io.h 11 KB

  1. /*
  2. *
  3. Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002.
  4. *
  5. This source file is supplied for the use with
  6. Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters.
  7. *
  8. Eicon File Revision : 2.1
  9. *
  10. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  11. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  12. the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
  13. any later version.
  14. *
  15. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  18. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  19. *
  20. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  21. along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  22. Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
  23. *
  24. */
  25. #ifndef __DIVA_XDI_COMMON_IO_H_INC__ /* { */
  26. #define __DIVA_XDI_COMMON_IO_H_INC__
  27. /*
  28. maximum = 16 adapters
  29. */
  31. #define ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN 60
  32. /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. structure for quadro card management (obsolete for
  34. systems that do provide per card load event)
  35. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  36. typedef struct {
  37. dword Num;
  38. DEVICE_NAME DeviceName[4];
  39. PISDN_ADAPTER QuadroAdapter[4];
  41. /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. Special OS memory support structures
  43. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  44. #define MAX_MAPPED_ENTRIES 8
  45. typedef struct {
  46. void *Address;
  47. dword Length;
  49. /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. Configuration of XDI clients carried by XDI
  51. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  52. #define DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_DYNAMIC_L1_ON 0x01
  54. typedef struct _diva_xdi_capi_cfg {
  55. byte cfg_1;
  56. } diva_xdi_capi_cfg_t;
  57. /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. Main data structure kept per adapter
  59. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  60. struct _ISDN_ADAPTER {
  61. void (*DIRequest)(PISDN_ADAPTER, ENTITY *);
  62. int State; /* from NT4 1.srv, a good idea, but a poor achievement */
  63. int Initialized;
  64. int RegisteredWithDidd;
  65. int Unavailable; /* callback function possible? */
  66. int ResourcesClaimed;
  67. int PnpBiosConfigUsed;
  68. dword Logging;
  69. dword features;
  70. char ProtocolIdString[80];
  71. /*
  72. remember mapped memory areas
  73. */
  75. CARD_PROPERTIES Properties;
  76. dword cardType;
  77. dword protocol_id; /* configured protocol identifier */
  78. char protocol_name[8]; /* readable name of protocol */
  79. dword BusType;
  80. dword BusNumber;
  81. dword slotNumber;
  82. dword slotId;
  83. dword ControllerNumber; /* for QUADRO cards only */
  84. PISDN_ADAPTER MultiMaster; /* for 4-BRI card only - use MultiMaster or QuadroList */
  85. PADAPTER_LIST_ENTRY QuadroList; /* for QUADRO card only */
  86. PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject;
  87. dword DeviceId;
  88. diva_os_adapter_irq_info_t irq_info;
  89. dword volatile IrqCount;
  90. int trapped;
  91. dword DspCodeBaseAddr;
  92. dword MaxDspCodeSize;
  93. dword downloadAddr;
  94. dword DspCodeBaseAddrTable[4]; /* add. for MultiMaster */
  95. dword MaxDspCodeSizeTable[4]; /* add. for MultiMaster */
  96. dword downloadAddrTable[4]; /* add. for MultiMaster */
  97. dword MemoryBase;
  98. dword MemorySize;
  99. byte __iomem *Address;
  100. byte __iomem *Config;
  101. byte __iomem *Control;
  102. byte __iomem *reset;
  103. byte __iomem *port;
  104. byte __iomem *ram;
  105. byte __iomem *cfg;
  106. byte __iomem *prom;
  107. byte __iomem *ctlReg;
  108. struct pc_maint *pcm;
  109. diva_os_dependent_devica_name_t os_name;
  110. byte Name[32];
  111. dword serialNo;
  112. dword ANum;
  113. dword ArchiveType; /* ARCHIVE_TYPE_NONE ..._SINGLE ..._USGEN ..._MULTI */
  114. char *ProtocolSuffix; /* internal protocolfile table */
  115. char Archive[32];
  116. char Protocol[32];
