") from BitBucket.\n"
  808. "Origin BitBucket issue: [bb#{number} - {subject}]({bitbucket_url} \"Go to "
  809. "'bb#{number} - {subject}'\")\n"
  810. "\n"
  811. "{message}"
  812. msgstr ""
  813. #: taiga/hooks/bitbucket/
  814. #, python-brace-format
  815. msgid ""
  816. "Comment From BitBucket:\n"
  817. "\n"
  818. "{message}"
  819. msgstr ""
  820. #: taiga/hooks/github/
  821. #, python-brace-format
  822. msgid ""
  823. "Status changed by [@{github_user_name}]({github_user_url} \"See "
  824. "@{github_user_name}'s GitHub profile\") from GitHub commit [{commit_id}]"
  825. "({commit_url} \"See commit '{commit_id} - {commit_message}'\")."
  826. msgstr ""
  827. "Status changed by [@{github_user_name}]({github_user_url} \"See "
  828. "@{github_user_name}'s GitHub profile\") from GitHub commit [{commit_id}]"
  829. "({commit_url} \"See commit '{commit_id} - {commit_message}'\")."
  830. #: taiga/hooks/github/
  831. msgid "Status changed from GitHub commit."
  832. msgstr "Tila muutettu GitHub commitin toimesta."
  833. #: taiga/hooks/github/
  834. #, python-brace-format
  835. msgid ""
  836. "Issue created by [@{github_user_name}]({github_user_url} \"See "
  837. "@{github_user_name}'s GitHub profile\") from GitHub.\n"
  838. "Origin GitHub issue: [gh#{number} - {subject}]({github_url} \"Go to "
  839. "'gh#{number} - {subject}'\"):\n"
  840. "\n"
  841. "{description}"
  842. msgstr ""
  843. "Pyyntö luotu [@{github_user_name}]({github_user_url} \"Katso "
  844. "@{github_user_name}'s GitHub profile\") GitHubista.\n"
  845. "ALkuperäinen GitHub pyyntö: [gh#{number} - {subject}]({github_url} \"Siirry "
  846. "'gh#{number} - {subject}'\"):\n"
  847. "\n"
  848. "{description}"
  849. #: taiga/hooks/github/
  850. msgid "Issue created from GitHub."
  851. msgstr "Pyyntö luotu GitHubista"
  852. #: taiga/hooks/github/
  853. #, python-brace-format
  854. msgid ""
  855. "Comment by [@{github_user_name}]({github_user_url} \"See "
  856. "@{github_user_name}'s GitHub profile\") from GitHub.\n"
  857. "Origin GitHub issue: [gh#{number} - {subject}]({github_url} \"Go to "
  858. "'gh#{number} - {subject}'\")\n"
  859. "\n"
  860. "{message}"
  861. msgstr ""
  862. "Kommentti [@{github_user_name}]({github_user_url} \"Katso "
  863. "@{github_user_name}'s GitHub profile\") GitHubista.\n"
  864. "Alkuperäinen GitHub pyyntö: [gh#{number} - {subject}]({github_url} \"Siirry "
  865. "'gh#{number} - {subject}'\")\n"
  866. "\n"
  867. "{message}"
  868. #: taiga/hooks/github/
  869. #, python-brace-format
  870. msgid ""
  871. "Comment From GitHub:\n"
  872. "\n"
  873. "{message}"
  874. msgstr ""
  875. "Kommentti GitHubista:\n"
  876. "\n"
  877. "{message}"
  878. #: taiga/hooks/gitlab/
  879. msgid "Status changed from GitLab commit"
  880. msgstr "Tila muutettu GitLab kommitilla"
  881. #: taiga/hooks/gitlab/
  882. msgid "Created from GitLab"
  883. msgstr "Luotu GitLabissa"
  884. #: taiga/hooks/gitlab/
  885. #, python-brace-format
  886. msgid ""
  887. "Comment by [@{gitlab_user_name}]({gitlab_user_url} \"See "
  888. "@{gitlab_user_name}'s GitLab profile\") from GitLab.\n"
  889. "Origin GitLab issue: [gl#{number} - {subject}]({gitlab_url} \"Go to "
  890. "'gl#{number} - {subject}'\")\n"
  891. "\n"
  892. "{message}"
  893. msgstr ""
  894. #: taiga/hooks/gitlab/
  895. #, python-brace-format
  896. msgid ""
  897. "Comment From GitLab:\n"
  898. "\n"
  899. "{message}"
  900. msgstr ""
  901. #: taiga/permissions/ taiga/permissions/
  902. #: taiga/permissions/
  903. msgid "View project"
  904. msgstr "Katso projektia"
  905. #: taiga/permissions/ taiga/permissions/
  906. #: taiga/permissions/
  907. msgid "View milestones"
  908. msgstr "Katso virstapylvästä"
  909. #: taiga/permissions/ taiga/permissions/
  910. msgid "View user stories"
  911. msgstr "Katso käyttäjätarinoita"
  912. #: taiga/permissions/ taiga/permissions/
  913. #: taiga/permissions/
  914. msgid "View tasks"
  915. msgstr "Katso tehtäviä"
  916. #: taiga/permissions/ taiga/permissions/
  917. #: taiga/permissions/
  918. msgid "View issues"
  919. msgstr "Katso pyyntöjä"
  920. #: taiga/permissions/ taiga/permissions/
  921. #: taiga/permissions/
  922. msgid "View wiki pages"
  923. msgstr "Katso wiki-sivuja"
  924. #: taiga/permissions/ taiga/permissions/
  925. #: taiga/permissions/
  926. msgid "View wiki links"
  927. msgstr "Katso wiki-linkkejä"
  928. #: taiga/permissions/ taiga/permissions/
  929. msgid "Vote issues"
  930. msgstr "Äänestä pyyntöjä"
  931. #: taiga/permissions/
  932. msgid "Request membership"
  933. msgstr "Pyydä jäsenyyttä"
  934. #: taiga/permissions/
  935. msgid "Add user story to project"
  936. msgstr "Lisää käyttäjätarina projektiin"
  937. #: taiga/permissions/
  938. msgid "Add comments to user stories"
  939. msgstr "Lisää kommentteja käyttäjätarinoihin"
  940. #: taiga/permissions/
  941. msgid "Add comments to tasks"
  942. msgstr "Lisää kommentteja tehtäviin"
  943. #: taiga/permissions/
  944. msgid "Add issues"
  945. msgstr "Lisää pyyntöjä"
  946. #: taiga/permissions/
  947. msgid "Add comments to issues"
  948. msgstr "Lisää kommentteja pyyntöihin"
  949. #: taiga/permissions/ taiga/permissions/
  950. msgid "Add wiki page"
  951. msgstr "Lisää wiki-sivu"
  952. #: taiga/permissions/ taiga/permissions/
  953. msgid "Modify wiki page"
  954. msgstr "Muokkaa wiki-sivua"
  955. #: taiga/permissions/ taiga/permissions/
  956. msgid "Add wiki link"
  957. msgstr "Lisää wiki-linkki"
  958. #: taiga/permissions/ taiga/permissions/
  959. msgid "Modify wiki link"
  960. msgstr "Muokkaa wiki-linkkiä"
  961. #: taiga/permissions/
  962. msgid "Add milestone"
  963. msgstr "Lisää virstapylväs"
  964. #: taiga/permissions/
  965. msgid "Modify milestone"
  966. msgstr "Muokkaa virstapyvästä"
  967. #: taiga/permissions/
  968. msgid "Delete milestone"
  969. msgstr "Poista virstapylväs"
  970. #: taiga/permissions/
  971. msgid "View user story"
  972. msgstr "Katso käyttäjätarinaa"
  973. #: taiga/permissions/
  974. msgid "Add user story"
  975. msgstr "Lisää käyttäjätarina"
  976. #: taiga/permissions/
  977. msgid "Modify user story"
  978. msgstr "Muokkaa käyttäjätarinaa"
  979. #: taiga/permissions/
  980. msgid "Delete user story"
  981. msgstr "Poista käyttäjätarina"
  982. #: taiga/permissions/
  983. msgid "Add task"
  984. msgstr "Lisää tehtävä"
  985. #: taiga/permissions/
  986. msgid "Modify task"
  987. msgstr "Muokkaa tehtävää"
  988. #: taiga/permissions/
  989. msgid "Delete task"
  990. msgstr "Poista tehtävä"
  991. #: taiga/permissions/
  992. msgid "Add issue"
  993. msgstr "Lisää pyyntö"
  994. #: taiga/permissions/
  995. msgid "Modify issue"
  996. msgstr "Muokkaa pyyntöä"
  997. #: taiga/permissions/
  998. msgid "Delete issue"
  999. msgstr "Poista pyyntö"
  1000. #: taiga/permissions/
  1001. msgid "Delete wiki page"
  1002. msgstr "Poista wiki-sivu"
  1003. #: taiga/permissions/
  1004. msgid "Delete wiki link"
  1005. msgstr "Poista wiki-linkki"
  1006. #: taiga/permissions/
  1007. msgid "Modify project"
  1008. msgstr "Muokkaa projekti"
  1009. #: taiga/permissions/
  1010. msgid "Add member"
  1011. msgstr "Lisää jäsen"
  1012. #: taiga/permissions/
  1013. msgid "Remove member"
  1014. msgstr "Poista jäsen"
  1015. #: taiga/permissions/
  1016. msgid "Delete project"
  1017. msgstr "Poista projekti"
  1018. #: taiga/permissions/
  1019. msgid "Admin project values"
  1020. msgstr "Hallinnoi projektin arvoja"
  1021. #: taiga/permissions/
  1022. msgid "Admin roles"
  1023. msgstr "Hallinnoi rooleja"
  1024. #: taiga/projects/
  1025. msgid "Not valid template name"
  1026. msgstr "Virheellinen mallipohjan nimi"
  1027. #: taiga/projects/
  1028. msgid "Not valid template description"
  1029. msgstr "Virheellinen mallipohjan kuvaus"
  1030. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1031. msgid "At least one of the user must be an active admin"
  1032. msgstr "Vähintään yhden käyttäjän pitää olla aktiivinen ylläpitäjä"
  1033. #: taiga/projects/
  1034. msgid "You don't have permisions to see that."
  1035. msgstr "Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia nähdä tätä."
  1036. #: taiga/projects/attachments/
  1037. msgid "Non partial updates not supported"
  1038. msgstr "Osittaiset päivitykset eivät ole tuettuna."
