mms114.txt 669 B

  1. * MELFAS MMS114 touchscreen controller
  2. Required properties:
  3. - compatible: must be "melfas,mms114"
  4. - reg: I2C address of the chip
  5. - interrupts: interrupt to which the chip is connected
  6. - x-size: horizontal resolution of touchscreen
  7. - y-size: vertical resolution of touchscreen
  8. Optional properties:
  9. - contact-threshold:
  10. - moving-threshold:
  11. - x-invert: invert X axis
  12. - y-invert: invert Y axis
  13. Example:
  14. i2c@00000000 {
  15. /* ... */
  16. touchscreen@48 {
  17. compatible = "melfas,mms114";
  18. reg = <0x48>;
  19. interrupts = <39 0>;
  20. x-size = <720>;
  21. y-size = <1280>;
  22. contact-threshold = <10>;
  23. moving-threshold = <10>;
  24. x-invert;
  25. y-invert;
  26. };
  27. /* ... */
  28. };