  117. char AddDownload[32]; /* Dsp- or other additional download files */
  118. char Oad1[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN];
  119. char Osa1[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN];
  120. char Oad2[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN];
  121. char Osa2[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN];
  122. char Spid1[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN];
  123. char Spid2[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN];
  124. byte nosig;
  125. byte BriLayer2LinkCount; /* amount of TEI's that adapter will support in P2MP mode */
  126. dword Channels;
  127. dword tei;
  128. dword nt2;
  129. dword TerminalCount;
  130. dword WatchDog;
  131. dword Permanent;
  132. dword BChMask; /* B channel mask for unchannelized modes */
  133. dword StableL2;
  134. dword DidLen;
  135. dword NoOrderCheck;
  136. dword ForceLaw; /* VoiceCoding - default:0, a-law: 1, my-law: 2 */
  137. dword SigFlags;
  138. dword LowChannel;
  139. dword NoHscx30;
  140. dword ProtVersion;
  141. dword crc4;
  142. dword L1TristateOrQsig; /* enable Layer 1 Tristate (bit 2)Or Qsig params (bit 0,1)*/
  143. dword InitialDspInfo;
  144. dword ModemGuardTone;
  145. dword ModemMinSpeed;
  146. dword ModemMaxSpeed;
  147. dword ModemOptions;
  148. dword ModemOptions2;
  149. dword ModemNegotiationMode;
  150. dword ModemModulationsMask;
  151. dword ModemTransmitLevel;
  152. dword FaxOptions;
  153. dword FaxMaxSpeed;
  154. dword Part68LevelLimiter;
  155. dword UsEktsNumCallApp;
  156. byte UsEktsFeatAddConf;
  157. byte UsEktsFeatRemoveConf;
  158. byte UsEktsFeatCallTransfer;
  159. byte UsEktsFeatMsgWaiting;
  160. byte QsigDialect;
  161. byte ForceVoiceMailAlert;
  162. byte DisableAutoSpid;
  163. byte ModemCarrierWaitTimeSec;
  164. byte ModemCarrierLossWaitTimeTenthSec;
  165. byte PiafsLinkTurnaroundInFrames;
  166. byte DiscAfterProgress;
  167. byte AniDniLimiter[3];
  168. byte TxAttenuation; /* PRI/E1 only: attenuate TX signal */
  169. word QsigFeatures;
  170. dword GenerateRingtone;
  171. dword SupplementaryServicesFeatures;
  172. dword R2Dialect;
  173. dword R2CasOptions;
  174. dword FaxV34Options;
  175. dword DisabledDspMask;
  176. dword AdapterTestMask;
  177. dword DspImageLength;
  178. word AlertToIn20mSecTicks;
  179. word ModemEyeSetup;
  180. byte R2CtryLength;
  181. byte CCBSRelTimer;
  182. byte *PcCfgBufferFile;/* flexible parameter via file */
  183. byte *PcCfgBuffer; /* flexible parameter via multistring */
  184. diva_os_dump_file_t dump_file; /* dump memory to file at lowest irq level */
  185. diva_os_board_trace_t board_trace; /* traces from the board */
  186. diva_os_spin_lock_t isr_spin_lock;
  187. diva_os_spin_lock_t data_spin_lock;
  188. diva_os_soft_isr_t req_soft_isr;
  189. diva_os_soft_isr_t isr_soft_isr;
  190. diva_os_atomic_t in_dpc;
  191. PBUFFER RBuffer; /* Copy of receive lookahead buffer */
  192. word e_max;
  193. word e_count;
  194. E_INFO *e_tbl;
  195. word assign; /* list of pending ASSIGNs */
  196. word head; /* head of request queue */
  197. word tail; /* tail of request queue */
  198. ADAPTER a; /* not a separate structure */
  199. void (*out)(ADAPTER *a);
  200. byte (*dpc)(ADAPTER *a);
  201. byte (*tst_irq)(ADAPTER *a);
  202. void (*clr_irq)(ADAPTER *a);
  203. int (*load)(PISDN_ADAPTER);
  204. int (*mapmem)(PISDN_ADAPTER);
  205. int (*chkIrq)(PISDN_ADAPTER);
  206. void (*disIrq)(PISDN_ADAPTER);
  207. void (*start)(PISDN_ADAPTER);
  208. void (*stop)(PISDN_ADAPTER);
  209. void (*rstFnc)(PISDN_ADAPTER);
  210. void (*trapFnc)(PISDN_ADAPTER);
  211. dword (*DetectDsps)(PISDN_ADAPTER);
  212. void (*os_trap_nfy_Fnc)(PISDN_ADAPTER, dword);
  213. diva_os_isr_callback_t diva_isr_handler;
  214. dword sdram_bar; /* must be 32 bit */
  215. dword fpga_features;
  216. volatile int pcm_pending;
  217. volatile void *pcm_data;
  218. diva_xdi_capi_cfg_t capi_cfg;
  219. dword tasks;
  220. void *dma_map;
  221. int (*DivaAdapterTestProc)(PISDN_ADAPTER);
  222. void *AdapterTestMemoryStart;
  223. dword AdapterTestMemoryLength;
  224. const byte *cfg_lib_memory_init;