  1039. #: taiga/projects/attachments/
  1040. msgid "Project ID not matches between object and project"
  1041. msgstr "Projekti ID ei vastaa kohdetta ja projektia"
  1042. #: taiga/projects/attachments/ taiga/projects/issues/
  1043. #: taiga/projects/milestones/ taiga/projects/
  1044. #: taiga/projects/notifications/ taiga/projects/tasks/
  1045. #: taiga/projects/userstories/ taiga/projects/wiki/
  1046. #: taiga/userstorage/
  1047. msgid "owner"
  1048. msgstr "omistaja"
  1049. #: taiga/projects/attachments/
  1050. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  1051. #: taiga/projects/issues/ taiga/projects/milestones/
  1052. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1053. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1054. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1055. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1056. #: taiga/projects/notifications/ taiga/projects/tasks/
  1057. #: taiga/projects/userstories/ taiga/projects/wiki/
  1058. #: taiga/projects/wiki/ taiga/users/
  1059. msgid "project"
  1060. msgstr "projekti"
  1061. #: taiga/projects/attachments/
  1062. msgid "content type"
  1063. msgstr "sisältötyyppi"
  1064. #: taiga/projects/attachments/
  1065. msgid "object id"
  1066. msgstr "objekti ID"
  1067. #: taiga/projects/attachments/
  1068. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  1069. #: taiga/projects/issues/ taiga/projects/milestones/
  1070. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1071. #: taiga/projects/tasks/ taiga/projects/userstories/
  1072. #: taiga/projects/wiki/ taiga/userstorage/
  1073. msgid "modified date"
  1074. msgstr "muokkauspvm"
  1075. #: taiga/projects/attachments/
  1076. msgid "attached file"
  1077. msgstr "liite"
  1078. #: taiga/projects/attachments/
  1079. msgid "is deprecated"
  1080. msgstr "on poistettu"
  1081. #: taiga/projects/attachments/
  1082. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  1083. #: taiga/projects/history/templatetags/
  1084. #: taiga/projects/issues/ taiga/projects/
  1085. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/tasks/
  1086. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  1087. msgid "description"
  1088. msgstr "kuvaus"
  1089. #: taiga/projects/attachments/
  1090. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  1091. #: taiga/projects/milestones/ taiga/projects/
  1092. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1093. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1094. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1095. #: taiga/projects/wiki/ taiga/users/
  1096. msgid "order"
  1097. msgstr "order"
  1098. #: taiga/projects/
  1099. msgid "AppearIn"
  1100. msgstr "AppearIn"
  1101. #: taiga/projects/
  1102. msgid "Jitsi"
  1103. msgstr "Jitsi"
  1104. #: taiga/projects/
  1105. msgid "Custom"
  1106. msgstr ""
  1107. #: taiga/projects/
  1108. msgid "Talky"
  1109. msgstr "Talky"
  1110. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  1111. msgid "Text"
  1112. msgstr ""
  1113. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  1114. msgid "Multi-Line Text"
  1115. msgstr ""
  1116. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  1117. #: taiga/projects/milestones/ taiga/projects/
  1118. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1119. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1120. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1121. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1122. #: taiga/users/ taiga/webhooks/
  1123. msgid "name"
  1124. msgstr "nimi"
  1125. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  1126. #: taiga/projects/issues/
  1127. msgid "type"
  1128. msgstr "tyyppi"
  1129. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  1130. msgid "values"
  1131. msgstr "arvot"
  1132. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  1133. #: taiga/projects/tasks/ taiga/projects/userstories/
  1134. msgid "user story"
  1135. msgstr "käyttäjätarina"
  1136. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  1137. msgid "task"
  1138. msgstr "tehtävä"
  1139. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  1140. msgid "issue"
  1141. msgstr "pyyntö"
  1142. #: taiga/projects/custom_attributes/
  1143. msgid "Already exists one with the same name."
  1144. msgstr "Nimi on jo olemassa"
  1145. #: taiga/projects/history/
  1146. msgid "Comment already deleted"
  1147. msgstr "Kommentti on jo poistettu"
  1148. #: taiga/projects/history/
  1149. msgid "Comment not deleted"
  1150. msgstr "Kommenttia ei poistettu"
  1151. #: taiga/projects/history/
  1152. msgid "Change"
  1153. msgstr "Muokkaa"
  1154. #: taiga/projects/history/
  1155. msgid "Create"
  1156. msgstr "Luo"
  1157. #: taiga/projects/history/
  1158. msgid "Delete"
  1159. msgstr "Poista"
  1160. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:22
  1161. #, python-format
  1162. msgid "%(role)s role points"
  1163. msgstr "%(role)s roolipistettä"
  1164. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:25
  1165. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:130
  1166. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:133
  1167. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:156
  1168. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:193
  1169. msgid "from"
  1170. msgstr "keneltä"
  1171. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:31
  1172. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:141
  1173. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:144
  1174. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:162
  1175. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:179
  1176. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:199
  1177. msgid "to"
  1178. msgstr "kenelle"
  1179. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:43
  1180. msgid "Added new attachment"
  1181. msgstr "Liitä tiedosto"
  1182. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:61
  1183. msgid "Updated attachment"
  1184. msgstr "Päivitä tiedosto"
  1185. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:67
  1186. msgid "deprecated"
  1187. msgstr "poistettu"
  1188. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:69
  1189. msgid "not deprecated"
  1190. msgstr "ei poistettu"
  1191. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:85
  1192. msgid "Deleted attachment"
  1193. msgstr "Poista liite"
  1194. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:104
  1195. msgid "added"
  1196. msgstr "lisätty"
  1197. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:109
  1198. msgid "removed"
  1199. msgstr "poistettu"
  1200. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:134
  1201. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:145
  1202. #: taiga/projects/services/ taiga/projects/services/
  1203. msgid "Unassigned"
  1204. msgstr "Tekijä puuttuu"
  1205. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-html.jinja:211
  1206. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-text.jinja:86
  1207. msgid "-deleted-"
  1208. msgstr "-poistettu-"
  1209. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-text.jinja:20
  1210. msgid "to:"
  1211. msgstr "kenelle:"
  1212. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-text.jinja:20
  1213. msgid "from:"
  1214. msgstr "keneltä:"
  1215. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-text.jinja:26
  1216. msgid "Added"
  1217. msgstr "Lisätty"
  1218. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-text.jinja:33
  1219. msgid "Changed"
  1220. msgstr "Muutettu"
  1221. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-text.jinja:40
  1222. msgid "Deleted"
  1223. msgstr "Poistettu"
  1224. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-text.jinja:54
  1225. msgid "added:"
  1226. msgstr "lisätty:"
  1227. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-text.jinja:57
  1228. msgid "removed:"
  1229. msgstr "poistettu:"
  1230. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-text.jinja:62
  1231. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-text.jinja:79
  1232. msgid "From:"
  1233. msgstr "Keneltä:"
  1234. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-text.jinja:63
  1235. #: taiga/projects/history/templates/emails/includes/fields_diff-text.jinja:80
  1236. msgid "To:"
  1237. msgstr "Kenelle:"
  1238. #: taiga/projects/history/templatetags/
  1239. #: taiga/projects/wiki/
  1240. msgid "content"
  1241. msgstr "sisältö"
  1242. #: taiga/projects/history/templatetags/
  1243. #: taiga/projects/mixins/
  1244. msgid "blocked note"
  1245. msgstr "suljettu muistiinpano"
  1246. #: taiga/projects/history/templatetags/
  1247. msgid "sprint"
  1248. msgstr ""
  1249. #: taiga/projects/issues/
  1250. msgid "You don't have permissions to set this sprint to this issue."
  1251. msgstr "Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia laittaa kierrosta tälle pyynnölle."
  1252. #: taiga/projects/issues/
  1253. msgid "You don't have permissions to set this status to this issue."
  1254. msgstr "Sinulla ei ole oikeutta asettaa statusta tälle pyyntö."
  1255. #: taiga/projects/issues/
  1256. msgid "You don't have permissions to set this severity to this issue."
  1257. msgstr "Sinulla ei ole oikeutta asettaa vakavuutta tälle pyynnölle."
  1258. #: taiga/projects/issues/
  1259. msgid "You don't have permissions to set this priority to this issue."
  1260. msgstr "Sinulla ei ole oikeutta asettaa kiireellisyyttä tälle pyynnölle."
  1261. #: taiga/projects/issues/
  1262. msgid "You don't have permissions to set this type to this issue."
  1263. msgstr "Sinulla ei ole oikeutta asettaa tyyppiä tälle pyyntö."
  1264. #: taiga/projects/issues/ taiga/projects/tasks/
  1265. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  1266. msgid "ref"
  1267. msgstr "viittaus"
  1268. #: taiga/projects/issues/ taiga/projects/tasks/
  1269. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  1270. msgid "status"
  1271. msgstr "tila"
  1272. #: taiga/projects/issues/
  1273. msgid "severity"
  1274. msgstr "vakavuus"
  1275. #: taiga/projects/issues/
  1276. msgid "priority"
  1277. msgstr "kiireellisyys"
  1278. #: taiga/projects/issues/ taiga/projects/tasks/
  1279. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  1280. msgid "milestone"
  1281. msgstr "virstapylväs"
  1282. #: taiga/projects/issues/ taiga/projects/tasks/
  1283. msgid "finished date"
  1284. msgstr "loppupvm"
  1285. #: taiga/projects/issues/ taiga/projects/tasks/
  1286. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  1287. msgid "subject"
  1288. msgstr "aihe"
  1289. #: taiga/projects/issues/ taiga/projects/tasks/
  1290. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  1291. msgid "assigned to"
  1292. msgstr "tekijä"
  1293. #: taiga/projects/issues/ taiga/projects/tasks/
  1294. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  1295. msgid "external reference"
  1296. msgstr "ulkoinen viittaus"
  1297. #: taiga/projects/milestones/ taiga/projects/
  1298. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1299. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1300. #: taiga/projects/wiki/ taiga/users/
  1301. msgid "slug"
  1302. msgstr "hukka-aika"
  1303. #: taiga/projects/milestones/
  1304. msgid "estimated start date"
  1305. msgstr "arvioitu alkupvm"
  1306. #: taiga/projects/milestones/
  1307. msgid "estimated finish date"
  1308. msgstr "arvioitu loppupvm"
  1309. #: taiga/projects/milestones/ taiga/projects/
  1310. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1311. msgid "is closed"
  1312. msgstr "on suljettu"
  1313. #: taiga/projects/milestones/
  1314. msgid "disponibility"
  1315. msgstr "disponibility"
  1316. #: taiga/projects/milestones/
  1317. msgid "The estimated start must be previous to the estimated finish."
  1318. msgstr "Alkuajan pitää olla ennen loppuaikaa."
