123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239 |
- require "rest_client"
- require "uri"
- require "json"
- class ToolsController < ApplicationController
- before_filter :set_user
- before_filter :set_action_page
- before_filter :create_newsletter_subscription, only: [:email, :call]
- before_filter :create_partner_subscription, only: [:email, :call, :petition, :message_congress]
- after_filter :deliver_thanks_message, only: [:email, :call, :petition, :message_congress]
- skip_after_filter :deliver_thanks_message, if: :signature_has_errors
- # See https://github.com/EFForg/action-center-platform/wiki/Deployment-Notes#csrf-protection
- skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token
- before_filter :verify_request_origin, except: :email
- def call
- ahoy.track "Action",
- { type: "action", actionType: "call", actionPageId: params[:action_id] },
- action_page: @action_page
- @name = current_user.try :name
- if params[:update_user_data] == "yes"
- update_user_data(call_params.with_indifferent_access)
- end
- CallTool.campaign_call(params[:call_campaign_id],
- phone: params[:phone],
- location: params[:location],
- user_id: @user.try(:id),
- action_id: @action_page.to_param,
- callback_url: root_url)
- render json: {}, status: 200
- end
- # GET /tools/social_buttons_count
- def social_buttons_count
- render "application/error.html.erb", status: 500
- end
- # POST /tools/petition
- #
- # A form is posted here via ajax when a user signs a petition
- def petition
- @user ||= User.find_or_initialize_by(email: params[:signature][:email])
- @email = params[:signature][:email]
- @name = params[:signature][:first_name]
- @action_page = Petition.find(params[:signature][:petition_id]).action_page
- @signature = Signature.new(signature_params.merge(user_id: @user.id))
- @signature.country_code = "US" if @signature.zipcode.present?
- if @signature.country_code == "US" && !Rails.application.secrets.smarty_streets_id.nil?
- if city_state = SmartyStreets.get_city_state(@signature.zipcode)
- @signature.city = city_state["city"]
- @signature.state = city_state["state"]
- end
- end
- if @signature.save
- # You will only get here if you are not logged in. Subscribe does not show for logged in users,
- # since they are presented that option at signup.
- if params[:subscribe] == "1"
- @user.attributes = signature_params.slice(
- :email, :first_name, :last_name, :city, :state, :street_address,
- :zipcode, :country_code, :phone
- )
- @source = "action center petition :: " + @action_page.title
- @user.subscribe!(opt_in = true, source = @source)
- end
- if params[:update_user_data]
- update_user_data(signature_params.with_indifferent_access)
- end
- ahoy.track "Action",
- { type: "action", actionType: "signature", actionPageId: @action_page.id },
- action_page: @action_page
- respond_to do |format|
- format.json { render json: { success: true }, status: 200 }
- format.html do
- begin
- url = URI.parse(request.referrer)
- url.query = [url.query.presence, "thankyou=1"].join("&")
- redirect_to url.to_s
- rescue
- redirect_to welcome_index_path
- end
- end
- end
- else
- render json: { errors: @signature.errors.to_json }, status: 200
- end
- end
- def tweet
- ahoy.track "Action",
- { type: "action", actionType: "tweet", actionPageId: params[:action_id] },
- action_page: @action_page
- render json: { success: true }, status: 200
- end
- def message_congress
- @user ||= User.find_or_initialize_by(email: params[:email])
- update_user_data(email_params.with_indifferent_access) if params[:update_user_data] == "true"
- ahoy.track "Action",
- { type: "action", actionType: "congress_message", actionPageId: params[:action_id] },
- action_page: @action_page
- # You will only get here if you are not logged in. Subscribe does not show for logged in users,
- # since they are presented that option at signup.
- if params[:subscribe] == "true"
- @user.attributes = email_params.slice(
- :first_name, :last_name, :city, :state, :street_address, :zipcode
- )
- @source = "action center congress message :: " + @action_page.title
- @user.subscribe!(opt_in = true, source = @source)
- end
- @name = email_params[:first_name] # for deliver_thanks_message
- render json: { success: true }, status: 200
- end
- def email
- unless (@user and @user.events.emails.find_by_action_page_id(params[:action_id])) or params.include? :dnt
- ahoy.track "Action",
- { type: "action", actionType: "email", actionPageId: params[:action_id] },
- action_page: @action_page
- end
- if params[:service] == "copy"
- @actionPage = @action_page
- render "email_target"
- else
- redirect_to @action_page.email_campaign.service_uri(params[:service])
- end
- end
- # GET /tools/reps
- #
- # This endpoint is hit by the js for tweet actions.
- # It renders json containing html markup for presentation on the view
- def reps
- @reps = CongressMember.lookup(street: params[:street_address], zipcode: params[:zipcode])
- if @reps.present?
- update_user_data(params.slice(:street_address, :zipcode)) if params[:update_user_data] == "true"
- render json: { content: render_to_string(partial: "action_page/reps") }, status: 200
- else
- render json: { error: "No representatives found" }, status: 200
- end
- end
- # GET /tools/reps_raw
- #
- # This endpoint is hit by the js for email/congress message actions to lookup what legislators
- # should be emailed based on the input long/lat or zipcode
- def reps_raw
- @reps = CongressMember.lookup(street: params[:street_address], zipcode: params[:zipcode])
- if @reps.present?
- render json: @reps, status: 200
- else
- render json: { error: "No representatives found" }, status: 200
- end
- end
- private
- def set_user
- @user = current_user
- end
- def set_action_page
- @action_page ||= ActionPage.find_by_id(params[:action_id])
- end
- def deliver_thanks_message
- @action_page ||= ActionPage.find(params[:action_id])
- @email ||= current_user.try(:email) || params[:email]
- UserMailer.thanks_message(@email, @action_page, user: @user, name: @name).deliver_now if @email
- end
- def create_newsletter_subscription
- if params[:subscription] && EmailValidator.valid?(params[:subscription][:email])
- source = "action center #{@action_page.class.name.downcase} :: " + @action_page.title
- params[:subscription][:opt_in] = true
- params[:subscription][:source] = source
- CiviCRM::subscribe params[:subscription]
- end
- end
- def create_partner_subscription
- return unless @action_page
- @action_page.partners.each do |partner|
- if params["#{partner.code}_subscribe"] == "1"
- Subscription.create!(partner_signup_params.merge(partner: partner))
- end
- end
- end
- def signature_has_errors
- !@signature.nil? and @signature.errors.count > 0
- end
- def partner_signup_params
- if params[:signature].present?
- params.require(:signature).permit(:first_name, :last_name, :email)
- else
- # Partner signup params might come through the main form or a nested subscription form.
- params.merge(params[:subscription] || {}).permit(:first_name, :last_name, :email)
- end
- end
- def signature_params
- params.require(:signature).permit(
- :first_name, :last_name, :email, :petition_id, :user_id,
- :street_address, :city, :state, :country_code, :zipcode, :anonymous,
- affiliations_attributes: [
- :id, :institution_id, :affiliation_type_id
- ]
- )
- end
- def call_params
- params.permit(:phone, :zipcode, :street_address, :action_id, :call_campaign_id)
- end
- def email_params
- params.permit(:first_name, :last_name, :street_address, :city, :state, :zipcode)
- end
- end