overview.rst 1.6 KB

  1. .. _intro-overview:
  2. ========
  3. Overview
  4. ========
  5. Requirements
  6. ============
  7. * python 2.6 or 2.7
  8. * django-superview >= 0.2
  9. * psycopg2 >= 2.4 (if postgresql is used)
  10. * pyzmq >= 2.2 (for async mailserver)
  11. * sphinx >= 1.1.3 (for build this documentation)
  12. * django >= 1.4 (builtin)
  13. * markdown >= 2.1 (for markdown wiki)
  14. * docutils >= 0.7 (for restructuredtext wiki)
  15. Philosophy
  16. ==========
  17. TODO
  18. Installing
  19. ==========
  20. TODO
  21. Version Check
  22. =============
  23. TODO
  24. .. _runtests:
  25. Running tests
  26. =============
  27. Requirements for running tests: same as standard requierements.
  28. To run tests, open a shell on a package directory and type::
  29. python manage.py test -v2 taiga
  30. To access coverage of tests you need to install the coverage_ package and run the tests using::
  31. coverage run --omit=extern manage.py test -v2 taiga
  32. and to check out the coverage report::
  33. coverage html
  34. .. _contributing:
  35. Contributing
  36. ============
  37. Develpment of Green-Mine happens at github: https://github.com/niwibe/Green-Mine
  38. We very much welcome your contribution of course. To do so, simply follow these guidelines:
  39. 1. Fork ``taiga`` on github.
  40. 2. Create feature branch. Example: ``git checkout -b my_new_feature``
  41. 3. Push your changes. Example: ``git push -u origin my_new_feature``
  42. 4. Send me a pull-request.
  43. .. _license:
  44. License
  45. =======
  46. This software is licensed under the `GNU Affero General Public License`_, Version
  47. 3. See the LICENSE file in the top distribution directory for the full license
  48. text.
  49. .. _coverage: http://nedbatchelder.com/code/coverage/
  50. .. _`GNU Affero General Public License`: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html