  1319. #: taiga/projects/milestones/
  1320. msgid "There's no sprint with that id"
  1321. msgstr "Kierrosta tällä ID:llä ei ole"
  1322. #: taiga/projects/mixins/
  1323. msgid "is blocked"
  1324. msgstr "on lukittu"
  1325. #: taiga/projects/mixins/
  1326. #, python-brace-format
  1327. msgid "'{param}' parameter is mandatory"
  1328. msgstr "'{param}' parametri on pakollinen"
  1329. #: taiga/projects/mixins/
  1330. msgid "'project' parameter is mandatory"
  1331. msgstr "'project' parametri on pakollinen"
  1332. #: taiga/projects/
  1333. msgid "email"
  1334. msgstr "sähköposti"
  1335. #: taiga/projects/
  1336. msgid "create at"
  1337. msgstr "luo täällä"
  1338. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/users/
  1339. msgid "token"
  1340. msgstr "tunniste"
  1341. #: taiga/projects/
  1342. msgid "invitation extra text"
  1343. msgstr "kutsun lisäteksti"
  1344. #: taiga/projects/
  1345. msgid "user order"
  1346. msgstr "käyttäjäjärjestys"
  1347. #: taiga/projects/
  1348. msgid "The user is already member of the project"
  1349. msgstr "Käyttäjä on jo projektin jäsen"
  1350. #: taiga/projects/
  1351. msgid "default points"
  1352. msgstr "oletuspisteet"
  1353. #: taiga/projects/
  1354. msgid "default US status"
  1355. msgstr "oletus Kt tila"
  1356. #: taiga/projects/
  1357. msgid "default task status"
  1358. msgstr "oletus tehtävän tila"
  1359. #: taiga/projects/
  1360. msgid "default priority"
  1361. msgstr "oletus kiireellisyys"
  1362. #: taiga/projects/
  1363. msgid "default severity"
  1364. msgstr "oletus vakavuus"
  1365. #: taiga/projects/
  1366. msgid "default issue status"
  1367. msgstr "oletus pyynnön tila"
  1368. #: taiga/projects/
  1369. msgid "default issue type"
  1370. msgstr "oletus pyyntö tyyppi"
  1371. #: taiga/projects/
  1372. msgid "members"
  1373. msgstr "jäsenet"
  1374. #: taiga/projects/
  1375. msgid "total of milestones"
  1376. msgstr "virstapyväitä yhteensä"
  1377. #: taiga/projects/
  1378. msgid "total story points"
  1379. msgstr "käyttäjätarinan yhteispisteet"
  1380. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1381. msgid "active backlog panel"
  1382. msgstr "aktiivinen odottavien paneeli"
  1383. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1384. msgid "active kanban panel"
  1385. msgstr "aktiivinen kanban-paneeli"
  1386. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1387. msgid "active wiki panel"
  1388. msgstr "aktiivinen wiki-paneeli"
  1389. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1390. msgid "active issues panel"
  1391. msgstr "aktiivinen pyyntöpaneeli"
  1392. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1393. msgid "videoconference system"
  1394. msgstr "videokokous järjestelmä"
  1395. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1396. msgid "videoconference extra data"
  1397. msgstr ""
  1398. #: taiga/projects/
  1399. msgid "creation template"
  1400. msgstr "luo mallipohja"
  1401. #: taiga/projects/
  1402. msgid "anonymous permissions"
  1403. msgstr "vieraan oikeudet"
  1404. #: taiga/projects/
  1405. msgid "user permissions"
  1406. msgstr "käyttäjän oikeudet"
  1407. #: taiga/projects/
  1408. msgid "is private"
  1409. msgstr "on yksityinen"
  1410. #: taiga/projects/
  1411. msgid "tags colors"
  1412. msgstr "avainsanojen värit"
  1413. #: taiga/projects/
  1414. msgid "modules config"
  1415. msgstr "moduulien asetukset"
  1416. #: taiga/projects/
  1417. msgid "is archived"
  1418. msgstr "on arkistoitu"
  1419. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1420. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1421. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  1422. #: taiga/users/
  1423. msgid "color"
  1424. msgstr "väri"
  1425. #: taiga/projects/
  1426. msgid "work in progress limit"
  1427. msgstr "työn alla olevien max"
  1428. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/userstorage/
  1429. msgid "value"
  1430. msgstr "arvo"
  1431. #: taiga/projects/
  1432. msgid "default owner's role"
  1433. msgstr "oletus omistajan rooli"
  1434. #: taiga/projects/
  1435. msgid "default options"
  1436. msgstr "oletus optiot"
  1437. #: taiga/projects/
  1438. msgid "us statuses"
  1439. msgstr "kt tilat"
  1440. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/userstories/
  1441. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  1442. msgid "points"
  1443. msgstr "pisteet"
  1444. #: taiga/projects/
  1445. msgid "task statuses"
  1446. msgstr "tehtävän tilat"
  1447. #: taiga/projects/
  1448. msgid "issue statuses"
  1449. msgstr "pyyntöjen tilat"
  1450. #: taiga/projects/
  1451. msgid "issue types"
  1452. msgstr "pyyntötyypit"
  1453. #: taiga/projects/
  1454. msgid "priorities"
  1455. msgstr "kiireellisyydet"
  1456. #: taiga/projects/
  1457. msgid "severities"
  1458. msgstr "vakavuudet"
  1459. #: taiga/projects/
  1460. msgid "roles"
  1461. msgstr "roolit"
  1462. #: taiga/projects/notifications/
  1463. msgid "Not watching"
  1464. msgstr "Ei seuraa"
  1465. #: taiga/projects/notifications/
  1466. msgid "Watching"
  1467. msgstr "Seuraa"
  1468. #: taiga/projects/notifications/
  1469. msgid "Ignoring"
  1470. msgstr "Ohittaa"
  1471. #: taiga/projects/notifications/
  1472. msgid "watchers"
  1473. msgstr "vahdit"
  1474. #: taiga/projects/notifications/
  1475. msgid "created date time"
  1476. msgstr "luontipvm"
  1477. #: taiga/projects/notifications/
  1478. msgid "updated date time"
  1479. msgstr "päivityspvm"
  1480. #: taiga/projects/notifications/
  1481. msgid "history entries"
  1482. msgstr "historian kohteet"
  1483. #: taiga/projects/notifications/
  1484. msgid "notify users"
  1485. msgstr "ilmoita käyttäjille"
  1486. #: taiga/projects/notifications/
  1487. #: taiga/projects/notifications/
  1488. msgid "Notify exists for specified user and project"
  1489. msgstr "Ilmoita olemassaolosta määritellyille käyttäjille ja projektille"
  1490. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/issues/issue-change-body-html.jinja:4
  1491. #, python-format
  1492. msgid ""
  1493. "\n"
  1494. " <h1>Issue updated</h1>\n"
  1495. " <p>Hello %(user)s, <br> %(changer)s has updated an issue on %(project)s</"
  1496. "p>\n"
  1497. " <p>Issue #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1498. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"See Issue #%(ref)s: "
  1499. "%(subject)s in Taiga\">See issue</a>\n"
  1500. " "
  1501. msgstr ""
  1502. "\n"
  1503. " <h1>Pyyntö päivitetty</h1>\n"
  1504. " <p>Hei %(user)s, <br> %(changer)s on päivittänyt pyyntöä projektissa "
  1505. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1506. " <p>Pyyntö #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1507. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Katso pyyntö #%(ref)s: "
  1508. "%(subject)s Taigassa\">Katso pyyntö</a>\n"
  1509. " "
  1510. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/issues/issue-change-body-text.jinja:3
  1511. #, python-format
  1512. msgid ""
  1513. "\n"
  1514. "Issue updated\n"
  1515. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has updated an issue on %(project)s\n"
  1516. "See issue #%(ref)s %(subject)s at %(url)s\n"
  1517. msgstr ""
  1518. "\n"
  1519. "Pyyntö päivitetty\n"
  1520. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on päivittänyt pyyntöä projektissa %(project)s\n"
  1521. "Katso pyyntö #%(ref)s %(subject)s: %(url)s\n"
  1522. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/issues/issue-change-subject.jinja:1
  1523. #, python-format
  1524. msgid ""
  1525. "\n"
  1526. "[%(project)s] Updated the issue #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1527. msgstr ""
  1528. "\n"
  1529. "[%(project)s] Päivitettiin pyyntöä #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1530. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/issues/issue-create-body-html.jinja:4
  1531. #, python-format
  1532. msgid ""
  1533. "\n"
  1534. " <h1>New issue created</h1>\n"
  1535. " <p>Hello %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s has created a new issue on "
  1536. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1537. " <p>Issue #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1538. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"See Issue #%(ref)s "
  1539. "%(subject)s\">See issue</a>\n"
  1540. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  1541. " "
  1542. msgstr ""
  1543. "\n"
  1544. " <h1>Uusi pyyntö luotu</h1>\n"
  1545. " <p>Hei %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s on luonut uuden pyynnön projektiin "
  1546. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1547. " <p>Pyyntö #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1548. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Katso pyyntö #%(ref)s "
  1549. "%(subject)s\">Katso pyyntö</a>\n"
  1550. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  1551. " "
  1552. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/issues/issue-create-body-text.jinja:1
  1553. #, python-format
  1554. msgid ""
  1555. "\n"
  1556. "New issue created\n"
  1557. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has created a new issue on %(project)s\n"
  1558. "See issue #%(ref)s %(subject)s at %(url)s\n"
  1559. "\n"
  1560. "---\n"
  1561. "The Taiga Team\n"
  1562. msgstr ""
  1563. "\n"
  1564. "Uusi pyyntö luotu\n"
  1565. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on luonut uuden pyynnön projektiin %(project)s\n"
  1566. "Katso #%(ref)s %(subject)s: %(url)s\n"
  1567. "\n"
  1568. "---\n"
  1569. "Taiga Tiimi\n"
  1570. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/issues/issue-create-subject.jinja:1
  1571. #, python-format
  1572. msgid ""
  1573. "\n"
  1574. "[%(project)s] Created the issue #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1575. msgstr ""
  1576. "\n"
  1577. "[%(project)s] Loi pyynnön #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1578. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/issues/issue-delete-body-html.jinja:4
  1579. #, python-format
  1580. msgid ""
  1581. "\n"
  1582. " <h1>Issue deleted</h1>\n"
  1583. " <p>Hello %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s has deleted an issue on %(project)s</"
  1584. "p>\n"
  1585. " <p>Issue #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1586. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  1587. " "
  1588. msgstr ""
  1589. "\n"
  1590. " <h1>Pyyntö poistettu</h1>\n"
  1591. " <p>Hei %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s on poistanut pyynnön projektilta "
  1592. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1593. " <p>Pyyntö #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1594. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  1595. " "
  1596. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/issues/issue-delete-body-text.jinja:1
  1597. #, python-format
  1598. msgid ""
  1599. "\n"
  1600. "Issue deleted\n"
  1601. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has deleted an issue on %(project)s\n"
  1602. "Issue #%(ref)s %(subject)s\n"
  1603. "\n"
  1604. "---\n"
  1605. "The Taiga Team\n"
  1606. msgstr ""
  1607. "\n"
  1608. "Pyyntö poistettu\n"
  1609. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on poistanut pyynnön projektista %(project)s\n"
  1610. "Pyyntö #%(ref)s %(subject)s\n"
  1611. "\n"
  1612. "---\n"
  1613. "Taiga Tiimi\n"
  1614. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/issues/issue-delete-subject.jinja:1
  1615. #, python-format
  1616. msgid ""
  1617. "\n"
  1618. "[%(project)s] Deleted the issue #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1619. msgstr ""
  1620. "\n"
  1621. "[%(project)s] Poistettu pyyntö #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1622. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/milestones/milestone-change-body-html.jinja:4
  1623. #, python-format
  1624. msgid ""
  1625. "\n"