  225. dword cfg_lib_memory_init_length;
  226. };
  227. /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  228. Entity table
  229. --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  230. struct e_info_s {
  231. ENTITY *e;
  232. byte next; /* chaining index */
  233. word assign_ref; /* assign reference */
  234. };
  235. /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  236. S-cards shared ram structure for loading
  237. --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  238. struct s_load {
  239. byte ctrl;
  240. byte card;
  241. byte msize;
  242. byte fill0;
  243. word ebit;
  244. word elocl;
  245. word eloch;
  246. byte reserved[20];
  247. word signature;
  248. byte fill[224];
  249. byte b[256];
  250. };
  251. #define PR_RAM ((struct pr_ram *)0)
  252. #define RAM ((struct dual *)0)
  253. /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  254. platform specific conversions
  255. --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  256. extern void *PTR_P(ADAPTER *a, ENTITY *e, void *P);
  257. extern void *PTR_X(ADAPTER *a, ENTITY *e);
  258. extern void *PTR_R(ADAPTER *a, ENTITY *e);
  259. extern void CALLBACK(ADAPTER *a, ENTITY *e);
  260. extern void set_ram(void **adr_ptr);
  261. /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  262. ram access functions for io mapped cards
  263. --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  264. byte io_in(ADAPTER *a, void *adr);
  265. word io_inw(ADAPTER *a, void *adr);
  266. void io_in_buffer(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, void *P, word length);
  267. void io_look_ahead(ADAPTER *a, PBUFFER *RBuffer, ENTITY *e);
  268. void io_out(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, byte data);
  269. void io_outw(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, word data);
  270. void io_out_buffer(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, void *P, word length);
  271. void io_inc(ADAPTER *a, void *adr);
  272. void bri_in_buffer(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, dword Pos,
  273. void *Buf, dword Len);
  274. int bri_out_buffer(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, dword Pos,
  275. void *Buf, dword Len, int Verify);
  276. /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  277. ram access functions for memory mapped cards
  278. --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  279. byte mem_in(ADAPTER *a, void *adr);
  280. word mem_inw(ADAPTER *a, void *adr);
  281. void mem_in_buffer(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, void *P, word length);
  282. void mem_look_ahead(ADAPTER *a, PBUFFER *RBuffer, ENTITY *e);
  283. void mem_out(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, byte data);
  284. void mem_outw(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, word data);
  285. void mem_out_buffer(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, void *P, word length);
  286. void mem_inc(ADAPTER *a, void *adr);
  287. void mem_in_dw(ADAPTER *a, void *addr, dword *data, int dwords);
  288. void mem_out_dw(ADAPTER *a, void *addr, const dword *data, int dwords);
  289. /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  290. functions exported by io.c
  291. --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  292. extern IDI_CALL Requests[MAX_ADAPTER];
  293. extern void DIDpcRoutine(struct _diva_os_soft_isr *psoft_isr,
  294. void *context);
  295. extern void request(PISDN_ADAPTER, ENTITY *);
  296. /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  297. trapFn helpers, used to recover debug trace from dead card
  298. --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  299. typedef struct {
  300. word *buf;
  301. word cnt;
  302. word out;
  303. } Xdesc;
  304. extern void dump_trap_frame(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, byte __iomem *exception);
  305. extern void dump_xlog_buffer(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, Xdesc *xlogDesc);
  306. /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  307. #endif /* } __DIVA_XDI_COMMON_IO_H_INC__ */