appconfig_plugin_specs.ini 575 B

  1. [mediagoblin]
  2. direct_remote_path = /mgoblin_static/
  3. email_sender_address = ""
  4. ## Uncomment and change to your DB's appropiate setting.
  5. ## Default is a local sqlite db "mediagoblin.db".
  6. # sql_engine = postgresql:///gmg
  7. # set to false to enable sending notices
  8. email_debug_mode = true
  9. # Set to false to disable registrations
  10. allow_registration = true
  11. [plugins]
  12. [[mediagoblin.tests.testplugins.pluginspec]]
  13. some_string = "not blork"
  14. some_int = "not an int"
  15. # this one shouldn't have its own config
  16. [[mediagoblin.tests.testplugins.callables1]]