  1626. " <h1>Sprint updated</h1>\n"
  1627. " <p>Hello %(user)s, <br> %(changer)s has updated an sprint on "
  1628. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1629. " <p>Sprint %(name)s</p>\n"
  1630. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"See Sprint: %(name)s in "
  1631. "Taiga\">See sprint</a>\n"
  1632. " "
  1633. msgstr ""
  1634. "\n"
  1635. " <h1>Kierros päivitetty</h1>\n"
  1636. " <p>Hei %(user)s, <br> %(changer)s on päivittänyt kierrosta projektissa "
  1637. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1638. " <p>Kierros %(name)s</p>\n"
  1639. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Katso kierros: %(name)s "
  1640. "Taigassa\">Katso Kierros</a>\n"
  1641. " "
  1642. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/milestones/milestone-change-body-text.jinja:3
  1643. #, python-format
  1644. msgid ""
  1645. "\n"
  1646. "Sprint updated\n"
  1647. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has updated a sprint on %(project)s\n"
  1648. "See sprint %(name)s at %(url)s\n"
  1649. msgstr ""
  1650. "\n"
  1651. "Kierros päivitetty\n"
  1652. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on päivittänyt kierrosta projektissa %(project)s\n"
  1653. "Katso kierros %(name)s: %(url)s\n"
  1654. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/milestones/milestone-change-subject.jinja:1
  1655. #, python-format
  1656. msgid ""
  1657. "\n"
  1658. "[%(project)s] Updated the sprint \"%(milestone)s\"\n"
  1659. msgstr ""
  1660. "\n"
  1661. "[%(project)s] Päivitti kierrosta \"%(milestone)s\"\n"
  1662. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/milestones/milestone-create-body-html.jinja:4
  1663. #, python-format
  1664. msgid ""
  1665. "\n"
  1666. " <h1>New sprint created</h1>\n"
  1667. " <p>Hello %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s has created a new sprint on "
  1668. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1669. " <p>Sprint %(name)s</p>\n"
  1670. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"See Sprint %(name)s\">See "
  1671. "sprint</a>\n"
  1672. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  1673. " "
  1674. msgstr ""
  1675. "\n"
  1676. " <h1>Uusi kierros luotu</h1>\n"
  1677. " <p>Hei %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s on luonut uuden kierroksen "
  1678. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1679. " <p>Kierros %(name)s</p>\n"
  1680. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Katso kierros %(name)s"
  1681. "\">Katso kierros</a>\n"
  1682. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  1683. " "
  1684. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/milestones/milestone-create-body-text.jinja:1
  1685. #, python-format
  1686. msgid ""
  1687. "\n"
  1688. "New sprint created\n"
  1689. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has created a new sprint on %(project)s\n"
  1690. "See sprint %(name)s at %(url)s\n"
  1691. "\n"
  1692. "---\n"
  1693. "The Taiga Team\n"
  1694. msgstr ""
  1695. "\n"
  1696. "Uusi kierros luotu\n"
  1697. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on luonut kierroksen projektiin %(project)s\n"
  1698. "Katso kierros %(name)s: %(url)s\n"
  1699. "\n"
  1700. "---\n"
  1701. "Taiga Tiimi\n"
  1702. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/milestones/milestone-create-subject.jinja:1
  1703. #, python-format
  1704. msgid ""
  1705. "\n"
  1706. "[%(project)s] Created the sprint \"%(milestone)s\"\n"
  1707. msgstr ""
  1708. "\n"
  1709. "[%(project)s] Loi kierroksen \"%(milestone)s\"\n"
  1710. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/milestones/milestone-delete-body-html.jinja:4
  1711. #, python-format
  1712. msgid ""
  1713. "\n"
  1714. " <h1>Sprint deleted</h1>\n"
  1715. " <p>Hello %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s has deleted an sprint on "
  1716. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1717. " <p>Sprint %(name)s</p>\n"
  1718. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  1719. " "
  1720. msgstr ""
  1721. "\n"
  1722. " <h1>Kierros poistettu</h1>\n"
  1723. " <p>Hei %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s on poistanut kierroksen projektiin "
  1724. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1725. " <p>Kierros %(name)s</p>\n"
  1726. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  1727. " "
  1728. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/milestones/milestone-delete-body-text.jinja:1
  1729. #, python-format
  1730. msgid ""
  1731. "\n"
  1732. "Sprint deleted\n"
  1733. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has deleted an sprint on %(project)s\n"
  1734. "Sprint %(name)s\n"
  1735. "\n"
  1736. "---\n"
  1737. "The Taiga Team\n"
  1738. msgstr ""
  1739. "\n"
  1740. "Kierros poistettu\n"
  1741. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on poistanut kierroksen projektista %(project)s\n"
  1742. "Kierros %(name)s\n"
  1743. "\n"
  1744. "---\n"
  1745. "Taiga Tiimi\n"
  1746. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/milestones/milestone-delete-subject.jinja:1
  1747. #, python-format
  1748. msgid ""
  1749. "\n"
  1750. "[%(project)s] Deleted the Sprint \"%(milestone)s\"\n"
  1751. msgstr ""
  1752. "\n"
  1753. "[%(project)s] Poistettu kierros \"%(milestone)s\"\n"
  1754. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/tasks/task-change-body-html.jinja:4
  1755. #, python-format
  1756. msgid ""
  1757. "\n"
  1758. " <h1>Task updated</h1>\n"
  1759. " <p>Hello %(user)s, <br> %(changer)s has updated a task on %(project)s</"
  1760. "p>\n"
  1761. " <p>Task #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1762. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"See Task #%(ref)s: "
  1763. "%(subject)s in Taiga\">See task</a>\n"
  1764. " "
  1765. msgstr ""
  1766. "\n"
  1767. " <h1>Tehtävä päivitetty</h1>\n"
  1768. " <p>Hei %(user)s, <br> %(changer)s on päivittänyt tehtävän projektissa "
  1769. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1770. " <p>Tehtävä #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1771. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Katso tehtävä #%(ref)s: "
  1772. "%(subject)s in Taiga\">Katso tehtävä</a>\n"
  1773. " "
  1774. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/tasks/task-change-body-text.jinja:3
  1775. #, python-format
  1776. msgid ""
  1777. "\n"
  1778. "Task updated\n"
  1779. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has updated a task on %(project)s\n"
  1780. "See task #%(ref)s %(subject)s at %(url)s\n"
  1781. msgstr ""
  1782. "\n"
  1783. "Tehtävä päivitetty\n"
  1784. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on päivittänyt tehtävää projektia %(project)s\n"
  1785. "Katso tehtävä #%(ref)s %(subject)s: %(url)s\n"
  1786. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/tasks/task-change-subject.jinja:1
  1787. #, python-format
  1788. msgid ""
  1789. "\n"
  1790. "[%(project)s] Updated the task #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1791. msgstr ""
  1792. "\n"
  1793. "[%(project)s] Päivitti tehtävää #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1794. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/tasks/task-create-body-html.jinja:4
  1795. #, python-format
  1796. msgid ""
  1797. "\n"
  1798. " <h1>New task created</h1>\n"
  1799. " <p>Hello %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s has created a new task on "
  1800. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1801. " <p>Task #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1802. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"See Task #%(ref)s "
  1803. "%(subject)s\">See task</a>\n"
  1804. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  1805. " "
  1806. msgstr ""
  1807. "\n"
  1808. " <h1>Uusi tehtävä luotu</h1>\n"
  1809. " <p>Hei %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s on luonut tehtävän projektiin "
  1810. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1811. " <p>Tehtävä #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1812. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Katso tehtävä #%(ref)s "
  1813. "%(subject)s\">Katso tehtävä</a>\n"
  1814. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  1815. " "
  1816. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/tasks/task-create-body-text.jinja:1
  1817. #, python-format
  1818. msgid ""
  1819. "\n"
  1820. "New task created\n"
  1821. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has created a new task on %(project)s\n"
  1822. "See task #%(ref)s %(subject)s at %(url)s\n"
  1823. "\n"
  1824. "---\n"
  1825. "The Taiga Team\n"
  1826. msgstr ""
  1827. "\n"
  1828. "Uusi tehtävä luotu\n"
  1829. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on luonut tehtävän %(project)s\n"
  1830. "Katso tehtävä #%(ref)s %(subject)s: %(url)s\n"
  1831. "\n"
  1832. "---\n"
  1833. "Taiga Tiimi\n"
  1834. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/tasks/task-create-subject.jinja:1
  1835. #, python-format
  1836. msgid ""
  1837. "\n"
  1838. "[%(project)s] Created the task #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1839. msgstr ""
  1840. "\n"
  1841. "[%(project)s] Tehtävä luotu #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1842. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/tasks/task-delete-body-html.jinja:4
  1843. #, python-format
  1844. msgid ""
  1845. "\n"
  1846. " <h1>Task deleted</h1>\n"
  1847. " <p>Hello %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s has deleted a task on %(project)s</"
  1848. "p>\n"
  1849. " <p>Task #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1850. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  1851. " "
  1852. msgstr ""
  1853. "\n"
  1854. " <h1>Tehtävä poistettu</h1>\n"
  1855. " <p>Hei %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s on poistanut tehtävän projektista "
  1856. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1857. " <p>Tehtävä poistettu #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1858. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  1859. " "
  1860. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/tasks/task-delete-body-text.jinja:1
  1861. #, python-format
  1862. msgid ""
  1863. "\n"
  1864. "Task deleted\n"
  1865. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has deleted a task on %(project)s\n"
  1866. "Task #%(ref)s %(subject)s\n"
  1867. "\n"
  1868. "---\n"
  1869. "The Taiga Team\n"
  1870. msgstr ""
  1871. "\n"
  1872. "Tehtävä poistettu\n"
  1873. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on poistanut tehtävän projektista %(project)s\n"
  1874. "Tehtävä #%(ref)s %(subject)s\n"
  1875. "\n"
  1876. "---\n"
  1877. "Taiga Tiimi\n"
  1878. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/tasks/task-delete-subject.jinja:1
  1879. #, python-format
  1880. msgid ""
  1881. "\n"
  1882. "[%(project)s] Deleted the task #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1883. msgstr ""
  1884. "\n"
  1885. "[%(project)s] Tehtävä poistettu #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1886. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/userstories/userstory-change-body-html.jinja:4
  1887. #, python-format
  1888. msgid ""
  1889. "\n"
  1890. " <h1>User Story updated</h1>\n"
  1891. " <p>Hello %(user)s, <br> %(changer)s has updated a user story on "
  1892. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1893. " <p>User Story #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1894. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"See User Story #%(ref)s: "
  1895. "%(subject)s in Taiga\">See user story</a>\n"
  1896. " "
  1897. msgstr ""
  1898. "\n"
  1899. " <h1>Käyttäjätarina päivitetty</h1>\n"
  1900. " <p>Hei %(user)s, <br> %(changer)s on päivittänyt käyttäjätarinaa "
  1901. "projektissa %(project)s</p>\n"
