.rubocop.yml 1.3 KB

  1. inherit_gem:
  2. rubocop-github:
  3. - config/default.yml
  4. - config/rails.yml
  5. AllCops:
  6. TargetRailsVersion: 4.2
  7. TargetRubyVersion: 2.3
  8. Exclude:
  9. - 'db/**/*'
  10. - 'config/**/*'
  11. - 'bin/**/*'
  12. - 'vendor/**/*'
  13. ### Override rubcop-github ###
  14. Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment:
  15. # We aren't upgrading to Ruby 3.0, so this is just noise
  16. Enabled: false
  17. Metrics/ModuleLength:
  18. # IME enforcing a module length creates more problems than it solves
  19. Enabled: false
  20. GitHub/RailsControllerRenderLiteral:
  21. # Prevents us from dynamically generating layouts
  22. Enabled: false
  23. GitHub/RailsControllerRenderPathsExist:
  24. # Doesn't seem to work; can't find templates that exist
  25. Enabled: false
  26. GitHub/RailsApplicationRecord:
  27. # Doesn't apply to < Rails 5.0, and ignores TargetRailsVersion
  28. Enabled: false
  29. Lint/Void:
  30. Exclude:
  31. - 'features/**/*'
  32. - 'spec/**/*'
  33. Lint/Debugger:
  34. Exclude:
  35. - 'features/step_definitions/debug_steps.rb'
  36. Style/BlockComments:
  37. Exclude:
  38. - 'spec/**/*'
  39. Layout/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces:
  40. Enabled: true
  41. Layout/SpaceInsideBlockBraces:
  42. Enabled: true
  43. Layout/SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault:
  44. Enabled: true
  45. Layout/ExtraSpacing:
  46. Enabled: true
  47. Layout/MultilineHashBraceLayout:
  48. Enabled: true
  49. Layout/SpaceAroundOperators:
  50. Enabled: true
  51. Security/JSONLoad:
  52. Enabled: true
  53. Exclude:
  54. - 'spec/**/*'