  1902. " <p>Käyttäjätarina #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1903. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Katso käyttäjätarina #"
  1904. "%(ref)s: %(subject)s in Taiga\">Katso käyttäjätarina</a>\n"
  1905. " "
  1906. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/userstories/userstory-change-body-text.jinja:3
  1907. #, python-format
  1908. msgid ""
  1909. "\n"
  1910. "User story updated\n"
  1911. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has updated a user story on %(project)s\n"
  1912. "See user story #%(ref)s %(subject)s at %(url)s\n"
  1913. msgstr ""
  1914. "\n"
  1915. "Käyttäjätarina päivitetty\n"
  1916. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on päivittänyt käyttäjätarinaa projektissa "
  1917. "%(project)s\n"
  1918. "Katso käyttäjätarina #%(ref)s %(subject)s: %(url)s\n"
  1919. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/userstories/userstory-change-subject.jinja:1
  1920. #, python-format
  1921. msgid ""
  1922. "\n"
  1923. "[%(project)s] Updated the US #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1924. msgstr ""
  1925. "\n"
  1926. "[%(project)s] päivitti käyttäjätarinaa #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1927. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/userstories/userstory-create-body-html.jinja:4
  1928. #, python-format
  1929. msgid ""
  1930. "\n"
  1931. " <h1>New user story created</h1>\n"
  1932. " <p>Hello %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s has created a new user story on "
  1933. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1934. " <p>User Story #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1935. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"See User Story #%(ref)s "
  1936. "%(subject)s\">See user story</a>\n"
  1937. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  1938. " "
  1939. msgstr ""
  1940. "\n"
  1941. " <h1>Uusi käyttäjätarina luotu</h1>\n"
  1942. " <p>Hei %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s on luonut käyttäjätarinan projektiin "
  1943. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1944. " <p>Käyttäjätarina #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1945. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Katso käyttäjätarina #"
  1946. "%(ref)s %(subject)s\">Katso käyttäjätarina</a>\n"
  1947. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  1948. " "
  1949. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/userstories/userstory-create-body-text.jinja:1
  1950. #, python-format
  1951. msgid ""
  1952. "\n"
  1953. "New user story created\n"
  1954. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has created a new user story on %(project)s\n"
  1955. "See user story #%(ref)s %(subject)s at %(url)s\n"
  1956. "\n"
  1957. "---\n"
  1958. "The Taiga Team\n"
  1959. msgstr ""
  1960. "\n"
  1961. "Uusi käyttäjätarina luotu\n"
  1962. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on luonut käyttäjätarinan projektiin %(project)s\n"
  1963. "Käyttäjätarina #%(ref)s %(subject)s: %(url)s\n"
  1964. "\n"
  1965. "---\n"
  1966. "Taiga Tiimi\n"
  1967. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/userstories/userstory-create-subject.jinja:1
  1968. #, python-format
  1969. msgid ""
  1970. "\n"
  1971. "[%(project)s] Created the US #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1972. msgstr ""
  1973. "\n"
  1974. "[%(project)s] loi käyttäjätarinan #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  1975. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/userstories/userstory-delete-body-html.jinja:4
  1976. #, python-format
  1977. msgid ""
  1978. "\n"
  1979. " <h1>User Story deleted</h1>\n"
  1980. " <p>Hello %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s has deleted a user story on "
  1981. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1982. " <p>User Story #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1983. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  1984. " "
  1985. msgstr ""
  1986. "\n"
  1987. " <h1>Käyttäjätarina poistettu</h1>\n"
  1988. " <p>Hei %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s on poistanut käyttäjätarinan "
  1989. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  1990. " <p>Käyttäjätarina #%(ref)s %(subject)s</p>\n"
  1991. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  1992. " "
  1993. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/userstories/userstory-delete-body-text.jinja:1
  1994. #, python-format
  1995. msgid ""
  1996. "\n"
  1997. "User Story deleted\n"
  1998. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has deleted a user story on %(project)s\n"
  1999. "User Story #%(ref)s %(subject)s\n"
  2000. "\n"
  2001. "---\n"
  2002. "The Taiga Team\n"
  2003. msgstr ""
  2004. "\n"
  2005. "Käyttäjätarina poistettu\n"
  2006. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on poistanut käyttäjätarinan %(project)s\n"
  2007. "Käyttäjätarina #%(ref)s %(subject)s\n"
  2008. "\n"
  2009. "---\n"
  2010. "Taiga Tiimi\n"
  2011. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/userstories/userstory-delete-subject.jinja:1
  2012. #, python-format
  2013. msgid ""
  2014. "\n"
  2015. "[%(project)s] Deleted the US #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  2016. msgstr ""
  2017. "\n"
  2018. "[%(project)s] Poisti käyttäjätarinan #%(ref)s \"%(subject)s\"\n"
  2019. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/wiki/wikipage-change-body-html.jinja:4
  2020. #, python-format
  2021. msgid ""
  2022. "\n"
  2023. " <h1>Wiki Page updated</h1>\n"
  2024. " <p>Hello %(user)s, <br> %(changer)s has updated a wiki page on "
  2025. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  2026. " <p>Wiki page %(page)s</p>\n"
  2027. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"See wiki page in Taiga"
  2028. "\">See Wiki Page</a>\n"
  2029. " "
  2030. msgstr ""
  2031. "\n"
  2032. " <h1>Wiki-sivu päivitetty</h1>\n"
  2033. " <p>Hei %(user)s, <br> %(changer)s on päivittänyt wiki-sivua %(project)s</"
  2034. "p>\n"
  2035. " <p>Wiki-sivu %(page)s</p>\n"
  2036. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Katso wiki-sivu Taigassa"
  2037. "\">Katso Wiki-sivu</a>\n"
  2038. " "
  2039. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/wiki/wikipage-change-body-text.jinja:3
  2040. #, python-format
  2041. msgid ""
  2042. "\n"
  2043. "Wiki Page updated\n"
  2044. "\n"
  2045. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has updated a wiki page on %(project)s\n"
  2046. "\n"
  2047. "See wiki page %(page)s at %(url)s\n"
  2048. msgstr ""
  2049. "\n"
  2050. "Wiki-sivu päivitetty\n"
  2051. "\n"
  2052. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on päivittänyt wiki-sivua %(project)s\n"
  2053. "\n"
  2054. "Katso wiki-sivu %(page)s: %(url)s\n"
  2055. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/wiki/wikipage-change-subject.jinja:1
  2056. #, python-format
  2057. msgid ""
  2058. "\n"
  2059. "[%(project)s] Updated the Wiki Page \"%(page)s\"\n"
  2060. msgstr ""
  2061. "\n"
  2062. "[%(project)s] Päivitettiin wiki-sivu \"%(page)s\"\n"
  2063. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/wiki/wikipage-create-body-html.jinja:4
  2064. #, python-format
  2065. msgid ""
  2066. "\n"
  2067. " <h1>New wiki page created</h1>\n"
  2068. " <p>Hello %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s has created a new wiki page on "
  2069. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  2070. " <p>Wiki page %(page)s</p>\n"
  2071. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Wiki page %(page)s\">See "
  2072. "wiki page</a>\n"
  2073. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  2074. " "
  2075. msgstr ""
  2076. "\n"
  2077. " <h1>Uusi wiki-sivu luotu</h1>\n"
  2078. " <p>Hei %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s on luonut wiki-sivun %(project)s</p>\n"
  2079. " <p>Wiki-sivu %(page)s</p>\n"
  2080. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Wiki-sivu %(page)s\">Katso "
  2081. "wiki-sivu</a>\n"
  2082. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  2083. " "
  2084. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/wiki/wikipage-create-body-text.jinja:1
  2085. #, python-format
  2086. msgid ""
  2087. "\n"
  2088. "New wiki page created\n"
  2089. "\n"
  2090. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has created a new wiki page on %(project)s\n"
  2091. "\n"
  2092. "See wiki page %(page)s at %(url)s\n"
  2093. "\n"
  2094. "---\n"
  2095. "The Taiga Team\n"
  2096. msgstr ""
  2097. "\n"
  2098. "Uusi wiki-sivu luotu\n"
  2099. "\n"
  2100. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on luonut wiki-sivun %(project)s\n"
  2101. "\n"
  2102. "Katso wiki-sivu %(page)s: %(url)s\n"
  2103. "\n"
  2104. "---\n"
  2105. "Taiga Tiimi\n"
  2106. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/wiki/wikipage-create-subject.jinja:1
  2107. #, python-format
  2108. msgid ""
  2109. "\n"
  2110. "[%(project)s] Created the Wiki Page \"%(page)s\"\n"
  2111. msgstr ""
  2112. "\n"
  2113. "[%(project)s] Luotiin wiki-sivu \"%(page)s\"\n"
  2114. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/wiki/wikipage-delete-body-html.jinja:4
  2115. #, python-format
  2116. msgid ""
  2117. "\n"
  2118. " <h1>Wiki page deleted</h1>\n"
  2119. " <p>Hello %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s has deleted a wiki page on "
  2120. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  2121. " <p>Wiki page %(page)s</p>\n"
  2122. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  2123. " "
  2124. msgstr ""
  2125. "\n"
  2126. " <h1>Wiki-sivu poistettu</h1>\n"
  2127. " <p>Hei %(user)s,<br />%(changer)s on poistanut wiki-sivun %(project)s</"
  2128. "p>\n"
  2129. " <p>Wiki-sivu %(page)s</p>\n"
  2130. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  2131. " "
  2132. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/wiki/wikipage-delete-body-text.jinja:1
  2133. #, python-format
  2134. msgid ""
  2135. "\n"
  2136. "Wiki page deleted\n"
  2137. "\n"
  2138. "Hello %(user)s, %(changer)s has deleted a wiki page on %(project)s\n"
  2139. "\n"
  2140. "Wiki page %(page)s\n"
  2141. "\n"
  2142. "---\n"
  2143. "The Taiga Team\n"
  2144. msgstr ""
  2145. "\n"
  2146. "Wiki-sivu poistettu\n"
  2147. "\n"
  2148. "Hei %(user)s, %(changer)s on poistanut wiki-sivun %(project)s\n"
  2149. "\n"
  2150. "Wiki-sivu %(page)s\n"
  2151. "\n"
  2152. "---\n"
  2153. "Taiga Tiimi\n"
  2154. #: taiga/projects/notifications/templates/emails/wiki/wikipage-delete-subject.jinja:1
  2155. #, python-format
  2156. msgid ""
  2157. "\n"
  2158. "[%(project)s] Deleted the Wiki Page \"%(page)s\"\n"
  2159. msgstr ""
  2160. "\n"
  2161. "[%(project)s] Poistettiin wiki-sivu \"%(page)s\"\n"
  2162. #: taiga/projects/notifications/
  2163. msgid "Watchers contains invalid users"
  2164. msgstr "Vahdit sisältävät virheellisiä käyttäjiä"
  2165. #: taiga/projects/occ/
  2166. msgid "The version must be an integer"
  2167. msgstr "Versio pitää olla kokonaisluku"
  2168. #: taiga/projects/occ/
  2169. msgid "The version parameter is not valid"
  2170. msgstr ""
  2171. #: taiga/projects/occ/
  2172. msgid "The version doesn't match with the current one"
  2173. msgstr "Versio ei ole sama kuin nykyinen"
  2174. #: taiga/projects/occ/
  2175. msgid "version"
  2176. msgstr "versio"
  2177. #: taiga/projects/
  2178. msgid "You can't leave the project if there are no more owners"
  2179. msgstr "Et voi jättää projektia, jos olet ainoa omistaja"
  2180. #: taiga/projects/
  2181. msgid "Email address is already taken"
  2182. msgstr "Sähköpostiosoite on jo käytössä"
  2183. #: taiga/projects/
  2184. msgid "Invalid role for the project"
  2185. msgstr "Virheellinen rooli projektille"
  2186. #: taiga/projects/
  2187. msgid "Total milestones must be major or equal to zero"
  2188. msgstr "Virstapylväitä yhteensä pitää olla vähintään 0."
  2189. #: taiga/projects/
  2190. msgid "Default options"
  2191. msgstr "Oletusoptiot"
  2192. #: taiga/projects/
  2193. msgid "User story's statuses"
  2194. msgstr "Käyttäjätarinatilat"
  2195. #: taiga/projects/
  2196. msgid "Points"
  2197. msgstr "Pisteet"
  2198. #: taiga/projects/
  2199. msgid "Task's statuses"
  2200. msgstr "Tehtävien tilat"
  2201. #: taiga/projects/
  2202. msgid "Issue's statuses"
  2203. msgstr "Pyyntöjen tilat"
  2204. #: taiga/projects/
  2205. msgid "Issue's types"
  2206. msgstr "pyyntötyypit"
  2207. #: taiga/projects/
  2208. msgid "Priorities"
  2209. msgstr "Kiireellisyydet"
  2210. #: taiga/projects/
  2211. msgid "Severities"
  2212. msgstr "Vakavuudet"
  2213. #: taiga/projects/
  2214. msgid "Roles"
  2215. msgstr "Roolit"
  2216. #: taiga/projects/services/
  2217. msgid "Future sprint"
  2218. msgstr "Tuleva kierros"
  2219. #: taiga/projects/services/
  2220. msgid "Project End"
  2221. msgstr "Projektin loppu"
  2222. #: taiga/projects/tasks/ taiga/projects/tasks/
  2223. msgid "You don't have permissions to set this sprint to this task."
  2224. msgstr ""
  2225. #: taiga/projects/tasks/
  2226. msgid "You don't have permissions to set this user story to this task."
  2227. msgstr ""
  2228. #: taiga/projects/tasks/
  2229. msgid "You don't have permissions to set this status to this task."
  2230. msgstr ""
  2231. #: taiga/projects/tasks/
  2232. msgid "us order"
  2233. msgstr "kt järjestys"
  2234. #: taiga/projects/tasks/
  2235. msgid "taskboard order"
  2236. msgstr "tehtävätaulun järjestys"
  2237. #: taiga/projects/tasks/
  2238. msgid "is iocaine"
  2239. msgstr "on hidaste"
  2240. #: taiga/projects/tasks/
  2241. msgid "There's no task with that id"
  2242. msgstr "En löydä tehtävää tällä id:llä."
  2243. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_invitation-body-html.jinja:6
  2244. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_invitation-body-text.jinja:4
  2245. msgid "someone"
  2246. msgstr "joku"
  2247. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_invitation-body-html.jinja:11
  2248. #, python-format
  2249. msgid ""
  2250. "\n"
  2251. " <h2>You have been invited to Taiga!</h2>\n"
  2252. "<p>Hi! %(full_name)s has sent you an invitation to join project <em>"
  2253. "%(project)s</em> in Taiga.</br> Taiga is a Free, open Source Agile Project "
  2254. "Management Tool.</p>\n"
  2255. " "
  2256. msgstr ""
  2257. "\n"
  2258. " <h2>Olet saanut kursun Taigaan!</h2>\n"
  2259. "<p>Hei! %(full_name)s on lähettänyt sinulle kutsun liittyä projektiin <em>"
  2260. "%(project)s</em> Taiga.</br> Taiga on avoimen koodin "
  2261. "projektinhallintatyökalu.</p>\n"
  2262. " "
  2263. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_invitation-body-html.jinja:17
  2264. #, python-format
  2265. msgid ""
  2266. "\n"
  2267. " <p><small>And now a few words from the jolly good fellow or sistren<br/> "
  2268. "who thought so kindly as to invite you</small></p>\n"
  2269. " <p><strong>%(extra)s</strong></p>\n"
  2270. " "
  2271. msgstr ""
  2272. "\n"
  2273. " <p><small>Tässä muutama sana henkilöltä<br/> joka kutsui sinut</small></"
  2274. "p>\n"
  2275. " <p><strong>%(extra)s</strong></p>\n"
  2276. " "
  2277. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_invitation-body-html.jinja:24
  2278. msgid "Accept your invitation to Taiga"
  2279. msgstr "Hyväksy kutsu Taigaan"
  2280. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_invitation-body-html.jinja:24
  2281. msgid "Accept your invitation"
  2282. msgstr "Hyväksy kutsu"
  2283. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_invitation-body-html.jinja:25
  2284. msgid "The Taiga Team"
  2285. msgstr "Taiga-tiimi"
  2286. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_invitation-body-text.jinja:6
  2287. #, python-format
  2288. msgid ""
  2289. "\n"
  2290. "You, or someone you know, has invited you to Taiga\n"
  2291. "\n"
  2292. "Hi! %(full_name)s has sent you an invitation to join a project called "
  2293. "%(project)s which is being managed on Taiga, a Free, open Source Agile "
  2294. "Project Management Tool.\n"
  2295. msgstr ""
  2296. "\n"
  2297. "Olet saanut kutsun Taigaan\n"
  2298. "\n"
  2299. "Hei! %(full_name)s on lähettänyt sinulle kutsun liityä projektiin "
  2300. "%(project)s jota hallitaan Taigaassa, joka on avoimen koodin "
  2301. "projektinhallintatyökalu.\n"
  2302. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_invitation-body-text.jinja:12
  2303. #, python-format
  2304. msgid ""
  2305. "\n"
  2306. "And now a few words from the jolly good fellow or sistren who thought so "
  2307. "kindly as to invite you:\n"
  2308. "\n"
  2309. "%(extra)s\n"
  2310. " "
  2311. msgstr ""
  2312. "\n"
  2313. "Tässä muutama sana henkilöltä joka kutsui sinut:\n"
  2314. "\n"
  2315. "%(extra)s"
  2316. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_invitation-body-text.jinja:18
  2317. msgid "Accept your invitation to Taiga following this link:"
  2318. msgstr "Hyväksy kutsusi Taikaan linkistä: "
  2319. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_invitation-body-text.jinja:20
  2320. msgid ""
  2321. "\n"
  2322. "---\n"
  2323. "The Taiga Team\n"
  2324. msgstr ""
  2325. "\n"
  2326. "---\n"
  2327. "Taiga-tiimi\n"
  2328. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_invitation-subject.jinja:1
  2329. #, python-format
  2330. msgid ""
  2331. "\n"
  2332. "[Taiga] Invitation to join to the project '%(project)s'\n"
  2333. msgstr ""
  2334. "\n"
  2335. "[Taiga] Kutsu projektiin '%(project)s'\n"
  2336. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_notification-body-html.jinja:4
  2337. #, python-format
  2338. msgid ""
  2339. "\n"
  2340. " <h1>You have been added to a project</h1>\n"
  2341. " <p>Hello %(full_name)s,<br />you have been added to the project "
  2342. "%(project)s</p>\n"
  2343. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Go to%(project)s\">Go to "
  2344. "project</a>\n"
  2345. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  2346. " "
  2347. msgstr ""
  2348. "\n"
  2349. " <h1>Sinut on lisätty projektiin</h1>\n"
  2350. " <p>Hei %(full_name)s,<br />sinut on lisätty projektiin %(project)s</p>\n"
  2351. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Siirry %(project)s\">Siirry "
  2352. "projektiin</a>\n"
  2353. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  2354. " "
  2355. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_notification-body-text.jinja:1
  2356. #, python-format
  2357. msgid ""
  2358. "\n"
  2359. "You have been added to a project\n"
  2360. "Hello %(full_name)s,you have been added to the project %(project)s\n"
  2361. "\n"
  2362. "See project at %(url)s\n"
  2363. msgstr ""
  2364. "\n"
  2365. "Sinut on lisätty projektiin\n"
  2366. "Hei %(full_name)s, sintu on lisätty projektiin %(project)s\n"
  2367. "\n"
  2368. "Katso projekti osoiteessa %(url)s\n"
  2369. #: taiga/projects/templates/emails/membership_notification-subject.jinja:1
  2370. #, python-format
  2371. msgid ""
  2372. "\n"
  2373. "[Taiga] Added to the project '%(project)s'\n"
  2374. msgstr ""
  2375. "\n"
  2376. "[Taiga] Lisätty projektiin '%(project)s'\n"
  2377. #. Translators: Name of scrum project template.
  2378. #: taiga/projects/
  2379. msgid "Scrum"
  2380. msgstr "Scrum"
  2381. #. Translators: Description of scrum project template.
  2382. #: taiga/projects/
  2383. msgid ""
  2384. "The agile product backlog in Scrum is a prioritized features list, "
  2385. "containing short descriptions of all functionality desired in the product. "
  2386. "When applying Scrum, it's not necessary to start a project with a lengthy, "
  2387. "upfront effort to document all requirements. The Scrum product backlog is "
  2388. "then allowed to grow and change as more is learned about the product and its "
  2389. "customers"
  2390. msgstr ""
  2391. "Ketterä odottavien käyttäjätarinoiden lista Scrumissa on priorisoitu "
  2392. "ominaisuuslista, joka sisältää lyhyet kuvaukset kaikesta tuotteen halutuista "
  2393. "toiminnallisuuksista. Scrumissa ei tarvitse aloittaa raskasta "
  2394. "etukäteisdokumentointia halutuista ominaisuuksista. Odottavien lista voi "
  2395. "kasvaa ja muuttua kun tuotteesta ja asiakkaista opitaan lisää."
  2396. #. Translators: Name of kanban project template.
  2397. #: taiga/projects/
  2398. msgid "Kanban"
  2399. msgstr "Kanban"
  2400. #. Translators: Description of kanban project template.
  2401. #: taiga/projects/
  2402. msgid ""
  2403. "Kanban is a method for managing knowledge work with an emphasis on just-in-"
  2404. "time delivery while not overloading the team members. In this approach, the "
  2405. "process, from definition of a task to its delivery to the customer, is "
  2406. "displayed for participants to see and team members pull work from a queue."
  2407. msgstr ""
  2408. "Kanban on tapa hallita tietotyötä joka korostaa juuri oikeaan aikaan "
  2409. "toimittamista ilman raskasta ylläpitoa projektitiimille. Tässä prosessi "
  2410. "tehtävän määrittelystä toimitukseen on näkyvissä asiakkaalle ja tiimin "
  2411. "jäsenille."
  2412. #. Translators: User story point value (value = undefined)
  2413. #: taiga/projects/
  2414. msgid "?"
  2415. msgstr "?"
  2416. #. Translators: User story point value (value = 0)
  2417. #: taiga/projects/
  2418. msgid "0"
  2419. msgstr "0"
  2420. #. Translators: User story point value (value = 0.5)
  2421. #: taiga/projects/
  2422. msgid "1/2"
  2423. msgstr "1/2"
  2424. #. Translators: User story point value (value = 1)
  2425. #: taiga/projects/
  2426. msgid "1"
  2427. msgstr "1"
  2428. #. Translators: User story point value (value = 2)
  2429. #: taiga/projects/
  2430. msgid "2"
  2431. msgstr "2"
  2432. #. Translators: User story point value (value = 3)
  2433. #: taiga/projects/
  2434. msgid "3"
  2435. msgstr "3"
  2436. #. Translators: User story point value (value = 5)
  2437. #: taiga/projects/
  2438. msgid "5"
  2439. msgstr "5"
  2440. #. Translators: User story point value (value = 8)
  2441. #: taiga/projects/
  2442. msgid "8"
  2443. msgstr "8"
  2444. #. Translators: User story point value (value = 10)
  2445. #: taiga/projects/
  2446. msgid "10"
  2447. msgstr "10"
  2448. #. Translators: User story point value (value = 13)
  2449. #: taiga/projects/
  2450. msgid "13"
  2451. msgstr "13"
  2452. #. Translators: User story point value (value = 20)
  2453. #: taiga/projects/
  2454. msgid "20"
  2455. msgstr "20"
  2456. #. Translators: User story point value (value = 40)
  2457. #: taiga/projects/
  2458. msgid "40"
  2459. msgstr "40"
  2460. #. Translators: User story status
  2461. #. Translators: Task status
  2462. #. Translators: Issue status
  2463. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  2464. #: taiga/projects/
  2465. msgid "New"
  2466. msgstr "Uusi"
  2467. #. Translators: User story status
  2468. #: taiga/projects/
  2469. msgid "Ready"
  2470. msgstr "Valmis"
  2471. #. Translators: User story status
  2472. #. Translators: Task status
  2473. #. Translators: Issue status
  2474. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  2475. #: taiga/projects/
  2476. msgid "In progress"
  2477. msgstr "Työn alla"
  2478. #. Translators: User story status
  2479. #. Translators: Task status
  2480. #. Translators: Issue status
  2481. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  2482. #: taiga/projects/
  2483. msgid "Ready for test"
  2484. msgstr "Valmis testattavaksi"
  2485. #. Translators: User story status
  2486. #: taiga/projects/
  2487. msgid "Done"
  2488. msgstr "Tehty"
  2489. #. Translators: User story status
  2490. #: taiga/projects/
  2491. msgid "Archived"
  2492. msgstr "Arkistoitu"
  2493. #. Translators: Task status
  2494. #. Translators: Issue status
  2495. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  2496. msgid "Closed"
  2497. msgstr "Suljettu"
  2498. #. Translators: Task status
  2499. #. Translators: Issue status
  2500. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  2501. msgid "Needs Info"
  2502. msgstr "Tarvitsee lisätietoja"
  2503. #. Translators: Issue status
  2504. #: taiga/projects/
  2505. msgid "Postponed"
  2506. msgstr "Siirretty odottamaan"
  2507. #. Translators: Issue status
  2508. #: taiga/projects/
  2509. msgid "Rejected"
  2510. msgstr "Hylätty"
  2511. #. Translators: Issue type
  2512. #: taiga/projects/
  2513. msgid "Bug"
  2514. msgstr "Virhe"
  2515. #. Translators: Issue type
  2516. #: taiga/projects/
  2517. msgid "Question"
  2518. msgstr "Kysymys"
  2519. #. Translators: Issue type
  2520. #: taiga/projects/
  2521. msgid "Enhancement"
  2522. msgstr "Uusi ominaisuus"
  2523. #. Translators: Issue priority
  2524. #: taiga/projects/
  2525. msgid "Low"
  2526. msgstr "Matala"
  2527. #. Translators: Issue priority
  2528. #. Translators: Issue severity
  2529. #: taiga/projects/ taiga/projects/
  2530. msgid "Normal"
  2531. msgstr "Normaali"
  2532. #. Translators: Issue priority
  2533. #: taiga/projects/
  2534. msgid "High"
  2535. msgstr "Korkea"
  2536. #. Translators: Issue severity
  2537. #: taiga/projects/
  2538. msgid "Wishlist"
  2539. msgstr "Toivelista"
  2540. #. Translators: Issue severity
  2541. #: taiga/projects/
  2542. msgid "Minor"
  2543. msgstr "Vähäpätöinen"
  2544. #. Translators: Issue severity
  2545. #: taiga/projects/
  2546. msgid "Important"
  2547. msgstr "Tärkeä"
  2548. #. Translators: Issue severity
  2549. #: taiga/projects/
  2550. msgid "Critical"
  2551. msgstr "Kriittinen"
  2552. #. Translators: User role
  2553. #: taiga/projects/
  2554. msgid "UX"
  2555. msgstr "Käyttäjäkokemus"
  2556. #. Translators: User role
  2557. #: taiga/projects/
  2558. msgid "Design"
  2559. msgstr "Suunnittelu"
  2560. #. Translators: User role
  2561. #: taiga/projects/
  2562. msgid "Front"
  2563. msgstr "Edusta"
  2564. #. Translators: User role
  2565. #: taiga/projects/
  2566. msgid "Back"
  2567. msgstr "Palvelin"
  2568. #. Translators: User role
  2569. #: taiga/projects/
  2570. msgid "Product Owner"
  2571. msgstr "Tuoteomistaja"
  2572. #. Translators: User role
  2573. #: taiga/projects/
  2574. msgid "Stakeholder"
  2575. msgstr "Sidosryhmä"
  2576. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  2577. msgid "You don't have permissions to set this sprint to this user story."
  2578. msgstr ""
  2579. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  2580. msgid "You don't have permissions to set this status to this user story."
  2581. msgstr ""
  2582. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  2583. #, python-brace-format
  2584. msgid ""
  2585. "Generating the user story [US #{ref} - {subject}](:us:{ref} \"US #{ref} - "
  2586. "{subject}\")"
  2587. msgstr ""
  2588. "Luodaan käyttäjätarinaa [US #{ref} - {subject}](:us:{ref} \"US #{ref} - "
  2589. "{subject}\")"
  2590. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  2591. msgid "role"
  2592. msgstr "rooli"
  2593. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  2594. msgid "backlog order"
  2595. msgstr "odottavien listan järjestys"
  2596. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  2597. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  2598. msgid "sprint order"
  2599. msgstr "kierros järjestys"
  2600. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  2601. msgid "finish date"
  2602. msgstr "loppupvm"
  2603. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  2604. msgid "is client requirement"
  2605. msgstr "on asiakkaan vaatimus"
  2606. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  2607. msgid "is team requirement"
  2608. msgstr "on tiimin vaatimus"
  2609. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  2610. msgid "generated from issue"
  2611. msgstr "luotu pyynnöstä"
  2612. #: taiga/projects/userstories/
  2613. msgid "There's no user story with that id"
  2614. msgstr "En löydä käyttäjätarinaa tällä id:llä"
  2615. #: taiga/projects/
  2616. msgid "There's no project with that id"
  2617. msgstr "En löydä projektia tällä id:llä"
  2618. #: taiga/projects/
  2619. msgid "There's no user story status with that id"
  2620. msgstr "En löydä käyttäjätarinan tilaa tällä id:llä"
  2621. #: taiga/projects/
  2622. msgid "There's no task status with that id"
  2623. msgstr "En löydä tehtävän tilaa tällä id:llä"
  2624. #: taiga/projects/votes/ taiga/projects/votes/
  2625. #: taiga/projects/votes/
  2626. msgid "Votes"
  2627. msgstr "Ääniä"
  2628. #: taiga/projects/votes/
  2629. msgid "votes"
  2630. msgstr "ääniä"
  2631. #: taiga/projects/votes/
  2632. msgid "Vote"
  2633. msgstr "Äänestä"
  2634. #: taiga/projects/wiki/
  2635. msgid "'content' parameter is mandatory"
  2636. msgstr "'content' parametri on pakollinen"
  2637. #: taiga/projects/wiki/
  2638. msgid "'project_id' parameter is mandatory"
  2639. msgstr "'project_id' parametri on pakollinen"
  2640. #: taiga/projects/wiki/
  2641. msgid "last modifier"
  2642. msgstr "viimeksi muokannut"
  2643. #: taiga/projects/wiki/
  2644. msgid "href"
  2645. msgstr "href"
  2646. #: taiga/timeline/
  2647. msgid "Check the history API for the exact diff"
  2648. msgstr ""
  2649. #: taiga/users/
  2650. msgid "Personal info"
  2651. msgstr "Henkilökohtaiset tiedot"
  2652. #: taiga/users/
  2653. msgid "Permissions"
  2654. msgstr "Oikeudet"
  2655. #: taiga/users/
  2656. msgid "Important dates"
  2657. msgstr "Tärkeät päivämäärät"
  2658. #: taiga/users/ taiga/users/
  2659. msgid "Invalid username or email"
  2660. msgstr "Tuntematon käyttäjänimi tai sähköposti"
  2661. #: taiga/users/
  2662. msgid "Mail sended successful!"
  2663. msgstr "Sähköposti lähetetty."
  2664. #: taiga/users/ taiga/users/
  2665. msgid "Token is invalid"
  2666. msgstr "Tunniste on virheellinen"
  2667. #: taiga/users/
  2668. msgid "Current password parameter needed"
  2669. msgstr "Nykyinen salasanaparametri tarvitaan"
  2670. #: taiga/users/
  2671. msgid "New password parameter needed"
  2672. msgstr "Uusi salasanaparametri tarvitaan"
  2673. #: taiga/users/
  2674. msgid "Invalid password length at least 6 charaters needed"
  2675. msgstr "Salasanan pitää olla vähintään 6 merkkiä pitkä"
  2676. #: taiga/users/
  2677. msgid "Invalid current password"
  2678. msgstr "Virheellinen nykyinen salasana"
  2679. #: taiga/users/
  2680. msgid "Incomplete arguments"
  2681. msgstr "Puutteelliset argumentit"
  2682. #: taiga/users/
  2683. msgid "Invalid image format"
  2684. msgstr "Väärä kuvaformaatti"
  2685. #: taiga/users/
  2686. msgid "Duplicated email"
  2687. msgstr "Sähköposti on jo olemassa"
  2688. #: taiga/users/
  2689. msgid "Not valid email"
  2690. msgstr "Virheellinen sähköposti"
  2691. #: taiga/users/ taiga/users/
  2692. msgid ""
  2693. "Invalid, are you sure the token is correct and you didn't use it before?"
  2694. msgstr ""
  2695. "Virheellinen. Oletko varma, että tunniste on oikea ja et ole jo käyttänyt "
  2696. "sitä?"
  2697. #: taiga/users/ taiga/users/ taiga/users/
  2698. msgid "Invalid, are you sure the token is correct?"
  2699. msgstr "Virheellinen, oletko varma että tunniste on oikea?"
  2700. #: taiga/users/
  2701. msgid "superuser status"
  2702. msgstr "pääkäyttäjän status"
  2703. #: taiga/users/
  2704. msgid ""
  2705. "Designates that this user has all permissions without explicitly assigning "
  2706. "them."
  2707. msgstr ""
  2708. "Kertoo että käyttäjä saa tehdä kaiken ilman erikseen annettuja oiekuksia."
  2709. #: taiga/users/
  2710. msgid "username"
  2711. msgstr "käyttäjänimi"
  2712. #: taiga/users/
  2713. msgid ""
  2714. "Required. 30 characters or fewer. Letters, numbers and /./-/_ characters"
  2715. msgstr ""
  2716. "Vaaditaan. Korkeintaan 30merkkiä. Kirjaimet, numerot ja merkit /./-/_ "
  2717. "sallittuja"
  2718. #: taiga/users/
  2719. msgid "Enter a valid username."
  2720. msgstr "Anna olemassa oleva käyttäjänimi."
  2721. #: taiga/users/
  2722. msgid "active"
  2723. msgstr "aktiivinen"
  2724. #: taiga/users/
  2725. msgid ""
  2726. "Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this "
  2727. "instead of deleting accounts."
  2728. msgstr ""
  2729. "Käyttäjä on aktiivinen. Poista aktiivisuus käyttäjän poistamisen sijaan."
  2730. #: taiga/users/
  2731. msgid "biography"
  2732. msgstr "biografia"
  2733. #: taiga/users/
  2734. msgid "photo"
  2735. msgstr "kuva"
  2736. #: taiga/users/
  2737. msgid "date joined"
  2738. msgstr "liittymispvm"
  2739. #: taiga/users/
  2740. msgid "default language"
  2741. msgstr "oletuskieli"
  2742. #: taiga/users/
  2743. msgid "default theme"
  2744. msgstr ""
  2745. #: taiga/users/
  2746. msgid "default timezone"
  2747. msgstr "oletus aikavyöhyke"
  2748. #: taiga/users/
  2749. msgid "colorize tags"
  2750. msgstr "väritä avainsanat"
  2751. #: taiga/users/
  2752. msgid "email token"
  2753. msgstr "sähköpostitunniste"
  2754. #: taiga/users/
  2755. msgid "new email address"
  2756. msgstr "uusi sähköpostiosoite"
  2757. #: taiga/users/
  2758. msgid "permissions"
  2759. msgstr "oikeudet"
  2760. #: taiga/users/
  2761. msgid "invalid"
  2762. msgstr "virheellinen"
  2763. #: taiga/users/
  2764. msgid "Invalid username. Try with a different one."
  2765. msgstr "Tuntematon käyttäjänimi, yritä uudelleen."
  2766. #: taiga/users/ taiga/users/
  2767. msgid "Username or password does not matches user."
  2768. msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus tai salasana eivät ole oikein."
  2769. #: taiga/users/templates/emails/change_email-body-html.jinja:4
  2770. #, python-format
  2771. msgid ""
  2772. "\n"
  2773. " <h1>Change your email</h1>\n"
  2774. " <p>Hello %(full_name)s,<br />please confirm your email</p>\n"
  2775. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Confirm email\">Confirm "
  2776. "email</a>\n"
  2777. " <p>You can ignore this message if you did not request.</p>\n"
  2778. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  2779. " "
  2780. msgstr ""
  2781. "\n"
  2782. " <h1>Sähköpostin muutos</h1>\n"
  2783. " <p>Hei %(full_name)s,<br />varmista sähköpostisi</p>\n"
  2784. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Varmista sähköposti"
  2785. "\">Varmista sähköposti</a>\n"
  2786. " <p>Voit ohittaa tämän pyynnön, jos et halunnut vaihtaa sähköpostiasi.</"
  2787. "p>\n"
  2788. " <p><small>Taiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  2789. " "
  2790. #: taiga/users/templates/emails/change_email-body-text.jinja:1
  2791. #, python-format
  2792. msgid ""
  2793. "\n"
  2794. "Hello %(full_name)s, please confirm your email\n"
  2795. "\n"
  2796. "%(url)s\n"
  2797. "\n"
  2798. "You can ignore this message if you did not request.\n"
  2799. "\n"
  2800. "---\n"
  2801. "The Taiga Team\n"
  2802. msgstr ""
  2803. "\n"
  2804. "Hei %(full_name)s, vamista sähköpostisi\n"
  2805. "\n"
  2806. "%(url)s\n"
  2807. "\n"
  2808. "Voit ohittää tämän, jos et halunnut vaihtaa sähköpostiasi\n"
  2809. "\n"
  2810. "---\n"
  2811. "Taiga tiimi\n"
  2812. #: taiga/users/templates/emails/change_email-subject.jinja:1
  2813. msgid "[Taiga] Change email"
  2814. msgstr "[Taiga] Vaihda sähköposti"
  2815. #: taiga/users/templates/emails/password_recovery-body-html.jinja:4
  2816. #, python-format
  2817. msgid ""
  2818. "\n"
  2819. " <h1>Recover your password</h1>\n"
  2820. " <p>Hello %(full_name)s, <br /> you asked to recover your password</p>\n"
  2821. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Recover your password"
  2822. "\">Recover your password</a>\n"
  2823. " <p>You can ignore this message if you did not request.</p>\n"
  2824. " <p><small>The Taiga Team</small></p>\n"
  2825. " "
  2826. msgstr ""
  2827. "\n"
  2828. " <h1>PAlauta salasanasi</h1>\n"
  2829. " <p>Hei %(full_name)s, <br /> olet pyytänyt palauttamaan salasanaasi</p>\n"
  2830. " <a class=\"button\" href=\"%(url)s\" title=\"Palauta salasana\">Palauta "
  2831. "salasana</a>\n"
  2832. " <p>Voit jättää tämän viestin huomiotta, jos et lähettänyt pyyntöä.</p>\n"
  2833. " <p><small>aiga Tiimi</small></p>\n"
  2834. " "
  2835. #: taiga/users/templates/emails/password_recovery-body-text.jinja:1
  2836. #, python-format
  2837. msgid ""
  2838. "\n"
  2839. "Hello %(full_name)s, you asked to recover your password\n"
  2840. "\n"
  2841. "%(url)s\n"
  2842. "\n"
  2843. "You can ignore this message if you did not request.\n"
  2844. "\n"
  2845. "---\n"
  2846. "The Taiga Team\n"
  2847. msgstr ""
  2848. "\n"
  2849. "Hei %(full_name)s, pyysit palauttamaan salasanasi\n"
  2850. "\n"
  2851. "%(url)s\n"
  2852. "\n"
  2853. "Voit ohittaa tämän viestin, jos et ole pyyntöä tehnyt.\n"
  2854. "\n"
  2855. "---\n"
  2856. "Taiga tiimi\n"
  2857. #: taiga/users/templates/emails/password_recovery-subject.jinja:1
  2858. msgid "[Taiga] Password recovery"
  2859. msgstr "[Taiga] Salasanan palautus"
  2860. #: taiga/users/templates/emails/registered_user-body-html.jinja:6
  2861. msgid ""
  2862. "\n"
  2863. " <td>\n"
  2864. " <h2>Thank you for registering in Taiga</h2>\n"
  2865. " <h3>We hope you enjoy it</h3>\n"
  2866. " <p>We built Taiga because we wanted the project management tool "
  2867. "that sits open on our computers all day long, to serve as a continued "
  2868. "reminder of why we love to collaborate, code and design.</p>\n"
  2869. " <p>We built it to be beautiful, elegant, simple to use and fun - "
  2870. "without forsaking flexibility and power.</p>\n"
  2871. " <small>The taiga Team</small>\n"
  2872. " </td>\n"
  2873. " "
  2874. msgstr ""
  2875. "\n"
  2876. "<td>\n"
  2877. "<h2>Kiitos rekisteröitymisestäsi Taigaan</h2> \n"
  2878. "<h3>Toivottavasti siitä on sinulle hyötyä</h3> \n"
  2879. "<p>Rakensimme Taigan koska halusimme projektinhallintatyökalun, joka on "
  2880. "avoin, ja auttaa työskentelemään yhdessä.</p>\n"
  2881. "<p>Teimme siitä mahdollisimman kauniin ja helppokäyttöisen.</p>\n"
  2882. "<small>Taiga tiimi</small>\n"
  2883. "</td>"
  2884. #: taiga/users/templates/emails/registered_user-body-html.jinja:23
  2885. #, python-format
  2886. msgid ""
  2887. "\n"
  2888. " <strong>You may remove your account from this service</strong> <a href="
  2889. "\"%(url)s\" title=\"Remove your account\" style=\"color: #9dce0a\">clicking "
  2890. "here</a>\n"
  2891. " "
  2892. msgstr ""
  2893. "\n"
  2894. " <strong>Voit poistaa tunnuksesi tästä palvelusta</strong> <a href="
  2895. "\"%(url)s\" title=\"Poista tunnus\" style=\"color: #9dce0a\">tästä</a>\n"
  2896. " "
  2897. #: taiga/users/templates/emails/registered_user-body-text.jinja:1
  2898. msgid ""
  2899. "\n"
  2900. "Thank you for registering in Taiga\n"
  2901. "\n"
  2902. "We hope you enjoy it\n"
  2903. "\n"
  2904. "We built Taiga because we wanted the project management tool that sits open "
  2905. "on our computers all day long, to serve as a continued reminder of why we "
  2906. "love to collaborate, code and design.\n"
  2907. "\n"
  2908. "We built it to be beautiful, elegant, simple to use and fun - without "
  2909. "forsaking flexibility and power.\n"
  2910. "\n"
  2911. "--\n"
  2912. "The taiga Team\n"
  2913. msgstr ""
  2914. "\n"
  2915. "Kiitos rekisteröitymisestäsi Taigaan\n"
  2916. "\n"
  2917. "Toivottavasti siitä on sinulle hyötyä. Rakensimme Taigan koska halusimme "
  2918. "projektinhallintatyökalun, joka on avoin, ja auttaa työskentelemään "
  2919. "yhdessä.\n"
  2920. "\n"
  2921. "Teimme siitä mahdollisimman kauniin ja helppokäyttöisen.\n"
  2922. "\n"
  2923. "--\n"
  2924. "Taiga tiimi\n"
  2925. #: taiga/users/templates/emails/registered_user-body-text.jinja:13
  2926. #, python-format
  2927. msgid ""
  2928. "\n"
  2929. "You may remove your account from this service: %(url)s\n"
  2930. msgstr ""
  2931. "\n"
  2932. "Voit poistaa tunnuksesi tästä palvelusta: %(url)s\n"
  2933. #: taiga/users/templates/emails/registered_user-subject.jinja:1
  2934. msgid "You've been Taigatized!"
  2935. msgstr "Olet nyt Taigatettu!"
  2936. #: taiga/users/
  2937. msgid "There's no role with that id"
  2938. msgstr "En löydä roolia tällä id:llä"
  2939. #: taiga/userstorage/
  2940. msgid ""
  2941. "Duplicate key value violates unique constraint. Key '{}' already exists."
  2942. msgstr ""
  2943. "Duplicate key value violates unique constraint. Key '{}' already exists."
  2944. #: taiga/userstorage/
  2945. msgid "key"
  2946. msgstr "key"
  2947. #: taiga/webhooks/ taiga/webhooks/
  2948. msgid "URL"
  2949. msgstr "URL"
  2950. #: taiga/webhooks/
  2951. msgid "secret key"
  2952. msgstr "secret key"
  2953. #: taiga/webhooks/
  2954. msgid "status code"
  2955. msgstr "status code"
  2956. #: taiga/webhooks/
  2957. msgid "request data"
  2958. msgstr "request data"
  2959. #: taiga/webhooks/
  2960. msgid "request headers"
  2961. msgstr "request headers"
  2962. #: taiga/webhooks/
  2963. msgid "response data"
  2964. msgstr "response data"
  2965. #: taiga/webhooks/
  2966. msgid "response headers"
  2967. msgstr "response headers"
  2968. #: taiga/webhooks/
  2969. msgid "duration"
  2970. msgstr "duration"